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function module_builder_module_builder_info in Module Builder 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \module_builder_module_builder_info()

Implementation of hook_module_builder_info().

Provide information about hook definition files to Module builder.

On D6, define where hook definition files may be downloaded from and specify the destination for their hooks. Only files defined here will be processed.

On D7, specify the destination files for hooks that do not go in the default %module.module file. All module.api.php files will be processed; this hook merely provides extra information.

This hook should go in a file in your module folder. Is it only loaded by Module builder when the user goes to get new hook data.

This hook serves a fairly different purpose on D7 compared to prior versions. The same hook name is kept in case some awkward contrib modules continue to keep their hook definitions on a remote server. There's a reason, honest! The keys are different so here we spludge both together so this code can run on any version with Drush. Other modules implementing this shouldn't do this, as Module Builder invokes and builds for the version of the current site.

Return value

An array of data, keyed by module name. On D6, the subsequent array should specify:

  • url: a general url to fetch files from. Use tokens to insert filenames and branch: %file, %branch
  • branch: the current branch of the module, eg DRUPAL-6--1, HEAD. TODO: find a neat way to grab this with a CVS id token?
  • group: the UI group these hooks should go in. This should probably be the name of your module, but you can use '#filenames' to specify that each of your files should form a group. Eg 'core.php' goes in the group 'core'.
  • hook_files: an array of files to fetch. The filename is the key and the value is the file where the hook code should eventually be stored. Usually this will be '%module.module' but for instance, 'install.php' has hooks that should go in '%module.install'.

On D7, the subsequent array should specify one or both of:

  • 'destination': the destination file for a hook's implementation, eg '%module.module', ''. This applies to all hooks in the named file, unless:
  • 'hook_destinations': override destination for specific hooks here. This is an array whose keys are destination strings, and values are themselves flat arrays of full hook names. Eg: '%module.install' => array(hook_install)
1 call to module_builder_module_builder_info()
_module_builder_invoke_hook in includes/
Helper function to invoke hook_module_builder_info() in all modules.


./, line 50


function module_builder_module_builder_info() {

  // Versions 5 and 6.
  $data['common'] = array(
    // Hooks on behalf of Drupal core.
    'system' => array(
      'url' => '',
      'branch' => 'DRUPAL-6--1',
      'group' => '#filenames',
      'hook_files' => array(
        // List of files we should slurp from the url for hook defs.
        // and the destination file for processed code.
        'core.php' => '%module.module',
        'node.php' => '%module.module',
        'install.php' => '%module.install',
    // We need to do our own stuff now we have a hook!
    'module_builder' => array(
      'url' => '',
      'branch' => 'DRUPAL-6--2',
      'group' => 'module builder',
      'hook_files' => array(
        'module_builder.php' => '',
    // Support for some contrib modules (the ones I use ;) -- for more please
    // file a patch either here or with the module in question.
    // Views
    'views' => array(
      'url' => '',
      'branch' => 'HEAD',
      'group' => 'views',
      'hook_files' => array(
        'docs.php' => '%module.module',
      // hooks that go in files other than %module.module
      'hook_destinations' => array(
        '' => array(
        '' => array(
        '' => array(
    // Ubercart
    'ubercart' => array(
      'url' => '',
      'branch' => 'DRUPAL-6--2',
      'group' => 'ubercart',
      'hook_files' => array(
        'hooks.php' => '%module.module',
    // Signup
    'signup' => array(
      'url' => '',
      'branch' => 'DRUPAL-6--1',
      'group' => 'signup',
      'hook_files' => array(
        'signup.api.php' => '%module.module',

  // For D7, keys should match the filename MODULE.api.php
  $data['7'] = array(
    // Hooks on behalf of Drupal core.
    'system' => array(
      'hook_destinations' => array(
        '%module.install' => array(

  // Return the data for the current version.
  $version = _module_builder_drupal_major_version();
  if (isset($data[$version])) {
    return $data[$version];
  else {
    return $data['common'];