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function panels_renderer_legacy::render_regions in Panels 6.3

Render all panes in the attached display into their panel regions, then render those regions.

Return value

array $content An array of rendered panel regions, keyed on the region name.

1 call to panels_renderer_legacy::render_regions()
panels_renderer_legacy::render in plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_legacy.class.php
Builds inner content, then hands off to layout-specified theme function for final render step.


plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_legacy.class.php, line 138


Legacy render pipeline for a panels display.


function render_regions() {

  // First, render all the panes into little boxes. We do this here because
  // some panes request to be rendered after other panes (primarily so they
  // can do the leftovers of forms).
  $panes = $first = $normal = $last = array();
  foreach ($this->display->content as $pid => $pane) {
    $pane->shown = !empty($pane->shown);

    // guarantee this field exists.
    // If the user can't see this pane, do not render it.
    if (!$pane->shown || !panels_pane_access($pane, $this->display)) {
    $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);

    // If this pane wants to render last, add it to the $last array. We allow
    // this because some panes need to be rendered after other panes,
    // primarily so they can do things like the leftovers of forms.
    if (!empty($content_type['render last'])) {
      $last[$pid] = $pane;
    else {
      if (!empty($content_type['render first'])) {
        $first[$pid] = $pane;
      else {
        $normal[$pid] = $pane;
  foreach ($first + $normal + $last as $pid => $pane) {
    $panes[$pid] = $this

  // Loop through all panels, put all panes that belong to the current panel
  // in an array, then render the panel. Primarily this ensures that the
  // panes are in the proper order.
  $content = array();
  foreach ($this->display->panels as $panel_name => $pids) {
    $panel_panes = array();
    foreach ($pids as $pid) {
      if (!empty($panes[$pid])) {
        $panel_panes[$pid] = $panes[$pid];
    $content[$panel_name] = $this
      ->render_region($panel_name, $panel_panes);

  // Prevent notices by making sure that all panels at least have an entry:
  $panels = panels_get_regions($this->plugins['layout'], $this->display);
  foreach ($panels as $id => $panel) {
    if (!isset($content[$id])) {
      $content[$id] = NULL;
  return $content;