getlocations.module in Get Locations 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
getlocations.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL
Displays locations on a map. for Drupal 7 using version 3 googlemaps API
getlocations.moduleView source
* @file
* getlocations.module
* @author Bob Hutchinson
* @copyright GNU GPL
* Displays locations on a map.
* for Drupal 7
* using version 3 googlemaps API
define('GETLOCATIONS_PATH', drupal_get_path('module', 'getlocations'));
define('GETLOCATIONS_ADMIN_PATH', 'admin/config/services/getlocations');
define('GETLOCATIONS_VERSION', '7.x-1.x');
* Implements hook_help().
function getlocations_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#getlocations':
$output = '<p>' . t('Displays locations on a map.') . '</p>';
return $output;
* Implements hook_init().
function getlocations_init() {
if (module_exists('colorbox')) {
$getlocations_colorbox = getlocations_colorbox_settings();
if ($getlocations_colorbox['enable']) {
$settings = array(
'getlocations_colorbox' => $getlocations_colorbox,
drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
$getlocations_paths = getlocations_paths_get();
* Implements hook_permission().
function getlocations_permission() {
$perms = array();
$perms['access getlocations'] = array(
'title' => t('Access Getlocations'),
'description' => t('View and use the Getlocations module.'),
$perms['access user getlocations'] = array(
'title' => t('Access User locations'),
'description' => t('View User locations with Getlocation maps.'),
return $perms;
* Implements hook_flush_caches().
function getlocations_flush_caches() {
if (variable_get('getlocations_flush', 1)) {
* Implements hook_views_api().
function getlocations_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => 3,
'path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/views',
* Implements hook_menu().
function getlocations_menu() {
$items = array();
'title' => 'Getlocations',
'description' => 'Configure Getlocations',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'file' => '',
$items[GETLOCATIONS_ADMIN_PATH . '/base'] = array(
'title' => 'Base',
'description' => 'Getlocations base configuration',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'file' => '',
'weight' => 1,
// getlocations/node/$nid # show all location on one node
$items['getlocations/node/%getlocations_id'] = array(
'title' => 'Get locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_nodemap',
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
if (getlocations_check_entity_type('user') || getlocations_check_entity_type('profile2')) {
// getlocations/user/$uid # show all locations for a user
$items['getlocations/user/%getlocations_id'] = array(
'title' => 'Get user locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_user_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_usermap',
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
// getlocations/users # show all locations for all users
$items['getlocations/users'] = array(
'title' => 'View all user locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_user_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_usersmap',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
// getlocations/term/$tid # show all locations for a term
$items['getlocations/term/%getlocations_id'] = array(
'title' => 'Get term locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_termmap',
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
if (module_exists('comment')) {
if (getlocations_check_entity_type('comment')) {
// getlocations/comment/$cid # show all locations for a comment
$items['getlocations/comment/%getlocations_id'] = array(
'title' => 'Get comment locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_commentmap',
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
// getlocations/type/$type # show all locations of nodes of content-type machine name
$items['getlocations/type/%getlocations_type'] = array(
'title' => 'Get locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_typemap',
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
// getlocations/lids/1,2,3,4 # show lids
$items['getlocations/lids/%getlocations_cdints'] = array(
'title' => 'Get locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_lids',
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
// getlocations/nids/1,2,3,4 # show nids locations
$items['getlocations/nids/%getlocations_cdints'] = array(
'title' => 'Get locations',
'access callback' => 'getlocations_access_location',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_nids',
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
// ajax callbacks
// getlocations/info?lid # ajax callback to fetch an address
$items['getlocations_cb/info'] = array(
'page callback' => 'getlocations_adinfo',
'access arguments' => array(
'access content',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
// getlocations/lidinfo?lid # ajax callback to fetch a link to the 'owner'
$items['getlocations_cb/lidinfo'] = array(
'page callback' => 'getlocations_lidinfo',
'access arguments' => array(
'access content',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['getlocations_box'] = array(
'title' => 'Get locations',
'access arguments' => array(
'access getlocations',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_box',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['getlocations/markerinfo'] = array(
'access callback' => TRUE,
'page callback' => 'getlocations_markerinfo',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['getlocations/cb_w3w'] = array(
'access callback' => TRUE,
'page callback' => 'getlocations_cb_w3w',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* check that the argument is numeric
* @param int $arg
* @return argument or FALSE
function getlocations_id_load($arg) {
return is_numeric($arg) && $arg > 0 ? $arg : FALSE;
* Check that the node type exists
* @param string $arg Node type.
* @return argument or FALSE
function getlocations_type_load($arg) {
$query = db_select('node_type', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->condition('n.type', $arg);
$row = $query
return isset($row['type']) && $row['type'] ? $arg : FALSE;
* sanity check on list of nids
* @param int $arg
* @return argument or FALSE
function getlocations_cdints_load($arg) {
$arr = explode(',', $arg);
foreach ($arr as $a) {
if (!is_numeric($a) || $a < 1) {
return FALSE;
return $arg;
* sanity check on entity type
* @param string $arg Entity type.
* @return argument or FALSE
function getlocations_entity_type_load($arg) {
if (getlocations_check_entity_type($arg)) {
return $arg;
return FALSE;
* Access callback: Checks for access permission and if there is a supported locative module installed
* @return bool
function getlocations_access_location() {
if (user_access('access getlocations')) {
$modules = getlocations_supported_modules();
foreach ($modules as $module) {
if (module_exists($module)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Access callback: Checks for access permission and if there is a supported locative module installed
* @return bool
function getlocations_access_user_location() {
if (user_access('access user getlocations') && user_access('access user profiles')) {
$modules = getlocations_supported_modules();
foreach ($modules as $module) {
if (module_exists($module)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Page callback: displays a map.
* @param int $nid
* @return
* Returns a map of locations of a node
function getlocations_nodemap($nid) {
$vid = getlocations_get_vid($nid);
$locations = getlocations_load_locations($vid);
$node = node_load($nid);
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('node');
if (isset($typemarkers[$node->type]) && $typemarkers[$node->type]) {
$marker = $typemarkers[$node->type];
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$ct = 0;
$extra_info = array();
$sv_info = FALSE;
$map_info = FALSE;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
else {
if ($location['key'] == 'nid') {
$location['lid'] = $nid;
elseif ($location['key'] == 'vid') {
$location['lid'] = $nid;
// term markers
$marker = getlocations_get_term_marker($nid, $marker);
// per location marker
if (isset($location['marker']) && !empty($location['marker'])) {
$marker = $location['marker'];
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(isset($location['name']) ? strip_tags($location['name']) : strip_tags($node->title), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
$sv_info = FALSE;
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields' && count($locations) == 1) {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$sv_info = getlocations_fields_svinfo($location);
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$map_info = getlocations_fields_mapinfo($location);
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
drupal_set_title(t('View !t locations', array(
'!t' => $node->title,
if ($sv_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $sv_info);
if ($map_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $map_info);
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, 'node', $node, $extra_info);
* Page callback: Displays a map.
* @param int $uid
* @return
* Returns a map of locations of a user
function getlocations_usermap($uid) {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
$locations = getlocations_load_locations($uid, 'uid');
$account = user_load($uid);
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$ct = 0;
$extra_info = array();
$sv_info = FALSE;
$map_info = FALSE;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
else {
$location['lid'] = $uid;
// per location marker
if (isset($location['marker']) && !empty($location['marker'])) {
$marker = $location['marker'];
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(isset($location['name']) ? strip_tags($location['name']) : strip_tags($account->name), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
$sv_info = FALSE;
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields' && count($locations) == 1) {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$sv_info = getlocations_fields_svinfo($location);
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$map_info = getlocations_fields_mapinfo($location);
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
drupal_set_title(t('View user !t locations', array(
'!t' => $account->name,
if ($sv_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $sv_info);
if ($map_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $map_info);
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, 'user', $account, $extra_info);
* Page callback: Displays a map.
* @return
* Returns a map of locations of all the users
function getlocations_usersmap() {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$query = db_select('users', 'u')
->fields('u', array(
->condition('u.status', 1);
$rows = $query
$ct = 0;
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$uid = $row->uid;
$locations = getlocations_load_locations($uid, 'uid');
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
else {
$location['lid'] = $uid;
// per location marker
if (isset($location['marker']) && !empty($location['marker'])) {
$marker = $location['marker'];
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(isset($location['name']) ? strip_tags($location['name']) : strip_tags($row->name), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, 'users');
* Page callback: Displays a map.
* @param int $tid
* @return
* Returns a map of locations of a term
function getlocations_termmap($tid) {
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$locations = getlocations_load_locations($tid, 'tid');
$term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['vocabulary_map_marker'];
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('vocabulary');
if (isset($typemarkers[$term->vid]) && $typemarkers[$term->vid]) {
$marker = $typemarkers[$term->vid];
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$ct = 0;
$extra_info = array();
$sv_info = FALSE;
$map_info = FALSE;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
else {
$location['lid'] = $tid;
// per location marker
if (isset($location['marker']) && !empty($location['marker'])) {
$marker = $location['marker'];
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(isset($location['name']) ? strip_tags($location['name']) : strip_tags($term->name), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
$sv_info = FALSE;
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields' && count($locations) == 1) {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$sv_info = getlocations_fields_svinfo($location);
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$map_info = getlocations_fields_mapinfo($location);
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
drupal_set_title(t('View term !t locations', array(
'!t' => $term->name,
if ($sv_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $sv_info);
if ($map_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $map_info);
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, 'term', $term, $extra_info);
* Page callback: Displays a map.
* @param int $cid
* @return
* Returns a map of locations of a comment
function getlocations_commentmap($cid) {
if (module_exists('comment')) {
$locations = getlocations_load_locations($cid, 'cid');
$comment = comment_load($cid);
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['comment_map_marker'];
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$ct = 0;
$extra_info = array();
$sv_info = FALSE;
$map_info = FALSE;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
else {
$location['lid'] = $cid;
// per location marker
if (isset($location['marker']) && !empty($location['marker'])) {
$marker = $location['marker'];
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(isset($location['name']) ? strip_tags($location['name']) : strip_tags($comment->subject), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
$sv_info = FALSE;
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields' && count($locations) == 1) {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$sv_info = getlocations_fields_svinfo($location);
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$map_info = getlocations_fields_mapinfo($location);
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
drupal_set_title(t('View comment !t locations', array(
'!t' => $comment->subject,
if ($sv_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $sv_info);
if ($map_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $map_info);
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, 'comment', $comment, $extra_info);
* Page callback: Displays a map.
* @param string $type
* A location enabled content type
* @return
* Returns a map of locations of all nodes of content-type $type
function getlocations_typemap($type, $loc_key = '', $loc_val = '') {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('node');
if (isset($typemarkers[$type]) && $typemarkers[$type]) {
$marker = $typemarkers[$type];
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->condition('n.type', $type);
$rows = $query
$ct = 0;
$extra_info = array();
$sv_info = FALSE;
$map_info = FALSE;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$nid = $row->nid;
$vid = getlocations_get_vid($nid);
$locations = getlocations_load_locations($vid);
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
if ($loc_key && isset($location[$loc_key])) {
if (drupal_strtolower($location[$loc_key]) != drupal_strtolower($loc_val)) {
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
else {
if ($location['key'] == 'nid') {
$location['lid'] = $nid;
elseif ($location['key'] == 'vid') {
$location['lid'] = $vid;
// term markers
$marker = getlocations_get_term_marker($nid, $marker);
// per location marker
if (isset($location['marker']) && !empty($location['marker'])) {
$marker = $location['marker'];
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(isset($location['name']) ? strip_tags($location['name']) : strip_tags($row->title), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
$sv_info = FALSE;
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields' && count($locations) == 1) {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$sv_info = getlocations_fields_svinfo($location);
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$map_info = getlocations_fields_mapinfo($location);
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
if ($sv_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $sv_info);
if ($map_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $map_info);
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, $type, '', $extra_info);
* Page callback: Displays a map.
* @param string $lidlist
* A comma-delimited list of location ids
* @return
* Returns a map of locations.
function getlocations_lids($lidlist) {
$lidarr = explode(',', $lidlist);
$locations = array();
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$marker = '';
$ct = 0;
$extra_info = array();
$sv_info = FALSE;
$map_info = FALSE;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
foreach ($lidarr as $lid) {
$locations[] = getlocations_load_location($lid);
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
$location['key'] = '';
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($location['name']), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
$sv_info = FALSE;
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields' && count($locations) == 1) {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$sv_info = getlocations_fields_svinfo($location);
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$map_info = getlocations_fields_mapinfo($location);
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
if ($sv_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $sv_info);
if ($map_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $map_info);
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, 'lids', '', $extra_info);
* Page callback: Displays a map.
* @param string $nidlist
* A comma-delimited list of node ids
* @return
* Returns a map of locations.
function getlocations_nids($nidlist) {
$nidarr = explode(',', $nidlist);
$locations = array();
$latlons = array();
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('node');
$ct = 0;
$extra_info = array();
$sv_info = FALSE;
$map_info = FALSE;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
foreach ($nidarr as $nid) {
$vid = getlocations_get_vid($nid);
$locs = getlocations_load_locations($vid);
if (count($locs)) {
foreach ($locs as $key => $loc) {
$type = getlocations_get_nodetype($nid);
if (isset($typemarkers[$type])) {
$loc['marker'] = $typemarkers[$type];
$locations[] = $loc;
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
else {
if ($location['key'] == 'nid') {
$location['lid'] = $nid;
elseif ($location['key'] == 'vid') {
$location['lid'] = $vid;
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($location['name']), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[$ct] = array(
$sv_info = FALSE;
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields' && count($locations) == 1) {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$sv_info = getlocations_fields_svinfo($location);
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$map_info = getlocations_fields_mapinfo($location);
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
if ($sv_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $sv_info);
if ($map_info) {
$extra_info = array_merge($extra_info, $map_info);
return getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes, 'nids', '', $extra_info);
* Set up javascript settings and map
* @param array $latlons
* @param array $minmaxes
* @param string $type
* @param object $node
* @param string $width
* @param string $height
* @return string themed map html
function getlocations_setlocations($latlons, $minmaxes = '', $type = 'node', $node = '', $extras = '', $width = '', $height = '') {
if (!getlocations_defaults_check()) {
return t('You need to !c first.', array(
'!c' => l('Configure Getlocations', 'admin/config/services/getlocations'),
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
// sv
if ($extras) {
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields') {
if (getlocations_fields_streetview_settings_allow()) {
$getlocations_defaults['sv_heading'] = $extras['sv_heading'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_zoom'] = $extras['sv_zoom'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_pitch'] = $extras['sv_pitch'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_showfirst'] = $extras['sv_showfirst'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_addresscontrol'] = $extras['sv_addresscontrol'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_addresscontrolposition'] = $extras['sv_addresscontrolposition'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_pancontrol'] = $extras['sv_pancontrol'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_pancontrolposition'] = $extras['sv_pancontrolposition'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_zoomcontrol'] = $extras['sv_zoomcontrol'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_zoomcontrolposition'] = $extras['sv_zoomcontrolposition'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_linkscontrol'] = $extras['sv_linkscontrol'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_imagedatecontrol'] = $extras['sv_imagedatecontrol'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_scrollwheel'] = $extras['sv_scrollwheel'];
$getlocations_defaults['sv_clicktogo'] = $extras['sv_clicktogo'];
if (getlocations_fields_map_settings_allow()) {
$getlocations_defaults['nodezoom'] = $extras['mapzoom'];
$getlocations_defaults['maptype'] = $extras['map_maptype'];
// update baselayers
$getlocations_defaults['baselayers'][$extras['map_maptype']] = 1;
$mapid = getlocations_setup_map($getlocations_defaults);
getlocations_js_settings_do($getlocations_defaults, $latlons, $minmaxes, $mapid);
if (empty($width)) {
$width = $getlocations_defaults['width'];
if (empty($height)) {
$height = $getlocations_defaults['height'];
return theme('getlocations_show', array(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'defaults' => $getlocations_defaults,
'mapid' => $mapid,
'latlons' => $latlons,
'minmaxes' => $minmaxes,
'type' => $type,
'node' => $node,
* Function to setup the map scripts
* @param array $defaults
* Required. the current settings.
* Sets up the call to googlemaps, css and the relevant getlocations js in html head
function getlocations_setup_map($defaults, $googleonly = FALSE, $sv = FALSE, $keyonly = FALSE) {
static $getlocations_mapid = 0;
// Generate unique Map ID.
$mapid = 'key_' . $getlocations_mapid;
if (!$keyonly) {
getlocations_setup_js($defaults, $googleonly, $sv);
return $mapid;
* Function to setup the map scripts
* @param array $defaults
* Required. the current settings.
* Sets up the call to googlemaps, css and the relevant getlocations js in html head
function getlocations_setup_js($defaults, $googleonly = FALSE, $sv = FALSE) {
global $language;
$current_js = drupal_get_js();
$current_css = drupal_get_css();
static $getlocations_js_weight = 0;
if (is_numeric($defaults['getlocations_js_weight']) && $defaults['getlocations_js_weight'] != 0) {
$getlocations_js_weight += $defaults['getlocations_js_weight'];
$key = variable_get('getlocations_api3_key', '');
$clientID = variable_get('getlocations_api3_clientID', '');
$signature = variable_get('getlocations_api3_signature', '');
$channel = variable_get('getlocations_api3_channel', '');
$signed_in = variable_get('getlocations_api3_signed_in', 0);
$aggr = getlocations_aggr_get() ? TRUE : FALSE;
// v3 googlemaps API
$query = array();
if (!empty($key)) {
$query['key'] = $key;
if ($signed_in) {
$query['signed_in'] = 'true';
if (!empty($clientID)) {
$query['client'] = $clientID;
if (!empty($signature)) {
$query['signature'] = $signature;
if (!empty($channel)) {
$query['channel'] = $channel;
$query['sensor'] = getlocations_is_mobile() ? 'true' : 'false';
$map_version = variable_get('getlocations_map_version', '');
if ($map_version) {
$query['v'] = $map_version;
if (isset($language->language)) {
$query['language'] = $language->language;
if ($defaults['region_bias']) {
$query['region'] = $defaults['region_bias'];
$libraries = array();
if ($defaults['places'] || module_exists('getlocations_search')) {
$libraries['places'] = 'places';
// not active but can be used by other modules
if ($defaults['geometry']) {
$libraries['geometry'] = 'geometry';
if ($defaults['visualization']) {
$libraries['visualization'] = 'visualization';
if ($defaults['drawing']) {
$libraries['drawing'] = 'drawing';
if ($defaults['adsense']) {
$libraries['adsense'] = 'adsense';
// more libraries here
// check for places library
if (getlocations_places_check()) {
$libraries['places'] = 'places';
// load libraries if any
if (count($libraries)) {
$query['libraries'] = implode(',', $libraries);
if (!isset($defaults['is_https']) || !$defaults['is_https']) {
global $is_https;
$defaults['is_https'] = $is_https;
$scheme = $defaults['is_https'] ? 'https' : 'http';
$gmapdomain = "";
$gmaplink = url($scheme . '://' . $gmapdomain, array(
'query' => $query,
if (!stristr($current_js, $scheme . '://' . $gmapdomain)) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'external';
drupal_add_js($gmaplink, $js_opts);
if ($defaults['use_jsapi']) {
$jsapilink = url($scheme . '://' . '');
if (!stristr($current_js, $jsapilink)) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'external';
drupal_add_js($jsapilink, $js_opts);
// geocoder-js
if ($defaults['geocoder_enable'] && ($geocoder_path = getlocations_get_geocoder_path())) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $geocoder_path)) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($geocoder_path, $js_opts);
if ($googleonly) {
$getlocations_paths = getlocations_paths_get();
if (!stristr($current_css, GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/getlocations.css')) {
drupal_add_css(GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/getlocations.css');
// streetview only
if ($sv && module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$getlocations_fields_paths = getlocations_fields_paths_get();
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_fields_paths['getlocations_fields_streetview_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_fields_paths['getlocations_fields_streetview_path'], $js_opts);
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_icons_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_icons_path'], $js_opts);
$markerfile = getlocations_get_markerfile();
if ($markerfile && !stristr($current_js, $markerfile)) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($markerfile, $js_opts);
if ($defaults['markermanagertype'] == 1 && !stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['markermanager_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['markermanager_path'], $js_opts);
elseif ($defaults['markermanagertype'] == 2 && !stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['markerclusterer_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['markerclusterer_path'], $js_opts);
if (file_exists(GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/')) {
module_load_include('inc', 'getlocations', 'getlocations.markercluster_override');
else {
module_load_include('inc', 'getlocations', 'getlocations.markercluster');
$markerclusterer_styles = getlocations_get_markerclusterer_styles();
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['type'] = 'setting';
'getlocations_markerclusterer' => $markerclusterer_styles,
), $js_opts);
if ($defaults['markeraction'] == 2 && !stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['infobubble_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['infobubble_path'], $js_opts);
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['infobubble_extended_path'], $js_opts);
if (file_exists($getlocations_paths['infobubble_options_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['infobubble_options_path'], $js_opts);
elseif ($defaults['markeraction'] == 1 && file_exists($getlocations_paths['infowindow_options_path']) && !stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['infowindow_options_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['infowindow_options_path'], $js_opts);
// load main getlocations.js
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_path'], $js_opts);
if ($defaults['polygons_enable']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_polygons_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_polygons_path'], $js_opts);
if ($defaults['rectangles_enable']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_rectangles_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_rectangles_path'], $js_opts);
if ($defaults['circles_enable']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_circles_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_circles_path'], $js_opts);
if ($defaults['polylines_enable']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_polylines_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_polylines_path'], $js_opts);
// search_places
if ($defaults['search_places']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_search_places_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_search_places_path'], $js_opts);
// categories
if ($defaults['category_method'] && $defaults['category_showhide_buttons']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_categories_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_categories_path'], $js_opts);
// preview map
if ($defaults['extcontrol'] == 'preview_map') {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_preview_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_preview_path'], $js_opts);
// geojson
if ($defaults['geojson_enable'] && ($geojson_path = getlocations_get_geojson_path())) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $geojson_path)) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($geojson_path, $js_opts);
if ($defaults['geojson_data']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_geojson_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_geojson_path'], $js_opts);
if ($defaults['geo_enable'] && !stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_geo_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight + 10;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_geo_path'], $js_opts);
if (module_exists('field_group') && !stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_field_group_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight + 10;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_field_group_path'], $js_opts);
// What3Words
if ($defaults['what3words_enable']) {
if (!stristr($current_js, $getlocations_paths['getlocations_what3words_path'])) {
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_js_weight;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($getlocations_paths['getlocations_what3words_path'], $js_opts);
* Some defaults.
