You are here in Module Builder 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.2 includes/ Stuff needed both by module and drush command.


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 * @file
 *   Stuff needed both by module and drush command.

 * Safe version of drush_print that can be called without worrying about 
 * where we are.
function _module_builder_drush_print($message, $indent, $type = 'message') {
  if (MODULE_BUILDER_ENV == 'drush') {

    // Running in a Drush CLI.
    drush_print($message, $indent);
  else {

    // Running in Drupal UI.
    // @TODO?

 * Get a path to a resource that is safe to use either on Drupal or Drush.
 * @param $subpath
 *    The subpath inside the module_builder folder. Eg, 'templates'.
function module_builder_get_path($subpath) {
  $mb_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'module_builder');
  if (!$mb_path) {
    $mb_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/..';
  $path = $mb_path . '/' . $subpath;

  //print "path: >>$path<<";
  return $path;

 * Include a version-specific file whether we're on drush or drupal. 
 * That is, we first try to include a file called where X is a 
 * Drupal major version number before falling back to
 * Files are included from the 'includes' folder inside module_builder.
 * On Drush, this is a wrapper for drush_include().
 * On Drupal, this just goes straight for the current version.
 * @param $name
 *  The filename, eg 'update'.
 * @param $extension
 *  The file extension.
function module_builder_include($name, $extension = 'inc') {
  $path = module_builder_get_path('includes');
  if (MODULE_BUILDER_ENV == 'drush') {

    // In Drush.
    // the NULL means drush_include will try to find the version.
    drush_include($path, $name, NULL, $extension);
  else {

    // In Drupal GUI.
    // Try the versioned file first.
    $file = sprintf("%s/%s_%s.%s", $path, $name, _module_builder_drupal_major_version(), $extension);

    if (file_exists($file)) {
      require_once $file;

    // Fall back to the regular file.
    $file = sprintf("%s/%s.%s", $path, $name, $extension);
    require_once $file;

 * Returns the Drupal major version number (5, 6, 7 ...)
 * Helper function for module_builder_include. Cribbed and hacked from drush.
function _module_builder_drupal_major_version() {
  list($major_version) = explode('.', VERSION);
  return $major_version;

* Create a directory to store hook files if it does not exist.
* This logic blatantly ripped off from image.module -- thanks James! :)
// somewhat obsolete.
function _module_builder_check_settings($directory = NULL) {
  if ($directory) {

    // on drush
    if (!is_dir($directory)) {
  else {

    // on module
    // sanity check. need to verify /files exists before we do anything. see
    $files = file_create_path();
    file_check_directory($files, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);

    // check hooks directory exists or create it
    $hooks_path = file_create_path(variable_get('module_builder_hooks_directory', 'hooks'));
    file_check_directory($hooks_path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY, 'module_builder_hooks_directory');

 * Check hook data is available in storage file.
 * This allows us to check things are okay at an early stage.
 * @param $directory
 *  (optional) The directory to look in for processed data.
 * @return
 *  TRUE is file exists, FALSE if not.
function _module_builder_check_hook_data($directory = NULL) {
  if (!isset($directory)) {

    //$directory = file_create_path(variable_get('module_builder_hooks_directory', 'hooks'));
    $directory = _module_builder_get_hooks_directory();
  return file_exists("{$directory}/hooks_processed.php");

 * Update hook files and process them to our data file.
 * This is the master function to call from either UI, drush or drupal.
function module_builder_update_data() {

  // Update the hook documentation.
  $hook_files = module_builder_update_documentation();

  // Process the hook files.
  return TRUE;

  // FTW!

 * Get a directory to save or read hook data files.
 * This is either the variable from Drupal, or the --data option.
 * Use of the --data option allows a central store of hook data that needs only
 * be downloaded once for all Drupal sites. 
 * Subdirectories are made for each version.
 * This needs to be safe to use at any bootstrap level.
 * @return
 *   A directory path either relative to Drupal root or absolute.
function _module_builder_get_hooks_directory() {
  $common = FALSE;

  // Figure out the directory we should be using.
  if (MODULE_BUILDER_ENV == 'drupal') {

    // Running in a Drupal UI: directory is either 'hooks' or whatever the
    // variable is set to.
    $directory = variable_get('module_builder_hooks_directory', 'hooks');
  else {

    // TODO: TIDY UP!
    // Running under Drush.
    // The order is:
    // - command --data option
    // - local Drupal variable
    // - default Drupal location in files/hooks
    if (drush_get_option('data')) {
      $directory = drush_get_option('data');
      $common = TRUE;
    if (!$directory) {
      if (function_exists('variable_get')) {

        // We're in a loaded Drupal, but MB might not be installed here.
        $directory = variable_get('module_builder_hooks_directory', 'hooks');

        // No variable: but could still be running MB, so we want files/hooks
        if (!$directory) {
          if (module_exists('module_builder')) {
            $directory = 'hooks';
  if (!$directory) {

    // @todo: error!

  // Check and create the directory if necessary: version-specific code.
  module_builder_create_directory($directory, $common);
  return $directory;

 * Helper function to invoke hook_module_builder_info() in all modules.
 * The tricky part is that we want to include ourselves, but module_builder
 * might not be installed (or even present) in Drupal if we are on Drush.
function _module_builder_invoke_hook() {

  // TODO: just get ours if no bootstrap?
  $mb_files = module_builder_system_listing('\\$', 'modules');

  $module_data = array();
  foreach ($mb_files as $file) {
    include_once $file->uri;
    $module = str_replace('', '', $file->basename);

    // Note that bad data got back from the hook breaks things.
    if ($result = module_invoke($module, 'module_builder_info')) {
      $module_data = array_merge($module_data, $result);


  // If we are running as Drush command, we're not an installed module.
  if (!module_exists('module_builder')) {
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../';
    $data = array_merge($module_data, module_builder_module_builder_info());
  else {
    $data = $module_data;

    // Yeah we switch names so the merging above isn't affected by an empty array.
    // Gah PHP. Am probably doin it wrong.

  return $data;


Namesort descending Description
module_builder_get_path Get a path to a resource that is safe to use either on Drupal or Drush.
module_builder_include Include a version-specific file whether we're on drush or drupal. That is, we first try to include a file called where X is a Drupal major version number before falling back to
module_builder_update_data Update hook files and process them to our data file.
_module_builder_check_hook_data Check hook data is available in storage file.
_module_builder_check_settings Create a directory to store hook files if it does not exist.
_module_builder_drupal_major_version Returns the Drupal major version number (5, 6, 7 ...)
_module_builder_drush_print Safe version of drush_print that can be called without worrying about where we are.
_module_builder_get_hooks_directory Get a directory to save or read hook data files.
_module_builder_invoke_hook Helper function to invoke hook_module_builder_info() in all modules.