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function merge_template in Recipe 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/recipe_mastercook4.module \merge_template()
  2. 7 includes/recipe_mastercook4.module \merge_template()
1 call to merge_template()
recipe_mastercook4_export_single in plugins/recipe_mastercook4.module


plugins/recipe_mastercook4.module, line 73
recipe_mastercook4.module - Enables importing and exporting of MasterCook4 format recipes.


function merge_template($node = NULL) {

  //prepare prepare time
  $decimal_hours = $node->preptime / 60;
  $hours = floor($decimal_hours);
  $minutes = sprintf("%02d", floor(($decimal_hours - $hours) * 60));
  $preptime = "{$hours}:{$minutes}";

  //prepare categories
  $categories = '';
  $vocabs = taxonomy_get_vocabularies('recipe');
  foreach ($vocabs as $vocab) {
    $terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary($node, $vocab->vid);
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
      $term = array_shift($terms);
      $categories .= sprintf("%-33s", $term->name);
  $categories = wordwrap($categories, 66, "\n                ");

  //prepare ingredients
  $ingredients = '';
  foreach ($node->ingredients as $key => $i) {
    $ingredients .= format_mastercook4_ingredient($i);

  // get the template string
  $template = get_template();

  // merge title
  $template = str_replace("<<title>>", $node->title, $template);

  // merge recipe by
  $template = str_replace("<<recipeby>>", $node->source, $template);

  // merge serving size
  $template = str_replace("<<servingsize>>", $node->yield, $template);

  // merge preptime
  $template = str_replace("<<preptime>>", $preptime, $template);

  // merge categories
  $template = str_replace("<<categories>>", $categories, $template);

  // merge ingredients
  $template = str_replace("<<ingredients>>", $ingredients, $template);

  // merge instructions
  $template = str_replace("<<instructions>>", strip_html_and_encode_entities($node->instructions), $template);

  // merge notes
  if ($node->notes != '') {
    $node->notes = "NOTES : " . strip_html_and_encode_entities($node->notes);
  $template = str_replace("<<notes>>", $node->notes, $template);
  return $template;