in Module Builder 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Module builder code generating code.
Note that info file generating code happens in generate_info_VERSION, as it's version-specific.
includes/generate.incView source
* @file
* Module builder code generating code.
* Note that info file generating code happens in generate_info_VERSION,
* as it's version-specific.
* Generate module code.
* @param $module_data
* An associative array of data for the module, passed by reference so data
* on generated files can be added.
* The keys can *mostly* be taken straight from form values. They are as follows:
* - 'module_root_name'
* - 'module_readable_name'
* - 'module_short_description'
* - 'module_help_text'
* - 'hooks': An associative array whose keys are full hook names
* (eg 'hook_menu'), where requested hooks have a value of TRUE.
* Unwanted hooks may also be included as keys provided their value is FALSE.
* - 'module_dependencies': a string of dependencies, eg 'forum views'.
* - 'module_package': the module package.
* - 'module_files': added by this function. A flat array of filenames that have been generated.
* @param $bare
* If true, omit header and footers and output only hook code.
* @return
* An array of code, indexed by filename. Eg,
* 'modulename.module' => CODE
function module_builder_generate_module(&$module_data, $bare = FALSE) {
// Get a set of hook declarations and function body templates for the hooks we want.
// $hook_data is of the form:
// 'hook_foo' => array( 'declaration' => DATA, 'template' => DATA )
$hook_file_data = module_builder_get_templates($module_data);
if (is_null($hook_file_data)) {
return NULL;
// Iterate over our data array, because it's in a pretty order.
// by each needed file of code.
foreach ($hook_file_data as $filename => $hook_data) {
// Begin code generation for this file.
$code = '';
foreach ($hook_data as $hook_name => $hook) {
// Display PHP doc.
$code .= "\n" . module_builder_code_hook_doxy($hook_name);
// function declaration: put in the module name, add closing brace, decode html entities
$declaration = str_replace('hook', $module_data['module_root_name'], $hook['declaration']) . ' {';
$code .= htmlspecialchars_decode($declaration);
// See if function bodies exist; if so, use function bodies from template
if ($hook['template']) {
// Strip out INFO: comments for advanced users
if (!variable_get('module_builder_detail', 0)) {
// Used to strip INFO messages out of generated file for advanced users.
$pattern = '#\\s+/\\* INFO:(.*?)\\*/#ms';
$hook['template'] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $hook['template']);
$code .= $hook['template'];
else {
$code .= "\n\n";
$code .= "}\n\n";
// foreach hook
// Replace variables
$variables = array(
'%module' => $module_data['module_root_name'],
'%description' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $module_data['module_short_description']),
'%name' => !empty($module_data['module_readable_name']) ? str_replace("'", "\\'", $module_data['module_readable_name']) : $module_data['module_root_name'],
'%help' => !empty($module_data['module_help_text']) ? str_replace("'", "\\'", $module_data['module_help_text']) : t('TODO: Create admin help text.'),
'%readable' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $module_data['module_readable_name']),
$code = strtr($code, $variables);
// Replace full-blown Id tag with just starter
// (excuse the weird concatenation stuff; CVS hijacks it otherwise :))
// what is this for?
// Prepare final code
// Header and footer
if (!$bare) {
$module_data['header'] = "<?php\n" . module_builder_code_header($filename);
$module_data['footer'] = variable_get('module_builder_footer', '');
$code = $module_data['header'] . $code . $module_data['footer'];
//print $code;
$return[$filename] = $code;
// Add the generated filename to the module data for the info generation to find.
$module_data['module_files'][] = $filename;
// foreach file
return $return;
* Get the doxygen header for a given hook.
* This does not return with an initial newline so the doc block may be inserted into existing code.
* @param
* The long hook name, eg 'hook_menu'.
function module_builder_code_hook_doxy($hook_name) {
return <<<EOT
* Implementation of {<span class="php-variable">$hook_name</span>}().
function module_builder_code_header($filename = NULL) {
// String is split in a funny way so CVS doesn't spot it.
