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  1. 6.2 drush/

Module builder drush commands.


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 * @file
 *   Module builder drush commands.

 * Initialization.
 * @todo: is there a hook to move this to?

// Include common code.
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/';

// Set our environment.
define('MODULE_BUILDER_ENV', 'drush');

 * Implementation of hook_drush_command().
 * In this hook, you specify which commands your
 * drush module makes available, what it does and 
 * description.
 * Notice how this structure closely resembles how 
 * you define menu hooks.
 * @See drush_parse_command() for a list of recognized keys.
 * @return
 *   An associative array describing your command(s).
function module_builder_drush_command() {
  $items = array();

  // the key in the $items array is the name of the command.
  $items['mb-build'] = array(
    'callback' => 'module_builder_callback_build',
    'description' => "Generate the code for a new Drupal module, including file headers and hook implementations.",
    'arguments' => array(
      'module name' => 'The machine name of the module.',
      'hooks' => 'Short names of hooks, separated by spaces.',
    'aliases' => array(
    'options' => array(
      '--data' => "Location to read hook data. May be absolute, or relative to Drupal files dir. Defaults to 'files/hooks'.",
      '--build' => "Which file type to generate: 'all', 'code', 'info', 'FILE'. " . "'all' generates everything: info and any code files needed by the requested hooks. " . "'code' generates code files as needed. " . "'info' makes just the info file. " . "'module', 'install' make just the foo.module or foo.install files. " . "'If custom modules define other files to output, you can request those too, omitting the module root name part and any .inc extension, eg 'module_builder' for ' " . "Default is 'all' if writing new files, 'code' if appending to file or outputting only to terminal.",
      '--write' => 'Write files to sites/all/modules. Will prompt to overwrite existing files; use --yes to force. Use --quiet to suppress output to the terminal.',
      '--go' => 'Write all module files and enable the new module. Take two commands into the shower? Not me.',
      '--add' => "Append hooks to module file. Implies '--write --build=code'. Warning: will not check hooks already exist.",
      '--name' => 'Readable name of the module.',
      '--desc' => 'Description (for the admin module list).',
      '--help' => 'Module help text (for the system help).',
      '--dep' => 'Dependencies, separated by spaces, eg "forum views".',
      '--package' => 'Module package.',
      '--parent' => "Name of a module folder to place this new module into; use if this module is to be added to an existing package. Use '.' for the current working directory.",
    'examples' => array(
      'drush mb my_module menu cron nodeapi' => 'Generate module code with hook_menu, hook_cron, hook_nodeapi.',
      'drush mb my_module --build=info --name="My module" --dep="forum views"' => 'Generate module info with readable name and dependencies.',
      'drush mb my_module menu cron --write --name="My module" --dep="forum views"' => 'Generate both module files, write files and also output to terminal.',
      'drush mb my_module menu cron --write ' => 'Generate module code, write files and also output to terminal.',
      'drush mb my_module menu cron --write --quiet --name="My module" --dep="forum views"' => 'Generate both module files, write files and output nothing to terminal.',
      'drush mb my_module menu cron --add' => 'Generate code for hook_cron and add it to the existing my_module.module file.',
      'drush mb my_module menu cron --write --parent=cck' => 'Generate both module files, write files to a folder my_module inside the cck folder.',
      'drush mb my_module menu cron --write --parent=.' => 'Generate both module files, write files to a folder my_module in the current working directory.',
  $items['mb-download'] = array(
    'callback' => 'module_builder_callback_hook_download',
    'description' => "Update module_builder hook data.",
    'options' => array(
      '--data' => "Location to save downloaded files. May be absolute, or relative to Drupal files dir. Defaults to 'files/hooks'.",
    'aliases' => array(
  $items['mb-list'] = array(
    'callback' => 'module_builder_callback_hook_list',
    'description' => "List the hooks module_builder knows about.",
  $items['mb-dochooks'] = array(
    'callback' => 'module_builder_callback_doc_hooks',
    'description' => "Adds comment headers to hooks that need them in the given module.",
  $items['mb-docparams'] = array(
    'callback' => 'module_builder_callback_doc_params',
    'description' => "Adds params... WIP!",
  $items['mb-debug'] = array(
    'callback' => 'module_builder_callback_debug',
    'description' => "Debug module builder. Does whatever was needed at the time.",
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_drush_help().
 * This function is called whenever a drush user calls
 * 'drush help <name-of-your-command>'
 * @param
 *   A string with the help section (prepend with 'drush:')
 * @return
 *   A string with the help text for your command.
function module_builder_drush_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'drush:mb-build':
      return dt("Generates module code with the specified hooks.");

