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Functions in Open Atrium Core 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
oa_core_get_cache includes/ Helper function to get a value from static or db cache 5
oa_core_get_cache_id includes/ Helper function to return a caching ids. 6
oa_core_get_entity_vocabs includes/ Return vocabularies assigned to a specific content type
oa_core_get_groups_by_parent includes/ Get child Spaces or Groups. 2
oa_core_get_groups_by_user includes/ Get the group IDs of all the groups a user is an approved member of. 8
oa_core_get_groups_by_user_access includes/ Get the group IDs and Titles of all the groups a user is an approved member of. 2
oa_core_get_group_from_node includes/ Helper function to return the id of the space/group that contains the nid node 6
oa_core_get_group_privacy includes/ Determine true privacy of a space by checking node grants 1
oa_core_get_group_users_for_space includes/ Return the users that are the intersection of Group and Space membership.
oa_core_get_inherited_users_for_space includes/ Get the users that are in a space, including inherited users.
oa_core_get_last_word includes/ Helper to return last word of a string 1
oa_core_get_membership_nodes includes/ Helper to get membership nids for a group. 2
oa_core_get_nids_title_matching includes/ Get the nids => title matching criteria from a set of nids. 1
oa_core_get_orphans ./oa_core.module Find if any orphans. 1
oa_core_get_parents includes/ Get parent Spaces and Groups. 2
oa_core_get_parents_with_titles includes/ Get parent Spaces and Groups. 1
oa_core_get_public_spaces includes/ Get a list of public spaces. 3
oa_core_get_section_content includes/ Get all the content within a particular Section. 1
oa_core_get_section_context includes/ Returns the current section id context 7
oa_core_get_space_context includes/ Returns the current space id context 21
oa_core_get_space_home_context includes/ Returns the current space id context Returns zero if on the site home page
oa_core_get_space_type_layout_options ./oa_core.module Build a list of section layouts based on oa_section panelizer displays. 1
oa_core_get_space_type_options ./oa_core.module Gets all the options for space_type or section_type. 1
oa_core_get_summary includes/ Helper function to return the summary of a node or the trimmed body text
oa_core_get_taxonomy_term_access includes/ Helper function to determine access to create nodes of certain taxonomy terms 1
oa_core_get_titles includes/ Helper function to retrieve an array of node titles and links given a list of node ids 4
oa_core_get_top_parents includes/ Get top-level spaces/groups (no parents of same bundle type) 1
oa_core_get_users_for_space includes/ Get the users that are in a space (excluding inherited users). 3
oa_core_get_user_picture_for_views_fields ./oa_core.module Helper function to find the correct image style depending on the field. 1
oa_core_get_user_spaces Deprecated includes/ Return a list of space ids that a user belongs to.
oa_core_get_vocab_terms includes/ Return terms for a list of vocabularies
oa_core_image_default_styles ./ Implements hook_image_default_styles().
oa_core_init ./oa_core.module Implements hook_init();
oa_core_install ./oa_core.install Implements hook_install().
oa_core_install_load_profile ./ Task handler to load our install profile and enhance the dependency information
oa_core_libraries_info_alter ./oa_core.module Implements hook_libraries_info_alter().
oa_core_list_content_types includes/ Returns a list of group-content types throughout the system. List leaves out content types excluded by other modules/apps. 5
oa_core_login_get_destination includes/ Process all destination rules and return destination path. This function is intended to be used by external modules. 1
oa_core_login_perform_redirect includes/ Evaluate rules and perform redirect. This function is intended to be used by external modules. 3
oa_core_login_prepare_goto includes/ Pass destination to drupal_goto. 1
oa_core_login_submit includes/ Helper submit function. 1
oa_core_members_widget_add_group_form plugins/content_types/ Render the form for Add Group 1
oa_core_members_widget_add_group_form_submit plugins/content_types/ Submit handler for adding group
oa_core_members_widget_edit_form plugins/content_types/ Edit form for the widget. 1
oa_core_members_widget_edit_form_submit plugins/content_types/
oa_core_members_widget_render plugins/content_types/ Main render function for oa_core_members_widget. 1
oa_core_member_of_team includes/ Determine if a user is a member of a team 1 1
oa_core_menu ./oa_core.module Implements hook_menu().
oa_core_menu_alter ./oa_core.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
oa_core_node_access includes/ Implements hook_node_access().


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