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  1. 7 includes/parser/

Helping functions for the parser.

Functions related to parsing the abstract array structure

TODO: Make a distinction between the cases where there are warnings only, errors or no messages at all


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 * @file
 * Helping functions for the parser.
 * Functions related to parsing the abstract array structure
 * TODO: Make a distinction between the cases where there are warnings only, errors or no messages at all

 * Scans a pattern and returns a brief summary of its properties.
 * @param array $pattern 
 * 	 Pattern array obtained by parsing pattern file.
 * @param bool $include (optional) 
 * 	 If TRUE, actions can be found outside of sections. Default FALSE.
 * @param integer $level (optional) 
 * 	 The level of of the analysis. Defaults PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL
 * @return array $result Summary of the pattern.
 * @TODO Expand this function to include much more detailed validation.
 * @TODO Rewrite in an object oriented fashion
 * @see _patterns_scan_action()
 * @see _patterns_scan_analyze_patternscan()
function patterns_scan_pattern($pattern, $include = FALSE, $level = PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL) {
  $generic_error = t('pattern not loaded correctly');
  $result = array(
    'info' => 0,
    'modules' => 0,
    'empties' => array(),
    'invalid_actions' => array(),
    'extra_actions' => array(),
    'missing_tag' => array(),
    'other_sections' => array(),
    'contain_includes' => FALSE,
    'include_scans' => array(),
    'generic_errors' => array(),
    'unknown_tag' => array(),
    'tag_syntactic_errors' => array(),
    'tag_syntactic_warnings' => array(),
    'tag_semantic_warnings' => array(),
  if (empty($pattern)) {
    $result['empties'][] = $generic_error;
    return $result;

  // Patterns is valid if contains:
  //  - exactly 1 topmost section 'info'
  //  - at most 1 topmost section 'modules'
  //  - at least 1 more other sections
  // All the sections must be a non-empty array.
  // If a section is called 'include;
  // it means that we are including a new pattern
  // and we apply patterns_scan_pattern recursively.
  foreach ($pattern as $section_name => $section) {

    // INFO
    if ($section_name === 'info') {

    // MODULES
    if ($section_name === 'modules') {

    // SECTIONS or ACTIONS (if it is an include)
    if (!_patterns_scan_is_section($section)) {
      if (!$include) {
        $result['generic_errors'][] = $section_name;
      $result = _patterns_scan_action($section, $result);

    // SECTIONS: invalid
    // included patterns can be just the name or the id
    // of the pattern
    if (!is_array($section) && !$include) {

      // If the YAML is not loaded correctly you get 0.
      $result['empties'][] = $section_name === 0 ? $generic_error : $section_name;

    // SECTIONS: valid

    //$resultactions = array();

    //$newactions = array();

    // Collect info specific to each section
    $section_info = array();
    $section_info[PATTERNS_CREATE] = 0;
    $section_info[PATTERNS_MODIFY] = 0;
    $section_info[PATTERNS_DELETE] = 0;
    $section_info[PATTERNS_INCLUDE] = 0;
    foreach ($section as $key => &$action) {
      $action_name = key($action);
      if (isset($section_info[$action_name])) {

        // Incremente the count of valid actions
        $section_info[$action_name] = $section_info[$action_name] + 1;

      //Validation rules provides by the component are checked in this function
      $result = _patterns_scan_action($action, $result, $level);
    $section_info_str = '(' . PATTERNS_CREATE . ':' . $section_info[PATTERNS_CREATE] . ', ' . PATTERNS_MODIFY . ':' . $section_info[PATTERNS_MODIFY] . ', ' . PATTERNS_DELETE . ':' . $section_info[PATTERNS_DELETE] . ', ' . PATTERNS_INCLUDE . ':' . $section_info[PATTERNS_INCLUDE] . ')';
    $result['other_sections'][$section_name] = $section_info_str;
  return $result;

