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function recipe_category_index_page in Recipe 6

@file - This is an include file containing most all of the recipe category index page functionality.

1 string reference to 'recipe_category_index_page'
recipe_menu in ./recipe.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


./, line 8 - This is an include file containing most all of the recipe category index page functionality.


function recipe_category_index_page() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'recipe') . '/recipe_category_index.css', 'module');

  // You are viewing a term
  $tree = array(
    'current_term' => FALSE,
    'term_tree' => array(),
    'node_list' => FALSE,
    'recent_list' => FALSE,
  $term = NULL;
  if ($tid = intval(arg(2))) {
    $term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
    $vocabs = taxonomy_get_vocabularies('recipe');
    if (isset($vocabs[$term->vid])) {
      $tree['current_term'] = $term;
      $tree['term_tree'][] = taxonomy_get_tree($term->vid, $tid, -1, variable_get('recipe_index_depth', 4));
  else {
    if ($vocabs = taxonomy_get_vocabularies('recipe')) {
      foreach ($vocabs as $vocab) {
        $tree['term_tree'][] = taxonomy_get_tree($vocab->vid, 0, -1, variable_get('recipe_index_depth', 4));

  // You are on the top level, don't display every recipe.
  if ($term == NULL) {

    // Nothing right now.
  else {
    if (variable_get('recipe_index_catalog_show_child_category_links', 1) == 0) {
      $tree['node_list'] = recipe_get_nodes_for_terms(array(
    else {
      $term_list = array(
      foreach ($tree['term_tree'] as $vocab) {
        foreach ($vocab as $t) {
          $term_list[] = $t->tid;
      $tree['node_list'] = recipe_get_nodes_for_terms($term_list);
  return theme('recipe_category_index_page', $tree);