 * Module builder drush command callback.
 * Form:
 * $drush mb machine_name hookA hookB hookC
 * where 'hookA' is the short name, ie 'menu' not hook_menu'.
function module_builder_callback_build() {
  $commands = func_get_args();

  // Build the module data.
  $module_data = module_builder_build_data($commands);

  // What to build
  $build = drush_get_option('build');

  // write options:
  // - all -- everything we can do
  // - code -- code files, not info (module + install _ ..?)
  // - info -- only info fole
  // - module -- only module file
  // - install -- only install file
  // - ??? whatever hooks need
  // No build: set nice default.
  if (!$build) {

    // If we are adding, 'code' is implied
    if (drush_get_option('add')) {
      $build = 'code';
    elseif (drush_get_option(array(
    ))) {
      $build = 'all';
    else {
      $build = 'code';


  // Make a list
  $build_list = explode(' ', $build);

  // Multi build: set a single string to switch on below.
  if (count($build_list) > 1) {
    $build = 'code';


  // Build files.
  // Include generating component file.

  // Build module code in all cases bar 'info'.
  if ($build != 'info') {

    // Check hook data file exists.
    if (!_module_builder_check_hook_data()) {
      return drush_set_error("DRUSH_NOT_COMPLETED', 'No hook definitions found. You need to download hook definitions before using this module: see the command 'mbdl'.");
    module_builder_callback_module($commands, $module_data, $build_list);

  // Build info code in cases 'info' and 'all'.
  if ($build == 'info' or $build == 'all') {
    module_builder_callback_info($commands, $module_data);

  switch ($build) {
    case 'info':
      // info and stop
      module_builder_callback_info($commands, $module_data);
    case 'all':
      // info and fall through
      module_builder_callback_info($commands, $module_data);
    case 'code':
      // this is just here to look pretty
      // anything else, eg module, install etc
      module_builder_callback_module($commands, $module_data, $build_list);
  if (drush_get_option('go')) {
    ), TRUE);

 * Helper function to build the array of module_data.
function module_builder_build_data($commands) {

  // The first argument is the module machine name.
  $module_data['module_root_name'] = array_shift($commands);

  // Heap of defaults. Later find some nice way of asking for these.

  //$data['module_readable_name'] = ucfirst($data['module_root_name']);

  //$data['module_short_description'] = 'Description';

  // todo: some function in to set defaults?
  $module_data['module_readable_name'] = drush_get_option('name');
  $module_data['module_short_description'] = drush_get_option('desc');
  $module_data['module_help_text'] = drush_get_option('help');
  $module_data['module_dependencies'] = drush_get_option('dep');
  $module_data['module_package'] = drush_get_option('package');
  return $module_data;

 * Handles the callback for module code generation.
 * @param $commands
 *    The drush array of commands.
 * @param $module_data
 *    An array of module data. Passed by reference so file information can
 *    be added by module_builder_generate_module().
 * @param $build_list
 *    An array of requested code files to output
 *    'code' or 'all' means all of them.
function module_builder_callback_module($commands, &$module_data, $build_list) {

  // The first argument is the module machine name.
  foreach ($commands as $hook_name) {
    $module_data['hooks']["hook_{$hook_name}"] = TRUE;



  $input = drush_input('input?...');
  drush_print("You entered: >$input<");

  // Generate all our code.
  $module_code = module_builder_generate_module($module_data, drush_get_option('add'));
  if (is_null($module_code)) {
    return drush_set_error('DRUSH_NOT_COMPLETED', 'No module code has been generated: perhaps you have specified invalid hook names or hooks this module does not know about.');

  if (!in_array($build_list[0], array(
  ))) {

    // We have keys in module_code that are entire filenames, eg 'foo.install'
    // We have array items in build_list that are sort of file endings, eg 'install'
    // Match them up!
    $requested_files = module_builder_requested_filenames($module_data['module_root_name'], array_keys($module_code), $build_list);
  else {

