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Functions in Recipe 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
decimal_to_fraction_callback plugins/recipe_plaintext.module 1
format_mastercook4_ingredient plugins/recipe_mastercook4.module 1
format_plaintext_ingredients plugins/recipe_plaintext.module 1
get_default_units ./recipe.install Get an array of the default unit values. Used to fill the recipe_unit table. 2
get_new_pdf_page plugins/recipe_pdf35.module 1
get_page_item_count plugins/recipe_pdf35.module 1
get_pdf_pages plugins/recipe_pdf35.module 1
get_template plugins/recipe_mastercook4.module 1
greatest_common_divisor ./recipe.module Find the greatest common divisor 1
merge_template plugins/recipe_mastercook4.module 1
my_xml_escape plugins/recipe_recipeML.module 1
node_list_cmp ./ 1
prepare_receipe_data plugins/recipe_pdf35.module 1
recipe_access ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_access().
recipe_admin_settings ./ Settings form for menu callback 1
recipe_autocomplete_page ./recipe.module Callback function for ingredient autocomplete 1
recipe_block ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_block().
recipe_category_index_page ./ @file - This is an include file containing most all of the recipe category index page functionality. 1
recipe_content_extra_fields ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_content_extra_fields(). Allow the meta tags fields to be sorted in the node edit forms. 1
recipe_content_extra_field_weight ./recipe.module 1
recipe_delete ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_delete().
recipe_disable ./recipe.install Implementation of hook_disable(). Reinstate last used recipe vocabs.
recipe_enable ./recipe.install Implementation of hook_enable(). Remember last used recipe vocabs.
recipe_export ./recipe.module Menu callback; Generates various representation of a recipe page with all descendants and prints the requested representation to output. 1
recipe_export_multi ./ 1
recipe_export_multi_access ./recipe.module Extend user_access to handle case where no export formats are available 1
recipe_form ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_form().
recipe_get_alpha_nodes ./ Get recipes that have these ingredients. 1
recipe_get_ingredients ./ 1
recipe_get_ingredient_alpha_list ./ 1
recipe_get_latest ./recipe.module Get the latest recipes by created date. 1
recipe_get_nodes_for_ingredients ./ Get recipes that have these ingredients. 1
recipe_get_nodes_for_terms ./ Get recipes that match these terms. 1
recipe_get_node_alpha_list ./ 1
recipe_get_term_by_name ./recipe.module Get the term from a specific vocab from its name. Used by bulk import routines that load the category. 2
recipe_help ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_help(). 1
recipe_html_export_single plugins/recipe_html.module Example implementation of hook_perm(). If you need special permissions for a format, use this and match the permission name to the access arguments above. 1
recipe_html_preprocess_recipe_html_node plugins/recipe_html.module
recipe_html_recipeio plugins/recipe_html.module Implementation of hook_recipeio($type).
recipe_html_theme plugins/recipe_html.module Implementation of hook_theme().
recipe_import_access ./recipe.module Extend user_access to handle case where no import formats are available 1
recipe_import_element_data plugins/recipe_recipeML.module Call-back function used by the XML parser. 1
recipe_import_element_end plugins/recipe_recipeML.module Call-back function used by the XML parser. 1
recipe_import_element_start plugins/recipe_recipeML.module Call-back function used by the XML parser. 1
recipe_import_form ./recipe.module Form recipe_import_form 1
recipe_import_form_build_preview ./recipe.module Import preview routine that allows that users to see what actually will be imported before doing so. 1
recipe_import_form_submit ./recipe.module Submit handler for the single recipe import form. 1
recipe_import_form_validate ./recipe.module Validate handler for the single recipe import form.
recipe_import_get_node ./recipe.module Get a node-like stdClass object suitable for node_save and preview. 3
recipe_import_multi ./ 1


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