$default = '// $' . 'Id$' . <<<EOT
* @file {<span class="php-variable">$filename</span>}
* TODO: Enter file description here.
$code = variable_get('module_builder_header', $default);
return $code;
* Helper function for module_builder_generate_module
* Returns an array of hook data and templates for the requested hooks.
* This is handled live rather than in to allow the user to alter
* their custom hook templates.
* @return
* An array of the form:
* 'destination file' => array(
* 'hook_foo' => array( 'declaration' => DATA, 'template' => DATA )
function module_builder_get_templates($module_data) {
// begin assembling data
// build an array $hook_data of all the stuff we know about hooks
// of the form:
// 'hook_foo' => array( 'declaration' => DATA, 'template' => DATA )
$hook_data = array();
// Check for custom functions file, else use default
$path = module_builder_get_path('templates');
if (file_exists("{$path}/hooks-custom.template")) {
$template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/hooks-custom.template");
else {
$template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/hooks.template");
// Get array of our hook function body templates from our own / custom template files.
// This is not necessarily all hooks that exist -- not all have template entries.
// This array is in the same order as they occur in the files and already in the format wanted.
// Include generating component file.
$template_data = module_builder_parse_template($template_file);
// print_r($hook_data); ok!
// Check for node hooks; these will overwrite core hooks if found.
if ($module_data['hooks']['hook_node_info']) {
if (file_exists("{$path}/node_hooks-custom.template")) {
$template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/node_hooks-custom.template");
else {
$template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/node_hooks.template");
$custom_hooks = module_builder_parse_template($template_file);
foreach ($custom_hooks as $hook_name => $hook_template) {
// add or clobber our existing templates
$template_data[$hook_name] = $hook_template;
// $template_data is now an array of the form:
// [hook name] => array('template' => DATA)
// in a pretty order which we want to hold on to.
// Get array of the hook function declarations from the downloaded hook data.
// This is a complete list of all hooks that exist.
// In the form: 'hook_foo' => array('declaration', 'destination')
// This array is the order they are in the files from alphabetical apparently.
// We don't care for this order!
$hook_function_declarations = module_builder_get_hook_declarations();
// If we get NULL then no hook data exists: return NULL again.
if (is_null($hook_function_declarations)) {
return NULL;
// Remove all hooks we don't care about.
// First filter out the keys with 0 values that come from UI form.
$requested_hooks = array_filter($module_data['hooks']);
$hook_function_declarations = array_intersect_key($hook_function_declarations, $requested_hooks);
$template_data = array_intersect_key($template_data, $requested_hooks);
// Start hierarchical building hook data.
// Make the destination filenames, and add an item for each destination file.
foreach ($hook_function_declarations as $hook_name => $hook) {
$destination = str_replace('%module', $module_data['module_root_name'], $hook['destination']);
$hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['destination'] = $destination;
$hook_data[$destination] = array();
// Now iterate over the template data so we use its order
// and grab data from the declarations array
// and put it all into the final data array
foreach (array_keys($template_data) as $hook_name) {
$destination = $hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['destination'];
$hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['declaration'] = $hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['declaration'];
$hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['template'] = $template_data[$hook_name]['template'];
// Not all hooks have template data
foreach ($hook_function_declarations as $hook_name => $hook) {
$destination = $hook['destination'];
if (!isset($hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['declaration'])) {
$hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['declaration'] = $hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['declaration'];
// $hook_data is now a complete representation of all we know about the requested hooks
return $hook_data;
Name | Description |
module_builder_code_header | |
module_builder_code_hook_doxy | Get the doxygen header for a given hook. This does not return with an initial newline so the doc block may be inserted into existing code. |
module_builder_generate_module | Generate module code. |
module_builder_get_templates | Helper function for module_builder_generate_module |