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Functions in Patterns 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
patterns_executing includes/core/ Keeps tracks of whether the patterns engine is currently executing a pattern 1
patterns_exit includes/
patterns_export patterns_export/patterns_export.module Forms to export the current web site configuration 4
patterns_export_actions_from_form patterns_export/ Constructs patterns actions based on the current state of a form 2
patterns_export_batch patterns_export/ Constructs the abstract representation of the exported pattern invoking the Batch API
patterns_export_batch_core patterns_export/ 1
patterns_export_batch_finish patterns_export/ Finishes a batch operation. @TODO Doc. 1
patterns_export_core_php patterns_export/ Constructs the abstract representation of the exported pattern 1
patterns_export_error_handler patterns_export/ Halts script execution in case of error 1
patterns_export_finalize_export patterns_export/ Initializes the appropriate action to export a collection of patterns 2
patterns_export_form_alter patterns_export/ Implements of hook_form_alter()
patterns_export_is_valid_mode patterns_export/patterns_export.module Returns TRUE if a string is a supported export mode 1
patterns_export_list_export_functions patterns_export/patterns_export.module Returns a list with the names of the components.
patterns_export_menu_alter patterns_export/patterns_export.module Implements hook_menu_alter()
patterns_export_page1 patterns_export/patterns_export.module 1
patterns_export_php patterns_export/ Starts the exporting process in php execution mode
patterns_export_start_engine patterns_export/patterns_export.module Start the exporting process 2
patterns_export_submit patterns_export/patterns_export.module Submit hook of the export form
patterns_export_to_db patterns_export/ Exports a pattern by importing it into the database 1
patterns_export_to_file patterns_export/ Exports a pattern as a donwlodable text file 1
patterns_export_to_zip patterns_export/ Exports patterns as a donwlodable Zip archive 1
patterns_export_validate patterns_export/patterns_export.module validation function for import_module_form 1
patterns_feed includes/ Prints XML feed of published (public) patterns. 1
patterns_feed_rearrange_data includes/
patterns_first_install includes/forms/ 3
patterns_first_install_page includes/forms/ @file Displays a form of necessary input configuration to the user. 1
patterns_first_install_submit includes/forms/
patterns_first_install_validate includes/forms/
patterns_forms_add_page_header includes/forms/ 8
patterns_forms_get_default_format includes/forms/ Returns a default format, according to the available parsers. In the following order returns: YAML, XML, PHP, ''. 2
patterns_forms_get_execution_options includes/forms/ Builds up a fieldset containing the options for executing a pattern. 2
patterns_forms_get_exec_mode_selector includes/forms/ Creates the radio buttons to select the pattern exec mode 2
patterns_forms_get_export_to_selector includes/forms/ 1
patterns_forms_get_formats_selector includes/forms/ Builds a HTML select element with all the currently available patterns formats. 7
patterns_forms_get_info_section includes/forms/ 2
patterns_forms_get_name_selector includes/forms/ 1
patterns_forms_get_validation_level_selector includes/forms/ Builds a HTML select element with all the currently available patterns validation levels. 3
patterns_forms_parser_ready includes/forms/
patterns_form_helper includes/forms/ @TODO Doc. 3
patterns_get_include_mode ./patterns.module Returns the current option for included patterns, as it is in the database. If the option stored in the database is not valid, by default patterns' inclusion is disabled. 3
patterns_get_pattern includes/ Loads the pattern from the DB and return a stdClass obj, containing the pattern code as array (unserialized). 14
patterns_get_patterns_links theme/ 1
patterns_get_pattern_obj ./patterns.module Constructs a Pattern object with default standard values. 3
patterns_history_set_parent includes/ Adds a parent tag in the info section of the pattern. 1
patterns_implement_action includes/core/ Setup and run an action. 2
patterns_import_build_import_form_state includes/forms/ Creates a miniminal form_state object to import a pattern into the database.
patterns_import_file includes/forms/ Display the import pattern file form 1
patterns_import_source includes/forms/ Form constructor for the Pattern import form. 2
patterns_import_submit includes/forms/ 3
patterns_import_url includes/forms/ Display the import pattern url form 1


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