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Functions in Module Builder 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_input drush/ Ask the user for input. DOESN'T WORK.
hook_module_builder_info hooks/module_builder.php Provide information about hook definition files to Module builder. This hook should go in a file in your module folder. Is it only loaded by Module builder when the user goes to download new hook data.
module_builder_admin_settings includes/ Admin settings page. 1
module_builder_admin_update includes/ Admin hook update form. 1
module_builder_admin_update_submit includes/ Admin hook update form submit handler.
module_builder_build_data drush/ Helper function to build the array of module_data. 1
module_builder_callback_build drush/ Module builder drush command callback. 1
module_builder_callback_debug drush/ Just for testing stuff on the commandline while developing the module. 1
module_builder_callback_doc_hooks drush/ Callback to add doc headers to existing hooks. 1
module_builder_callback_doc_params drush/ WORK IN PROGRESS Add function headers wherever needed with params. 1
module_builder_callback_hook_download drush/ Callback for downloading hook data. 1
module_builder_callback_hook_list drush/ Callback to list known hooks. 1
module_builder_callback_info drush/ Handles the callback for info code generation. 1
module_builder_callback_module drush/ Handles the callback for module code generation. 1
module_builder_code_header includes/ 1
module_builder_code_hook_doxy includes/ Get the doxygen header for a given hook. This does not return with an initial newline so the doc block may be inserted into existing code. 1
module_builder_create_directory includes/ Run through Drupal's directory creation and checking stuff, adding a version subfolder for common directories. 1
module_builder_create_directory includes/ Run through Drupal's directory creation and checking stuff, adding a version subfolder for common directories. 1
module_builder_drush_command drush/ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
module_builder_drush_help drush/ Implementation of hook_drush_help().
module_builder_drush_output_code drush/ Output generated text, to terminal or to file. 2
module_builder_generate_info includes/ Generate module info file code. 3
module_builder_generate_info includes/ Generate module info file code. 3
module_builder_generate_info includes/ Generate module info file code. 3
module_builder_generate_module includes/ Generate module code. 3
module_builder_get_doc_files includes/ Retrieve list of documentation files containing hook definitions. 1
module_builder_get_hook_data includes/ Retrieve hook data from storage file. 6
module_builder_get_hook_data_flat includes/ Helper for API functions that don't care about file grouping. 1
module_builder_get_hook_data_last_updated includes/ Get the timestamp of the processed file. 2
module_builder_get_hook_declarations includes/ Get stored hook declarations, keyed by hook name, with destination. 1
module_builder_get_hook_declarations_plain includes/ Get just hook declarations, keyed by hook name.
module_builder_get_hook_names includes/ Get just hook names. 2
module_builder_get_path includes/ Get a path to a resource that is safe to use either on Drupal or Drush. 2
module_builder_get_templates includes/ Helper function for module_builder_generate_module 1
module_builder_include includes/ Include a version-specific file whether we're on drush or drupal. That is, we first try to include a file called where X is a Drupal major version number before falling back to 13
module_builder_init ./module_builder.module Implementation of hook_init().
module_builder_menu ./module_builder.module Implementation of hook_menu().
module_builder_module_builder_info ./ Implementation of hook_module_builder_info(). 1
module_builder_page includes/ 1
module_builder_page_generate includes/ page 2: generate code 1
module_builder_page_input includes/ 1
module_builder_page_input_submit includes/ submit page 1 1
module_builder_parse_template includes/ Parse a module_builder template file. 3
module_builder_permission ./module_builder.module Implementation of hook_permission().
module_builder_process_hook_data includes/ Builds complete hook data array from downloaded files and stores in a file. 1
module_builder_requested_filenames drush/ Figure out which of $real filenames are being requested in the list of $abbrev'iated ones. 1
module_builder_system_listing includes/ A version-independent wrapper for drupal_system_listing(). 1
module_builder_system_listing includes/ A version-independent wrapper for drupal_system_listing(). 1
module_builder_theme ./module_builder.module Implementation of hook_theme.
module_builder_update_data includes/ Update hook files and process them to our data file. 2


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