* @return
* Returns the current settings
function getlocations_defaults($reset = FALSE) {
global $is_https;
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
$defaults = array(
'api_version' => 3,
'map_version' => '',
'width' => '300px',
'height' => '200px',
'zoom' => 3,
'minzoom_map' => -1,
'maxzoom_map' => -1,
'controltype' => 'small',
'zoomcontrolposition' => '',
'pancontrol' => 1,
'pancontrolposition' => '',
'mapcontrolposition' => '',
'latlong' => '40,0',
'maptype' => 'Map',
'mtc' => 'standard',
'scale' => 0,
'overview' => 0,
'overview_opened' => 0,
'scrollwheel' => 0,
'scalecontrolposition' => '',
'sv_show' => 0,
// Pegman
'svcontrolposition' => '',
'sv_showfirst' => 0,
// Overlay
'sv_heading' => 0,
'sv_zoom' => 1,
'sv_pitch' => 0,
'sv_enable' => 0,
// switch set in getlocations_fields, applies to Views
'sv_addresscontrol' => 1,
// sv overlay controls
'sv_addresscontrolposition' => '',
'sv_pancontrol' => 1,
'sv_pancontrolposition' => '',
'sv_zoomcontrol' => 'default',
'sv_zoomcontrolposition' => '',
'sv_linkscontrol' => 1,
'sv_imagedatecontrol' => 0,
'sv_scrollwheel' => 1,
'sv_clicktogo' => 1,
'trafficinfo' => 0,
'trafficinfo_state' => 0,
'bicycleinfo' => 0,
'bicycleinfo_state' => 0,
'transitinfo' => 0,
'transitinfo_state' => 0,
'places' => 0,
'poi_show' => 1,
'transit_show' => 1,
'node_map_marker' => 'drupal',
'user_map_marker' => 'drupal',
'vocabulary_map_marker' => 'drupal',
'term_map_marker' => 'drupal',
'comment_map_marker' => 'drupal',
'input_map_marker' => 'drupal',
'markeraction' => 0,
'markeractiontype' => 1,
'markeraction_click_zoom' => -1,
'markeraction_click_center' => 0,
'minzoom' => 6,
'maxzoom' => 16,
'nodezoom' => 12,
'markermanagertype' => 0,
'usemarkermanager' => 0,
'useclustermanager' => 0,
'markerclusterer_style' => -1,
'markerclusterer_zoom' => -1,
'markerclusterer_size' => -1,
'markerclusterer_minsize' => -1,
'markerclusterer_title' => t('Click here to see more'),
'markerclusterer_imgpath' => base_path() . GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/images',
'pansetting' => 2,
'draggable' => 1,
'styles' => '',
'returnlink_page_enable' => 0,
'returnlink_page_link' => t('Return to Page'),
'returnlink_user_enable' => 0,
'returnlink_user_link' => t('Return to User'),
'returnlink_term_enable' => 0,
'returnlink_term_link' => t('Return to Term'),
'returnlink_comment_enable' => 0,
'returnlink_comment_link' => t('Return to Comment'),
'getlocations_js_weight' => 0,
'custom_content_enable' => 0,
'custom_content_source' => '',
'use_jsapi' => 0,
'preload_data' => 0,
'is_mobile' => getlocations_is_mobile() ? 1 : 0,
'geometry' => 0,
'visualization' => 0,
'drawing' => 0,
'adsense' => 0,
'map_backgroundcolor' => '',
'show_maplinks' => 0,
'show_maplinks_viewport' => 0,
'fullscreen' => 0,
'show_bubble_on_one_marker' => 0,
'polygons_enable' => 0,
'polygons_strokecolor' => "#FF0000",
'polygons_strokeopacity' => "0.8",
'polygons_strokeweight' => "3",
'polygons_fillcolor' => "#FF0000",
'polygons_fillopacity' => "0.35",
'polygons_coords' => "",
'polygons_clickable' => 0,
'polygons_message' => "",
'rectangles_enable' => 0,
'rectangles_strokecolor' => "#FF0000",
'rectangles_strokeopacity' => "0.8",
'rectangles_strokeweight' => "3",
'rectangles_fillcolor' => "#FF0000",
'rectangles_fillopacity' => "0.35",
'rectangles_coords' => "",
'rectangles_clickable' => 0,
'rectangles_message' => "",
'rectangles_apply' => 0,
'rectangles_dist' => 0,
'circles_enable' => 0,
'circles_strokecolor' => "#FF0000",
'circles_strokeopacity' => "0.8",
'circles_strokeweight' => "3",
'circles_fillcolor' => "#FF0000",
'circles_fillopacity' => "0.35",
'circles_coords' => "",
'circles_clickable' => 0,
'circles_message' => "",
'circles_radius' => 0,
'circles_apply' => 0,
'polylines_enable' => 0,
'polylines_strokecolor' => "#FF0000",
'polylines_strokeopacity' => "0.8",
'polylines_strokeweight' => "3",
'polylines_coords' => "",
'polylines_clickable' => 0,
'polylines_message' => "",
'category_method' => 0,
'category_term_reference_field' => '',
'category_showhide_buttons' => 0,
'categories' => '',
'kml_group' => array(
'kml_url' => '',
'kml_url_click' => 1,
'kml_url_infowindow' => 0,
'kml_url_viewport' => 1,
'kml_url_button' => 0,
'kml_url_button_label' => 'Kml Layer',
'kml_url_button_state' => 0,
'map_resize' => 0,
'region_bias' => variable_get('site_default_country', ''),
'fullscreen_disable' => 0,
'fullscreen_controlposition' => '',
'search_places' => 0,
'search_places_size' => 40,
'search_places_position' => 'outside_above',
'search_places_label' => t('Google Places Search'),
'search_places_placeholder' => '',
'search_places_dd' => 0,
'search_places_list' => 0,
'getdirections_enabled' => module_exists('getdirections') ? 1 : 0,
'jquery_colorpicker_enabled' => module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') ? 1 : 0,
'geo_enable' => 0,
'extcontrol' => '',
'geojson_enable' => 0,
'geojson_data' => '',
'geojson_options' => '',
'nokeyboard' => 0,
'nodoubleclickzoom' => 0,
'input_map_show' => 1,
'highlight_enable' => 0,
'highlight_strokecolor' => "#FF0000",
'highlight_strokeopacity' => "0.8",
'highlight_strokeweight' => "3",
'highlight_fillcolor' => "#FF0000",
'highlight_fillopacity' => "0.35",
'highlight_radius' => 10,
'getdirections_link' => 0,
'gps_button' => 0,
'gps_button_label' => '',
'gps_marker_title' => '',
'gps_marker' => '',
'gps_bubble' => 0,
'gps_geocode' => 0,
'gps_center' => 0,
'gps_type' => 0,
'gps_zoom' => -1,
'smartip_button' => 0,
'smartip_button_label' => '',
'smartip_marker_title' => '',
'smartip_marker' => '',
'smartip_bubble' => 0,
'smartip_center' => 0,
'smartip_zoom' => -1,
'smartip_callback' => 'getlocations_smartip/callback',
'geolocation_mobile_check' => 1,
'is_https' => $is_https ? 1 : 0,
'show_search_distance' => 0,
'views_search_marker_enable' => 0,
'views_search_marker' => 'drupal',
'views_search_marker_toggle' => 0,
'views_search_marker_toggle_active' => 0,
'views_search_radshape_enable' => 0,
'views_search_radshape_strokecolor' => '#FF0000',
'views_search_radshape_strokeopacity' => '0.8',
'views_search_radshape_strokeweight' => '3',
'views_search_radshape_fillcolor' => '#FF0000',
'views_search_radshape_fillopacity' => '0.35',
'views_search_radshape_toggle' => 0,
'views_search_radshape_toggle_active' => 0,
'views_search_center' => 0,
'geocoder_enable' => 0,
'what3words_enable' => 0,
'what3words_search' => 1,
'what3words_size' => '40',
'what3words_map_marker' => 'drupal',
'what3words_marker_show' => 0,
'what3words_center' => 1,
'what3words_zoom' => 12,
'what3words_show' => 1,
'what3words_click' => 1,
'what3words_path' => 'getlocations/cb_w3w',
$providers = getlocations_get_map_providers();
$baselayers = array();
foreach ($providers as $k => $v) {
$baselayers[$k] = $v['default'];
$defaults['baselayers'] = $baselayers;
if ($reset) {
return $defaults;
// ease over to new settings. Wed Sep 25 01:09:23 BST 2013
$getlocations_defaults = variable_get('getlocations_default', $defaults);
if (isset($getlocations_defaults['behavior'])) {
foreach ($getlocations_defaults['behavior'] as $key => $val) {
$getlocations_defaults[$key] = $val;
$newdefaults = getlocations_adjust_vars($defaults, $getlocations_defaults);
return $newdefaults;
* Function to check if the configuration has been done yet
* @return
* Returns true or false
function getlocations_defaults_check() {
$check = variable_get('getlocations_default', 'xxx');
if ($check == 'xxx') {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Function to check a lat,lon string
* @param string $latlon
* @return
* Returns normalized string or false
function getlocations_latlon_check($latlon) {
if (!empty($latlon)) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$lat = isset($ll[0]) ? $ll[0] : FALSE;
$lon = isset($ll[1]) ? $ll[1] : FALSE;
$lat = trim($lat);
$lon = trim($lon);
if ((abs($lat) || abs($lon)) && is_numeric($lat) && is_numeric($lon)) {
$latregex = "/[-+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,}\\.{1}[0-9]{1,}/";
if (!strpos($lat, '.')) {
$latregex = "/[-+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,}/";
$lonregex = "/[-+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,}\\.{1}[0-9]{1,}/";
if (!strpos($lon, '.')) {
$lonregex = "/[-+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,}/";
if (preg_match($latregex, $lat) && preg_match($lonregex, $lon)) {
// Normalize coordinates.
$lat = getlocations_normalizelat($lat);
$lon = getlocations_normalizelng($lon);
return $lat . "," . $lon;
return FALSE;
* Function to check wether the google places library should be enabled.
* @return bool
function getlocations_places_check() {
$found = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$getlocations_fields_defaults = getlocations_fields_defaults();
if (isset($getlocations_fields_defaults['use_address']) && $getlocations_fields_defaults['use_address']) {
$found = TRUE;
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
if ($getlocations_defaults['getdirections_enabled']) {
$getdirections_defaults = getdirections_defaults();
if (isset($getdirections_defaults['advanced_autocomplete']) && $getdirections_defaults['advanced_autocomplete']) {
$found = TRUE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_search')) {
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
if (isset($getlocations_search_defaults['method']) && $getlocations_search_defaults['method'] == 'google_ac') {
$found = TRUE;
return $found;
* Function to get the vid from node table.
* @param int $nid
* @return
* Returns vid.
function getlocations_get_vid($nid) {
if (is_numeric($nid) && $nid) {
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->condition('n.nid', $nid);
$row = $query
return isset($row['vid']) && $row['vid'] ? $row['vid'] : FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Function to get the nid from node table.
* @param int $vid
* @return
* Returns nid.
function getlocations_get_nid($vid) {
if (is_numeric($vid) && $vid) {
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->condition('n.vid', $vid);
$row = $query
return isset($row['nid']) && $row['nid'] ? $row['nid'] : FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Function to get nid from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table.
* @param int $lid
* @return
* Returns nid.
function getlocations_get_nid_from_lid($lid) {
if (is_numeric($lid) && $lid) {
$query = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields_entities', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.glid', $lid);
elseif (module_exists('location') && (module_exists('location_cck') || module_exists('location_node'))) {
$query = db_select('location_instance', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.lid', $lid);
if ($query) {
$row = $query
return isset($row['nid']) && $row['nid'] ? $row['nid'] : FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Function to get uid from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table.
* @param int $lid
* @return
* Returns uid.
function getlocations_get_uid_from_lid($lid) {
if (is_numeric($lid) && $lid) {
$query = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields_entities', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.glid', $lid);
elseif (module_exists('location') && module_exists('location_user')) {
$query = db_select('location_instance', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.lid', $lid);
if ($query) {
$row = $query
return isset($row['uid']) && $row['uid'] ? $row['uid'] : FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Function to get tid from getlocations_fields_entities table.
* @param int $lid
* @return
* Returns tid.
function getlocations_get_tid_from_lid($lid) {
if (is_numeric($lid) && $lid) {
$query = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields_entities', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.glid', $lid);
if ($query) {
$row = $query
return isset($row['tid']) && $row['tid'] ? $row['tid'] : FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Function to get cid from getlocations_fields_entities table.
* @param int $lid
* @return
* Returns cid.
function getlocations_get_cid_from_lid($lid) {
if (is_numeric($lid) && $lid) {
$query = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields_entities', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.glid', $lid);
if ($query) {
$row = $query
return isset($row['cid']) && $row['cid'] ? $row['cid'] : FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Function to get entity type from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table.
* @param int $lid
* @return
* Returns entity type.
function getlocations_get_type_from_lid($lid) {
if (is_numeric($lid) && $lid) {
$query = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields_entities', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.glid', $lid);
elseif (module_exists('location') && (module_exists('location_cck') || module_exists('location_node') || module_exists('location_user'))) {
$query = db_select('location_instance', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.lid', $lid);
if ($query) {
$row = $query
$type = '';
if (isset($row['nid']) && $row['nid'] > 0) {
$type = 'node';
elseif (isset($row['uid']) && $row['uid'] > 0) {
$type = 'user';
elseif (isset($row['tid']) && $row['tid'] > 0 && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$type = 'vocabulary';
elseif (isset($row['cid']) && $row['cid'] > 0 && module_exists('comment')) {
$type = 'comment';
return $type;
return FALSE;
* Function to get entity path from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table.
* @param int $lid
* @return
* Returns entity path as url.