    // Meh we want the lot.
    $requested_files = array_keys($module_code);

  foreach ($requested_files as $filename) {
    $code = $module_code[$filename];
    module_builder_drush_output_code($module_data['module_root_name'], $filename, $code);

 * Figure out which of $real filenames are being requested in the list of $abbrev'iated ones.
 * @return
 *  A flat array of filenames from $real. Those whose abreviations were not found.
 *  in $abbrev are removed.
function module_builder_requested_filenames($module_root_name, $real, $abbrev) {

  foreach ($real as $r) {
    $p = preg_replace(array(
      // module_name. at start
    ), array(
    ), $r);
    $processed[$r] = $p;

    // build an array with the real names as keys
    // and the abbrevs as values



  // Intersecting thorws away values that are not in $abbrev
  // while keeping the real filename keys.
  $result = array_intersect($processed, $abbrev);


  // We only care about the keys anyway
  return array_keys($result);

 * Handles the callback for info code generation.
function module_builder_callback_info($commands, $module_data) {
  $info_code = module_builder_generate_info($module_data);
  module_builder_drush_output_code($module_data['module_root_name'], $module_data['module_root_name'] . '.info', $info_code);

 * Output generated text, to terminal or to file.
function module_builder_drush_output_code($module_root_name, $filename, $code) {

  // Output to terminal
  if (!drush_get_option('quiet')) {
    drush_print("Proposed {$filename}:");
  $write = drush_get_option('write');

  // Write to file
  // Add to file option implies write.
  // Write & go option implies write.
  if (drush_get_option(array(
  ))) {
    $module_dir = pm_dl_destination('module');
    if (drush_get_option('parent')) {
      $parent_dir = drush_get_option('parent');
      if (substr($parent_dir, 0, 1) == '.') {
        $parent_dir = substr($parent_dir, 1);
        $module_dir = drush_get_context('DRUSH_OLDCWD') . '/' . $parent_dir . '/';
      else {
        $module_dir .= $parent_dir;
    $module_dir .= $module_root_name;
    if (!is_dir($module_dir)) {
      @drush_op('mkdir', $module_dir, 0777);

      //drush_print("Module directory $module_dir created");
    $filepath = $module_dir . '/' . $filename;

    // Add to file option
    // if file doesn't exist, we skip this and silently write it anyway
    if (drush_get_option('add') && file_exists($filepath)) {
      $fh = fopen($filepath, 'a');
      fwrite($fh, $code);

    // if file exists, ask for whether to overwrite
    if (file_exists($filepath)) {
      if (!drush_confirm(dt('File ' . $filename . ' exists. Do you really want to overwrite?'))) {
    file_put_contents($filepath, $code);

 * Ask the user for input. DOESN'T WORK.
 * @param $msg The question to ask
 * @return The entered string.
function drush_input($msg, $required = FALSE, $indent = 0) {
  print str_repeat(' ', $indent) . (string) $msg . ": ";
  while ($line = trim(fgets(STDIN))) {
    if (!$required or strlen($line) > 0) {
      return $line;
    print 'we never get here wtf?';
    print str_repeat(' ', $indent) . (string) $msg . ": ";

 * Callback for downloading hook data.
function module_builder_callback_hook_download() {
  $directory = _module_builder_get_hooks_directory();
  $return = module_builder_update_data();
  if (!$return) {
    return drush_set_error('Problem downloading hooks.');
  else {
    drush_print("Hook files have been downloaded to {$directory} and processed.");

 * Callback to list known hooks.
function module_builder_callback_hook_list() {

  // Include generating component file.
  $data = module_builder_get_hook_data();
  $time = module_builder_get_hook_data_last_updated();
  foreach ($data as $file => $hooks) {
    drush_print("Group {$file}:", 2);
    foreach ($hooks as $key => $hook) {
      drush_print($hook['name'] . ': ' . $hook['description'], 4);
  drush_print(t("Hook data retrieved from @dir.", array(
    '@dir' => _module_builder_get_hooks_directory(),
  drush_print(t("Hook data was processed on @time.", array(
    '@time' => $time,


 * Callback to add doc headers to existing hooks.
function module_builder_callback_doc_hooks() {
  $commands = func_get_args();

  // The first argument is the module machine name.
  $module_root_name = array_shift($commands);
  $filepath = drupal_get_path('module', $module_root_name);

  //$old_dir = getcwd();