 * Analyze the result of a call to patterns_scan_pattern, and check whether
 * the pattern was valid.
 * @param array $analysis 
 * 	 The analysis array obtained from  patterns_scan_pattern.
 * @param bool $include (optional)
 * 	 If TRUE, it means that the pattern to scan is an include, 
 * 	 and a laxer scan is performed. E.g. Info section can be missing, 
 * 	 actions can be outside of a section. Default FALSE.
 * @param integer $level (optional) 
 * 	 The level of of the analysis. Defaults PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL
 * @return TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise
function _patterns_scan_analyze_patternscan($patternscan, $include = FALSE, $level = PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL, $br = '<br/>') {
  $msgs = array();
  if ($patternscan['info'] == 0 && !$include) {
    $msgs[] = t('The info section is missing.');
  if ($patternscan['info'] > 1) {
    $msgs[] = t('Pattern can contain only one \'info\' section.');
  if ($patternscan['modules'] > 1) {
    $msgs[] = t('Pattern can contain only one \'modules\' section.');
  if (count($patternscan['other_sections']) == 0 && !$include) {
    $msgs[] = t('Pattern does not contain any actions.');
  if (count($patternscan['generic_errors']) != 0) {
    $msgs[] = t('Generic errors in the patterns were found. Probably a tag was misplaced. Please verify: !found', array(
      '!found' => implode(', ', $patternscan['generic_errors']),
  if (count($patternscan['invalid_actions']) != 0) {
    $invalidactions = array();
    foreach ($patternscan['invalid_actions'] as $key => $value) {
      $invalidactions[] = $value['key'];
    $msgs[] = t('Only %actions are valid actions. Found: %found.', array(
      '%actions' => implode(', ', patterns_actions()),
      '%found' => implode(', ', $invalidactions),
  if (count($patternscan['extra_actions']) != 0) {
    $extraactions = array();
    foreach ($patternscan['extra_actions'] as $key => $value) {
      $extraactions[] = $value['key'];
    $msgs[] = t('Extra actions have been found on one level: %found.', array(
      '%found' => implode(', ', $extraactions),

  // TODO: This is not yet working properly. Check when it is applicable!
  if (count($patternscan['missing_tag']) != 0) {
    foreach ($patternscan['missing_tag'] as $key => $value) {
      $msgs[] = t('A mandatory \'tag\' was missing for action %action.', array(
        '%action' => $value['key'],
  if (count($patternscan['empties']) > 0) {
    $msgs[] = t('Pattern contains empty sections or actions:') . implode(', ', $patternscan['empties']);


    return $msgs;
  if (count($patternscan['include_scans']) > 0) {
    foreach ($patternscan['include_scans'] as $i) {

      //$msgs[] = print_r($patternscan['includes'], true);
      $msgs = array_merge($msgs, _patterns_scan_analyze_patternscan($i, TRUE));


    return $msgs;
  if (count($patternscan['unknown_tag']) != 0) {
    $utags = implode(', ', $patternscan['unknown_tag']);
    $msgs[] = t('The following unknown tags were found: %utags.', array(
      '%utags' => $utags,

  // This level ensures the pattern will run without execution errors

    return $msgs;
  $tag_errors = NULL;

  //Go through all the semantic warnings performing a code-description conversion
  if (count($patternscan['tag_syntactic_warnings']) > 0) {
    $tag_errors = $patternscan['tag_syntactic_warnings'];
  else {
    if (count($patternscan['tag_syntactic_errors']) > 0) {
      $tag_errors = $patternscan['tag_syntactic_errors'];
  if (isset($tag_errors)) {
    $warnings = '';
    foreach ($tag_errors as $warn_data) {
      $warnings .= '[' . $warn_data['action'] . ':' . $warn_data['tag'] . '] ';
      $warnings .= $warn_data['msg'] . $br;
    $msgs[] = t('Tag syntactic errors/warnings: ') . $br . $warnings;

  // This level ensures the pattern will run without execution errors

    return $msgs;

  //Go through all the semantic warnings performing a code-description conversion
  if (count($patternscan['tag_semantic_warnings']) > 0) {
    $warnings = '';
    foreach ($patternscan['tag_semantic_warnings'] as $warn_data) {
      $warnings .= '[' . $warn_data['action'] . ':' . $warn_data['tag'] . '] ';
      $type = key($warn_data['warning']);
      switch ($type) {
        case -1:
          $warnings .= t('[Already defined element]: ');
        case -2:
          $warnings .= t('[Undefined element]: ');
        case -3:
          $warnings .= t('[Unmet dependency]: ');
        case -4:
          $warnings .= t('[Remaining dependency]: ');
        case -5:
          $warnings .= t('[Not unique alias]: ');
      $warnings .= reset($warn_data['warning']) . $br;
    $msgs[] = t('Tag semantic warnings: ') . $br . $warnings;
  return $msgs;

 * Analyze the result of a call to patterns_scan_pattern, and check whether
 * the pattern was valid.
 * @param array $patternscan 
 * 	 The analysis array obtained from  patterns_scan_pattern.
 * @param bool $include (optional)
 * 	 If TRUE, it means that the pattern to scan is an include, 
 * 	 and a laxer scan is performed. E.g. Info section can be missing, 
 * 	 actions can be outside of a section. Default FALSE.
 * @param integer $level (optional) 
 * 	 The level of of the analysis. Defaults PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL
 * @param $display_errors (optional)
 * 	 If TRUE, errors are displayed with drupal_set_message. Defaults FALSE
 * @return bool TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise.
function _patterns_scan_validate_patternscan($patternscan, $include = FALSE, $level = PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL, $display_errors = FALSE) {
  $analysis = _patterns_scan_analyze_patternscan($patternscan, $include, $level);
  if (empty($analysis)) {
    return TRUE;
  if ($display_errors) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Error(s) and/or warning(s) while processing pattern:') . '<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $analysis) . '</li></ul>', 'error');
  return FALSE;