function getlocations_get_path_from_lid($lid) {
if (is_numeric($lid) && $lid) {
$query = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields_entities', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.glid', $lid);
elseif (module_exists('location') && (module_exists('location_cck') || module_exists('location_node') || module_exists('location_user'))) {
$query = db_select('location_instance', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.lid', $lid);
if ($query) {
$row = $query
$path = '';
if (isset($row['nid']) && $row['nid'] > 0) {
$path = url('node/' . $row['nid']);
elseif (isset($row['uid']) && $row['uid'] > 0) {
$path = url('user/' . $row['uid']);
elseif (isset($row['tid']) && $row['tid'] > 0 && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$path = url('taxonomy/term/' . $row['tid']);
elseif (isset($row['cid']) && $row['cid'] > 0 && module_exists('comment')) {
$path = url('comment/' . $row['cid']);
return $path;
return FALSE;
* Ajax callback
* Fetches bubble content
* @see theme_getlocations_adinfo()
function getlocations_adinfo() {
$lid = $_GET['lid'];
$lidkey = $_GET['key'];
$extra = FALSE;
if (isset($_GET['sdist'])) {
$extra['sdist'] = $_GET['sdist'];
if (isset($_GET['gdlink'])) {
$extra['gdlink'] = $_GET['gdlink'];
$content = getlocations_getinfo($lid, $lidkey, $extra);
'content' => $content,
* @param int $lid location id
* @param string entity id
* @return string formatted address
function getlocations_getinfo($lid, $lidkey, $extra = FALSE) {
$content = FALSE;
if ($lid > 0) {
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields') || module_exists('location')) {
$location = getlocations_load_location($lid);
$location['nid'] = 0;
$location['uid'] = 0;
$location['tid'] = 0;
$location['cid'] = 0;
$type = getlocations_get_type_from_lid($lid);
if ($type == 'node') {
if ($nid = getlocations_get_nid_from_lid($lid)) {
$location['nid'] = $nid;
elseif ($type == 'user') {
if ($uid = getlocations_get_uid_from_lid($lid)) {
$location['uid'] = $uid;
elseif ($type == 'vocabulary' && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
if ($tid = getlocations_get_tid_from_lid($lid)) {
$location['tid'] = $tid;
elseif ($type == 'comment' && module_exists('comment')) {
if ($cid = getlocations_get_cid_from_lid($lid)) {
$location['cid'] = $cid;
elseif (module_exists('geofield') || module_exists('geolocation')) {
$locations = getlocations_load_locations($lid, $lidkey);
$location = $locations[0];
if ($extra) {
if (is_array($extra) && isset($extra['sdist'])) {
$sdist = $extra['sdist'];
$arr = explode('|', $sdist);
$sunit = $arr[0];
$slat = $arr[1];
$slon = $arr[2];
$lat = $location['latitude'];
$lon = $location['longitude'];
$latlon_a = array(
'lat' => $slat,
'lon' => $slon,
$latlon_b = array(
'lat' => $lat,
'lon' => $lon,
$dist = getlocations_distance_between($latlon_a, $latlon_b, $sunit);
$location['sdist'] = $dist['scalar'];
$location['sunit'] = $dist['distance_unit'];
if (is_array($extra) && isset($extra['gdlink'])) {
$location['getdirections_link'] = $extra['gdlink'];
$content = theme('getlocations_adinfo', array(
'location' => $location,
return $content;
* Ajax callback
* Provides a link
* @see theme_getlocations_lidinfo()
function getlocations_lidinfo() {
$lid = $_GET['lid'];
$lidkey = $_GET['key'];
$content = getlocations_getlidinfo($lid, $lidkey);
'content' => $content,
* @param int $lid location id
* @param string entity id
* @return string path
function getlocations_getlidinfo($lid, $lidkey) {
$content = theme('getlocations_lidinfo', array(
'lid' => $lid,
'lidkey' => $lidkey,
return $content;
* Ajax callback
* provides data for marker colorbox
* @see template_preprocess_getlocations_marker_box()
* @see getlocations_marker_box.tpl.php
function getlocations_markerinfo() {
$linktype = $_GET['lt'];
$cat = $_GET['cat'];
$content = "";
$icons = getlocations_get_icondata();
$data = array();
$files = array();
$machine_names = array();
$display_names = array();
$positions = array();
$iconct = 0;
foreach (array_keys($icons) as $path) {
if (preg_match("~^/.*/\$~", $path)) {
$files = $icons[$path]['f'];
$machine_names = $icons[$path]['i'][0][0][0];
$display_names = $icons[$path]['i'][0][0][1];
$positions = $icons[$path]['i'][0][0][2];
$newpositions = array();
foreach ($positions as $pos) {
if (isset($pos[0])) {
$newpositions[] = $pos[0];
$adj = 0;
foreach ($newpositions as $pos) {
// no shadow
if ($pos < 1) {
$adj = 1;
// skip this
if ($files[$pos] == 'shadow.png') {
$data[$iconct]['path'] = $path . $files[$pos];
$data[$iconct]['machine_name'] = $machine_names[$pos + $adj];
$data[$iconct]['display_name'] = $display_names[$pos + $adj];
$content['data'] = $data;
$content['linktype'] = $linktype;
$content['cat'] = $cat;
$output = theme('getlocations_marker_box', array(
'content' => $content,
print $output;
function getlocations_cb_w3w() {
$data = FALSE;
$content = FALSE;
if (isset($_REQUEST['data'])) {
$data = $_REQUEST['data'];
if ($data) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($data)) {
# we have a latlon
$type = 'position';
else {
# must be a w3w
$type = 'w3w';
$content = getlocations_cb_w3w_get($data, $type);
print $content;
function getlocations_cb_w3w_get($data, $type) {
$types = array(
if (in_array($type, $types)) {
$what3words_lic = variable_get('getlocations_what3words_lic', array(
'key' => '',
'url' => '',
$key = $what3words_lic['key'];
if ($key) {
$url = $what3words_lic['url'] . '/' . $type;
$opts = array(
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => array(
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
$datastr = 'key=' . $key;
if ($type == 'position') {
$datastr .= '&position=' . $data;
else {
$datastr .= '&string=' . $data;
$opts['data'] = $datastr;
$response = drupal_http_request($url, $opts);
if ($response->code == '200') {
return $response->data;
return FALSE;
* Get the list of marker titles.
* adapted from gmap
function getlocations_get_marker_titles($reset = FALSE) {
static $titles;
if (!$reset) {
if (is_array($titles)) {
return $titles;
$cached = cache_get('getlocations_marker_titles', 'cache');
if (!empty($cached)) {
$titles = $cached->data;
if (is_array($titles)) {
return $titles;
module_load_include('inc', 'getlocations', 'getlocations.markerinfo');
$titles = _getlocations_get_marker_titles();
cache_set('getlocations_marker_titles', $titles, 'cache');
return $titles;
* Get the JSON icon data for all the default markers.
* adapted from gmap
function getlocations_get_icondata($reset = FALSE) {
static $icons;
if (is_array($icons) && !$reset) {
return $icons;
$icons = cache_get('getlocations_icondata');
if ($icons) {
$icons = $icons->data;
if ($reset || !$icons) {
module_load_include('inc', 'getlocations', 'getlocations.markerinfo');
$icons = _getlocations_get_icondata();
if ($icons) {
cache_set('getlocations_icondata', $icons, 'cache');
return $icons;
* Regenerate the markerdata file.
* adapted from gmap
function getlocations_regenerate_markers() {
// This often fails in cli mode, so bail.
if (drupal_is_cli()) {
$icons = getlocations_get_icondata(TRUE);
if ($icons) {
$contents = '';
$contents .= "// Getlocations marker image data.\n";
$contents .= "Drupal.getlocations.iconpath = " . drupal_json_encode(base_path()) . ";\n";
$contents .= "Drupal.getlocations.icondata = " . drupal_json_encode($icons) . ";\n";
// Create the js/ within the files folder.
$jspath = getlocations_get_markerfile(TRUE, FALSE);
$jsfile = getlocations_get_markerfile(FALSE, FALSE);
if ($jspath && $jsfile && file_prepare_directory($jspath, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && file_unmanaged_save_data($contents, $jsfile, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
// Also regenerate the cached marker titles array
else {
// failed
drupal_set_message(t('Getlocations is unable to save the marker configuration, so the markers will not work. Please check file system permissions of %filepath!', array(
'%filepath' => $jsfile,
)), 'error');
watchdog('getlocations', 'Getlocations write error when saving the marker configuration to %filepath.', array(
'%filepath' => $jsfile,
return FALSE;
else {
// no markers found
drupal_set_message(t('No markers found, you need to install some markers, please see the project page for details.'), 'error');
watchdog('getlocations', 'No markers found.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Function to find and return the filesystem path and filename of the markers definition javascript file
function getlocations_get_markerfile($dir = FALSE, $check = TRUE) {
if (file_default_scheme() != 'public') {
// private
$markerpath = '';
$markerfile = variable_get('getlocations_private_markerfile', '');
if ($markerfile && preg_match("~^(.*)/getlocations_markers.js~", $markerfile, $matches)) {
$markerpath = $matches[1];
else {
$markerpath = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_scheme(file_default_scheme())
->getDirectoryPath() . '/getlocations';
$markerfile = '';
if ($markerpath) {
$markerfile = $markerpath . '/getlocations_markers.js';
if ($dir && $markerpath) {
if ($check) {
if (file_exists($markerpath)) {
return $markerpath;
else {
return $markerpath;
elseif ($markerfile) {
if ($check) {
if (file_exists($markerfile)) {
return $markerfile;
else {
return $markerfile;
return FALSE;
* hook_getlocations_markerdir()
* from jhm
* This hook allows modules or themes to add their own markers
function getlocations_getlocations_markerdir() {
$markerdir = libraries_get_path('getlocations') . '/markers';
return $markerdir;
* @param int $ct $location $minmaxes
* @return
* Returns $minmaxes
function getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes) {
if ($minmaxes == '') {
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
if ($ct) {
// latitudes
if ($location['latitude'] > $minmaxes['maxlat']) {
$minmaxes['maxlat'] = $location['latitude'];
if ($location['latitude'] < $minmaxes['minlat']) {
$minmaxes['minlat'] = $location['latitude'];
// longitudes
if ($location['longitude'] > $minmaxes['maxlon']) {
$minmaxes['maxlon'] = $location['longitude'];
if ($location['longitude'] < $minmaxes['minlon']) {
$minmaxes['minlon'] = $location['longitude'];
else {
$minmaxes['minlat'] = $location['latitude'];
$minmaxes['minlon'] = $location['longitude'];
$minmaxes['maxlat'] = $location['latitude'];
$minmaxes['maxlon'] = $location['longitude'];
return $minmaxes;
* Function for colorbox and suchlike
* @return
* Returns themed content
function getlocations_box() {
$a1 = FALSE;
$a2 = FALSE;
$a3 = FALSE;
$a4 = FALSE;
if (arg(1)) {
$a1 = arg(1);
if (arg(2)) {
$a2 = arg(2);
if (arg(3)) {
$a3 = arg(3);
if (arg(4)) {
$a4 = arg(4);
$content = '';
// $a1 can be node, user, users, type, lids, nids
if ($a1 == 'node' && $a2) {
$content .= getlocations_nodemap($a2);
elseif ($a1 == 'user' && $a2) {
$content .= getlocations_usermap($a2);
elseif ($a1 == 'term' && $a2) {
$content .= getlocations_termmap($a2);
elseif ($a1 == 'comment' && $a2) {
$content .= getlocations_commentmap($a2);
elseif ($a1 == 'users') {
$content .= getlocations_usersmap();
elseif ($a1 == 'type' && $a2) {
$content .= getlocations_typemap($a2, $a3, $a4);
elseif ($a1 == 'lids' && $a2) {
$content .= getlocations_lids($a2);
elseif ($a1 == 'nids' && $a2) {
$content .= getlocations_nids($a2);
$output = theme('getlocations_box', array(
'content' => $content,
print $output;
* Function to fetch node types
* @return
* Returns array of node types supported by the current supported locative module
function getlocations_get_types() {
$options = array();
foreach (node_type_get_types() as $type => $object) {
if (getlocations_check_node($type)) {
$options[$type] = $object->name;
return $options;
* Function to check if bundle has a locative field
* @param string $bundle
* @return
* Returns boolean
function getlocations_check_node($bundle) {
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if ($module) {
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', '');
->condition('i.bundle', $bundle)
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('i.entity_type', 'node')
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
$ct = 0;
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($ct) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Function to collect field name
* @param string $bundle
* @param string $entity_type
* @return
* Returns field name or FALSE
function getlocations_get_fieldname($bundle, $entity_type = 'node') {
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if ($module) {
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', '');
->condition('i.bundle', $bundle)
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('i.entity_type', $entity_type)
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
$ct = 0;
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$data = $row->field_name;
if ($ct) {
return $data;
return FALSE;
* Function to collect field names
* @param string $bundle
* @param string $entity_type
* @return
* Returns field names or FALSE
function getlocations_get_fieldname2($bundle, $entity_type = 'node') {
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if ($module) {
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', '');
->condition('i.bundle', $bundle)
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('i.entity_type', $entity_type)
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
$ct = 0;
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$data[$ct] = $row->field_name;
if ($ct) {
return $data;
return FALSE;
* Function to collect entities being used by the given module
* @param string $module
* @return
* Returns array of entity names or FALSE
function getlocations_get_supported_entities($module = FALSE) {
if (!$module) {
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if ($module) {
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('i', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', ' = i.field_id');
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
$data = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$data[$row->entity_type] = $row->entity_type;
return count($data) ? array_keys($data) : FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Function is an entity_type location enabled?
* @param string $entity_type
* @param string $bundle
* @return
* Returns boolean
function getlocations_check_entity_type($entity_type = '', $bundle = '') {
if ($entity_type == 'term') {
$entity_type = 'taxonomy_term';
if ($module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module()) {
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', '');
->condition('f.module', $module);
if ($entity_type) {
->condition('i.entity_type', $entity_type);
if ($bundle) {
->condition('i.bundle', $bundle);
->condition('', 1);
$number_of_rows = $query
if ($number_of_rows) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Function gets list of vocabularies
* @return
* Returns array
function getlocations_get_vocabularies() {
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
$options = array();
if (count($vocabularies)) {
foreach ($vocabularies as $vid => $vocabulary) {
if (getlocations_check_vocabulary($vocabulary->machine_name)) {
$options[$vid] = $vocabulary->name;
return $options;
return FALSE;
* Function gets list of vocabulary machine names
* @return
* Returns array
function getlocations_get_machine_vocabularies() {
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
$options = array();
if (count($vocabularies)) {
foreach ($vocabularies as $vid => $vocabulary) {
if (getlocations_check_vocabulary($vocabulary->machine_name)) {
$options[$vid] = $vocabulary->machine_name;
return $options;
return FALSE;
* Function to check a vocabulary
* @return
* Returns bool
function getlocations_check_vocabulary($machine_name) {
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
return getlocations_check_entity_type('taxonomy_term', $machine_name);
return FALSE;
* Function list of term reference fields
* @return
* Returns array
function getlocations_get_term_reference_fields() {
$module = 'taxonomy';
$type = 'taxonomy_term_reference';
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('f.type', $type)
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
$data = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$data[$row->field_name] = $row->field_name;
return $data;
* Function to fetch list of markers
* @param string $type
* @return
* Returns list of markers
function getlocations_get_markertypes($type) {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$markertypes = array();
if ($type == 'node') {
$default_marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
$getlocations_node_marker = variable_get('getlocations_node_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
if ($getlocations_node_marker['enable']) {
if ($content_types = getlocations_get_types()) {
foreach ($content_types as $content_type => $name) {
$field_names = getlocations_get_fieldname2($content_type, 'node');
foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
if (isset($getlocations_node_marker['content_type'][$content_type]['field_name'][$field_name]['map_marker'])) {
$markertypes[$content_type] = $getlocations_node_marker['content_type'][$content_type]['field_name'][$field_name]['map_marker'];
else {
$markertypes[$content_type] = $default_marker;
return $markertypes;
elseif ($type == 'vocabulary' && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$default_marker = $getlocations_defaults['vocabulary_map_marker'];
$vocabularies = getlocations_get_vocabularies();
$getlocations_vocabulary_marker = variable_get('getlocations_vocabulary_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
foreach ($vocabularies as $vid => $vocabulary) {
if ($getlocations_vocabulary_marker['enable'] && isset($getlocations_vocabulary_marker['vocabulary'][$vid]['map_marker'])) {
$markertypes[$vid] = $getlocations_vocabulary_marker['vocabulary'][$vid]['map_marker'];
else {
$markertypes[$vid] = $default_marker;
return $markertypes;
elseif ($type == 'term' && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$default_marker = $getlocations_defaults['term_map_marker'];
$getlocations_term_marker = variable_get('getlocations_term_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
'vids' => 0,
'max_depth' => '',
if ($getlocations_term_marker['enable'] && $getlocations_term_marker['vids']) {
$depth = is_numeric($getlocations_term_marker['max_depth']) && $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] > 0 ? $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] : NULL;
$vids = $getlocations_term_marker['vids'];
foreach ($vids as $vid) {
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, $depth);
foreach ($terms as $term) {
if (isset($getlocations_term_marker['vid'][$vid]['term'][$term->tid]['map_marker'])) {
$markertypes[$term->tid] = $getlocations_term_marker['vid'][$vid]['term'][$term->tid]['map_marker'];
else {
$markertypes[$term->tid] = $default_marker;
return $markertypes;
else {
return FALSE;
* Function to fetch a node type or bundle
* @param int $nid The node Identifier
* @return
* Returns the bundle name or false
function getlocations_get_nodetype($nid) {
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->condition('n.nid', $nid);
$row = $query
return isset($row['type']) && $row['type'] ? $row['type'] : FALSE;
* Function sets up javascript settings
* @param array $defaults
* @param array $latlons
* @param array $minmaxes
* @param string $mapid
* @param bool $inputmap
* @param string $extcontrol
function getlocations_js_settings_do($defaults, $latlons, $minmaxes, $mapid, $inputmap = FALSE, $extcontrol = '') {
global $language;
$lla = explode(',', $defaults['latlong']);
$lat = $lla[0];
$lng = $lla[1];
$settings = array(
$mapid => array(
'lat' => trim($lat),
'lng' => trim($lng),
'locale_prefix' => $language->prefix,
'zoom' => $defaults['zoom'],
'minzoom_map' => $defaults['minzoom_map'],
'maxzoom_map' => $defaults['maxzoom_map'],
'maptype' => $defaults['maptype'],
'controltype' => $defaults['controltype'],
'mtc' => $defaults['mtc'],
'baselayers' => $defaults['baselayers'],
'scale' => $defaults['scale'],
'overview' => $defaults['overview'],
'overview_opened' => $defaults['overview_opened'],
'scrollwheel' => $defaults['scrollwheel'],
'trafficinfo' => $defaults['trafficinfo'],
'trafficinfo_state' => $defaults['trafficinfo_state'],
'bicycleinfo' => $defaults['bicycleinfo'],
'bicycleinfo_state' => $defaults['bicycleinfo_state'],
'transitinfo' => $defaults['transitinfo'],
'transitinfo_state' => $defaults['transitinfo_state'],
'sv_show' => $defaults['sv_show'],
'sv_showfirst' => $defaults['sv_showfirst'],
'sv_heading' => $defaults['sv_heading'],
'sv_zoom' => $defaults['sv_zoom'],
'sv_pitch' => $defaults['sv_pitch'],
'pancontrol' => $defaults['pancontrol'],
'poi_show' => $defaults['poi_show'],
'transit_show' => $defaults['transit_show'],
'map_marker' => $defaults['node_map_marker'],
'markeraction' => $defaults['markeraction'],
'markeractiontype' => $defaults['markeractiontype'],
'markeraction_click_zoom' => $defaults['markeraction_click_zoom'],
'markeraction_click_center' => $defaults['markeraction_click_center'],
'minzoom' => $defaults['minzoom'],
'maxzoom' => $defaults['maxzoom'],
'nodezoom' => $defaults['nodezoom'],
'markermanagertype' => $defaults['markermanagertype'],
'usemarkermanager' => $defaults['usemarkermanager'],
'useclustermanager' => $defaults['useclustermanager'],
'markerclusterer_style' => $defaults['markerclusterer_style'],
'markerclusterer_zoom' => $defaults['markerclusterer_zoom'],
'markerclusterer_size' => $defaults['markerclusterer_size'],
'markerclusterer_minsize' => $defaults['markerclusterer_minsize'],
'markerclusterer_title' => $defaults['markerclusterer_title'],
'markerclusterer_imgpath' => $defaults['markerclusterer_imgpath'],
'pansetting' => $defaults['pansetting'],
'draggable' => $defaults['draggable'],
'styles' => $defaults['styles'],
'inputmap' => $inputmap ? 1 : 0,
'extcontrol' => $extcontrol,
'custom_content_enable' => $defaults['custom_content_enable'],
'preload_data' => $defaults['preload_data'],
'is_mobile' => getlocations_is_mobile() ? 1 : 0,
'map_backgroundcolor' => $defaults['map_backgroundcolor'],
'show_maplinks' => $defaults['show_maplinks'],
'show_maplinks_viewport' => $defaults['show_maplinks_viewport'],
'js_path' => base_path() . GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/',
'images_path' => base_path() . GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/images/',
'info_path' => url("getlocations_cb/info"),
'lidinfo_path' => url("getlocations_cb/lidinfo"),
'fullscreen' => $defaults['fullscreen'],
'show_bubble_on_one_marker' => $defaults['show_bubble_on_one_marker'],
'kml_url' => $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url'],
'fullscreen_disable' => $defaults['fullscreen_disable'],
'fullscreen_controlposition' => $defaults['fullscreen_controlposition'],
'places' => $defaults['places'],
'search_places' => $defaults['search_places'],
'getdirections_enabled' => $defaults['getdirections_enabled'],
'is_https' => $defaults['is_https'],
'geojson_enable' => $defaults['geojson_enable'],
'nokeyboard' => $defaults['nokeyboard'],
'nodoubleclickzoom' => $defaults['nodoubleclickzoom'],
'zoomcontrolposition' => $defaults['zoomcontrolposition'],
'mapcontrolposition' => $defaults['mapcontrolposition'],
'pancontrolposition' => $defaults['pancontrolposition'],
'scalecontrolposition' => $defaults['scalecontrolposition'],
'svcontrolposition' => $defaults['svcontrolposition'],
'sv_addresscontrol' => $defaults['sv_addresscontrol'],
// sv overlay controls
'sv_addresscontrolposition' => $defaults['sv_addresscontrolposition'],
'sv_pancontrol' => $defaults['sv_pancontrol'],
'sv_pancontrolposition' => $defaults['sv_pancontrolposition'],
'sv_zoomcontrol' => $defaults['sv_zoomcontrol'],
'sv_zoomcontrolposition' => $defaults['sv_zoomcontrolposition'],
'sv_linkscontrol' => $defaults['sv_linkscontrol'],
'sv_imagedatecontrol' => $defaults['sv_imagedatecontrol'],
'sv_scrollwheel' => $defaults['sv_scrollwheel'],
'sv_clicktogo' => $defaults['sv_clicktogo'],
'input_map_show' => $defaults['input_map_show'],
// only set these if wanted
if ($defaults['kml_group']['kml_url']) {
$settings[$mapid]['kml_url_click'] = $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_click'];
$settings[$mapid]['kml_url_infowindow'] = $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_infowindow'];
$settings[$mapid]['kml_url_viewport'] = $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_viewport'];
$settings[$mapid]['kml_url_button'] = $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button'];
$settings[$mapid]['kml_url_button_label'] = $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button_label'];
$settings[$mapid]['kml_url_button_state'] = $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button_state'];
if ($defaults['search_places']) {
$settings[$mapid]['search_places_size'] = $defaults['search_places_size'];
$settings[$mapid]['search_places_position'] = $defaults['search_places_position'];
$settings[$mapid]['search_places_label'] = $defaults['search_places_label'];
$settings[$mapid]['search_places_placeholder'] = $defaults['search_places_placeholder'];
$settings[$mapid]['search_places_dd'] = $defaults['search_places_dd'];
$settings[$mapid]['search_places_list'] = $defaults['search_places_list'];
if ($defaults['geojson_enable']) {
$settings[$mapid]['geojson_data'] = $defaults['geojson_data'];
$settings[$mapid]['geojson_options'] = $defaults['geojson_options'];
// categories
if (isset($defaults['categories'])) {
$settings[$mapid]['categories'] = $defaults['categories'];
else {
$settings[$mapid]['categories'] = array();
// highlighting
$settings[$mapid]['highlight_enable'] = $defaults['highlight_enable'];
if ($defaults['highlight_enable']) {
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['highlight_strokecolor'])) {
$defaults['highlight_strokecolor'] = '#' . $defaults['highlight_strokecolor'];
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['highlight_fillcolor'])) {
$defaults['highlight_fillcolor'] = '#' . $defaults['highlight_fillcolor'];
$settings[$mapid]['highlight_strokecolor'] = $defaults['highlight_strokecolor'];
$settings[$mapid]['highlight_strokeopacity'] = $defaults['highlight_strokeopacity'];
$settings[$mapid]['highlight_strokeweight'] = $defaults['highlight_strokeweight'];
$settings[$mapid]['highlight_fillcolor'] = $defaults['highlight_fillcolor'];
$settings[$mapid]['highlight_fillopacity'] = $defaults['highlight_fillopacity'];
$settings[$mapid]['highlight_radius'] = $defaults['highlight_radius'];
$settings[$mapid]['getdirections_link'] = $defaults['getdirections_link'];
