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Functions in Open Atrium Core 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_oa_core_get_all_children includes/ Helper function to return children of a list of parents. 1
_oa_core_get_og_group_ref_mocked_field_instance includes/ Return an instance to be used to mock the field. 2
_oa_core_hide_comment_settings ./oa_core.module Alters a node edit form to hide comment settings. 4
_oa_core_is_default_allowed_extensions ./oa_core.module Helper function to determine if the $extensions match the defaults 3
_oa_core_node_delete includes/ Implements hook_node_delete(). 1
_oa_core_oa_section_ref_process_find_element includes/ Find the element based on tree parents. 2
_oa_core_panelizer_sort ./oa_core.module Helper function to put panes in correct order using the position property For Panelizer objects 2
_oa_core_panels_sort ./oa_core.module Helper function to put panes in correct order using the position property For Page Manager/Panels objects 1
_oa_core_remove_orphaned_og_roles ./oa_core.install Helper function to remove groups that are using default permissions but still have entries in og_role table 2
_oa_core_select2widget_all_label ./oa_core.module Return translated Any option. 4
_oa_core_select2widget_current_label ./oa_core.module Return translated Active option. 3
_oa_core_select2widget_process_entity_labels includes/ Turn the current values to labels for select2 init/default value. 3
_oa_core_setup_node_space_type ./oa_core.module Alters a node edit form to setup the space_type/section_type functionality. 2
_oa_core_setup_taxonomy_space_type ./oa_core.module Alters a taxonomy edit form to setup the 'Space Blueprint' functionality. 2
_oa_core_set_default_value_for_view ./oa_core.module See which views to setthe default value for exposed filters. 1
_oa_core_update_access_records_batch includes/ Batch for updating node access records. 1
_oa_core_update_access_records_batch_finished includes/ Called when the batch is finished. 1
_oa_core_update_access_records_batch_prepare includes/ Set up the batch process to update node records. 1
_oa_sections_batch_change_space_operation modules/oa_sections/oa_sections.module Batch operation that changes a node's Space. 1 1
_oa_sections_get_current_selected_space modules/oa_sections/oa_sections.module Get the currently selected group. 2
_oa_sections_is_parent modules/oa_sections/oa_sections.module Helpder function to determine if an item or it's children have a mlid. 1
_oa_update_get_tag modules/oa_update/oa_update.module For a module in -dev, get the latest tag if on -dev branch. 1
_oa_variable_realm modules/oa_variables/oa_variables.module Helper function to return variable realm data 2


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