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Functions in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
oa_core_sort_node_by_title plugins/content_types/ Sort function, sorts nodes by title. 1
oa_core_sort_users_by_name includes/ Sort function to sort users by name. 3
oa_core_space_sections includes/ Return a list of sections within a space Uses access control, so only sections with access are returned 4
oa_core_space_template ./oa_core.module Menu callback for Section Templates 1
oa_core_store_orphan_settings ./oa_core.module Since there is no way to directly send anything to node_delete, store info. 2
oa_core_strongarm ./ Implements hook_strongarm().
oa_core_summary_edit_form plugins/content_types/ Edit form for the panel. 1
oa_core_summary_edit_form_submit plugins/content_types/ Submit handler for edit form. Save the custom form fields we added.
oa_core_summary_render plugins/content_types/ Render callback for the content visibility panel. 1
oa_core_taxonomy_default_vocabularies ./ Implements hook_taxonomy_default_vocabularies().
oa_core_taxonomy_vocabulary includes/ Returns the named vocabulary Cannot use core taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load because og_vocab alters the query to only return vocabs associated with the current space see issue 4
oa_core_test_form includes/ Form callback for testing th oa_core system fields. 1
oa_core_theme includes/ Implements hook_theme()
oa_core_tokens ./oa_core.module Implements hook_tokens().
oa_core_token_info ./oa_core.module Implements hook_token_info().
oa_core_trigger_flag includes/ Helper function for flag and unflag hooks. 2
oa_core_trim_text includes/ Trim text to a specified length Similar to views_trim_text or the Smart Trim module but includes consistent options for removing tags needed by OA2 2
oa_core_truncate_list includes/ truncate a list to a given number of items with optional More link
oa_core_update_7001 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_search.
oa_core_update_7002 ./oa_core.install Ensure entity_token is enabled for oa_river.
oa_core_update_7003 ./oa_core.install Enable colorizer.
oa_core_update_7203 ./oa_core.install Enable message_digest and bootstrap_tour.
oa_core_update_7204 ./oa_core.install Enable OA Appearance
oa_core_update_7205 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_tour.
oa_core_update_7206 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_messages_digest.
oa_core_update_7207 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_sandbox
oa_core_update_7208 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_responsive_regions
oa_core_update_7209 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_tour_defaults.
oa_core_update_7210 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_update.
oa_core_update_7211 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_htmlmail.
oa_core_update_7213 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_adminrole.
oa_core_update_7214 ./oa_core.install Enable trash_flag, oa_archive.
oa_core_update_7215 ./oa_core.install Enable clone, oa_clone.
oa_core_update_7216 ./oa_core.install Enable advagg.
oa_core_update_7217 ./oa_core.install Enable conditional_styles.
oa_core_update_7218 ./oa_core.install Create wide breakpoint for navbar if one does not exist.
oa_core_update_7219 ./oa_core.install Call media update 7226 missed because of past media patches
oa_core_update_7220 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_toolbar, radix_layouts, bootstrap_library
oa_core_update_7221 ./oa_core.install Enable ultimate_cron
oa_core_update_7222 ./oa_core.install Rebuild registry to handle modules that have moved
oa_core_update_7223 ./oa_core.install Enable sitemap and wizard apps
oa_core_update_7224 ./oa_core.install Enable paragraphs module
oa_core_update_7225 ./oa_core.install Enable oa_angular module
oa_core_update_7226 ./oa_core.install Enable features_template, references_dialog, oa_files and oa_related, select2widget modules
oa_core_update_7227 ./oa_core.install Fix accidentatly given roles.
oa_core_update_7228 ./oa_core.install Change the oa_unpublished gids from nid to uid.
oa_core_update_7229 ./oa_core.install Mark that node access needs to be rebuilt.
oa_core_update_7231 ./oa_core.install Mark that node access needs to be rebuilt.
oa_core_update_7232 ./oa_core.install Remove orphaned records in og_role table.
oa_core_update_7233 ./oa_core.install Mark that node access needs to be rebuilt.


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