$settings[$mapid]['show_search_distance'] = $defaults['show_search_distance'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_marker_enable'] = $defaults['views_search_marker_enable'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_enable'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_enable'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_center'] = $defaults['views_search_center'];
if ($defaults['views_search_marker_enable'] || $defaults['views_search_radshape_enable']) {
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_marker'] = $defaults['views_search_marker'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_marker_toggle'] = $defaults['views_search_marker_toggle'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_marker_toggle_active'] = $defaults['views_search_marker_toggle_active'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_strokecolor'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_strokecolor'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_strokeopacity'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_strokeopacity'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_strokeweight'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_strokeweight'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_fillcolor'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_fillcolor'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_fillopacity'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_fillopacity'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_toggle'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_toggle'];
$settings[$mapid]['views_search_radshape_toggle_active'] = $defaults['views_search_radshape_toggle_active'];
// geocoder-js
$settings[$mapid]['geocoder_enable'] = $defaults['geocoder_enable'];
// What3Words
$what3words_lic = variable_get('getlocations_what3words_lic', array(
'key' => '',
'url' => '',
if ($what3words_lic['key'] && $defaults['what3words_enable']) {
#$settings[$mapid]['what3words_key'] = $what3words_lic['key'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_enable'] = $defaults['what3words_enable'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_search'] = $defaults['what3words_search'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_map_marker'] = $defaults['what3words_map_marker'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_center'] = $defaults['what3words_center'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_zoom'] = $defaults['what3words_zoom'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_show'] = $defaults['what3words_show'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_marker_show'] = $defaults['what3words_marker_show'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_click'] = $defaults['what3words_click'];
$settings[$mapid]['what3words_path'] = url($defaults['what3words_path']);
// baselayer settings
$providers = getlocations_get_map_providers();
$baselayers = $defaults['baselayers'];
foreach ($providers as $k => $v) {
if (isset($baselayers[$k]) && $baselayers[$k]) {
$settings[$mapid]['baselayer_settings'][$k] = $v;
// field group support;
$settings[$mapid]['field_group_enable'] = module_exists('field_group') ? 1 : 0;
'getlocations' => $settings,
), 'setting');
if ($defaults['preload_data']) {
$info = array();
if (count($latlons)) {
$ct = 0;
foreach ($latlons as $latlon) {
$info[$ct]['lid'] = 0;
$info[$ct]['lidkey'] = '';
$info[$ct]['content'] = '';
if (isset($latlon[2]) && isset($latlon[5])) {
$info[$ct]['lid'] = $latlon[2];
$info[$ct]['lidkey'] = $latlon[5];
$info[$ct]['content'] = '';
if ($defaults['markeraction'] == 1 || $defaults['markeraction'] == 2) {
$extra = FALSE;
if (isset($defaults['getdirections_link'])) {
$extra['gdlink'] = $defaults['getdirections_link'];
$info[$ct]['content'] = getlocations_getinfo($latlon[2], $latlon[5], $extra);
elseif ($defaults['markeraction'] == 3) {
$info[$ct]['content'] = getlocations_getlidinfo($latlon[2], $latlon[5]);
$info_settings = array(
$mapid => $info,
'getlocations_info' => $info_settings,
), 'setting');
// polygons
if ($defaults['polygons_enable'] && !empty($defaults['polygons_coords'])) {
$polygons = getlocations_get_polygon_settings($defaults);
if ($polygons) {
$polygon_settings = array(
$mapid => $polygons,
'getlocations_polygons' => $polygon_settings,
), 'setting');
// rectangles
if ($defaults['rectangles_enable'] && (!empty($defaults['rectangles_coords']) || $defaults['rectangles_apply'] && $defaults['rectangles_dist'])) {
if ($defaults['rectangles_apply'] && $defaults['rectangles_dist']) {
// get latlons and set coords
$tmp = '';
foreach ($latlons as $ll) {
$lats = getlocations_earth_latitude_range($ll[0], $ll[1], $defaults['rectangles_dist']);
$lngs = getlocations_earth_longitude_range($ll[0], $ll[1], $defaults['rectangles_dist']);
$tmp .= $lats[0] . ',' . $lngs[0] . '|' . $lats[1] . ',' . $lngs[1] . "\n";
if ($tmp) {
$defaults['rectangles_coords'] = $tmp;
$rectangles = getlocations_get_rectangle_settings($defaults);
if ($rectangles) {
$rectangle_settings = array(
$mapid => $rectangles,
'getlocations_rectangles' => $rectangle_settings,
), 'setting');
// circles
if ($defaults['circles_enable'] && $defaults['circles_radius'] > 0 && (!empty($defaults['circles_coords']) || $defaults['circles_apply'])) {
if ($defaults['circles_apply'] && count($latlons)) {
// get latlons and set coords
$tmp = '';
foreach ($latlons as $ll) {
$tmp .= $ll[0] . ',' . $ll[1] . "\n";
if ($tmp) {
$defaults['circles_coords'] = $tmp;
$circles = getlocations_get_circle_settings($defaults);
if ($circles) {
$circle_settings = array(
$mapid => $circles,
'getlocations_circles' => $circle_settings,
), 'setting');
// polylines
if ($defaults['polylines_enable'] && !empty($defaults['polylines_coords'])) {
$polylines = getlocations_get_polyline_settings($defaults);
if ($polylines) {
$polyline_settings = array(
$mapid => $polylines,
'getlocations_polylines' => $polyline_settings,
), 'setting');
// getlocations_gps
if (module_exists('getlocations_gps') && isset($defaults['gps_button']) && $defaults['gps_button']) {
$getlocations_gps_defaults = getlocations_gps_defaults($defaults);
getlocations_gps_js_settings_do($getlocations_gps_defaults, $mapid);
// getlocations_smartip
if (module_exists('getlocations_smartip') && isset($defaults['smartip_button']) && $defaults['smartip_button']) {
$getlocations_smartip_defaults = getlocations_smartip_defaults($defaults);
getlocations_smartip_js_settings_do($getlocations_smartip_defaults, $mapid);
* Function to fetch locations
* @param int $id The entity identifier
* @return array $locations
function getlocations_load_locations($id, $key = 'vid') {
$locations = '';
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$locations = getlocations_fields_load_locations($id, $key);
elseif (module_exists('location_cck')) {
$locations = location_load_locations($id, $key);
elseif (module_exists('geofield')) {
$locations = getlocations_other_load_locations($id, $key, 'geofield');
elseif (module_exists('geolocation')) {
$locations = getlocations_other_load_locations($id, $key, 'geolocation');
return $locations;
* Function to fetch a location
* @param int $lid Location Identifier
* @return array $location
function getlocations_load_location($lid) {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$location = '';
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$location = getlocations_fields_load_location($lid);
$type = getlocations_get_type_from_lid($lid);
if (!isset($location['marker']) || empty($location['marker'])) {
$location['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults[$type . '_map_marker'];
elseif (module_exists('location_cck')) {
$location = location_load_location($lid);
$location['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
return $location;
* Function to fetch locations. Supports Geofield and Geolocation modules
* @param int $id Entity identifier
* @param string $key Entity key
* @param string $module Module name
* @return array $locations
function getlocations_other_load_locations($id, $key = 'vid', $module = '') {
global $language;
$locations = array();
if (empty($module)) {
return $locations;
if ($key == 'nid') {
$entity_type = 'node';
$obj = node_load($id);
$location_name = $obj->title;
elseif ($key == 'vid') {
$entity_type = 'node';
$obj = node_load(NULL, $id);
$location_name = $obj->title;
elseif ($key == 'uid') {
$entity_type = 'user';
$obj = user_load($id);
$location_name = $obj->name;
elseif ($key == 'tid') {
$entity_type = 'taxonomy_term';
$obj = taxonomy_term_load($id);
$location_name = $obj->name;
elseif ($key == 'cid') {
$entity_type = 'comment';
$obj = comment_load($id);
$location_name = $obj->subject;
// get the field_xxx names
$objfields = array();
foreach ($obj as $k => $therest) {
if (preg_match("/^field_/", $k)) {
$objfields[] = $k;
if (empty($objfields)) {
return $locations;
// find a geofield
if ($module == 'geofield') {
$type = 'geofield';
$geofields = getlocations_other_get_fieldname($type, $module, $entity_type);
if (!empty($geofields)) {
$geofield = '';
foreach ($objfields as $field) {
if (in_array($field, $geofields)) {
$geofield = $field;
if (empty($geofield)) {
return $locations;
// got one
$geo = $obj->{$geofield};
$geo_keys = array_keys($geo);
foreach ($geo_keys as $lang) {
if ($lang == $language->language || isset($obj->language) && $lang == $obj->language || $lang == 'und') {
$ct = 0;
foreach ($geo[$lang] as $g) {
if (isset($g['lat']) && isset($g['lon'])) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($g['lat'] . ',' . $g['lon'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$locations[$ct]['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$locations[$ct]['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$locations[$ct][$key] = $id;
if ($key == 'vid') {
$locations[$ct]['nid'] = getlocations_get_nid($id);
$locations[$ct]['key'] = $key;
elseif ($module == 'geolocation') {
$type = 'geolocation_latlng';
$geolocationfields = getlocations_other_get_fieldname($type, $module, $entity_type);
if (!empty($geolocationfields)) {
$geolocationfield = '';
foreach ($objfields as $field) {
// test for geolocationfields
if (in_array($field, $geolocationfields)) {
$geolocationfield = $field;
if (empty($geolocationfield)) {
return $locations;
// got one
$geo = $obj->{$geolocationfield};
$geo_keys = array_keys($geo);
foreach ($geo_keys as $lang) {
if ($lang == $language->language || isset($obj->language) && $lang == $obj->language || $lang == 'und') {
$ct = 0;
foreach ($geo[$lang] as $g) {
if (isset($g['lat']) && isset($g['lng'])) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($g['lat'] . ',' . $g['lng'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$locations[$ct]['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$locations[$ct]['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$locations[$ct][$key] = $id;
if ($key == 'vid') {
$locations[$ct]['nid'] = getlocations_get_nid($id);
$locations[$ct]['key'] = $key;
$locations[$ct]['name'] = $location_name;
// addressfield
if (module_exists('addressfield')) {
// find an addressfield
$type = 'addressfield';
$addressfields = getlocations_other_get_fieldname($type, 'addressfield', $entity_type);
if (!empty($addressfields)) {
foreach ($objfields as $field) {
if (in_array($field, $addressfields)) {
$addressfield = $field;
if (empty($addressfield)) {
return $locations;
// got one
$addr = $obj->{$addressfield};
$addr_keys = array_keys($addr);
foreach ($addr_keys as $lang) {
if ($lang == $language->language || isset($obj->language) && $lang == $obj->language || $lang == 'und') {
$ct = 0;
foreach ($addr[$lang] as $a) {
$locations[$ct] += getlocations_addressfield_convert($a);
return $locations;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_other_get_fieldname($type, $module, $entity_type = '') {
$query = db_select('field_config', 'fc');
->fields('fc', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', ' = i.field_id');
->condition('fc.module', $module);
->condition('fc.type', $type);
->condition('', 1);
->condition('fc.storage_active', 1);
if (!empty($entity_type)) {
->condition('i.entity_type', $entity_type);
$rows = $query
$field_names = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$field_names[$row->field_name] = $row->field_name;
return $field_names;
* Some form helper functions
* for admin and views plugin style
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_marker($title, $options, $default, $description = '') {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title,
'#options' => $options,
'#default_value' => $default,
if ($description) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_tf($title, $default, $description = '', $size = 60, $maxlength = 255, $required = FALSE, $weight = '') {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $title,
'#default_value' => $default,
'#size' => $size,
'#maxlength' => $maxlength,
if ($required) {
$element['#required'] = TRUE;
if ($description) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
if (is_numeric($weight)) {
$element['#weight'] = $weight;
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_zoom($title, $default, $description = '') {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title,
'#default_value' => $default,
'#options' => drupal_map_assoc(range(0, 21)),
if (!empty($description)) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_zoom_map($title, $default, $description = '') {
$opts = array(
'-1' => t('Use map type settings'),
) + drupal_map_assoc(range(0, 21));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title,
'#default_value' => $default,
'#options' => $opts,
if (!empty($description)) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_zoom_controltype($default, $title = '') {
if (empty($title)) {
$title = t('Zoom Control type');
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title,
'#options' => array(
'none' => t('None'),
'default' => t('Default'),
'small' => t('Small'),
'large' => t('Large'),
'#default_value' => $default,
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_checkbox($title, $default, $description = '') {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $title,
'#default_value' => $default,
'#return_value' => 1,
if (!empty($description)) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_mtc($default) {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Map Control Type'),
'#options' => array(
'none' => t('None'),
'standard' => t('Horizontal bar'),
'menu' => t('Dropdown'),
'#default_value' => $default,
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_maptype($default, $baselayers) {
$options = array();
$providers = getlocations_get_map_providers();
$layers = array();
foreach ($providers as $k => $v) {
$layers[$k] = $v['title'];
foreach ($layers as $key => $layer) {
if (isset($baselayers[$key]) && $baselayers[$key]) {
$options[$key] = $layer;
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Default map type'),
'#options' => $options,
'#default_value' => $default,
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_baselayers($view, $default) {
// Map Satellite Hybrid Physical
$title = FALSE;
$providers = getlocations_get_map_providers();
if (isset($providers[$view])) {
$title = $providers[$view]['title'];
$description = $providers[$view]['description'];
if ($title) {
$element = getlocations_element_map_checkbox($title, $default, $description);
return $element;
return FALSE;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_pansetting($default) {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Automatic Panning'),
'#default_value' => $default,
'#options' => array(
0 => t('None'),
1 => t('Pan'),
2 => t('Pan and zoom'),
3 => t('Set Center'),
'#description' => t("'None' is No panning,") . '<br />' . t("'Pan' keeps the markers in the Viewport,") . '<br />' . t("'Pan and zoom' fits the markers to the Viewport,") . '<br />' . t("'Set Center' places the markers in the middle of the map."),
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_markeraction($default) {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Marker action'),
'#default_value' => $default,
'#options' => array(
0 => t('None'),
1 => t('InfoWindow'),
2 => t('InfoBubble'),
3 => t('Link'),
'#description' => t("'None' is No action,") . '<br />' . t("'InfoWindow' show information in a Google InfoWindow,") . '<br />' . t("'InfoBubble' use InfoBubble instead,") . '<br />' . t("'Link' go to a page."),
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_markeractiontype($default) {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Marker action type'),
'#default_value' => $default,
'#options' => array(
1 => t('Click'),
2 => t('Mouse over'),
'#description' => t("'Click' is clicking on the marker,") . '<br />' . t("'Mouse over' is holding the mouse over a marker."),
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_markermanagertype($default) {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Marker Manager type'),
'#default_value' => $default,
'#options' => array(
0 => t('None'),
2 => t('Marker Clusterer'),
1 => t('Marker Manager'),
'#description' => t('The type of marker management software to load, if any.'),
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_path($title, $default, $size, $maxlength, $description) {
$element = getlocations_element_map_tf($title, $default, $description, $size, $maxlength, TRUE);
return $element;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_map_limits($default, $title = '', $description = '') {
if (empty($title)) {
$title = t('Locations to show');
if (empty($description)) {
$description = t('The maximum number of locations to show, sorted by distance');
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title,
'#description' => $description,
'#options' => array(
0 => t('All'),
10 => '10',
20 => '20',
30 => '30',
40 => '40',
50 => '50',
75 => '75',
100 => '100',
150 => '150',
175 => '175',
200 => '200',
250 => '250',
300 => '300',
400 => '400',
500 => '500',
'#default_value' => $default,
return $element;
* @param string $default
* @param string $title
* @param array $options
* @param string $description
* @param bool $multiple
* @param int $weight
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_dd($title, $default, $options, $description = '', $multiple = FALSE, $weight = '') {
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title,
'#default_value' => $default,
'#options' => $options,
if ($description) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
if ($multiple) {
$element['#multiple'] = TRUE;
$element['#size'] = min(12, count($options));
if (is_numeric($weight)) {
$element['#weight'] = $weight;
return $element;
function getlocations_get_map_providers() {
// support hook_getlocations_map_providers
$providers = module_invoke_all('getlocations_map_providers');
return $providers;
function getlocations_getlocations_map_providers() {
$osm_attrib = '© <a target="_blank" href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a target="_blank" href="">ODBL</a>';
$stamen_attrib = 'Tiles © <a target="_blank" href="">Stamen Design</a>, <a target="_blank" href="">CC BY 3.0</a> — ' . $osm_attrib;
$esri_attrib = 'Tiles © <a target="_blank" href="">Esri</a>';
$providers = array(
'Map' => array(
'title' => t('Standard street map'),
'short_title' => t('Map'),
'description' => t('The standard default street map.'),
'default' => 1,
'minzoom' => 0,
'maxzoom' => 20,
'url' => '',
'attribution' => '',
'tilesize' => 256,
'Satellite' => array(
'title' => t('Standard satellite map'),
'short_title' => t('Satellite'),
'description' => t('Satellite view without street overlay.'),
'default' => 1,
'minzoom' => 0,
'maxzoom' => 20,
'url' => '',
'attribution' => '',
'tilesize' => 256,
'Hybrid' => array(
'title' => t('Hybrid satellite map'),
'short_title' => t('Hybrid'),
'description' => t('Satellite view with street overlay.'),
'default' => 1,
'minzoom' => 0,
'maxzoom' => 20,
'url' => '',
'attribution' => '',
'tilesize' => 256,
'Physical' => array(
'title' => t('Terrain map'),
'short_title' => t('Terrain'),
'description' => t('Map with physical data (terrain, vegetation.)'),
'default' => 1,
'minzoom' => 0,
'maxzoom' => 20,
'url' => '',
'attribution' => '',
'tilesize' => 256,
'OSM' => array(
'title' => t('OpenStreet map'),
'short_title' => t('OSM map'),
'description' => t('Map from the OpenStreetMap Foundation.'),
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $osm_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'OSMBW' => array(
'title' => t('OpenStreetMap Black and White'),
'short_title' => t('OSM BW'),
'description' => t('Map from the OpenStreetMap Foundation, black and white version.'),
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $osm_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'OSMDE' => array(
'title' => t('OpenStreetMap DE'),
'short_title' => t('OSM DE'),
'description' => t('German OpenStreet map'),
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $osm_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'OCM' => array(
'title' => t('OpenCycleMap'),
'short_title' => t('OCM'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => '© <a target="_blank" href="" >OpenCycleMap</a>, ' . $osm_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'OCMT' => array(
'title' => t('OpenCycleMap Transport'),
'short_title' => t('OCM Transport'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => '© <a target="_blank" href="" >OpenCycleMap</a>, ' . $osm_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'OCML' => array(
'title' => t('OpenCycleMap Landscape'),
'short_title' => t('OCM Landscape'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => '© <a target="_blank" href="" >OpenCycleMap</a>, ' . $osm_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'OCMO' => array(
'title' => t('OpenCycleMap Outdoors'),
'short_title' => t('OCM Outdoors'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => '© <a target="_blank" href="" >OpenCycleMap</a>, ' . $osm_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'Stamen' => array(
'title' => t('Stamen Toner'),
'short_title' => t('ST'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $stamen_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'StamenBG' => array(
'title' => t('Stamen Toner-background'),
'short_title' => t('STBG'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 0,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $stamen_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'StamenHY' => array(
'title' => t('Stamen Toner-hybrid'),
'short_title' => t('STHY'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $stamen_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'StamenLI' => array(
'title' => t('Stamen Toner-lines'),
'short_title' => t('STLI'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $stamen_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'StamenLA' => array(
'title' => t('Stamen Toner-labels'),
'short_title' => t('STLA'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $stamen_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'StamenLT' => array(
'title' => t('Stamen Toner-lite'),
'short_title' => t('STLT'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $stamen_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'Watercolor' => array(
'title' => t('Watercolor'),
'short_title' => t('STWC'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $stamen_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'ESRI' => array(
'title' => t('Esri'),
'short_title' => t('Esri'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 17,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib,
'tilesize' => 256,
'DeLorme' => array(
'title' => t('Esri DeLorme'),
'short_title' => t('DeLorme'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 11,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — ©2012 DeLorme',
'tilesize' => 256,
'WorldTopoMap' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Topo'),
'short_title' => t('Topo'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community',
'tilesize' => 256,
'WorldImagery' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Imagery'),
'short_title' => t('Imagery'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 18,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community',
'tilesize' => 256,
'WorldTerrain' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Terrain'),
'short_title' => t('Terrain'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 9,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — Source: USGS, Esri, TANA, DeLorme, and NPS',
'tilesize' => 256,
'WorldShadedRelief' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Shaded'),
'short_title' => t('Shaded'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 13,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . '',
'tilesize' => 256,
'WorldPhysical' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Physical'),
'short_title' => t('Physical'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 8,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — US National Park Service',
'tilesize' => 256,
'OceanBasemap' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Ocean'),
'short_title' => t('Ocean'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 13,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ',
'tilesize' => 256,
'NatGeoWorldMap' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Geo'),
'short_title' => t('Esri Geo'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 12,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, iPC',
'tilesize' => 256,
'WorldGrayCanvas' => array(
'title' => t('Esri Canvas'),
'short_title' => t('Esri Canvas'),
'description' => '',
'default' => 0,
'minzoom' => 1,
'maxzoom' => 16,
'url' => "",
'attribution' => $esri_attrib . ' — Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ',
'tilesize' => 256,
return $providers;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form
function getlocations_map_display_basics_form($defaults, $labels = array()) {
$label = array(
'width' => t('Default width'),
'height' => t('Default height'),
'styles' => t('Default styles'),
'latlong' => t('Map center'),
'zoom' => t('Zoom'),
'minzoom_map' => t('Minimum Zoom'),
'maxzoom_map' => t('Maximum Zoom'),
if (isset($labels['width'])) {
$label['width'] = $labels['width'];
if (isset($labels['height'])) {
$label['height'] = $labels['height'];
if (isset($labels['styles'])) {
$label['styles'] = $labels['styles'];
if (isset($labels['latlong'])) {
$label['latlong'] = $labels['latlong'];
if (isset($labels['zoom'])) {
$label['zoom'] = $labels['zoom'];
if (isset($labels['minzoom_map'])) {
$label['minzoom_map'] = $labels['minzoom_map'];
if (isset($labels['maxzoom_map'])) {
$label['maxzoom_map'] = $labels['maxzoom_map'];
$form = array();
