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function oa_core_get_groups_by_parent in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Get child Spaces or Groups.


int $nid: The NID of the Space or Group to check, or an array of nids

string|NULL $bundle: (optional) The node type (default: OA_SPACE_TYPE). If NULL is passed, it will include all node types.

int|NULL $status: (optional) If specified, the node status (ex. NODE_PUBLISHED or NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED) to look for. If not specified, it return nodes of either status.

bool $include_archived: (optional) Whether to include archived nodes or not. By default, archived items aren't included.

int|NULL $account: (optional) user to control node acess. If Null, use current user

bool $subspaces: (optional) determine if subspaces are also fetched, or if just top level children are fetched

bool $inheritance: (optional) if TRUE, only return subspaces that have inheritance enabled

Return value

array Array of children NIDs.

2 calls to oa_core_get_groups_by_parent()
oa_core_get_groups_by_user in includes/
Get the group IDs of all the groups a user is an approved member of.
oa_core_node_update in includes/
Implements hook_node_update().


includes/, line 433
Code for Utility functions for OpenAtrium spaces


function oa_core_get_groups_by_parent($nids, $bundle = OA_SPACE_TYPE, $status = NULL, $include_archived = FALSE, $account = NULL, $subspaces = FALSE, $inheritance = TRUE) {
  if ($nids == 0) {
    return oa_core_get_top_parents($bundle, $status, $include_archived, $account);
  if (!isset($account)) {
    global $user;
    $uid = $user->uid;
  elseif (is_numeric($account)) {
    $uid = $account;
  else {
    $uid = $account->uid;
  if (is_array($nids)) {
    $hash = md5(serialize($nids));
  else {
    $hash = $nids;
  $cid = oa_core_get_cache_id(OA_CACHE_GROUPS_BY_PARENT, $hash . '_' . $uid, $include_archived, array(
  if (oa_core_get_cache(OA_CACHE_GROUPS_BY_PARENT, $cid, $result)) {
    return $result;
  if (!is_array($nids)) {
    $nids = array(
  $query = db_select('node', 'n');
    ->join('og_membership', 'f', "n.nid = f.etid AND f.entity_type = 'node'");
    ->fields('n', array(

  // to find all subspaces, we query *all* spaces with parents
  // otherwise, if just getting top level children we can filter it here.
  if (!$subspaces) {
      ->condition('f.gid', $nids, 'IN');
  if (isset($bundle)) {
    if (is_array($bundle)) {
        ->condition('n.type', $bundle, 'IN');
    else {
        ->condition('n.type', $bundle);
  if (isset($status)) {
      ->condition('n.status', $status);
  if (module_exists('flag') && !$include_archived) {
    if ($flag = flag_get_flag('trash')) {
        ->leftJoin('flagging', 'a', "a.fid = :fid AND a.entity_id = n.nid", array(
        ':fid' => $flag->fid,

      // This makes sure that archived content isn't included, because 'uid'
      // will be NULL if the join didn't connect anything.
  if ($subspaces) {
      ->fields('f', array(
      ->condition('f.etid', $nids, 'NOT IN');
      ->join('field_data_og_user_inheritance', 'inh', "inh.entity_id = f.gid && f.group_type = 'node'");
      ->fields('inh', array(
    $result = $query

    // to get a list of all subspaces, we can now loop through the list of all parents recursively
    // to build our children list
    $all_parents = array();
    foreach ($result as $parent) {
      if (!$inheritance || $parent->og_user_inheritance_value == 1) {
        $all_parents[$parent->gid][] = $parent->nid;
    $result = _oa_core_get_all_children($all_parents, $nids);
  else {
    $result = $query
  $result = drupal_map_assoc($result);
  oa_core_set_cache(OA_CACHE_GROUPS_BY_PARENT, $cid, $result);
  return $result;