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class panels_renderer_legacy in Panels 6.3

Legacy render pipeline for a panels display.

This render pipeline mirrors the old procedural system exactly, and plugins written for the legacy system will work exactly as they did before with this renderer.

Most plugins will work with the newer renderer. These are the exceptions:

  • Style plugins that implement panel styling no longer need to call panels_render_pane() on all contained panes; rendered pane HTML is now passed in directly.
  • Cache plugins are now triggered on rendered HTML, rather than on unrendered datastructures, when acting at the display level. When acting at the pane level, they still receive the unrendered datastructure.

If your site relies on any of these plugin behaviors, you will need to use this renderer instead of the new panels_renderer_standard() until those plugins are updated.


Expanded class hierarchy of panels_renderer_legacy

1 string reference to 'panels_renderer_legacy' in plugins/display_renderers/


plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_legacy.class.php, line 22

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class panels_renderer_legacy {
  var $meta_location = 'standard';
  var $display;
  var $plugins = array();

   * Include rendered HTML prior to the layout.
   * @var string
  var $prefix = '';

   * Include rendered HTML after the layout.
   * @var string
  var $suffix = '';
  function init($plugin, &$display) {
    $this->plugin = $plugin;
    $this->plugins['layout'] = panels_get_layout($display->layout);
    if (empty($this->plugins['layout'])) {
      watchdog('panels', "Layout: @layout couldn't been found, maybe the theme is disabled.", array(
        '@layout' => $display->layout,
    $this->display =& $display;

   * Add CSS information to the renderer.
   * To facilitate previews over Views, CSS can now be added in a manner
   * that does not necessarily mean just using drupal_add_css. Therefore,
   * during the panel rendering process, this method can be used to add
   * css and make certain that ti gets to the proper location.
   * The arguments should exactly match drupal_add_css().
   * @see drupal_add_css
  function add_css($filename, $type = 'module', $media = 'all', $preprocess = TRUE) {
    $path = file_create_path($filename);
    switch ($this->meta_location) {
      case 'standard':
        if ($path) {

          // Use CTools CSS add because it can handle temporary CSS in private
          // filesystem.
          ctools_css_add_css($filename, $type, $media, $preprocess);
        else {
          drupal_add_css($filename, $type, $media, $preprocess);
      case 'inline':
        if ($path) {
          $url = file_create_url($filename);
        else {
          $url = base_path() . $filename;
        $this->prefix .= '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="' . $media . '" href="' . $url . '" />' . "\n";

   * Builds inner content, then hands off to layout-specified theme function for
   * final render step.
   * This is the outermost method in the Panels render pipeline. It calls the
   * inner methods, which return a content array, which is in turn passed to the
   * theme function specified in the layout plugin.
   * @return string
   *  Themed & rendered HTML output.
  function render() {
    if (!empty($this->plugins['layout']['css'])) {
      if (file_exists(path_to_theme() . '/' . $this->plugins['layout']['css'])) {
        drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/' . $this->plugins['layout']['css']);
      else {
        drupal_add_css($this->plugins['layout']['path'] . '/' . $this->plugins['layout']['css']);

    // This now comes after the CSS is added, because panels-within-panels must
    // have their CSS added in the right order; inner content before outer content.
    if (empty($this->display->cache['method']) || !empty($this->display->skip_cache)) {
      $content = $this
    else {
      $cache = panels_get_cached_content($this->display, $this->display->args, $this->display->context);
      if ($cache === FALSE) {
        $cache = new panels_cache_object();
        panels_set_cached_content($cache, $this->display, $this->display->args, $this->display->context);
      $content = $cache->content;
    $output = theme($this->plugins['layout']['theme'], check_plain($this->display->css_id), $content, $this->display->layout_settings, $this->display, $this->plugins['layout'], $this);
    return $this->prefix . $output . $this->suffix;

   * Render all panes in the attached display into their panel regions, then
   * render those regions.
   * @return array $content
   *    An array of rendered panel regions, keyed on the region name.
  function render_regions() {

    // First, render all the panes into little boxes. We do this here because
    // some panes request to be rendered after other panes (primarily so they
    // can do the leftovers of forms).
    $panes = $first = $normal = $last = array();
    foreach ($this->display->content as $pid => $pane) {
      $pane->shown = !empty($pane->shown);

      // guarantee this field exists.
      // If the user can't see this pane, do not render it.
      if (!$pane->shown || !panels_pane_access($pane, $this->display)) {
      $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);