$form['width'] = getlocations_element_map_tf($label['width'], $defaults['width'], t('The default width of a map, as a CSS length or percentage. Examples: <em>50px</em>, <em>5em</em>, <em>2.5in</em>, <em>95%</em>'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['height'] = getlocations_element_map_tf($label['height'], $defaults['height'], t('The default height of a map, as a CSS length or percentage. Examples: <em>50px</em>, <em>5em</em>, <em>2.5in</em>, <em>95%</em>'), 10, 10, TRUE);
// map_resize
$form['map_resize'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Automatic map resize'), $defaults['map_resize'], t('Set the map dimensions to 100% if the browser is on a mobile device.'));
// fullscreen_disable
$form['fullscreen_disable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Disable Fullscreen'), $defaults['fullscreen_disable'], t('Disable the Fullscreen button if the browser is on a mobile device.'));
$form['styles'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => $label['styles'],
'#default_value' => $defaults['styles'],
'#description' => t('The default styles of a Google map. Use !link for generating your styles', array(
'!link' => l(t('this wizard'), '', array(
'external' => TRUE,
$form['latlong'] = getlocations_element_map_tf($label['latlong'], $defaults['latlong'], t('The default center coordinates of a map, expressed as a decimal latitude and longitude, separated by a comma. This must not be 0,0'), 40, 50, TRUE);
$form['zoom'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom($label['zoom'], $defaults['zoom'], t('The default zoom level of a map.'));
$form['minzoom_map'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom_map($label['minzoom_map'], $defaults['minzoom_map'], t('The default Minimum zoom level of a map.'));
$form['maxzoom_map'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom_map($label['maxzoom_map'], $defaults['maxzoom_map'], t('The default Maximum zoom level of a map.'));
return $form;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns form
function getlocations_map_display_options_form($defaults, $config = TRUE, $extras = TRUE, $source = '') {
$controlpositions = getlocations_controlpositions();
$form = array();
$form['controltype'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom_controltype($defaults['controltype']);
$form['controltype']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-zoomcontrol">';
$form['zoomcontrolposition'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Position of Zoom Control'), $defaults['zoomcontrolposition'], $controlpositions);
$form['zoomcontrolposition']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['pancontrol'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show Pan control'), $defaults['pancontrol']);
$form['pancontrol']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-pancontrol">';
$form['pancontrolposition'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Position of Pan Control'), $defaults['pancontrolposition'], $controlpositions);
$form['pancontrolposition']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['mtc'] = getlocations_element_map_mtc($defaults['mtc']);
$form['mtc']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-mapcontrol">';
$form['mapcontrolposition'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Position of Map Control'), $defaults['mapcontrolposition'], $controlpositions);
$form['mapcontrolposition']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
// get baselayers in
$baselayers = $getlocations_defaults['baselayers'];
foreach ($baselayers as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($defaults['baselayers'][$k])) {
$defaults['baselayers'][$k] = $v;
// make sure at least one layer is set
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($defaults['baselayers'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value) {
$found = TRUE;
if (!$found) {
$defaults['baselayers']['Map'] = 1;
$defaults['maptype'] = 'Map';
// backward compat
if (isset($defaults['baselayers']['OpenStreetMap'])) {
$defaults['baselayers']['OSM'] = $defaults['baselayers']['OpenStreetMap'];
$form['maptype'] = getlocations_element_map_maptype($defaults['maptype'], $defaults['baselayers']);
$form['baselayers'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Enable map types'),
'#description' => t('Select which maps you want to be available.'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
foreach ($defaults['baselayers'] as $key => $value) {
$layer = getlocations_element_map_baselayers($key, $value);
if ($layer) {
$form['baselayers'][$key] = $layer;
$form['scale'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Scale'), $defaults['scale'], t('Show scale.'));
$form['scale']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-scale">';
$form['scalecontrolposition'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Position of Scale Control'), $defaults['scalecontrolposition'], $controlpositions);
$form['scalecontrolposition']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['overview'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Overview map'), $defaults['overview'], t('Show overview map.'));
$form['overview']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-overview">';
$form['overview_opened'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Overview map state'), $defaults['overview_opened'], t('Show overview map as open by default.'));
$form['overview_opened']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['scrollwheel'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Scrollwheel'), $defaults['scrollwheel'], t('Enable scrollwheel zooming.'));
$form['draggable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Draggable'), $defaults['draggable'], t('Enable dragging the map.'));
$form['nokeyboard'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Disable keyboard shortcuts'), $defaults['nokeyboard'], t('Enabling this will disable keyboard shortcuts on the map.'));
$form['nodoubleclickzoom'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Disable Doubleclick zoom'), $defaults['nodoubleclickzoom'], t('Enabling this will disable doubleclick zooming on the map.'));
$form['map_backgroundcolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Map background color'), $defaults['map_backgroundcolor'], t('Can be a color name or HTML hex, eg #FF0000. Leave empty for the default color.'), 10);
if ($config) {
$form['region_bias'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Regional bias'), $defaults['region_bias'], array(
'' => t('None'),
) + getlocations_get_countries_list(), t('Bias the maps to a particular country'));
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker')) {
$form['jquery_colorpicker_enabled'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Use jQuery Colorpicker'), $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled'], t('Use the jQuery Colorpicker for selecting colors.'));
else {
$form['jquery_colorpicker_enabled'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
$form['is_https'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Force https maps'), $defaults['is_https']);
if ($extras) {
// getlocations_gps
if (module_exists('getlocations_gps')) {
$form += getlocations_gps_map_display_options_form($defaults);
$form['geolocation_mobile_check'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Enable check for mobiles'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['geolocation_mobile_check'],
'#return_value' => 1,
'#description' => t('Enable geolocation for mobile devices only.'),
else {
$form['geolocation_mobile_check'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
// getlocations_smartip
if (module_exists('getlocations_smartip')) {
$form += getlocations_smartip_map_display_options_form($defaults);
$form['sv_show'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show streetview Pegman'), $defaults['sv_show']);
$form['sv_show']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-sv-show">';
$form['svcontrolposition'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Position of Pegman'), $defaults['svcontrolposition'], $controlpositions);
$form['svcontrolposition']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
// show_maplinks
$form['show_maplinks'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show map links'), $defaults['show_maplinks'], t('Show a list of links to popup InfoWindow/InfoBubble/Link on the map.'));
$form['show_maplinks']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-maplinks">';
$form['show_maplinks_viewport'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Only Show map links in Viewport'), $defaults['show_maplinks_viewport']);
$form['show_maplinks_viewport']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['show_bubble_on_one_marker'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show bubble automatically'), $defaults['show_bubble_on_one_marker'], t('Have the InfoWindow/InfoBubble popup automatically if there is only one marker on the map.'));
$form['fullscreen'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show Fullscreen button'), $defaults['fullscreen']);
$form['fullscreen']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-fs-show">';
$form['fullscreen_controlposition'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Position of Fullscreen button'), $defaults['fullscreen_controlposition'], $controlpositions);
$form['fullscreen_controlposition']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['trafficinfo'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable Traffic information'), $defaults['trafficinfo'], t('Google Traffic layer, limited availability.'));
$form['trafficinfo']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-trafficinfo">';
$form['trafficinfo_state'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Activate Traffic information'), $defaults['trafficinfo_state'], t('Activate Traffic layer when map is first displayed.'));
$form['trafficinfo_state']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['bicycleinfo'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable Bicycling information'), $defaults['bicycleinfo'], t('Google Bicycling layer, limited availability.'));
$form['bicycleinfo']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-bicycleinfo">';
$form['bicycleinfo_state'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Activate Bicycle information'), $defaults['bicycleinfo_state'], t('Activate Bicycling layer when map is first displayed.'));
$form['bicycleinfo_state']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['transitinfo'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable Public transport information'), $defaults['transitinfo'], t('Google Transit layer, limited availability.'));
$form['transitinfo']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-transitinfo">';
$form['transitinfo_state'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Activate Public transport information'), $defaults['transitinfo_state'], t('Activate Transit layer when map is first displayed.'));
$form['transitinfo_state']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['poi_show'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show Points of Interest'), $defaults['poi_show'], t('Show Google points of interest icons.'));
$form['transit_show'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show Transit Points'), $defaults['transit_show'], t('Show Google transit points icons.'));
$form += getlocations_shapes_form($defaults, $source);
$form += getlocations_kml_form($defaults);
$form += getlocations_geojson_form($defaults);
$form += getlocations_highlight_form($defaults);
$form += getlocations_geocoder_form($defaults);
$form += getlocations_google_places_form($defaults, $config);
$form += getlocations_what3words_form($defaults);
if ($config) {
$form['places'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $defaults['places'],
return $form;
function getlocations_shapes_form($defaults, $source) {
$form = array();
$form['polygons_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable polygons'), $defaults['polygons_enable'], t('Show polygons if defined.'));
$form['polygons_enable']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-polygons">';
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['polygons_strokecolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Polygon line color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['polygons_strokecolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['polygons_strokecolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polygon line color'), $defaults['polygons_strokecolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['polygons_strokeopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polygon line opacity'), $defaults['polygons_strokeopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['polygons_strokeweight'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polygon line thickness'), $defaults['polygons_strokeweight'], t('Must be an integer.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['polygons_fillcolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Polygon fill color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['polygons_fillcolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['polygons_fillcolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polygon fill color'), $defaults['polygons_fillcolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['polygons_fillopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polygon fill opacity'), $defaults['polygons_fillopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['polygons_clickable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Clickable'), $defaults['polygons_clickable'], t('Show Popup on clicking on the polygon.'));
$form['polygons_message'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Popup message'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['polygons_message'],
'#description' => t('The content of the popup.'),
$form['polygons_coords'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Polygon Coordinates'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['polygons_coords'],
'#description' => t('A pipe delimited list of latitude,longitude pairs, one polygon per line. You must have at least 3 pairs for each polygon.'),
$form['polygons_coords']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['rectangles_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable rectangles'), $defaults['rectangles_enable'], t('Show rectangles if defined.'));
$form['rectangles_enable']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-rectangles">';
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['rectangles_strokecolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Rectangle line color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['rectangles_strokecolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['rectangles_strokecolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Rectangle line color'), $defaults['rectangles_strokecolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['rectangles_strokeopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Rectangle line opacity'), $defaults['rectangles_strokeopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['rectangles_strokeweight'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Rectangle line thickness'), $defaults['rectangles_strokeweight'], t('Must be an integer.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['rectangles_fillcolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Rectangle fill color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['rectangles_fillcolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['rectangles_fillcolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Rectangle fill color'), $defaults['rectangles_fillcolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['rectangles_fillopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Rectangle fill opacity'), $defaults['rectangles_fillopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['rectangles_clickable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Clickable'), $defaults['rectangles_clickable'], t('Show Popup on clicking on the rectangle.'));
$form['rectangles_message'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Popup message'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['rectangles_message'],
'#description' => t('The content of the popup.'),
if ($source == 'getlocations_search') {
$form['rectangles_apply'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
$form['rectangles_dist'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
else {
$form['rectangles_apply'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Apply a rectangle to all locations'), $defaults['rectangles_apply'], t('Draw a rectangle centered on all locations being displayed. These coordinates will be used instead of the ones below.'));
$form['rectangles_dist'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Rectangle distance'), $defaults['rectangles_dist'], t("The distance from the center of the rectangle to the edge in meters on the Earth's surface. This will only be used if Apply a rectangle is enabled."), 10, 10, FALSE);
$form['rectangles_coords'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Rectangle Coordinates'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['rectangles_coords'],
'#description' => t('A pipe delimited list of latitude,longitude pairs, one rectangle per line. You must have exactly 2 pairs for each rectangle, south-west and north-east corners.'),
$form['rectangles_coords']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['circles_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable circles'), $defaults['circles_enable'], t('Show circles if defined.'));
$form['circles_enable']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-circles">';
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['circles_strokecolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Circle line color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['circles_strokecolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['circles_strokecolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Circle line color'), $defaults['circles_strokecolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['circles_strokeopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Circle line opacity'), $defaults['circles_strokeopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['circles_strokeweight'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Circle line thickness'), $defaults['circles_strokeweight'], t('Must be an integer.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['circles_fillcolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Circle fill color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['circles_fillcolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['circles_fillcolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Circle fill color'), $defaults['circles_fillcolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['circles_fillopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Circle fill opacity'), $defaults['circles_fillopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['circles_radius'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Circle radius'), $defaults['circles_radius'], t("The radius in meters on the Earth's surface."), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['circles_clickable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Clickable'), $defaults['circles_clickable'], t('Show Popup on clicking on the circle.'));
$form['circles_message'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Popup message'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['circles_message'],
'#description' => t('The content of the popup.'),
if ($source == 'getlocations_search') {
$form['circles_apply'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
else {
$form['circles_apply'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Apply a circle to all locations'), $defaults['circles_apply'], t('Draw a circle centered on all locations being displayed. These coordinates will be used instead of the ones below.'));
$form['circles_coords'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Circle Center'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['circles_coords'],
'#description' => t('A latitude,longitude pair, one circle per line.'),
$form['circles_coords']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['polylines_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable polylines'), $defaults['polylines_enable'], t('Show polylines if defined.'));
$form['polylines_enable']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-polylines">';
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['polylines_strokecolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Polyline line color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['polylines_strokecolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['polylines_strokecolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polyline line color'), $defaults['polylines_strokecolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['polylines_strokeopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polyline line opacity'), $defaults['polylines_strokeopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['polylines_strokeweight'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Polyline line thickness'), $defaults['polylines_strokeweight'], t('Must be an integer.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['polylines_clickable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Clickable'), $defaults['polylines_clickable'], t('Show Popup on clicking on the polyline.'));
$form['polylines_message'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Popup message'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['polylines_message'],
'#description' => t('The content of the popup.'),
$form['polylines_coords'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Polyline Coordinates'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['polylines_coords'],
'#description' => t('A pipe delimited list of latitude,longitude pairs, one set of polylines per line. You must have at least 2 pairs for each set.'),
$form['polylines_coords']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
return $form;
function getlocations_geojson_form($defaults) {
// geojson
$form = array();
if (getlocations_get_geojson_path()) {
$form['geojson_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable GeoJSON library'), $defaults['geojson_enable'], t('Show GeoJSON data if defined'));
$form['geojson_enable']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-geojson-enable">';
$form['geojson_data'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('GeoJSON data'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['geojson_data'],
'#description' => t('A GeoJSON object. For more information about GeoJSON see !u', array(
'!u' => l(t(''), '', array(
'attributes' => array(
'target' => '_blank',
$form['geojson_options'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('GeoJSON options'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['geojson_options'],
'#description' => t('A JSON object.'),
$form['geojson_options']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
else {
$form['geojson_enable'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
$form['geojson_data'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => '',
$form['geojson_options'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => '',
return $form;
function getlocations_kml_form($defaults) {
// KML
$form = array();
$form['kml_group'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Kml file'),
'#description' => t('Attach a kml file.'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => empty($defaults['kml_group']['kml_url']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
'#tree' => TRUE,
$form['kml_group']['kml_url'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Kml url'), $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url'], t('A full url to a publicly accessible kml file.'));
$form['kml_group']['kml_url_click'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Kml layer clickable'), $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_click']);
$form['kml_group']['kml_url_infowindow'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Suppress Kml layer InfoWindows'), $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_infowindow']);
$form['kml_group']['kml_url_viewport'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Preserve viewport'), $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_viewport']);
$form['kml_group']['kml_url_button'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show toggle button'), $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button']);
$form['kml_group']['kml_url_button_label'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Label for toggle button'), $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button_label'], '', 30);
$form['kml_group']['kml_url_button_state'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Activate Kml layer'), $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button_state'], t('Activate Kml layer when map is first displayed.'));
return $form;
function getlocations_highlight_form($defaults) {
// marker highlighting
$form = array();
$form['highlight_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable Marker highlighting'), $defaults['highlight_enable'], t('Highlight a marker with a circle on mouseover'));
$form['highlight_enable']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-highlight">';
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['highlight_strokecolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Highlight Circle line color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['highlight_strokecolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['highlight_strokecolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Highlight Circle line color'), $defaults['highlight_strokecolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['highlight_strokeopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Highlight Circle line opacity'), $defaults['highlight_strokeopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['highlight_strokeweight'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Highlight Circle line thickness'), $defaults['highlight_strokeweight'], t('Must be an integer.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
// jquery_colorpicker
if (module_exists('jquery_colorpicker') && $defaults['jquery_colorpicker_enabled']) {
$form['highlight_fillcolor'] = array(
'#type' => 'jquery_colorpicker',
'#title' => t('Highlight Circle fill color'),
