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commerce_file.api.php in Commerce File 7

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  1. 7.2 commerce_file.api.php

Hooks provided by the Commerce File module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the Commerce File module.

 * Defines states for use in grouping license statuses together to form a
 * simple state machine.
 * A state is a particular phase in the life-cycle of a entity that is
 * comprised of one or more statuses. In that regard, a state acts like a
 * container for statuses with a default status per state. This is useful for
 * categorizing and advancing from one state to the next without needing to
 * know the particular status an entity will end up in.
 * The Commerce File module defines several states in its own implementation of
 * this hook, commerce_file_commerce_file_license_state_info():
 * - Denied: licenses that cannot be accessed by the owner
 * - Allowed: licenses that can be accessed by the owner
 * The state array structure is as follows:
 * - name: machine-name identifying the state using lowercase alphanumeric
 *   characters, -, and _
 * - title: the translatable title of the state, used in administrative
 *   interfaces
 * - description: a translatable description of the types of entities that would
 *   be in this state
 * - weight: integer weight of the state used for sorting lists of states;
 *   defaults to 0
 * - default_status: name of the default status for this state
 * @return
 *   An array of state arrays keyed by name.
function hook_commerce_file_license_state_info() {
  $states = array();
  $states['allowed'] = array(
    'name' => 'allowed',
    'title' => t('Allowed'),
    'description' => t('Licenses in this state can be accessed by the owner.'),
    'weight' => 0,
    'default_status' => 'active',
  return $states;

 * Allows modules to alter the license state definitions of other modules.
 * @param $states
 *   An array of states defined by enabled modules.
 * @see hook_commerce_file_license_state_info()
function hook_commerce_file_license_state_info_alter(&$states) {
  $states['allowed']['weight'] = 9;

 * Defines statuses for use in managing licenses.
 * An status is a single step in the life-cycle of a license that
 * administrators can use to know at a glance what has occurred to the license
 * already and/or what the next step in processing the license will be.
 * The Commerce File module defines several statuses in its own implementation of
 * this hook, commerce_file_commerce_file_license_status_info():
 * - Pending: in the Denied state; used for licenses that have been created
 *   but are awaiting some type of approval
 * - Active: default status of the Allowed state; used to indicate the license
 *   can be accessed by the owner. Currently the only Allowed status.
 * - Canceled: additional status for the Denied state; used to indicate
 *   licenses where the owner's access has been canceled.
 * - Revoked: default status of the Denied state; used for licenses where the
 *   owner's access has been revoked.
 * The status array structure is as follows:
 * - name: machine-name identifying the status using lowercase
 *   alphanumeric characters, -, and _
 * - title: the translatable title of the status, used in administrative
 *   interfaces
 * - state: the name of the state the status belongs to
 * - weight: integer weight of the status used for sorting lists of statuses;
 *   defaults to 0
 * - enabled: TRUE or FALSE indicating if the status is enabled,
 *   with disabled statuses not being available for use; defaults to TRUE
 * @return
 *   An array of status arrays keyed by name.
function hook_commerce_file_license_status_info() {
  $statuses = array();
  $statuses['active'] = array(
    'name' => 'active',
    'title' => t('Active'),
    'state' => 'allowed',
    'weight' => 0,
  return $statuses;

 * Allows modules to alter the license status definitions of other modules.
 * @param $statuses
 *   An array of statuses defined by enabled modules.
 * @see hook_commerce_file_license_status_info()
function hook_commerce_file_license_status_info_alter(&$statuses) {
  $statuses['pending']['title'] = t('Awaiting Approval');

