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recipe_pdf35.module in Recipe 6

recipe_pdf35.module - Enables exporting of 3x5" cards in pdf format. This is incredibly rudimentary at this point. 1 and only 1 card and if you go over, the text is lost.


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 * @file
 * recipe_pdf35.module - Enables exporting of 3x5" cards in pdf format.
 * This is incredibly rudimentary at this point.  1 and only 1 card and if you go over, the text is lost.

 * Implementation of hook_recipeio($type).
function recipe_pdf35_recipeio($type) {
  $supported = array(
    'export_single' => array(
      'format_name' => t('PDF-3x5'),
      'callback' => 'recipe_pdf35_export_single',
      'format_help' => t('Export 3"x5" cards in pdf format.'),
      // No special permissions for pdf export.
      'access arguments' => 'access content',
  if (isset($supported[$type])) {
    return array(
      'pdf35' => $supported[$type],
  else {
    return FALSE;
function recipe_pdf35_export_single($nid = NULL) {
  if ($nid === NULL) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Recipe not found.'));
  $node = node_load(array(
    'nid' => $nid,
    'type' => 'recipe',

  // you should not be able to export unpublished recipes
  if ($node->status == 0) {
  $recipe_data = prepare_receipe_data($node);
  $pdf_pages = get_pdf_pages($recipe_data);

  // This is a non-indented section for ease of making byte-accurate pdf strings.
  // The newlines and spacing is pretty critical for this to work.
  $pdf_index = array();
  $objects = array(
    'first item in the objects array is thrown out.',

  // Resource Object, required by page objects.
  $obj = <<<EOS
[/PDF /Text]
  array_push($objects, $obj);
  $pdf_index['resource'] = count($objects) - 1;

  // Font 1 Object, required by page objects.
  $obj = <<<EOS
<< /Type /Font
/Subtype /Type1
/Name /F1
/BaseFont /Arial
/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding
  array_push($objects, $obj);
  $pdf_index['font1'] = count($objects) - 1;

  // Font 2 Object, required by page objects.
  $obj = <<<EOS
<< /Type /Font
/Subtype /Type1
/Name /F2
/BaseFont /Courier
/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding
  array_push($objects, $obj);
  $pdf_index['font2'] = count($objects) - 1;
  $current_pos = count($objects) + 1;
  $page_refs = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($pdf_pages); $i++) {
    if (count($pdf_pages) > 1) {
      $page_item_count = get_page_item_count($pdf_pages[$i]) + 1;
    else {
      $page_item_count = get_page_item_count($pdf_pages[$i]);
    $page_refs[] = $current_pos + $page_item_count . ' 0 R';
    $current_pos = $current_pos + $page_item_count + 1;
  $kid_refs = implode(" ", $page_refs);
  $kid_count = count($page_refs);

  // Pages Object, required by root.
  $obj = <<<EOS
<< /Type /Pages
/Kids [{<span class="php-variable">$kid_refs</span>}]
/Count {<span class="php-variable">$kid_count</span>}
  array_push($objects, $obj);
  $pdf_index['pages'] = count($objects) - 1;

  // Render the objects for each page, then the page item.
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($pdf_pages); $i++) {
    foreach ($pdf_pages[$i]['header'] as $obj) {
      array_push($objects, $obj);
      $pdf_pages[$i]['items'][] = "" . count($objects) - 1 . ' 0 R';
    foreach ($pdf_pages[$i]['column_0'] as $obj) {
      array_push($objects, $obj);
      $pdf_pages[$i]['items'][] = "" . count($objects) - 1 . ' 0 R';
    foreach ($pdf_pages[$i]['column_1'] as $obj) {
      array_push($objects, $obj);
      $pdf_pages[$i]['items'][] = "" . count($objects) - 1 . ' 0 R';
    foreach ($pdf_pages[$i]['column_2'] as $obj) {
      array_push($objects, $obj);
      $pdf_pages[$i]['items'][] = "" . count($objects) - 1 . ' 0 R';
    foreach ($pdf_pages[$i]['footer'] as $obj) {
      array_push($objects, $obj);
      $pdf_pages[$i]['items'][] = "" . count($objects) - 1 . ' 0 R';

    // Page Numbers
    if (count($pdf_pages) > 1) {
      $page_nbr = t('Page ' . ($i + 1));
      $obj = "BT /F1 6 Tf 12 TL 325 17 Td ({$page_nbr})' ET";
      $len = strlen($obj);
      $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
      array_push($objects, $obj);
      $pdf_pages[$i]['items'][] = "" . count($objects) - 1 . ' 0 R';

    // Page Object
    $content_refs = implode(' ', $pdf_pages[$i]['items']);
    $obj = "<< /Type /Page\n/Parent {$pdf_index['pages']} 0 R\n/MediaBox [0 0 360 216]\n/Contents [{$content_refs}]\n/Resources << /ProcSet 4 0 R\n/Font << /F1 {$pdf_index['font1']} 0 R /F2 {$pdf_index['font2']} 0 R >>\n>>\n>>";
    array_push($objects, $obj);

