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function oa_core_members_widget_render in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Main render function for oa_core_members_widget.

1 string reference to 'oa_core_members_widget_render' in plugins/content_types/


plugins/content_types/, line 30


function oa_core_members_widget_render($subtype, $conf, $args, $context = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (!isset($context->data->nid) || !(($space_nid = oa_core_get_group_from_node($context->data)) && ($space = node_load($space_nid))) || !node_access('view', $space)) {
  $is_admin = og_user_access('node', $space->nid, 'manage members');
  $block = new stdClass();
  $block->title = t('Members');
  $local_teams = array();
  $inherited_teams = array();
  if (empty($conf['hide_teams']) && module_exists('oa_teams')) {
    $local_teams_nids = array_keys(oa_teams_get_teams_for_space($space->nid, FALSE));
    $inherited_teams_nids = array_diff(array_keys(oa_teams_get_teams_for_space($space->nid, TRUE)), $local_teams_nids);
    $local_teams = node_load_multiple($local_teams_nids);
    $inherited_teams = node_load_multiple($inherited_teams_nids);
  $pending = array();
  if ($is_admin && empty($conf['hide_members']) && empty($conf['hide_owner'])) {
    $pending = oa_core_get_users_for_space($space->nid, OG_STATE_PENDING);
  $blocked = array();
  if ($is_admin && empty($conf['hide_members']) && empty($conf['hide_owner'])) {
    $blocked = oa_core_get_users_for_space($space->nid, OG_STATE_BLOCKED);
  $members = empty($conf['hide_owner']) || empty($conf['hide_members']) ? oa_core_get_users_for_space($space->nid, OG_STATE_ACTIVE, TRUE) : array();
  uasort($members, 'oa_core_sort_users_by_name');
  $owners = array();
  if (empty($conf['hide_owner'])) {
    foreach ($members as $member) {
      $roles = og_get_user_roles('node', $space->nid, $member->uid);
      if (in_array(OG_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, $roles) || $member->uid == $space->uid) {
        $owners[$member->uid] = $member;
  if (!empty($conf['hide_members'])) {
    $members = array();
  $parents = array();
  $parent_spaces = array();
  $parent_groups = array();
  $parent_no_inherit = array();
  if (module_exists('oa_subspaces') && empty($conf['hide_inherited']) && $is_admin && ($parent_field = field_get_items('node', $space, OA_PARENT_SPACE))) {
    foreach ($parent_field as $parent) {
      if (!empty($parent['target_id'])) {
        $parents[$parent['target_id']] = $parent['target_id'];
    $parents = node_load_multiple(array_keys($parents));
    foreach ($parents as $node) {
      $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);

      // If inheritance disabled on parent, separate this node from the rest.
      if (!empty($wrapper->{OG_USER_INHERITANCE_FIELD}) && !$wrapper->{OG_USER_INHERITANCE_FIELD}
        ->value()) {
        $parent_no_inherit[] = $node;
      elseif ($node->type == OA_SPACE_TYPE) {
        $parent_spaces[] = $node;
      else {
        $parent_groups[] = $node;
  $vars = array();
  $show_number = isset($conf['show_number']) ? $conf['show_number'] : 10;
  if ($show_number > 0) {
    $vars['see_all_link'] = l(t('See all members'), 'node/' . $space->nid . '/members');
    $members = array_slice($members, 0, $show_number - 1);
  else {
    $vars['see_all_link'] = '';
  $vars['show_as_tabs'] = isset($conf['show_as_tabs']) ? $conf['show_as_tabs'] : FALSE;

