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Functions in Open Atrium Core 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
oa_core_node_access_records includes/ Implements hook_node_access_records().
oa_core_node_delete ./oa_core.module Implements hook_node_delete().
oa_core_node_delete_redirect ./oa_core.module Helper to redirect to proper landing page after content deletion 1
oa_core_node_grants includes/ Implements hook_node_grants(). Define node access grant realm for Open Atrium sections 3
oa_core_node_info ./ Implements hook_node_info().
oa_core_node_insert includes/ Implements hook_node_insert().
oa_core_node_prepare ./oa_core.module Implements hook_node_prepare().
oa_core_node_token_edit_form plugins/content_types/ Edit form for the panel. 1
oa_core_node_token_edit_form_submit plugins/content_types/ Submit handler for edit form. Save the custom form fields we added.
oa_core_node_token_render plugins/content_types/ Render callback for the node token pane. 1
oa_core_node_update includes/ Implements hook_node_update().
oa_core_oa_clear_cache includes/ Implements hook_oa_clear_cache().
oa_core_oa_core_og_content_needs_rebuild includes/ Implements hook_oa_core_og_content_needs_rebuild().
oa_core_oa_core_space_type_options ./oa_core.module Implements hook_oa_core_space_type_options().
oa_core_oa_related_allowed_default ./oa_core.module Implements hook_oa_related_allowed_default().
oa_core_oa_section_ref_process includes/ Process function of the oa_section_ref field. 1
oa_core_oa_section_ref_replace includes/ Ajax callback to return the section field. 1
oa_core_og_context_negotiation_info includes/ Implements hook_og_context_negotiation_info().
oa_core_og_fields_info ./oa_core.module Implements hook_og_fields_info().
oa_core_og_fields_info_alter ./oa_core.module Implements hook_og_fields_info().
oa_core_og_group_ref_process includes/ Process function of the og_group_ref field. 1
oa_core_og_membership_delete includes/ Implements hook_og_membership_delete().
oa_core_og_membership_insert includes/ Implements hook_og_membership_insert().
oa_core_og_membership_update includes/ Implements hook_og_membership_update().
oa_core_og_perm_ctools_access_check plugins/access/ Check for access. 1
oa_core_og_perm_ctools_access_settings plugins/access/ Settings form for the 'by perm' access plugin 1
oa_core_og_perm_ctools_access_summary plugins/access/ Provide a summary description based upon the checked permissions. 1
oa_core_og_subgroups_is_parent_private_alter includes/ Implements hook_og_subgroups_is_parent_private_alter(). Handle special Atrium case where a private Group Parent does not make a public space private. Only having a private SPACE Parent makes a public space private.
oa_core_panelizer_defaults_override_alter ./oa_core.module Implements hook_panelizer_defaults_override_alter().
oa_core_panelizer_pre_render_alter ./oa_core.module Implements hook_panelizer_pre_render_alter().
oa_core_preprocess_html ./oa_core.module Implements hook_preprocess_html().
oa_core_preprocess_views_exposed_form ./oa_core.module Implements hook_preprocess_views_exposed_form().
oa_core_preprocess_views_view_fields ./oa_core.module Implements hook_preprocess_views_view_fields(). 2
oa_core_process_exposed_group_input ./oa_core.module Helper function for Views handlers to process the exposed input 2
oa_core_query_media_browser_alter includes/ Implements hook_query_media_browser_alter(). Add private file access support to media browser
oa_core_realname includes/ Return the name of a user 4
oa_core_refresh_oa_section_ref_target_id ./oa_core.module Replaces any changed elements on the form on ajax. 1
oa_core_refresh_section_values ./oa_core.module Update the section values in a way that skips cache, etc. 1
oa_core_remove_admin ./oa_core.module Menu callback to remove user as admin 1
oa_core_remove_member ./oa_core.module Menu callback to remove user from group 1
oa_core_replace_group ./oa_core.module Replace "group" term in OG with "space" 1
oa_core_replace_tags includes/ Helper function to replace HTML tags in $str. 1
oa_core_revert_template includes/ This is called when all modules, using oa_core_features_template_revert(), have registered for a template revert. 1
oa_core_section_access includes/ Determine access to a Open Atrium Section do NOT use node_load here as it gets called from hook_node_grants() TODO: No longer called from node_grants, but called from tests. Is this still needed? 1
oa_core_section_is_public includes/ Returns TRUE if the section $node has open access to public 5
oa_core_section_template ./oa_core.module Menu callback for Section Templates 1
oa_core_select2widget_ajax_callback ./oa_core.module Copy of select2widget_ajax_callback to add in All/current space. 1
oa_core_select2widget_entity_validate_field includes/ Validate the entities as real, including custom all/current. 1 2
oa_core_set_cache includes/ Helper function to set a value to the static and db cache 5
oa_core_show_groups ./oa_core.module Menu callback for Groups 1


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