  // Root Object, required by trailer.
  $obj = <<<EOS
<< /Type /Catalog
  /Pages {<span class="php-variable">$pdf_index</span>[<span class="php-string">'pages'</span>]} 0 R
  array_push($objects, $obj);
  $pdf_index['root'] = count($objects) - 1;

  /* Loop the objects array for the actual pdf with object refs.
  $xref = array();
  $pdf = "%PDF-1.4\n";
  $pdf .= '%' . pack("c*", 128, 200, 225, 255) . "\n";
  foreach ($objects as $obj_num => $o) {

    // We skip array index 0.
    if ($obj_num != 0) {

      // Save the xref byte offset.
      $xref[$obj_num] = strlen($pdf);
      $pdf .= "{$obj_num} 0 obj\n";
      $pdf .= "{$o}\n";
      $pdf .= "endobj\n";
  $xref_start_pos = strlen($pdf);
  $xref_entry_count = count($xref) + 1;
  $pdf .= "xref\n";
  $pdf .= "0 {$xref_entry_count}\n";
  $pdf .= "0000000000 65535 f \n";
  foreach ($xref as $obj_num => $offset) {
    $pdf .= sprintf("%010u 00000 n \n", $offset);

  // Start of trailer section.
  $pdf .= "trailer\n";
  $pdf .= "<< /Size {$xref_entry_count}\n";

  // Hard coded warning, /Root is the 1 0 object in this module.
  $pdf .= "/Root {$pdf_index['root']} 0 R\n";
  $pdf .= ">>\n";
  $pdf .= "startxref\n";
  $pdf .= "{$xref_start_pos}\n";
  $pdf .= '%%EOF';
  $file_name = strtolower($node->title) . '.pdf';
  $file_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $file_name);
  drupal_set_header('Content-type: application/pdf');
  drupal_set_header($header = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$file_name}");
  return $pdf;
function get_page_item_count($page) {

  // Count up the columns + header and footer.
  return count($page['column_0']) + count($page['column_1']) + count($page['column_2']) + count($page['header']) + count($page['footer']);
function prepare_receipe_data($node) {

  // Preprocess the ingredients.
  $ingredients = array();
  foreach ($node->ingredients as $key => $i) {
    $fullingredient = strlen($i['note']) > 0 ? $i['name'] . ' (' . $i['note'] . ')' : $i['name'];
    $quantity = recipe_ingredient_quantity_from_decimal($i['quantity'], TRUE);
    $quantity = trim(str_replace('&frasl;', '/', $quantity));
    $ingredients[] = $quantity . ' ' . $i['abbreviation'] . ' ' . $fullingredient;

  // Preprocess the instructions.
  $instructions_str = strip_html_and_encode_entities($node->instructions);
  $data = array(
    'recipe_title' => $node->title,
    'ingredient_heading' => t('Ingredients'),
    'instruction_heading' => t('Instructions'),
    'ingredients' => $ingredients,
    'instructions' => $instructions_str,
  return $data;
function get_pdf_pages($recipe_data) {
  $pages = array();

   * Handle the ingredients.

  // Put them in the correct column.
  $col1 = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($recipe_data['ingredients']); $i++) {
    $tmp_list = wrap_and_pdf_escape($recipe_data['ingredients'][$i], 35, "\n   ");
    $col1 = array_merge($col1, $tmp_list);

  // setup first page.
  $page = get_new_pdf_page($recipe_data);
  $line = 1;
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($col1); $i++) {

    // You've filled the page, get a new one.
    if ($line > 16) {

      // End the strings in the columns.
      if (count($page['column_1']) > 0) {
        $obj = $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1];
        $obj .= 'ET';
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
        $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1] = $obj;
      if (count($page['column_2']) > 0) {
        $obj = $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1];
        $obj .= 'ET';
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
        $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1] = $obj;

      // Put the page onto pages and get a new one.
      $pages[] = $page;
      $page = get_new_pdf_page($recipe_data);
      $line = 1;

    // If you have more than 16 ingredients, use two columns.
    if (count($col1) > 16) {
      if ($line == 1) {

        // The ingredients header.
        $ingredient_heading = $recipe_data['ingredient_heading'];
        $obj = "BT /F1 10 Tf 12 TL 20 185 Td ({$ingredient_heading})' ET";
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
        $page['column_1'][] = $obj;

        // The 2-coloumn ingredients header underline.
        $obj = "0.5 w\n20 170 m\n340 170 l\nS\n";
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
        $page['column_1'][] = $obj;

        // Begin ingredients text for column 1.
        $page['column_1'][] = "BT /F1 8 Tf 10 TL 25 170 Td ";

        // Begin ingredients text for column 2.
        $page['column_2'][] = "BT /F1 8 Tf 10 TL 170 170 Td ";
      $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1] .= $col1[$i++];
      $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1] .= $col1[$i];
    else {
      if ($line == 1) {

        // The ingredients header.
        $ingredient_heading = $recipe_data['ingredient_heading'];
        $obj = "BT /F1 10 Tf 12 TL 20 185 Td ({$ingredient_heading})' ET";
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
        $page['column_1'][] = $obj;

        // The 1-column ingredients header underline.
        $obj = "0.5 w\n20 170 m\n155 170 l\nS\n";
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
        $page['column_1'][] = $obj;
        $page['column_1'][] = "BT /F1 8 Tf 10 TL 25 170 Td ";
      $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1] .= $col1[$i];

  // Finish the last page.
  if (count($page['column_1']) > 0) {
    $obj = $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1];
    $obj .= 'ET';
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1] = $obj;
  if (count($page['column_2']) > 0) {
    $obj = $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1];
    $obj .= 'ET';
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1] = $obj;

   * Handle the instructions.