      // If this pane wants to render last, add it to the $last array. We allow
      // this because some panes need to be rendered after other panes,
      // primarily so they can do things like the leftovers of forms.
      if (!empty($content_type['render last'])) {
        $last[$pid] = $pane;
      else {
        if (!empty($content_type['render first'])) {
          $first[$pid] = $pane;
        else {
          $normal[$pid] = $pane;
    foreach ($first + $normal + $last as $pid => $pane) {
      $panes[$pid] = $this

    // Loop through all panels, put all panes that belong to the current panel
    // in an array, then render the panel. Primarily this ensures that the
    // panes are in the proper order.
    $content = array();
    foreach ($this->display->panels as $panel_name => $pids) {
      $panel_panes = array();
      foreach ($pids as $pid) {
        if (!empty($panes[$pid])) {
          $panel_panes[$pid] = $panes[$pid];
      $content[$panel_name] = $this
        ->render_region($panel_name, $panel_panes);

    // Prevent notices by making sure that all panels at least have an entry:
    $panels = panels_get_regions($this->plugins['layout'], $this->display);
    foreach ($panels as $id => $panel) {
      if (!isset($content[$id])) {
        $content[$id] = NULL;
    return $content;

   * Render the contents of a single pane.
   * This method retrieves pane content and produces a ready-to-render content
   * object. It also manages pane-specific caching.
   * @param stdClass $pane
   *    A Panels pane object, as loaded from the database.
  function render_pane(&$pane) {
    if (!is_array($this->display->context)) {
      $this->display->context = array();
    $content = FALSE;
    $caching = !empty($pane->cache['method']) && empty($this->display->skip_cache);
    if ($caching && ($cache = panels_get_cached_content($this->display, $this->display->args, $this->display->context, $pane))) {
      $content = $cache->content;
    else {
      $content = ctools_content_render($pane->type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, array(), $this->display->args, $this->display->context);
      foreach (module_implements('panels_pane_content_alter') as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_panels_pane_content_alter';
        $function($content, $pane, $this->display->args, $this->display->context);
      if ($caching) {
        $cache = new panels_cache_object();
        panels_set_cached_content($cache, $this->display, $this->display->args, $this->display->context, $pane);
        $content = $cache->content;

    // Pass long the css_id that is usually available.
    if (!empty($pane->css['css_id']) && is_object($content)) {
      $content->css_id = $pane->css['css_id'];

    // Pass long the css_class that is usually available.
    if (!empty($pane->css['css_class']) && is_object($content)) {
      $content->css_class = $pane->css['css_class'];
    return $content;

   * Render a single panel region.
   * Primarily just a passthrough to the panel region rendering callback
   * specified by the style plugin that is attached to the current panel region.
   * @param $region_name
   *   The ID of the panel region being rendered
   * @param $panes
   *   An array of panes that are assigned to the panel that's being rendered.
   * @return
   *   The rendered HTML for the passed-in panel region.
  function render_region($region_name, $panes) {
    list($style, $style_settings) = panels_get_panel_style_and_settings($this->display->panel_settings, $region_name);
    $callback = 'render panel';

    // Retrieve the pid (can be a panel page id, a mini panel id, etc.), this
    // might be used (or even necessary) for some panel display styles.
    $owner_id = 0;
    if (isset($this->display->owner) && is_object($this->display->owner) && isset($this->display->owner->id)) {
      $owner_id = $this->display->owner->id;

    // Check to see if we're actually running a current style plugin even though
    // we're in the legacy renderer
    if (version_compare($style['version'], 2.0, '>=')) {

      // We are, so pre-render the content as the current version expects
      foreach ($panes as $pane_id => $pane) {
        $content = panels_render_pane($pane, $this->display->content[$pane_id], $this->display);
        if ($content) {
          $panes[$pane_id] = $content;
        else {

      // And set the callback to the new key
      $callback = 'render region';
    return theme($style[$callback], $this->display, $owner_id, $panes, $style_settings, $region_name, $style);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
panels_renderer_legacy::$display property
panels_renderer_legacy::$meta_location property
panels_renderer_legacy::$plugins property
panels_renderer_legacy::$prefix property Include rendered HTML prior to the layout.
panels_renderer_legacy::$suffix property Include rendered HTML after the layout.
panels_renderer_legacy::add_css function Add CSS information to the renderer.
panels_renderer_legacy::init function
panels_renderer_legacy::render function Builds inner content, then hands off to layout-specified theme function for final render step.
panels_renderer_legacy::render_pane function Render the contents of a single pane.
panels_renderer_legacy::render_region function Render a single panel region.
panels_renderer_legacy::render_regions function Render all panes in the attached display into their panel regions, then render those regions.