  $files = scandir($filepath);
  foreach ($files as $filename) {
    $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
    if (in_array($ext, array(
    ))) {
      $module_files[] = $filename;

  // Include component files.
  $hook_names = module_builder_get_hook_names('short');
  $pattern = '[(?<! \\* / \\n )' . "function \\ image_gallery _ ( \\w * )  # function declaration: capture hook name\n     ]mx";
  foreach ($module_files as $filename) {
    $code = file_get_contents($filepath . '/' . $filename);

    //print $code;

    // Get functions that have no docs.
    preg_match_all($pattern, $code, $function_names);

    // Get only those that are actual hooks.
    $bad_hooks = array_intersect($function_names[1], $hook_names);

    // For each hook that has no documentation.
    foreach ($bad_hooks as $hook_name) {
      $doc = module_builder_generate_hook_doxy("hook_{$hook_name}");
      $pattern2 = "[(?= function \\ image_gallery _ {$hook_name} )]x";
      $code = preg_replace($pattern2, $doc, $code);
    if (!drush_get_option('quiet')) {
      print $code;
    print 'Added hook documentation headers for: ' . implode(', ', $bad_hooks) . "\n";
    if (!drush_confirm(dt('Are you sure you want to overwrite ' . $filename . '?'))) {
    file_put_contents($filepath . '/' . $filename, $code);

 * Add function headers wherever needed with params.
function module_builder_callback_doc_params() {
  $commands = func_get_args();
  print 'wip!!!';

  // The first argument is the module machine name.
  $module_root_name = array_shift($commands);
  $filepath = drupal_get_path('module', $module_root_name);

  //$old_dir = getcwd();

  $files = scandir($filepath);
  foreach ($files as $filename) {
    $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
    if (in_array($ext, array(
    ))) {
      $module_files[] = $filename;

  // Include component files.
  $hook_names = module_builder_get_hook_names('short');
  $pattern = '[
      / \\* \\* \\n    # start phpdoc
      \\ \\* \\ ( .* ) \\n  # first line of phpdoc: capture the text
  (?: \\ \\* .* \\n )* # lines of phpdoc
      \\ \\* /  \\n    # end phpdoc
      function \\ ( \\w* ) \\( ( .* ) \\) \\  { # function declaration: capture both entire declaration and name
  foreach ($module_files as $filename) {
    $code = file_get_contents($filepath . '/' . $filename);

    //print $code;

    // Get functions that have no docs.
    preg_match_all($pattern, $code, $function_names);

    // Get only those that are actual hooks.

    //$bad_hooks = array_intersect($function_names[1], $hook_names);

    // For each hook that has no documentation.
    foreach ($bad_hooks as $hook_name) {
      $doc = module_builder_generate_hook_doxy("hook_{$hook_name}");
      $pattern2 = "[(?= function \\ image_gallery _ {$hook_name} )]x";
      $code = preg_replace($pattern2, $doc, $code);
    if (!drush_get_option('quiet')) {

      // print $code;
    print 'Added hook documentation headers for: ' . implode(', ', $bad_hooks) . "\n";
    if (!drush_confirm(dt('Are you sure you want to overwrite ' . $filename . '?'))) {

    //file_put_contents($filepath . '/' .$filename, $code);

 * Just for testing stuff on the commandline while developing the module.
function module_builder_callback_debug() {

  include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/');
  include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/');



Namesort descending Description
drush_input Ask the user for input. DOESN'T WORK.
module_builder_build_data Helper function to build the array of module_data.
module_builder_callback_build Module builder drush command callback.
module_builder_callback_debug Just for testing stuff on the commandline while developing the module.
module_builder_callback_doc_hooks Callback to add doc headers to existing hooks.
module_builder_callback_doc_params WORK IN PROGRESS Add function headers wherever needed with params.
module_builder_callback_hook_download Callback for downloading hook data.
module_builder_callback_hook_list Callback to list known hooks.
module_builder_callback_info Handles the callback for info code generation.
module_builder_callback_module Handles the callback for module code generation.
module_builder_drush_command Implementation of hook_drush_command().
module_builder_drush_help Implementation of hook_drush_help().
module_builder_drush_output_code Output generated text, to terminal or to file.
module_builder_requested_filenames Figure out which of $real filenames are being requested in the list of $abbrev'iated ones.


Namesort descending Description