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Functions in Patterns 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_field_patterns_prepare_field patterns_components/components/ 1
_field_patterns_prepare_instance patterns_components/components/ 1
_htmlspecialchars_decode patterns_components/components/ Convert special HTML entities back to characters recursively. 1
_patterns_array_context includes/ Helper function to create a context array based on the supplied object. 2
_patterns_array_filter includes/ Helper function to filter values of the list of matches. @TODO Doc. 1
_patterns_array_trace includes/ Helper function to create a list of parent keys given a context item. @TODO Doc. 1
_patterns_db_convert_results_set includes/ Converts all the patterns objects in a results set from a database query on the patterns table into an arrays and unserialize the pattern code, if found. 2
_patterns_db_get_pattern includes/ Returns a pattern object from different input parameters. 8
_patterns_db_get_pattern_array includes/ Returns the array representation of a pattern from different input parameters. 2
_patterns_drush_test_check_results ./ 1
_patterns_editor_dump_from_db includes/forms/ Helper function which returns the pattern dumped from the database, or an error string. 1
_patterns_export_build_input_name patterns_export/patterns_export.module Helper function to build the form of exportable components 1
_patterns_export_merge_exported_patterns patterns_export/ Merges modules info and sections in one pattern 2
_patterns_has_all_mandatory_attributes patterns_components/patterns_components.module Auxiliar function that can be used by the components to check if the action has all the expected mandatory values. 6
_patterns_has_uninterpretable_attributes patterns_components/patterns_components.module Auxiliar function that can be used by the components to check if the action has any attributes that will not be interpretable. 7
_patterns_import_check_dirs includes/forms/ Helper function to be called in one of the import validation handlers. 2
_patterns_import_check_name includes/forms/ Helper function to be called in one of the import validation handlers. 2
_patterns_io_analyze_scandir_messages includes/io/ Analyzes the result of the patterns directories scan and displays relevant Drupal messages to the user. 1
_patterns_io_check_htaccess includes/io/ Checks if a .htaccess file exists to prevent downloads of pattern files.
_patterns_io_file_has_valid_extension includes/io/ Checks whether the extension of the specified file name matches one of the currently available parser formats. 2
_patterns_io_get_patterns includes/io/ Loads all the available patterns from the database. It also checks against the file system, and, if the patterns global configuration options allow it, updates the database with the latest modifications. Notice: enabled patterns will not be updated… 2
_patterns_io_import_check_dirs includes/io/ Helper function to be called in one of the import validation handlers.
_patterns_io_import_check_name includes/io/ Helper function to be called in one of the import validation handlers.
_patterns_io_import_pre_checkings includes/io/ @file Importing Patterns from a file or using an URL. 1
_patterns_io_import_validate_content includes/io/ 1
_patterns_io_is_patterns_dir_ready includes/io/ Checks if the patterns directory exists and is writable. 3
_patterns_io_save_pattern includes/io/ Lower level primitive for patterns_io_save_pattern. Includes an optional argument to force the UUUID 1
_patterns_is_patterns_results includes/api/ Checks if a (supposed) array is actually correctly formatted as a patterns_results(). 2
_patterns_lab_get_exp_mode_options includes/forms/ Builds an associative array of export options. 1
_patterns_lab_get_exp_to_options includes/forms/ Builds an associative array of export options. 2
_patterns_lab_get_exp_type_options includes/forms/ Builds an associative array of export type options. 1
_patterns_lab_include_pattern includes/forms/ Returns the portion of a pattern object to be included as a string, depending on the passed mode of exporting. 1
_patterns_modify_value includes/ Function callback
_patterns_moduletags_add_module includes/ Helper function for <patterns_api_build_moduletags_index>. 1
_patterns_parser_analyze_pattern_name includes/parser/ Analyzes a pattern name and return an array of errors messages. 3
_patterns_parser_merge_default_include_options includes/parser/ 2
_patterns_parser_retrieve_actions_from_include includes/parser/ Returns all the actions from a pattern array. Sections are not preserved.
_patterns_pattern_build_row theme/ Build a table row for the tables in the pattern list page. 3
_patterns_process_form includes/ Custom implementation of drupal_process_form()
_patterns_recurse_tokens includes/core/ Recurse an array and replace with tokens @TODO This is used instead of array_walk_recursive because of some strange issues with token_get_values failing. 1
_patterns_replace_tokens includes/core/ Array walk callback to replace tokens inside form values. 1
_patterns_scan_action includes/parser/ Helper function for scanning patterns. 1
_patterns_scan_analyze_patternscan includes/parser/ Analyze the result of a call to patterns_scan_pattern, and check whether the pattern was valid. 5
_patterns_scan_is_action includes/parser/ Determines whether an array is actually an action. 1
_patterns_scan_is_section includes/parser/ Determines whether an array is actually a section. 1
_patterns_scan_validate_patternscan includes/parser/ Analyze the result of a call to patterns_scan_pattern, and check whether the pattern was valid. 6
_patterns_section_fail includes/core/ Outputs information about an un-successful execution of a section of a pattern 2
_patterns_section_success includes/core/ Outputs information about a successful execution of a section of a pattern and updates its db status 2
_patterns_tagmodules_add_module includes/ Helper function for <patterns_tagmodules_get_index>. 1
_patterns_tagmodules_add_module_to_tags includes/ Helper function for <_patterns_tagmodules_add_module> 1


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