'#default_value' => preg_replace("/^#/", '', $defaults['highlight_fillcolor']),
'#description' => t('Click on the Colorpicker icon to select a color'),
else {
$form['highlight_fillcolor'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Highlight Circle fill color'), $defaults['highlight_fillcolor'], t('HTML hex, eg #FF0000.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['highlight_fillopacity'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Highlight Circle fill opacity'), $defaults['highlight_fillopacity'], t('Must be between 0 and 1.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
$form['highlight_radius'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Highlight Circle size'), $defaults['highlight_radius'], t("The size of the highlight circle, 10 or 20 recommended."), 5, 5, TRUE);
$form['highlight_radius']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
return $form;
function getlocations_google_places_form($defaults, $config) {
// search_places
$form = array();
// enable
$desc = t('Provide a textfield to query Google Places Search.');
if ($config) {
$desc .= ' ' . t('This will be enabled for all Google maps if enabled here.');
$form['search_places'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable Google Places Search'), $defaults['search_places'], $desc);
$form['search_places']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-search-places">';
// size
$form['search_places_size'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Textbox width'), $defaults['search_places_size'], t('The width of the Google Places Search textbox. Must be a positive number.'), 10, 10, TRUE);
// placement
$pos = array(
'outside_above' => t('Above the map'),
'outside_below' => t('Below the map'),
$form['search_places_position'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Textbox Position'), $defaults['search_places_position'], $pos, t('The position of the Google Places Search textbox.'));
// label
$form['search_places_label'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Textbox label'), $defaults['search_places_label'], t('The label for the Google Places Search textbox.'), 30, 40);
// placeholder
$form['search_places_placeholder'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Text in Textbox'), $defaults['search_places_placeholder'], t('The text inside the Google Places Search textbox. Leave empty for the default.'), 30, 40);
// list
$form['search_places_list'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Provide a List of what was found linked to a bubble'), $defaults['search_places_list']);
// dropdown
$form['search_places_dd'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Provide a Dropdown instead of a Textbox for Google Places Search'), $defaults['search_places_dd']);
$form['search_places_dd']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
return $form;
function getlocations_geocoder_form($defaults) {
$form = array();
if (getlocations_get_geocoder_path()) {
$form['geocoder_enable'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Geocoder type'), $defaults['geocoder_enable'], array(
0 => t('Quick Google Search'),
1 => t('Full Google Search'),
2 => t('OpenStreetMap Search'),
), t('The type of geocoder to use. Quick Google search only applies if Google Autocomplete has been used.'));
else {
$form['geocoder_enable'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
return $form;
function getlocations_markeraction_form($defaults) {
$form = array();
$form['markeractiontype'] = getlocations_element_map_markeractiontype($defaults['markeractiontype']);
$form['markeraction'] = getlocations_element_map_markeraction($defaults['markeraction']);
$form['markeraction_click_center'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Center or Pan on Marker click'), $defaults['markeraction_click_center'], array(
0 => t('None'),
1 => t('Center'),
2 => t('Pan to'),
$form['markeraction_click_zoom'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Zoom on Marker click'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['markeraction_click_zoom'],
'#options' => array(
'-1' => t('None'),
) + drupal_map_assoc(range(0, 21)),
return $form;
function getlocations_markermanager_form($defaults) {
$form = array();
$form['usemarkermanager'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Use Marker manager'), $defaults['usemarkermanager'], t('Use Marker manager. Switching this off will use no manager.'));
$form['minzoom'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom(t('Minimum Zoom'), $defaults['minzoom'], t('The Minimum zoom level at which markers will be visible.'));
$form['maxzoom'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom(t('Maximum Zoom'), $defaults['maxzoom'], t('The Maximum zoom level at which markers will be visible.'));
return $form;
function getlocations_markercluster_form($defaults) {
if (file_exists(GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/')) {
module_load_include('inc', 'getlocations', 'getlocations.markercluster_override');
else {
module_load_include('inc', 'getlocations', 'getlocations.markercluster');
$form = array();
$form['useclustermanager'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Use Cluster manager'), $defaults['useclustermanager'], t('Use Cluster manager. Switching this off will use no manager.'));
$form['markerclusterer_style'] = getlocations_element_markerclusterer_style($defaults['markerclusterer_style']);
$form['markerclusterer_imgpath'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Markerclusterer image path'), $defaults['markerclusterer_imgpath'], '', 40, 255);
$form['markerclusterer_title'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('Markerclusterer tooltip'), $defaults['markerclusterer_title'], t('The text of a Markerclusterer tooltip'), 30, 64, TRUE);
$form['markerclusterer_zoom'] = getlocations_element_markerclusterer_zoom($defaults['markerclusterer_zoom']);
$form['markerclusterer_size'] = getlocations_element_markerclusterer_size($defaults['markerclusterer_size']);
$form['markerclusterer_minsize'] = getlocations_element_markerclusterer_minsize($defaults['markerclusterer_minsize']);
return $form;
* What3words config form
function getlocations_what3words_form($defaults) {
$form = array();
$what3words_lic = variable_get('getlocations_what3words_lic', array(
'key' => '',
'url' => '',
if ($what3words_lic['key']) {
$form['what3words_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable What3Words service'), $defaults['what3words_enable'], t('This service requires an API key'));
$form['what3words_enable']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-what3words">';
// what3words_search
$form['what3words_search'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show What3Words search box'), $defaults['what3words_search']);
// what3words_size
$form['what3words_size'] = getlocations_element_map_tf(t('What3Words search box width'), $defaults['what3words_size'], '', 10);
// what3words_marker_show
$form['what3words_marker_show'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Display What3Words marker'), $defaults['what3words_marker_show']);
// what3words_map_marker
$markers = getlocations_get_marker_titles();
$form['what3words_map_marker'] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('What3Words Map marker'), $markers, $defaults['what3words_map_marker']);
// what3words_center
$form['what3words_center'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Center map on What3Words location'), $defaults['what3words_center'], t('Center the map on Search success'));
// what3words_zoom
#$form['what3words_zoom'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom_map(
# t('Zoom for What3Words location'),
# $defaults['what3words_zoom']
$opts = array(
'-2' => t('Keep current zoom'),
'-1' => t('Use map type settings'),
) + drupal_map_assoc(range(0, 21));
$form['what3words_zoom'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Zoom for What3Words location'),
'#default_value' => $defaults['what3words_zoom'],
'#options' => $opts,
// what3words_click
$form['what3words_click'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Click on map to find What3Words'), $defaults['what3words_click']);
// what3words_show
$form['what3words_show'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Display What3Words for current location'), $defaults['what3words_show']);
$form['what3words_show']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
else {
$form['what3words_enable'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => 0,
return $form;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns array of javascript paths
function getlocations_paths_get($reset = FALSE, $min = FALSE) {
$jq_upd = getlocations_check_jquery_version(TRUE);
if ($min) {
$defaults = array(
'infobubble_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infobubble.min.js',
'infobubble_options_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infobubble_options.js',
'infobubble_extended_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infobubble_extended.min.js',
'markermanager_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/markermanager_packed.js',
'markerclusterer_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/markerclusterer_packed.js',
'infowindow_options_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infowindow_options.js',
'getlocations_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations.min.js',
'getlocations_polygons_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_polygons.min.js',
'getlocations_rectangles_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_rectangles.min.js',
'getlocations_circles_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_circles.min.js',
'getlocations_polylines_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_polylines.min.js',
'getlocations_categories_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_categories.min.js',
'getlocations_search_places_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_search_places.min.js',
'getlocations_geo_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_geo.min.js',
'getlocations_preview_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_preview.min.js',
'getlocations_geojson_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_geojson.min.js',
'getlocations_admin_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . ($jq_upd ? '/js/getlocations_admin_1.min.js' : '/js/getlocations_admin.min.js'),
'getlocations_box_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_box.min.js',
'getlocations_colorbox_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_colorbox.min.js',
'getlocations_marker_box_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_marker_box.min.js',
'getlocations_views_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . ($jq_upd ? '/js/getlocations_views_1.min.js' : '/js/getlocations_views.min.js'),
'getlocations_icons_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/icons.min.js',
'getlocations_field_group_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_field_group.min.js',
'getlocations_what3words_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_what3words.min.js',
else {
$defaults = array(
'infobubble_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infobubble.js',
'infobubble_options_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infobubble_options.js',
'infobubble_extended_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infobubble_extended.js',
'markermanager_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/markermanager.js',
'markerclusterer_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/markerclusterer.js',
'infowindow_options_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/infowindow_options.js',
'getlocations_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations.js',
'getlocations_polygons_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_polygons.js',
'getlocations_rectangles_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_rectangles.js',
'getlocations_circles_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_circles.js',
'getlocations_polylines_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_polylines.js',
'getlocations_categories_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_categories.js',
'getlocations_search_places_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_search_places.js',
'getlocations_geo_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_geo.js',
'getlocations_preview_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_preview.js',
'getlocations_geojson_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_geojson.js',
#'getlocations_admin_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_admin.js',
'getlocations_admin_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . ($jq_upd ? '/js/getlocations_admin_1.js' : '/js/getlocations_admin.js'),
'getlocations_box_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_box.js',
'getlocations_colorbox_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_colorbox.js',
'getlocations_marker_box_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_marker_box.js',
#'getlocations_views_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_views.js',
'getlocations_views_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . ($jq_upd ? '/js/getlocations_views_1.js' : '/js/getlocations_views.js'),
'getlocations_icons_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/icons.js',
'getlocations_field_group_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_field_group.js',
'getlocations_what3words_path' => GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/js/getlocations_what3words.js',
if ($reset || $min) {
$getlocations_paths = $defaults;
else {
$settings = variable_get('getlocations_paths', $defaults);
$getlocations_paths = getlocations_adjust_vars($defaults, $settings);
return $getlocations_paths;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_markerpicker_link($id, $cat, $infoimg = '') {
if (module_exists('colorbox')) {
$getlocations_colorbox = getlocations_colorbox_settings();
if ($getlocations_colorbox['marker_enable']) {
$boxwidth = $getlocations_colorbox['marker_width'];
$boxheight = $getlocations_colorbox['marker_height'];
if (empty($infoimg)) {
$infoimg = '<img class="getlocations_infoimg" src="' . base_path() . GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/images/info.png' . '" title="' . t('Click here to select an icon from a colorbox') . '" >';
$link = l($infoimg, 'getlocations/markerinfo', array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => 'colorbox-load',
'html' => TRUE,
'query' => array(
'width' => $boxwidth,
'height' => $boxheight,
'iframe' => 'true',
'lt' => $id,
'cat' => $cat,
return $link;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_colorbox_settings() {
$colorbox_defaults = array(
'enable' => 0,
'width' => 600,
'height' => 600,
'marker_enable' => 0,
'marker_width' => 600,
'marker_height' => 600,
$colorbox_settings = variable_get('getlocations_colorbox', $colorbox_defaults);
$getlocations_colorbox = getlocations_adjust_vars($colorbox_defaults, $colorbox_settings);
if (!module_exists('colorbox')) {
$getlocations_colorbox['enable'] = 0;
$getlocations_colorbox['marker_enable'] = 0;
return $getlocations_colorbox;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_polygon_settings($defaults) {
$coords = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $defaults['polygons_coords']);
$coords_arr = preg_split("/\n/", $coords);
$lla = array();
$polygons = array();
$ct = 0;
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['polygons_strokecolor'])) {
$defaults['polygons_strokecolor'] = '#' . $defaults['polygons_strokecolor'];
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['polygons_fillcolor'])) {
$defaults['polygons_fillcolor'] = '#' . $defaults['polygons_fillcolor'];
foreach ($coords_arr as $line) {
$lla = array();
// set defaults
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = $defaults['polygons_strokecolor'];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = $defaults['polygons_strokeopacity'];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = $defaults['polygons_strokeweight'];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['fillColor'] = $defaults['polygons_fillcolor'];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['fillOpacity'] = $defaults['polygons_fillopacity'];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['clickable'] = $defaults['polygons_clickable'];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['message'] = $defaults['polygons_message'];
$linebits = explode("|", $line);
foreach ($linebits as $linebit) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($linebit)) {
$lla[] = $latlon;
else {
// not a latlon so could be a setting
if (preg_match("/strokeColor:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeOpacity:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeWeight:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/fillColor:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['fillColor'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/fillOpacity:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['fillOpacity'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/clickable:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['clickable'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/message:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['message'] = trim($m);
if (count($lla) > 2) {
$polygons['polygons'][$ct]['coords'] = implode("|", $lla);
return $polygons;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_rectangle_settings($defaults) {
$coords = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $defaults['rectangles_coords']);
$coords_arr = preg_split("/\n/", $coords);
$lla = array();
$rectangles = array();
$ct = 0;
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['rectangles_strokecolor'])) {
$defaults['rectangles_strokecolor'] = '#' . $defaults['rectangles_strokecolor'];
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['rectangles_fillcolor'])) {
$defaults['rectangles_fillcolor'] = '#' . $defaults['rectangles_fillcolor'];
foreach ($coords_arr as $line) {
$lla = array();
// set defaults
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = $defaults['rectangles_strokecolor'];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = $defaults['rectangles_strokeopacity'];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = $defaults['rectangles_strokeweight'];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['fillColor'] = $defaults['rectangles_fillcolor'];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['fillOpacity'] = $defaults['rectangles_fillopacity'];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['clickable'] = $defaults['rectangles_clickable'];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['message'] = $defaults['rectangles_message'];
$linebits = explode("|", $line);
foreach ($linebits as $linebit) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($linebit)) {
$lla[] = $latlon;
else {
// not a latlon so could be a setting
if (preg_match("/strokeColor:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeOpacity:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeWeight:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/fillColor:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['fillColor'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/fillOpacity:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['fillOpacity'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/clickable:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['clickable'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/message:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['message'] = trim($m);
if (count($lla) == 2) {
$rectangles['rectangles'][$ct]['coords'] = implode("|", $lla);
return $rectangles;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_circle_settings($defaults) {
$coords = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $defaults['circles_coords']);
$coords_arr = preg_split("/\n/", $coords);
$lla = array();
$circles = array();
$ct = 0;
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['circles_strokecolor'])) {
$defaults['circles_strokecolor'] = '#' . $defaults['circles_strokecolor'];
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['circles_fillcolor'])) {
$defaults['circles_fillcolor'] = '#' . $defaults['circles_fillcolor'];
foreach ($coords_arr as $line) {
$lla = array();
// set defaults
$circles['circles'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = $defaults['circles_strokecolor'];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = $defaults['circles_strokeopacity'];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = $defaults['circles_strokeweight'];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['fillColor'] = $defaults['circles_fillcolor'];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['fillOpacity'] = $defaults['circles_fillopacity'];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['clickable'] = $defaults['circles_clickable'];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['message'] = $defaults['circles_message'];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['radius'] = $defaults['circles_radius'];
$linebits = explode("|", $line);
foreach ($linebits as $linebit) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($linebit)) {
$lla[] = $latlon;
else {
// not a latlon so could be a setting
if (preg_match("/strokeColor:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeOpacity:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeWeight:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/fillColor:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['fillColor'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/fillOpacity:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['fillOpacity'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/clickable:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['clickable'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/message:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['message'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/radius:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$circles['circles'][$ct]['radius'] = trim($m);
if (count($lla) == 1) {
$circles['circles'][$ct]['coords'] = $lla;
return $circles;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_polyline_settings($defaults) {
$coords = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $defaults['polylines_coords']);
$coords_arr = preg_split("/\n/", $coords);
$lla = array();
$polylines = array();
$ct = 0;
if (!preg_match("/^#/", $defaults['polylines_strokecolor'])) {
$defaults['polylines_strokecolor'] = '#' . $defaults['polylines_strokecolor'];
foreach ($coords_arr as $line) {
$lla = array();
// set defaults
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = $defaults['polylines_strokecolor'];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = $defaults['polylines_strokeopacity'];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = $defaults['polylines_strokeweight'];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['clickable'] = $defaults['polylines_clickable'];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['message'] = $defaults['polylines_message'];
$linebits = explode("|", $line);
foreach ($linebits as $linebit) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($linebit)) {
$lla[] = $latlon;
else {
// not a latlon so could be a setting
if (preg_match("/strokeColor:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['strokeColor'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeOpacity:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['strokeOpacity'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/strokeWeight:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['strokeWeight'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/clickable:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['clickable'] = trim($m);
elseif (preg_match("/message:(.*)/", $linebit, $match)) {
$m = $match[1];
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['message'] = trim($m);
if (count($lla) > 1) {
$polylines['polylines'][$ct]['coords'] = implode("|", $lla);
return $polylines;
* Function to get the path to the GeoJSON library
* @param
* @return
* Returns string or false
function getlocations_get_geojson_path() {
if ($geojsonpath = libraries_get_path('GeoJSON')) {
return $geojsonpath . '/GeoJSON.js';
return FALSE;
* Function to get the path to the Geocoder-js library
* @param
* @return
* Returns string or false
function getlocations_get_geocoder_path() {
if ($path = libraries_get_path('geocoder-js')) {
return $path . '/geocoder.min.js';
return FALSE;
* Function to run string through check_plain but then restore apostrophes
* @param
* @return
* Returns string
function getlocations_apoclean($string) {
$string = trim($string);
$string = check_plain($string);
return htmlspecialchars_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES);
* Recursively merge the defaults with the current settings
* @param array $defaults
* @param array $settings
* @return array The merged settings
function getlocations_adjust_vars($defaults, $settings) {
$newdefaults = array();
foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) {
if (isset($settings[$k])) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$newdefaults[$k] = getlocations_adjust_vars($v, $settings[$k]);
else {
$newdefaults[$k] = $settings[$k];
else {
$newdefaults[$k] = $v;
return $newdefaults;
* Fetch fieldnames for a given module and type
* @param array $module module name
* @param array $type type name
* @return array suitable for use in a dropdown.
function getlocations_get_fieldnames($module = 'getlocations_fields', $type = 'getlocations_fields') {
$field_names = array();
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', '');
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('f.type', $type)
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$field_names[$row->field_name] = $row->field_name;
return $field_names;
* Fetch bundle names for a given module and type
* @param array $module module name
* @param array $type type name
* @return array suitable for use in a dropdown.
function getlocations_get_bundles($module = 'getlocations_fields', $type = 'getlocations_fields') {
$bundles = array();
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('i', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', '');
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('f.type', $type)
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$bundles[$row->bundle] = $row->bundle;
return $bundles;
* Fetch a list of the core Drupal list of countries.