  // set the order the tabs/categories show on page
  $vars['categories'] = $vars['show_as_tabs'] ? array(
  ) : array(
  $space_type = node_type_get_name($space->type);
  $tabs = array();
  if (!empty($members)) {
    $tabs['members'] = array(
      'caption' => t('Members'),
      'title' => '',
      'items' => array(
      'links' => array(
  if (!empty($pending)) {
    $tabs['pending'] = array(
      'caption' => t('Pending') . ' <span class="oa_pending_count">' . count($pending) . '</span>',
      'title' => t('Pending members'),
      'items' => array(
      'links' => array(
  if (!empty($blocked)) {
    $tabs['blocked'] = array(
      'caption' => t('Blocked'),
      'title' => t('Blocked users'),
      'items' => array(
      'links' => array(
  if (!empty($owners)) {
    $tabs['owners'] = array(
      'caption' => t('Administrators'),
      'title' => t('@type administrators', array(
        '@type' => $space_type,
      'items' => array(
      'links' => array(
  if (module_exists('oa_subspaces') && (!isset($conf['hide_inherited']) || !$conf['hide_inherited'])) {
    $tabs['parents'] = array(
      'caption' => t('Inherited'),
      'title' => t('Inheriting members from:'),
      'items' => array(
        t('Spaces') => $parent_spaces,
        t('Groups') => $parent_groups,
        t('Inheritance disabled') => $parent_no_inherit,
      'links' => array(),
      'subpage' => array(
        t('Spaces') => '/members',
    if (user_access('create ' . OA_GROUP_TYPE . ' content', $user)) {
      $tabs['parents']['global_links'][] = array(
        'title' => t('Create New Group'),
        'url' => url('node/add/' . str_replace('_', '-', OA_GROUP_TYPE)),
    if (og_user_access('node', $space->nid, 'administer group')) {
      $tabs['parents']['form'] = drupal_get_form('oa_core_members_widget_add_group_form', $space);
  if (module_exists('oa_teams') && $space->type == OA_SPACE_TYPE) {
    $tabs['teams'] = array(
      'caption' => t('Teams'),
      'title' => t('Teams'),
      'items' => array(
      'links' => array(),
    if (count($inherited_teams) > 0) {
      $tabs['teams']['items'] = array(
        t('Local teams') => $tabs['teams']['items'][0],
        t('Inherited teams') => $inherited_teams,
    if (og_user_access('node', $space->nid, 'create ' . OA_TEAM_TYPE . ' content')) {
      $tabs['teams']['global_links'][] = array(
        'title' => t('Create New Team'),
        'url' => url('node/add/' . str_replace('_', '-', OA_TEAM_TYPE)),
  $ajax = variable_get('oa_use_ajax', FALSE) ? '/nojs' : '';
  foreach ($tabs as $category => $tab) {
    $tabs[$category]['items'] = array();
    if (!empty($tab['items'])) {
      foreach ($tab['items'] as $key => $items) {
        $subpage = !empty($tabs[$category]['subpage'][$key]) ? $tabs[$category]['subpage'][$key] : '';
        foreach ($items as $id => $entity) {
          $tabs[$category]['items'][$key][$id] = oa_core_entity_build_display($entity, $id, $space, $subpage);
          if ($entity->uid == $space->uid) {

            // don't show links for main space owner
            $tabs[$category]['items'][$key][$id]['uid'] = 0;
          if (!$ajax) {
    elseif (empty($tab['global_links'])) {

  // don't show extra title if only one type of user being shown in a block
  if (count($tabs) == 1) {
  $links = array(
    'dashboard' => array(
      'title' => t('Dashboard'),
      'url' => 'user/%uid',
      'noajax' => TRUE,
    'remove' => array(
      'title' => t('Remove from @label', array(
        '@label' => $space_type,
      'url' => $is_admin ? 'group/node/' . $space->nid . '/remove/single/%uid' . $ajax : '',
    'add' => array(
      'title' => t('Approve/Add to @label', array(
        '@label' => $space_type,
      'url' => $is_admin ? 'group/node/' . $space->nid . '/add-member/%uid/' . OA_SPACE_FIELD . $ajax : '',
    'block' => array(
      'title' => t('Block user'),
      'url' => $is_admin ? 'group/node/' . $space->nid . '/block/%uid' . $ajax : '',
    'add-admin' => array(
      'title' => t('Add as Admin'),
      'url' => $is_admin ? 'group/node/' . $space->nid . '/add-admin/%uid' . $ajax : '',
    'remove-admin' => array(
      'title' => t('Remove as Admin'),
      'url' => $is_admin ? 'group/node/' . $space->nid . '/remove-admin/%uid' . $ajax : '',
    'remove-child' => array(
      'title' => t('Remove from @label and any children spaces', array(
        '@label' => $space_type,
      'url' => og_user_access('node', $space->nid, 'administer group') && module_exists('oa_subspaces') && og_subgroups_children_load('node', $space->nid, FALSE) ? 'group/node/' . $space->nid . '/remove/all/%uid' . $ajax : '',
  $vars['tabs'] = $tabs;
  $vars['links'] = $links;
  $vars['active'] = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'members';
  $block->content = theme('oa_core_members_widget', $vars);
  return $block;