 * Defines access limit settings for Commerce File fields and Licenses
 * The limit array structure is as follows:
 * - name: machine-name identifying the limit using lowercase
 *   alphanumeric characters, -, and _
 * - title: the translatable title of the limit, used in administrative
 *   interfaces
 * - base_element: the base form array for the limit setting,
 *   @see
 * - property_info: the info array defining the metadata about the limit setting,
 *   @see hook_entity_property_info()
 *   - In addition to hook_entity_property_info():
 *      - 'default_value': A default value to be used for the setting
 *      - 'zero_value': The value that represents Zero/Empty to this setting
 *      - 'aggregated': TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if the setting's values should be
 *         aggregated across multiple fields, licenses, etc.
 *      - 'inheritable': TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if the setting should inherit it's
 *         value from the field or instance settings if a value is not entered.
 * @return
 *   An array of limit arrays keyed by name.
function hook_commerce_file_license_info() {
  $limits = array();
  $limits['download_limit'] = array(
    'name' => 'download_limit',
    'title' => t('Download Limit'),
    'base_element' => array(
      '#type' => 'commerce_file_limit_integer',
      '#title' => t('# of Downloads'),
    'property info' => array(
      'type' => 'integer',
      'label' => t('The number of downloads allowed'),
      'description' => t('The number of downloads allowed for this file.'),
      'default_value' => 10,
  return $limits;

 * Allows modules to alter the license limit definitions of other modules.
 * @param $limits
 *   An array of limits defined by enabled modules.
 * @see hook_commerce_file_license_info()
function hook_commerce_file_license_info_alter(&$limits) {
  $limits['download_limit']['base_element']['#title'] = t('Downloads Granted');

 * Allows other modules to alter the returned headers for a Commerce File.
 * @param $headers
 *  An associative array of headers, as expected by file_transfer().
 * @param $file
 *   A file object.
function hook_commerce_file_content_headers_alter(&$headers, $file) {
  $name = mime_header_encode($file->filename);

  // force a download for all files
  $headers = array(
    'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . $name . '"',
  ) + $headers;

 * Control unlicensed download access to Commerce files.
 * The hook is typically implemented to allow access to a restricted file for
 * users that do not have any valid license for that file.
 * @param $file
 *  A file object.
 * @param $account
 *   A user object attempting to download the file.
 * @param $licenses
 *   An array of licenses associated with the user that currently do not
 *   allow access to the file.
 * @return
 *  TRUE is access should be allowed or FALSE if denied.
 *  Note that denial may be overridden by module which makes this
 *  grant permissive rather than restrictive.
function hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access($file, $account = NULL, $licenses = array()) {

  // Grant access to the file if the user has a special permission and
  // has a pending license.
  if (user_access('mymodules special permission', $account)) {
    foreach ($licenses as $license) {
      if ($license->status == 'pending') {
        return TRUE;

 * Alter the access rules applied to an unlicensed Commerce file download.
 * @param $grants
 *   An array of grants gathered by hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access().
 *   The array is keyed by the module that defines the access control;
 *   the values are Boolean grant responses for each module.
 * @param $file
 *   A file object.
 * @param $account
 *   A user object attempting to download the file.
 * @param $licenses
 *   An array of licenses associated with the user that currently do not
 *   allow access to the file.
function hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access_alter(&$grants, $file, $account = NULL, $licenses = array()) {

  // override another module's grants
  if (isset($grants['another_module'])) {
    $grants['another_module'] = FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
hook_commerce_file_content_headers_alter Allows other modules to alter the returned headers for a Commerce File.
hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access Control unlicensed download access to Commerce files.
hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access_alter Alter the access rules applied to an unlicensed Commerce file download.
hook_commerce_file_license_info Defines access limit settings for Commerce File fields and Licenses
hook_commerce_file_license_info_alter Allows modules to alter the license limit definitions of other modules.
hook_commerce_file_license_state_info Defines states for use in grouping license statuses together to form a simple state machine.
hook_commerce_file_license_state_info_alter Allows modules to alter the license state definitions of other modules.
hook_commerce_file_license_status_info Defines statuses for use in managing licenses.
hook_commerce_file_license_status_info_alter Allows modules to alter the license status definitions of other modules.