* from location module
* @param bool $upper Default uppercase
* @return array The countries array
function getlocations_get_countries_list($upper = TRUE, $only_continents = '', $only_countries = '') {
if (module_exists('countries')) {
$filter = array(
if ($only_countries) {
$only_countries = drupal_strtoupper($only_countries);
$oc = explode(',', $only_countries);
if (!empty($oc)) {
$filter['countries'] = $oc;
elseif (is_array($only_continents)) {
$oc = array();
foreach ($only_continents as $v) {
$oc[] = $v;
if (!empty($oc)) {
$filter['continents'] = $oc;
$countries = countries_get_countries('name', $filter);
else {
include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
// Statically cache a version of the core Drupal list of countries
$countries =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($countries) || empty($countries)) {
$countries = country_get_list();
if (!$upper) {
$countries = array_change_key_case($countries, CASE_LOWER);
return $countries;
* Get the full country name
* @param string $id The two letter iso code of a country
* @return string Full country name.
function getlocations_get_country_name($id) {
$countries = getlocations_get_countries_list();
$id = drupal_strtoupper($id);
$country = FALSE;
if (isset($countries[$id])) {
$country = $countries[$id];
return $country;
* Get the two letter code for a country
* @param string $country Full country name.
* @return string The two letter iso code of a country
function getlocations_get_country_id($country) {
$id = FALSE;
$countries = getlocations_get_countries_list();
foreach ($countries as $k => $v) {
if (drupal_strtoupper($country) == drupal_strtoupper($v)) {
$id = drupal_strtoupper($k);
return $id;
* Convert decimal degrees to degrees,minutes,seconds.
* from location module
* @param float Decimal degrees
* @return array degrees,minutes,seconds,sign
function getlocations_dd_to_dms($coord) {
$negative = $coord < 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
$coord = abs($coord);
$degrees = floor($coord);
$coord -= $degrees;
$coord *= 60;
$minutes = floor($coord);
$coord -= $minutes;
$coord *= 60;
$seconds = round($coord, 6);
return array(
* Convert dms string to decimal degrees.
* Should be reasonably tolerant of sloppy input
* @param string
* @return string
function getlocations_dms_to_dd($dms) {
// If it ends with a word starting with S or W, then it's a negative
// case insensitive
$direction = 1;
preg_match("/\\s(\\w+)\\b\$/", $dms, $m);
if (preg_match("/^s/i", $m[1]) || preg_match("/^w/i", $m[1])) {
$direction = -1;
$dmsarr = explode(' ', $dms);
$dmsarr2 = array();
foreach ($dmsarr as $v) {
if ($v) {
// strip out non-numbers found at the end of the string so we keep '.'
$tmp = preg_replace("/\\D+\$/", '', $v);
$tmp = trim($tmp);
if ($tmp) {
$dmsarr2[] = $tmp;
$dd = FALSE;
if (count($dmsarr2) == 3) {
list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds) = $dmsarr2;
$dd = floatval($degrees + ($minutes * 60 + $seconds) / 3600);
if ($dd > 0) {
$dd = $direction * $dd;
return $dd;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_addressfield_convert($address) {
$location = theme('getlocations_addressfield_convert', array(
'address' => $address,
return $location;
* Make sure a string is a valid css dimension.
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_dim_check($string) {
if (!is_string($string) || empty($string)) {
return FALSE;
$s = drupal_strtolower(trim($string));
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^([\\d.]+)\\s*(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)$/', $s, $matches)) {
return $matches[1] . $matches[2];
else {
return FALSE;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_element_validate_dim($element, &$form_state) {
$value = FALSE;
if (isset($element['#value'])) {
$value = $element['#value'];
elseif (isset($element['#default_value'])) {
$value = $element['#default_value'];
$check = getlocations_dim_check($value);
if (!$check) {
form_error($element, t('%name must be valid css.', array(
'%name' => $element['#title'],
else {
$parents = $element['#parents'];
// not a good solution
$tot = count($parents);
if ($tot == 3) {
$form_state['values'][$parents[0]][$parents[1]][$parents[2]] = $check;
elseif ($tot == 5) {
$form_state['values'][$parents[0]][$parents[1]][$parents[2]][$parents[3]][$parents[4]] = $check;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_element_validate_latlon($element, &$form_state) {
$value = FALSE;
if (isset($element['#value'])) {
$value = $element['#value'];
elseif (isset($element['#default_value'])) {
$value = $element['#default_value'];
$check = getlocations_latlon_check($value);
if (!$check) {
form_error($element, t('%name must be expressed as a decimal latitude and longitude, separated by a comma.', array(
'%name' => $element['#title'],
else {
$parents = $element['#parents'];
// not a good solution
$tot = count($parents);
if ($tot == 3) {
$form_state['values'][$parents[0]][$parents[1]][$parents[2]] = $check;
elseif ($tot == 5) {
$form_state['values'][$parents[0]][$parents[1]][$parents[2]][$parents[3]][$parents[4]] = $check;
* Calculations functions.
* from location module
* License clarification:
* On Feb 13, 2005, in message <>,
* the creator of these routines, Ka-Ping Yee, authorized these routines to be
* distributed under the GPL.
* @file
* Trigonometry for calculating geographical distances.
* All function arguments and return values measure distances in metres
* and angles in degrees. The ellipsoid model is from the WGS-84 datum.
* Ka-Ping Yee, 2003-08-11
// This library is an original implementation of UCB CS graduate student, Ka-Ping Yee (
define('GETLOCATIONS_EARTH_FLATTENING', 1 / 298.257223563);
define('GETLOCATIONS_EARTH_RADIUS_SEMIMINOR', 6378137.0 * (1 - 1 / 298.257223563));
define('GETLOCATIONS_EARTH_ECCENTRICITY_SQ', 2 * (1 / 298.257223563) - pow(1 / 298.257223563, 2));
// Default latitude halfway between north pole and equator
function getlocations_earth_radius($latitude = 45) {
// Estimate the Earth's radius at a given latitude.
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$return = 1 / sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y);
return $return;
* Returns the SQL fragment needed to add a column called 'distance' to a query. For use in Views distance/proximity calculations
* @param $latitude The measurement point
* @param $longitude The measurement point
* @param $tbl_alias If necessary, the alias name. Used by SQL to clearly identify a field.
function getlocations_earth_distance_sql($latitude, $longitude, $tbl_alias = '') {
// Make a SQL expression that estimates the distance to the given location.
$radius = getlocations_earth_radius($latitude);
// If the table alias is specified, add on the separator.
$tbl_alias = empty($tbl_alias) ? '' : $tbl_alias . '.';
$latfield = $tbl_alias . 'latitude';
$lonfield = $tbl_alias . 'longitude';
// all calcs in mysql
#$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS(COS(RADIANS($latitude)) * COS(RADIANS($latfield)) * (COS(RADIANS($longitude)) * COS(RADIANS($lonfield)) + SIN(RADIANS($longitude)) * SIN(RADIANS($lonfield))) + SIN(RADIANS($latitude)) * SIN(RADIANS($latfield))), 0.00000) * $radius)";
// some calcs predone in php
$long = deg2rad($longitude);
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$coslong = cos($long);
$coslat = cos($lat);
$sinlong = sin($long);
$sinlat = sin($lat);
$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS({$coslat} * COS(RADIANS({$latfield})) * ({$coslong}*COS(RADIANS({$lonfield})) + {$sinlong} * SIN(RADIANS({$lonfield}))) + {$sinlat} * SIN(RADIANS({$latfield}))), 0.00000) * {$radius})";
return $sql;
* @param float $longitude1
* @param float $latitude1
* @param float $longitude2
* @param float $latitude2
* @return
* Returns distance in meters
function getlocations_earth_distance($longitude1, $latitude1, $longitude2, $latitude2) {
$longitude1 = floatval($longitude1);
$latitude1 = floatval($latitude1);
$longitude2 = floatval($longitude2);
$latitude2 = floatval($latitude2);
// Estimate the earth-surface distance between two locations.
$long1 = deg2rad($longitude1);
$lat1 = deg2rad($latitude1);
$long2 = deg2rad($longitude2);
$lat2 = deg2rad($latitude2);
$radius = getlocations_earth_radius(($latitude1 + $latitude2) / 2);
$cosangle = cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * (cos($long1) * cos($long2) + sin($long1) * sin($long2)) + sin($lat1) * sin($lat2);
return acos($cosangle) * $radius;
* This function uses earth_asin_safe so is not accurate for all possible
* parameter combinations. This means this function doesn't work properly
* for high distance values. This function needs to be re-written to work properly for
* larger distance values. See
* provides a fix, this has been applied here.
function getlocations_earth_longitude_range($latitude, $longitude, $distance) {
// Estimate the min and max longitudes within $distance of a given location.
if (!$distance > 0) {
$distance = 1;
$long = deg2rad($longitude);
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$radius = getlocations_earth_radius($latitude) * cos($lat);
if ($radius > 0) {
$angle = abs($distance / $radius);
$angle = min($angle, pi());
else {
$angle = pi();
$minlong = $long - $angle;
$maxlong = $long + $angle;
if ($minlong < -pi()) {
$minlong = $minlong + pi() * 2;
if ($maxlong > pi()) {
$maxlong = $maxlong - pi() * 2;
return array(
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_earth_latitude_range($latitude, $longitude, $distance) {
// Estimate the min and max latitudes within $distance of a given location.
$long = deg2rad($longitude);
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$radius = getlocations_earth_radius($latitude);
$angle = $distance / $radius;
$minlat = $lat - $angle;
$maxlat = $lat + $angle;
$rightangle = pi() / 2;
if ($minlat < -$rightangle) {
// wrapped around the south pole
$overshoot = -$minlat - $rightangle;
$minlat = -$rightangle + $overshoot;
if ($minlat > $maxlat) {
$maxlat = $minlat;
$minlat = -$rightangle;
if ($maxlat > $rightangle) {
// wrapped around the north pole
$overshoot = $maxlat - $rightangle;
$maxlat = $rightangle - $overshoot;
if ($maxlat < $minlat) {
$minlat = $maxlat;
$maxlat = $rightangle;
return array(
* This is a helper function to avoid errors when using the asin() PHP function.
* asin is only real for values between -1 and 1.
* If a value outside that range is given it returns NAN (not a number), which
* we don't want to happen.
* So this just rounds values outside this range to -1 or 1 first.
* This means that calculations done using this function with $x outside the range
* will not be accurate. The alternative though is getting NAN, which is an error
* and won't give accurate results anyway.
#function getlocations_earth_asin_safe($x) {
# return asin(max(-1, min($x, 1)));
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_search_distance_sql($latitude, $longitude, $searchdistance, $tbl_alias = '') {
$radius = getlocations_earth_radius($latitude);
$tbl_alias = empty($tbl_alias) ? $tbl_alias : $tbl_alias . '.';
$latfield = $tbl_alias . 'latitude';
$lonfield = $tbl_alias . 'longitude';
// all calcs in mysql
#$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS((SIN(RADIANS($latitude)) * SIN(RADIANS($latfield)) + (COS(RADIANS($latitude)) * COS(RADIANS($latfield)) * COS(RADIANS($lonfield) - RADIANS($longitude))))), 0.00000) * $radius) BETWEEN 0 AND $searchdistance ";
// some calcs predone in php
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$long = deg2rad($longitude);
#$coslong = cos($long);
$coslat = cos($lat);
#$sinlong = sin($long);
$sinlat = sin($lat);
$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS(({$sinlat} * SIN(RADIANS({$latfield})) + ({$coslat} * COS(RADIANS({$latfield})) * COS(RADIANS({$lonfield}) - {$long} )))), 0.00000) * {$radius})";
if ($searchdistance > 0) {
$sql .= " BETWEEN 0 AND {$searchdistance}";
return $sql;
* @param $distance
* A number in either kilometers, meters, miles, yards or nautical miles.
* @param $distance_unit
* String (optional). in either kilometers (km), meters (m), miles (mi), yards (yd) or nautical miles (nmi).
* @return
* A floating point number where the number in meters after the initially passed scalar has been round()'d
function getlocations_convert_distance_to_meters($distance, $distance_unit = 'km') {
if (!is_numeric($distance) || !$distance > 0) {
return NULL;
$units = array(
'km' => 1000.0,
'm' => 1.0,
'mi' => 1609.344,
'yd' => 0.9144,
'nmi' => 1852.0,
if (!in_array($distance_unit, array_keys($units))) {
$distance_unit = 'km';
$conv = $units[$distance_unit];
// Convert distance to meters
$retval = round(floatval($distance) * $conv, 2);
return $retval;
* @param $meters
* The distance in meters.
* @param $distance_unit
* String (optional). in either kilometers (km), meters (m), miles (mi), yards (yd) or nautical miles (nmi).
* @return
* A floating point number where the converted number has been round()'d
function getlocations_convert_meters_to_distance($meters, $distance_unit = 'km') {
if (!is_numeric($meters) || !$meters > 0) {
return NULL;
$units = array(
'km' => 0.001,
'm' => 1.0,
'mi' => 0.000621371,
'yd' => 1.093613298,
'nmi' => 0.000539957,
if (!in_array($distance_unit, array_keys($units))) {
$distance_unit = 'km';
$conv = $units[$distance_unit];
// Convert meters to display units. formatting in theme_getlocations_fields_distance();
$retval = $meters * $conv;
return $retval;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_unit_names($unit = '', $type = 'plural') {
$units_plural = array(
'km' => t('Kilometers'),
'm' => t('Meters'),
'mi' => t('Miles'),
'yd' => t('Yards'),
'nmi' => t('Nautical miles'),
$units_plurals = array(
'km' => t('Kilometer(s)'),
'm' => t('Meter(s)'),
'mi' => t('Mile(s)'),
'yd' => t('Yard(s)'),
'nmi' => t('Nautical mile(s)'),
$units = array(
'km' => t('Kilometer'),
'm' => t('Meter'),
'mi' => t('Mile'),
'yd' => t('Yard'),
'nmi' => t('Nautical mile'),
// for dropdown
$return = FALSE;
if (empty($unit)) {
if ($type == 'plural') {
$return = $units_plural;
elseif ($type == 'plurals') {
$return = $units_plurals;
else {
$return = $units;
else {
// if $unit is supplied, return display name
if (!in_array($unit, array_keys($units))) {
$unit = 'km';
if ($type == 'plural') {
$return = $units_plural[$unit];
elseif ($type == 'plurals') {
$return = $units_plurals[$unit];
else {
$return = $units[$unit];
return $return;
// form elements
* @param string $default
* @param string $title
* @param string $description
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_distance_unit($default, $title = '', $description = '') {
if (empty($title)) {
$title = t('Units');
$units = getlocations_get_unit_names();
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title,
'#options' => $units,
'#default_value' => $default,
if (!empty($description)) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
return $element;
* @param string $default
* @param string $title
* @param string $description
* @return
* Returns form element
function getlocations_element_search_distance($default, $title = '', $description = '') {
if (empty($title)) {
$title = t('Distance');
$element = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $title,
'#default_value' => $default,
'#size' => 10,
'#required' => TRUE,
if (!empty($description)) {
$element['#description'] = $description;
return $element;
* Normalizes a latitude to the [-90,90] range. Latitudes above 90 or
* below -90 are capped, not wrapped.
* @param {Number} lat The latitude to normalize, in degrees.
* @type Number
* @return Returns the latitude, fit within the [-90,90] range.
function getlocations_normalizelat($lat) {
return max(-90, min(90, $lat));
* Normalizes a longitude to the [-180,180] range. Longitudes above 180
* or below -180 are wrapped.
* @param {Number} lng The longitude to normalize, in degrees.
* @type Number
* @return Returns the longitude, fit within the [-180,180] range.
function getlocations_normalizelng($lng) {
if ($lng % 360 == 180) {
return 180;
while ($lng > 180) {
$lng -= 360;
while ($lng < -180) {
$lng += 360;
return $lng;
* Function
* @param bool $override
* @return
* Returns TRUE if user agent says its a mobile device
function getlocations_is_mobile($override = FALSE) {
if ($override) {
return TRUE;
$getlocations_ua = getlocations_ua_get();
$str = "/" . $getlocations_ua['ua_string'] . "/i";
$is_mobile = FALSE;
$ua = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : "";
if ($ua && preg_match($str, $ua)) {
$is_mobile = TRUE;
return $is_mobile;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_ua_get() {
$default = array(
'ua_string' => "iphone|ipad|android|blackberry|blazer|bolt|symbian|mobile safari|fennec|gobrowser|iemobile|maemo browser|profile midp|minimo|kindle|opera mini|opera mobi|skyfire|teashark|uzardweb",
$getlocations_ua = variable_get('getlocations_ua', $default);
return $getlocations_ua;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_aggr_get() {
$getlocations_aggr = variable_get('getlocations_aggr', 1);
return $getlocations_aggr;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_term_marker($nid, $marker) {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
// term markers
$getlocations_term_marker = variable_get('getlocations_term_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
'vids' => 0,
'max_depth' => '',
if ($getlocations_term_marker['enable'] && $getlocations_term_marker['vids']) {
$vids = $getlocations_term_marker['vids'];
foreach ($vids as $vid) {
$results = db_query('SELECT i.tid FROM {taxonomy_index} i JOIN {taxonomy_term_data} d ON i.tid=d.tid WHERE i.nid = :nid AND d.vid =:vid', array(
':nid' => $nid,
':vid' => $vid,
$record = $results
if ($record) {
$marker = isset($getlocations_term_marker['vid'][$vid]['term'][$record->tid]['map_marker']) ? $getlocations_term_marker['vid'][$vid]['term'][$record->tid]['map_marker'] : $getlocations_defaults['term_map_marker'];
return $marker;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_supported_modules() {
return array(
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_get_current_supported_module() {
$modules = getlocations_supported_modules();
foreach ($modules as $module) {
if (module_exists($module)) {
return $module;
return FALSE;
* Function
* @param
* @return
* Returns
function getlocations_controlpositions($dd = TRUE) {
if ($dd) {
$controlpositions = array(
'' => t('Default'),
'tl' => t('Top Left'),
'tc' => t('Top Center'),
'tr' => t('Top Right'),
'rt' => t('Right Top'),
'rc' => t('Right Center'),
'rb' => t('Right Bottom'),
'br' => t('Bottom Right'),
'bc' => t('Bottom Center'),
'bl' => t('Bottom Left'),
'lb' => t('Left Bottom'),
'lc' => t('Left Center'),
'lt' => t('Left Top'),
else {
$controlpositions = array(
return $controlpositions;
* Allows for aliases in entity types
function getlocations_get_entity_type_from_path($path) {
$entity_type = $path;
// getlocations path => entity_type
$aliases = array(
'term' => 'taxonomy_term',
if (isset($aliases[$path])) {
$entity_type = $aliases[$path];
return $entity_type;
* Given two points in lat/lon form, returns the distance between them.