  // $page still contains last page
  $col = 0;
  $col2_i_list = array();

  // If column 2 is empty, use it.
  if (count($page['column_2']) == 0) {
    $col = 2;
    $inst_list = wrap_and_pdf_escape($recipe_data['instructions'], 50);
  else {
    $col = 0;
    $inst_list = wrap_and_pdf_escape($recipe_data['instructions'], 85);

    // Put the page onto pages and get a new one.
    $pages[] = $page;
    $page = get_new_pdf_page($recipe_data);
  $instruction_heading = $recipe_data['instruction_heading'];
  if ($col == 0) {

    // The instructions header.
    $obj = "BT /F1 10 Tf 12 TL 20 185 Td ({$instruction_heading})' ET";
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_0'][] = $obj;

    // The instructions header underline.
    $obj = "0.5 w\n20 170 m\n340 170 l\nS\n";
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_0'][] = $obj;
  elseif ($col == 2) {

    // The instructions header.
    $obj = "BT /F1 10 Tf 12 TL 165 185 Td ({$instruction_heading})' ET";
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_2'][] = $obj;

    // The instructions header underline.
    $obj = "0.5 w\n165 170 m\n340 170 l\nS\n";
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}endstream";
    $page['column_2'][] = $obj;
  $line = 1;
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($inst_list); $i++) {

    // You've filled the page, finish the columns and get a new page.
    if ($line > 16) {
      if (count($page['column_2']) > 0) {
        $obj = $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1];
        $obj .= 'ET';
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}endstream";
        $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1] = $obj;
      if (count($page['column_0']) > 0) {
        $obj = $page['column_0'][count($page['column_0']) - 1];
        $obj .= 'ET';
        $len = strlen($obj);
        $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}endstream";
        $page['column_0'][count($page['column_0']) - 1] = $obj;
      $pages[] = $page;
      $page = get_new_pdf_page($recipe_data);
      $line = 1;
      $col = 0;
    if ($line == 1) {
      if ($col == 2) {
        $page['column_2'][] = "BT /F1 8 Tf 10 TL 170 170 Td ";
      elseif ($col == 0) {
        $page['column_0'][] = "BT /F1 8 Tf 10 TL 20 170 Td ";
    if ($col == 2) {
      $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1] .= $inst_list[$i];
    elseif ($col == 0) {
      $page['column_0'][count($page['column_0']) - 1] .= $inst_list[$i];

  // Finish the last page.
  if (count($page['column_0']) > 0) {
    $obj = $page['column_0'][count($page['column_0']) - 1];
    $obj .= 'ET';
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_0'][count($page['column_0']) - 1] = $obj;
  if (count($page['column_1']) > 0) {
    $obj = $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1];
    $obj .= 'ET';
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_1'][count($page['column_1']) - 1] = $obj;
  if (count($page['column_2']) > 0) {
    $obj = $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1];
    $obj .= 'ET';
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['column_2'][count($page['column_2']) - 1] = $obj;

  // Add remaining page to the pages array.
  $pages[] = $page;
  return $pages;
function get_new_pdf_page($recipe_data) {
  $page = array(
    'header' => array(),
    'footer' => array(),
    'column_0' => array(),
    'column_1' => array(),
    'column_2' => array(),

  // The page header.
  if (strlen($recipe_data['recipe_title']) < 48) {
    $recipe_title = wrap_and_pdf_escape($recipe_data['recipe_title'], 48);
    $recipe_title = join(" ", $recipe_title);
    $obj = "BT /F1 14 Tf 12 TL 20 200 Td {$recipe_title} ET";
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['header'][] = $obj;
  else {
    $recipe_title = wrap_and_pdf_escape($recipe_data['recipe_title'], 70);
    $recipe_title = join(" ", $recipe_title);
    $obj = "BT /F1 10 Tf 12 TL 20 200 Td {$recipe_title} ET";
    $len = strlen($obj);
    $obj = "<< /Length {$len} >>\nstream\n{$obj}\nendstream";
    $page['header'][] = $obj;
  return $page;
function wrap_and_pdf_escape($item_str, $wrap_cols, $wrap_indent = NULL) {
  if (isset($wrap_indent)) {
    $item_str = wordwrap($item_str, $wrap_cols, $wrap_indent);
  else {
    $item_str = wordwrap($item_str, $wrap_cols);
  $item_str = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $item_str);
  $item_list = preg_split('/\\n/', $item_str);
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($item_list); $i++) {
    $item_list[$i] = str_replace("\r", " ", $item_list[$i]);
    $item_list[$i] = "({$item_list[$i]})'\n";
  return $item_list;