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function _commerce_file_element_value_is_empty in Commerce File 7

Returns TRUE if value is considered empty

See also


2 calls to _commerce_file_element_value_is_empty()
commerce_file_limit_duration_element_validate in includes/
FAPI element validate callback for limit integer element type.
commerce_file_limit_integer_element_validate in includes/
FAPI element validate callback for limit textfield element type.


./commerce_file.module, line 1519
Provides integration of file licenses with Commerce


function _commerce_file_element_value_is_empty($value) {
  $is_empty_string = is_string($value) && drupal_strlen(trim($value)) == 0;
  $is_empty_value = $value === 0;
  return $is_empty_string || $is_empty_value;