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Functions in Patterns 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
patterns_parser_get_formats includes/parser/ Returns an array of formats currently supported by the patterns module. 5
patterns_parser_get_parser_function includes/parser/ Checks whether a parser is defined for a given format, and returns the corresponding function name for the requested action. 6
patterns_parser_get_pattern_details includes/parser/ Returns an array with detailed information about the pattern(s) referenced in the pattern files (included). 1
patterns_parser_include_pattern includes/parser/ Inserts the actions of a pattern into another one. Sections of the included patterns are not preserved, and all its actions are appended at the end of the first parameter 1
patterns_parser_is_valid_action_name includes/parser/ Checks whether a string is a valid action name. 1
patterns_parser_is_valid_include_mode includes/parser/ Returns TRUE if the passed parameter is a valid flag to configure Patterns behaviors with the 'include' tag. 3
patterns_parser_load includes/parser/ Tries to load a pattern from a file according to the specified format. If succesfull returns the array representation of the pattern, if not returns FALSE; 2
patterns_parser_parse includes/parser/ Tries to parse a pattern string according to the specified format. If succesfull returns the array representation of the pattern, if not returns FALSE; 6
patterns_parser_ready includes/parser/ Checks whether there is at least one parser currently enabled. 13
patterns_parser_retrieve_actions_from_section includes/parser/ Returns all the actions from a a given section 3
patterns_parser_should_include includes/parser/ Determines if a pattern should be included or not. The following conditions are checked in order: 2
patterns_parser_should_include_local includes/parser/ Determines whether an pattern should be included based on the local configuration (the pattern code itself). 1
patterns_parser_validate_pattern_name includes/parser/ Validates a pattern name.
patterns_path_get_components_dirs includes/ Return a list of paths that will be scanned for pattern files.
patterns_path_get_files_dir includes/ Return the path to the directory containing the patterns files (imported or executed ones). 16
patterns_path_get_patterns_dirs includes/ Return a list of paths that will be scanned for pattern files. 3
patterns_path_get_tmp_dir includes/ Returns the temporary files system folder 1
patterns_patterns_components patterns_components/patterns_components.module Implements hook_patterns_components().
patterns_permission includes/ Implements hook_permission().
patterns_phpparser_dump patterns_phpparser/patterns_phpparser.module Converts an array representing a pattern into a PHP string.
patterns_phpparser_dump_comment patterns_phpparser/patterns_phpparser.module Comments are not allowed in the PHP format (for now).
patterns_phpparser_load patterns_phpparser/patterns_phpparser.module Loads a serialized PHP pattern array from file.
patterns_phpparser_load_new patterns_phpparser/patterns_phpparser.module Loads and parses a PHP pattern from file.
patterns_phpparser_parse patterns_phpparser/patterns_phpparser.module Parses a string containing a PHP array and returns the array. 2
patterns_phpparser_patterns_parser patterns_phpparser/patterns_phpparser.module
patterns_php_action includes/core/ Execute a single pattern action. 1
patterns_prepare_action includes/core/ Preparing and validating the action tags as they are written in the pattern file. Concretely, it invokes operations 'prepare', and 'validate' on the pattern component. 2
patterns_publish_pattern includes/ Callback function for route /admin/patterns/publish/ 1
patterns_publish_pattern_submit includes/ Executes patterns_db_publish_pattern($pid) and display a message.
patterns_quickrun includes/forms/ Form constructor for the Quick Run form. 2
patterns_quickrun_submit includes/forms/ Form submission handler for patterns_quickrun().
patterns_reformat_actions includes/core/ Group the action and the data fields. 2
patterns_remove_pattern ./patterns.module Form constructor for the Patterns removing form. 1
patterns_remove_pattern_submit ./patterns.module Form submission handler for patterns_remove_pattern().
patterns_requirements ./patterns.install Implements hook_requirements().
patterns_restore_error_handler includes/ Wrapper for restore_error_handler(). 1
patterns_restore_pattern ./patterns.module Restores a previously trashed pattern. 1
patterns_restore_pattern_submit ./patterns.module Executes patterns_db_restore_pattern($pid) and display a message.
patterns_results includes/api/ Helper function to create the associative array of returned values from an invoked function. 78
patterns_scan_pattern includes/parser/ Scans a pattern and returns a brief summary of its properties. 8
patterns_schema ./patterns.install Implements hook_schema().
patterns_set_error_handler includes/ Sets the custom Patterns error handler. 1
patterns_set_user_permissions patterns_components/components/ Run Drupal API function to gran permissions 1
patterns_set_user_values patterns_components/components/ Run a query to update the fields of the user 1
patterns_start_engine ./patterns.module The beginning of the whole Patterns logic. Starts the execution in 'batch' mode (default) or 'php' mode, which makes things easier for debugging. 4
patterns_sync_form_values includes/ Make some modifications to the form values based on the form In particular, make sure form elements with #options and #multiple set the keys of the array as the key of the value as how FAPI does it, but XML of course does not.
patterns_tagmodules_filter includes/ Filters out information from a tagmodules index and returns the results in a new array. 2
patterns_tagmodules_find_module includes/ Tries to find the module responsible for a given action. 2
patterns_tagmodules_get_index includes/ Builds an associative array of tags and modules (components). 7
patterns_theme theme/ Implements hook_theme().


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