 * Determines whether an array is actually a section.
 * A section is an array, whose first element is a valid
 * action.
 * @param array $section The array to check
 * @return Boolean TRUE if the array is a section
 * @see _patterns_scan_is_action()
function _patterns_scan_is_section($section = NULL) {
  if (is_null($section)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!is_array($section)) {
    return FALSE;
  $action = array_pop($section);
  return _patterns_scan_is_action($action);

 * Determines whether an array is actually an action.
 * An action is an array, whose key name is a valid
 * action name.
 * @param array $action The array to check
 * @return Boolean TRUE if the array is an action
 * @see _patterns_scan_is_section()
function _patterns_scan_is_action($action = NULL) {
  if (is_null($action)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!is_array($action)) {
    return FALSE;
  return patterns_parser_is_valid_action_name(key($action));

 * Helper function for scanning patterns.
 * Scans an action and add the result of the scan to the $result
 * array.
 * @param array $action The action to scan
 * @param array $result (optional) The array in which inserting
 *   the scan results.
 * @param integer $level (optional) 
 * 	 The level of of the analysis. Defaults PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL
 * @return array $result The results of the scan.
 * @see patterns_scan_pattern()
 * @see _patterns_scan_analyze_patternscan()
function _patterns_scan_action($action, $result = array(), $level = PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL) {
  $key = key($action);
  $action = current($action);
  $valid_actions = patterns_actions();
  if (!array_key_exists($key, $valid_actions)) {
    $result['invalid_actions'][] = array(
      'actionid' => $action,
      'key' => $key,
      'value' => $action,
    return $result;
  if (empty($action)) {
    $result['empties'][] = $key;
    return $result;
  if (!is_array($action)) {
    $result['generic_errors'][] = $key . ': ' . $action;
    return $result;

  // Make sure there is only one valid action in each array element.
  // NOTE: Having additional valid actions will work, but is discouraged,
  // and therefore undocumented.
  $found = FALSE;

  // Report additional valid actions.
  if ($found) {
    $result['extra_actions'][] = array(
      'actionid' => $action,
      'key' => $key,
      'value' => $action,
    return $result;

  // Do action specific checkings

  if ($key === PATTERNS_INCLUDE) {
    $result['contain_includes'] = TRUE;
    if (!isset($action['pattern'])) {
      $result['missing_tag'][] = array(
        'actionid' => $action,
        'key' => $key,
        'value' => $action,
      return $result;

    // only if the pattern is hard-coded, then scan it
    if (is_array($action['pattern'])) {
      $result['include_scans'][] = patterns_scan_pattern($action['pattern'], TRUE, $level);
    return $result;

  // Check if 'tag' is present.
  if (!isset($action['tag']) || !is_string($action['tag'])) {
    $result['missing_tag'][] = array(
      'actionid' => $action,
      'key' => $key,
      'value' => $action,
  else {
      $tag = $action['tag'];

      // We force to rebuild the index and reload the components
      // because this method may be invoked as a service
      $tag_modules = patterns_tagmodules_get_index($action, true, true);
      if (!isset($tag_modules[$tag])) {
        $result['unknown_tag'][] = $tag;
      else {
        if ($level >= PATTERNS_VALIDATE_TAG_SYNTAX) {
          patterns_invoke('prepare', $key, $action);
          $validation = patterns_invoke('validate', $key, $action);
          if ($validation['status'] == PATTERNS_WARN) {
            $result['tag_syntactic_warnings'][] = array(
              'action' => $key,
              'tag' => $tag,
              'msg' => $validation['msg'],
          else {
            if ($validation['status'] == PATTERNS_ERR) {
              $result['tag_syntactic_errors'][] = array(
                'action' => $key,
                'tag' => $tag,
                'msg' => $validation['msg'],

          //Include semantic warnings if requested
          if ($level >= PATTERNS_VALIDATE_SEMANTIC) {
            if (isset($validation['result'])) {
              foreach ($validation['result'] as $semantic_warning) {
                $result['tag_semantic_warnings'][] = array(
                  'action' => $key,
                  'tag' => $tag,
                  'warning' => $semantic_warning,

  //else {

  //  $newactions[] = array('action' => $key, 'data' => $action);

  $found = TRUE;
  return $result;


Namesort descending Description
patterns_scan_pattern Scans a pattern and returns a brief summary of its properties.
_patterns_scan_action Helper function for scanning patterns.
_patterns_scan_analyze_patternscan Analyze the result of a call to patterns_scan_pattern, and check whether the pattern was valid.
_patterns_scan_is_action Determines whether an array is actually an action.
_patterns_scan_is_section Determines whether an array is actually a section.
_patterns_scan_validate_patternscan Analyze the result of a call to patterns_scan_pattern, and check whether the pattern was valid.