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Functions in Recipe 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
recipe_access ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_access().
recipe_admin_settings ./recipe.module Settings form for menu callback 1
recipe_autocomplete_page ./recipe.module Callback function for ingredient autocomplete 1
recipe_block ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_block().
recipe_build_breadcrumbs ./recipe.module Builds a breadcrumb list. 1
recipe_build_index ./recipe.module Recursively traverses the term tree to construct the index. 1
recipe_custom_yield_form ./recipe.module 1
recipe_delete ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_delete().
recipe_euclid ./recipe.module 1
recipe_export ./recipe.module Menu callback; Generates various representation of a recipe page with all descendants and prints the requested representation to output. 1
recipe_export_html ./recipe.module This function is called by recipe_export() to generate HTML for export.
recipe_export_recipeml ./recipe.module This function is called by recipe_export() to generate RecipeML for export.
recipe_form ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_form().
recipe_get_current_url ./recipe.module Constructs a url from the current url arguments list. 1
recipe_get_latest ./recipe.module Get the latest recipes 1
recipe_get_recipe_terms ./recipe.module Get all the terms associated with Recipes. 2
recipe_get_vocabularies ./recipe.module Gets all the vocabularies that are associated with the recipe module. 2
recipe_help ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_help(). 1
recipe_import_from_46 ./recipe.module 1
recipe_index ./recipe.module Constructs the recipe index page, using theme functions. 1
recipe_ingredients_diff ./recipe.module Compares two arrays of ingredients and returns the differences 1
recipe_ingredient_id_from_name ./recipe.module Converts a recipe ingredient name to and ID 2
recipe_ingredient_quantity_from_decimal ./recipe.module Converts an ingredient's quantity from decimal to fraction 2
recipe_ingredient_quantity_from_fraction ./recipe.module Converts an ingredient's quantity from fractions to decimal 2
recipe_insert ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_insert().
recipe_install ./recipe.install
recipe_link ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_link().
recipe_load ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_load().
recipe_load_ingredients ./recipe.module Loads the ingredients for a recipe 2
recipe_menu ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_menu().
recipe_node_info ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_node_info(). This function replaces hook_node_name() and hook_node_types() from 4.6.
recipe_node_prepare ./recipe.module Custom version of node_prepare(). 2
recipe_page ./recipe.module Menu Callback - created output for the main recipe page. 1
recipe_parse_ingredient_string ./recipe.module Converts an ingredients name string to an ingredient object 1
recipe_perm ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_perm().
recipe_populate_units ./recipe.install 1
recipe_save_ingredients ./recipe.module Saves the changed ingredients of a recipe node to the database (by comparing the old and new ingredients first) 2
recipe_select_nodes ./recipe.module Finds all nodes that match selected taxonomy conditions. This is just a copy of taxonomy_select_nodes() but includes node title field in the selection. Is this useful or try to find a taxonomy function to achieve this? 1
recipe_tax_get_terms ./recipe.module Get all the terms in a given vocabulary. 1
recipe_uninstall ./recipe.install
recipe_unit_abbreviation ./recipe.module Converts a recipe unit ID to it's abbreviation 1
recipe_unit_from_name ./recipe.module Returns information about a unit based on a unit abbreviation or name 1
recipe_unit_name ./recipe.module Converts a recipe unit ID to it's name 1
recipe_unit_options ./recipe.module Returns a cached array of recipe unit types 1
recipe_update ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_update().
recipe_update_1 ./recipe.install
recipe_update_2 ./recipe.install Adds a field to link ingredient to corresponding node.
recipe_validate ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_validate().
recipe_view ./recipe.module Implementation of hook_view().
theme_node_recipe ./recipe.module A custom theme function.


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