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function block_delete in Patterns 7.2

Wraps several a call to drupal_form_submit to delete the settings of a block. This operation is only available for custom blocks (as well as it happens in the UI) since blocks created by custom modules cannot be deleted (only disabled through status)


string $form_id String containing the form ID. In the case of custom functions the value is empty.:

array $form_state Set of values after parsing the action.:

2 string references to 'block_delete'
block_patterns in patterns_components/components/
block_patterns_cleanup in patterns_components/components/
Implements hook_patterns_cleanup().


patterns_components/components/, line 554


function block_delete($form_id, &$form_state) {

  //This operation is only available for custom modules, and we need to delete

  //the information for all the tables
    ->condition('bid', $form_state['values']['delta'])
    ->condition('module', $form_state['values']['module'])
    ->condition('delta', $form_state['values']['delta'])
    ->condition('module', $form_state['values']['module'])
    ->condition('delta', $form_state['values']['delta'])
  $msg = t('Removed all the configuration for custom block delta %delta.', array(
    '%delta' => $form_state['values']['delta'],
  return patterns_results(PATTERNS_SUCCESS, $msg);