* @param $latlon_a
* An associative array where
* 'lon' => is a floating point of the longitude coordinate for the point given by latlonA
* 'lat' => is a floating point of the latitude coordinate for the point given by latlonB
* @param $latlon_b
* Another point formatted like $latlon_b
* @param $distance_unit
* A string that is one of 'km', 'm', 'mi', 'yd', 'nmi'.
* Defaults to 'km'
* @return
* NULL if sense can't be made of the parameters.
* An associative array where
* 'scalar' => Is the distance between the two lat/lon parameter points
* 'distance_unit' => Is the unit of distance being represented by 'scalar'.
function getlocations_distance_between($latlon_a = array(), $latlon_b = array(), $distance_unit = 'km') {
if (!isset($latlon_a['lon']) || !isset($latlon_a['lat']) || !isset($latlon_b['lon']) || !isset($latlon_b['lat'])) {
return NULL;
$meters = getlocations_earth_distance($latlon_a['lon'], $latlon_a['lat'], $latlon_b['lon'], $latlon_b['lat']);
$distance = getlocations_convert_meters_to_distance($meters, $distance_unit);
return array(
'scalar' => $distance,
'distance_unit' => $distance_unit,
// these functions currently not in use
function getlocations_earth_xyz($longitude, $latitude, $height = 0) {
// Convert longitude and latitude to earth-centered earth-fixed coordinates.
// X axis is 0 long, 0 lat; Y axis is 90 deg E; Z axis is north pole.
$long = deg2rad($longitude);
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$coslong = cos($long);
$coslat = cos($lat);
$sinlong = sin($long);
$sinlat = sin($lat);
$x = ($radius + $height) * $coslat * $coslong;
$y = ($radius + $height) * $coslat * $sinlong;
$z = ($radius * (1 - GETLOCATIONS_EARTH_ECCENTRICITY_SQ) + $height) * $sinlat;
return array(
function getlocations_earth_arclength($angle, $latitude = 37.9) {
// Convert a given angle to earth-surface distance.
return deg2rad($angle) * getlocations_earth_radius($latitude);
function getlocations_get_exact_distance_sql($latitude, $longitude, $tbl_alias = '') {
$radius = getlocations_earth_radius($latitude);
$tbl_alias = empty($tbl_alias) ? $tbl_alias : $tbl_alias . '.';
$latfield = $tbl_alias . 'latitude';
$lonfield = $tbl_alias . 'longitude';
// all calcs in mysql
#$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS((SIN(RADIANS($latitude)) * SIN(RADIANS($latfield))) + (COS(RADIANS($latitude)) * COS(RADIANS($latfield)) * COS(RADIANS($longitude - $lonfield)))), 0.00000) * $radius)";
// some calcs predone in php
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$long = deg2rad($longitude);
#$coslong = cos($long);
$coslat = cos($lat);
#$sinlong = sin($long);
$sinlat = sin($lat);
$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS(({$sinlat} * SIN(RADIANS({$latfield}))) + ({$coslat} * COS(RADIANS({$latfield})) * COS(RADIANS({$longitude} - {$lonfield})))), 0.00000) * {$radius})";
return $sql;
function getlocations_check_jquery_version($admin = TRUE) {
$version = '1.4.4';
$v = FALSE;
if (module_exists('jquery_update')) {
if ($admin) {
$version = variable_get('jquery_update_jquery_admin_version', FALSE);
if ($version == 0) {
$version = variable_get('jquery_update_jquery_version', FALSE);
else {
$version = variable_get('jquery_update_jquery_version', FALSE);
if ($version) {
$a = explode(".", $version);
if ($a[0] > 1) {
$v = TRUE;
elseif ($a[1] > 5) {
$v = TRUE;
return $v;
// Theming functions
* Implements hook_theme().
* This lets us tell Drupal about our theme functions and their arguments.
function getlocations_theme() {
return array(
'getlocations_show' => array(
'variables' => array(
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'defaults' => '',
'mapid' => '',
'latlons' => '',
'minmaxes' => '',
'type' => '',
'node' => '',
'getlocations_adinfo' => array(
'variables' => array(
'location' => NULL,
'getlocations_box' => array(
'variables' => array(
'content' => NULL,
'template' => 'getlocations_box',
'getlocations_marker_box' => array(
'variables' => array(
'content' => NULL,
'template' => 'getlocations_marker_box',
'getlocations_settings_form' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'getlocations_plugin_style_map_options_form' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'getlocations_plugin_style_streetview_options_form' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'getlocations_latitude_dms' => array(
'variables' => array(
'latitude' => '',
'getlocations_longitude_dms' => array(
'variables' => array(
'longitude' => '',
'getlocations_addressfield_convert' => array(
'variables' => array(
'address' => array(),
'getlocations_lidinfo' => array(
'variables' => array(
'lid' => '',
'lidkey' => '',
* Returns HTML for a map.
* All the map displays pass through here.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - width: The width of the map.
* - height: The height of the map.
* - defaults: The settings to be applied to the map, links, buttons and form elements.
* - mapid: The unique identifier for the map.
* - type: The entity type, eg node, user, term or comment.
* - node: The entity object.
* @return string $output
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_show($variables) {
$width = $variables['width'];
$height = $variables['height'];
$defaults = $variables['defaults'];
$mapid = $variables['mapid'];
$type = $variables['type'];
$node = $variables['node'];
$latlons = $variables['latlons'];
$minmaxes = $variables['minmaxes'];
$datanum = count($latlons);
$output = '';
$returnlink = FALSE;
// return link
if ($type == 'node' && $defaults['returnlink_page_enable']) {
if (is_object($node)) {
$linktext = $defaults['returnlink_page_link'];
if (preg_match("/%t/", $linktext)) {
$linktext = preg_replace("/%t/", $node->title, $linktext);
$l = l($linktext, 'node/' . $node->nid);
$returnlink = '<div class="getlocations_returnlink">' . $l . '</div>';
elseif ($type == 'user' && $defaults['returnlink_user_enable']) {
if (is_object($node)) {
$linktext = $defaults['returnlink_user_link'];
if (preg_match("/%n/", $linktext)) {
$linktext = preg_replace("/%n/", $node->name, $linktext);
$l = l($linktext, 'user/' . $node->uid);
$returnlink = '<div class="getlocations_returnlink">' . $l . '</div>';
elseif ($type == 'term' && $defaults['returnlink_term_enable'] && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
if (is_object($node)) {
$linktext = $defaults['returnlink_term_link'];
if (preg_match("/%n/", $linktext)) {
$linktext = preg_replace("/%n/", $node->name, $linktext);
$l = l($linktext, 'taxonomy/term/' . $node->tid);
$returnlink = '<div class="getlocations_returnlink">' . $l . '</div>';
elseif ($type == 'comment' && $defaults['returnlink_comment_enable'] && module_exists('comment')) {
if (is_object($node)) {
$linktext = $defaults['returnlink_comment_link'];
if (preg_match("/%n/", $linktext)) {
$linktext = preg_replace("/%n/", $node->subject, $linktext);
$l = l($linktext, 'comment/' . $node->cid);
$returnlink = '<div class="getlocations_returnlink">' . $l . '</div>';
if ($returnlink) {
$output .= $returnlink;
if ($defaults['map_resize'] && getlocations_is_mobile()) {
$width = '100%';
#$height = '100%';
// show maplinks if enabled
if ($defaults['show_maplinks']) {
$output .= '<a id="maptop_' . $mapid . '" name="maptop_' . $mapid . '"></a>';
// search_places
$sp = '';
if ($defaults['search_places']) {
$sp .= '<div class="search_places_input_wrapper">';
if ($defaults['search_places_label']) {
$sp .= '<label for="search_places_select_' . $mapid . '">' . $defaults['search_places_label'] . '</label>';
if ($defaults['search_places_dd']) {
// alternative dropdown
$sp_opts = array(
'accounting' => t('Accounting'),
'airport' => t('Airport'),
'amusement_park' => t('Amusement park'),
'aquarium' => t('Aquarium'),
'art_gallery' => t('Art gallery'),
'atm' => t('ATM'),
'bakery' => t('Bakery'),
'bank' => t('Bank'),
'bar' => t('Bar'),
'beauty_salon' => t('Beauty salon'),
'bicycle_store' => t('Bicycle store'),
'book_store' => t('Book store'),
'bowling_alley' => t('Bowling alley'),
'bus_station' => t('Bus station'),
'cafe' => t('Cafe'),
'campground' => t('Campground'),
'car_dealer' => t('Car dealer'),
'car_rental' => t('Car rental'),
'car_repair' => t('Car repair'),
'car_wash' => t('Car wash'),
'casino' => t('Casino'),
'cemetery' => t('Cemetery'),
'church' => t('Church'),
'city_hall' => t('City hall'),
'clothing_store' => t('Clothing store'),
'convenience_store' => t('Convenience store'),
'courthouse' => t('Courthouse'),
'dentist' => t('Dentist'),
'department_store' => t('Department store'),
'doctor' => t('Doctor'),
'electrician' => t('Electrician'),
'electronics_store' => t('Electronics store'),
'embassy' => t('Embassy'),
'establishment' => t('Establishment'),
'finance' => t('Finance'),
'fire_station' => t('Fire station'),
'florist' => t('Florist'),
'food' => t('Food'),
'funeral_home' => t('Funeral home'),
'furniture_store' => t('Furniture store'),
'gas_station' => t('Gas station'),
'general_contractor' => t('General contractor'),
'grocery_or_supermarket' => t('Grocery or supermarket'),
'gym' => t('Gym'),
'hair_care' => t('Hair care'),
'hardware_store' => t('Hardware store'),
'health' => t('Health'),
'hindu_temple' => t('Hindu temple'),
'home_goods_store' => t('Home goods store'),
'hospital' => t('Hospital'),
'insurance_agency' => t('Insurance agency'),
'jewelry_store' => t('Jewelry store'),
'laundry' => t('Laundry'),
'lawyer' => t('Lawyer'),
'library' => t('Library'),
'liquor_store' => t('Liquor store'),
'local_government_office' => t('Local government office'),
'locksmith' => t('Locksmith'),
'lodging' => t('Lodging'),
'meal_delivery' => t('Meal delivery'),
'meal_takeaway' => t('Meal takeaway'),
'mosque' => t('Mosque'),
'movie_rental' => t('Movie rental'),
'movie_theater' => t('Movie theater'),
'moving_company' => t('Moving company'),
'museum' => t('Museum'),
'night_club' => t('Night club'),
'painter' => t('Painter'),
'park' => t('Park'),
'parking' => t('Parking'),
'pet_store' => t('Pet store'),
'pharmacy' => t('Pharmacy'),
'physiotherapist' => t('Physiotherapist'),
'place_of_worship' => t('Place of worship'),
'plumber' => t('Plumber'),
'police' => t('Police'),
'post_office' => t('Post office'),
'real_estate_agency' => t('Real estate agency'),
'restaurant' => t('Restaurant'),
'roofing_contractor' => t('Roofing contractor'),
'rv_park' => t('RV park'),
'school' => t('School'),
'shoe_store' => t('Shoe store'),
'shopping_mall' => t('Shopping mall'),
'spa' => t('Spa'),
'stadium' => t('Stadium'),
'storage' => t('Storage'),
'store' => t('Store'),
'subway_station' => t('Subway station'),
'synagogue' => t('Synagogue'),
'taxi_stand' => t('Taxi stand'),
'train_station' => t('Train station'),
'travel_agency' => t('Travel agency'),
'university' => t('University'),
'veterinary_care' => t('Veterinary care'),
'zoo' => t('Zoo'),
$sp .= '<select id="search_places_select_' . $mapid . '" class="form-select" >';
foreach ($sp_opts as $k_opt => $opt) {
$sel = '';
if ($k_opt == 'establishment') {
$sel = 'selected';
$sp .= '<option value="' . $k_opt . '" ' . $sel . '>' . $opt . '</option>';
$sp .= '</select>';
$sp .= ' <input type="button" value="' . t('Go') . '" id="search_places_go_btn_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
$sp .= ' <input type="button" value="' . t('Reset') . '" onClick="Drupal.getlocations_search_places_clearmarkers(\'' . $mapid . '\', true)" class="form-submit" />';
$sp .= '</div>';
else {
$placeholder = '';
if ($defaults['search_places_placeholder']) {
$placeholder = 'placeholder="' . $defaults['search_places_placeholder'] . '"';
$sp .= '<input type="text" id="search_places_input_' . $mapid . '" size="' . $defaults['search_places_size'] . '" class="form-text" ' . $placeholder . ' />';
$sp .= ' <input type="button" value="' . t('Reset') . '" onClick="Drupal.getlocations_search_places_clearmarkers(\'' . $mapid . '\', true)" class="form-submit" />';
$sp .= '</div>';
if ($defaults['search_places_list']) {
$sp .= '<div class="sp_listing_wrapper"><h4>' . t('Google Places search results') . '</h4><div class="sp_listing"><ul class="sp_ul" id="search_places_results_' . $mapid . '"></ul></div></div>';
if ($defaults['search_places'] && $defaults['search_places_position'] == 'outside_above') {
$output .= $sp;
// type class
$class = '';
if ($type) {
$class = ' getlocations_' . $type;
// wrap the map
$output .= '<div class="getlocations_map_wrapper_inner' . $class . '">';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_map_wrapper_' . $mapid . '" style="width: ' . $width . '; height: ' . $height . '" >';
$output .= '<div class="getlocations_map_canvas" id="getlocations_map_canvas_' . $mapid . '" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" ></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
// getlocations_map_wrapper_inner
// give each map its own data
$localdata = json_encode(array(
'datanum' => $datanum,
'latlons' => $latlons,
'minmaxes' => $minmaxes,
$output .= "\n" . '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . '<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--' . "\n";
$output .= 'Drupal.getlocations_data["' . $mapid . '"] = ' . $localdata . ';' . "\n";
$output .= '//--><!]]>' . "\n" . '</script>' . "\n";
// show_search_distance
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields') && isset($defaults['search_dist_info'])) {
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_fields_search_views_search_wrapper_' . $mapid . '" class="js-hide">';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_fields_search_views_search_units_' . $mapid . '">' . $defaults['search_dist_info']['search_units'] . '</div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_fields_search_views_search_latitude_' . $mapid . '">' . $defaults['search_dist_info']['latitude'] . '</div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_fields_search_views_search_longitude_' . $mapid . '">' . $defaults['search_dist_info']['longitude'] . '</div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_fields_search_views_search_distance_meters_' . $mapid . '">' . getlocations_convert_distance_to_meters($defaults['search_dist_info']['search_distance'], $defaults['search_dist_info']['search_units']) . '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
// show maplinks if enabled
if ($defaults['show_maplinks']) {
$output .= '<div class="getlocations_map_links" id="getlocations_map_links_' . $mapid . '" ><ul></ul></div>';
// buttons
$buttons = array();
if ($defaults['trafficinfo']) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('Traffic Info !t', array(
'!t' => $defaults['trafficinfo_state'] ? t('Off') : t('On'),
)) . '" title="' . t('Limited Availability') . '" id="getlocations_toggleTraffic_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
if ($defaults['bicycleinfo']) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('Bicycle Info !t', array(
'!t' => $defaults['bicycleinfo_state'] ? t('Off') : t('On'),
)) . '" title="' . t('Limited Availability') . '" id="getlocations_toggleBicycle_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
if ($defaults['transitinfo']) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('Transit Info !t', array(
'!t' => $defaults['transitinfo_state'] ? t('Off') : t('On'),
)) . '" title="' . t('Limited Availability') . '" id="getlocations_toggleTransit_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
// views_search_marker
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields') && isset($defaults['search_dist_info'])) {
if ($defaults['views_search_marker_enable'] && $defaults['views_search_marker_toggle']) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('Search marker !t', array(
'!t' => $defaults['views_search_marker_toggle_active'] ? t('Off') : t('On'),
)) . '" id="getlocations_toggleSearchMarker_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
if ($defaults['views_search_radshape_enable'] && $defaults['views_search_radshape_toggle']) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('Search area !t', array(
'!t' => $defaults['views_search_radshape_toggle_active'] ? t('Off') : t('On'),
)) . '" id="getlocations_toggleSearchArea_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
// categories
if (isset($defaults['category_showhide_buttons']) && $defaults['category_showhide_buttons']) {
if (isset($defaults['categories']) && $defaults['categories']) {
foreach ($defaults['categories'] as $cat => $label) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('!cat Off', array(
'!cat' => $label,
)) . '" id="getlocations_toggle_' . $cat . '_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
// KML
if ($defaults['kml_group']['kml_url'] && $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button']) {
$kmlbuttonlabel = t('Kml Layer');
if ($defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button_label']) {
$kmlbuttonlabel = $defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button_label'];
$kmlbuttonlabel .= ' ' . ($defaults['kml_group']['kml_url_button_state'] ? t('Off') : t('On'));
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . $kmlbuttonlabel . '" id="getlocations_toggleKmlLayer_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
if (module_exists('getlocations_search')) {
// search area shape
if (isset($defaults['search_radshape_toggle']) && $defaults['search_radshape_toggle'] && $defaults['search_radshape_enable']) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('Search area !t', array(
'!t' => $defaults['search_radshape_toggle_active'] ? t('Off') : t('On'),
)) . '" id="getlocations_search_toggleShape_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
// search marker toggle button
if (isset($defaults['do_search_marker']) && $defaults['do_search_marker'] && $defaults['search_marker_toggle']) {
$buttons[] = '<input type="button" value="' . t('Marker !t', array(
'!t' => $defaults['search_marker_toggle_active'] ? t('Off') : t('On'),
)) . '" id="getlocations_search_toggleMarker_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
// getlocations_gps
if (module_exists('getlocations_gps')) {
$buttons[] = theme('getlocations_gps_button', array(
'defaults' => $defaults,
'mapid' => $mapid,
// getlocations_smartip
if (module_exists('getlocations_smartip')) {
$buttons[] = theme('getlocations_smartip_button', array(
'defaults' => $defaults,
'mapid' => $mapid,
if (count($buttons)) {
$output .= '<div class="getlocations_map_buttons container-inline">';
$output .= implode(' ', $buttons);
$output .= '</div>';
// search_places
if ($defaults['search_places'] && $defaults['search_places_position'] == 'outside_below') {
$output .= $sp;
// What3Words
$what3words_lic = variable_get('getlocations_what3words_lic', array(
'key' => '',
'url' => '',
if ($what3words_lic['key'] && $defaults['what3words_enable']) {
$output .= '<div class="getlocations_what3words container-inline">';
if ($defaults['what3words_search']) {
// textbox
$output .= t('What3Words') . ' <input type="text" id="edit-getlocations-what3words-search" name="edit-getlocations-what3words-search" value="" size="' . $defaults['what3words_size'] . '" class="form-text" />';
$output .= ' <input type="button" value="' . t('Search') . '" id="edit-getlocations-what3words-search-submit" class="form-submit" />';
$output .= '<div class="getlocations_w3w_throbber getlocations_w3w_throbber_inactive" id="getlocations_w3w_throbber_' . $mapid . '"> </div>';
$output .= '<br />';
if ($defaults['what3words_show']) {
$output .= '<div id="edit-getlocations-what3words-show"></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
* Returns HTML of a location's vcard, requested by ajax.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - location: The information pertaining to the address to be formatted.
* @return string $output
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_adinfo($variables) {
$location = $variables['location'];
$output = '';
$output .= '<div class="location vcard">';
// this logic gives the location name field precedence over the node title
// similarly for users, terms and comments
$link = FALSE;
$l = FALSE;
if (isset($location['nid']) && $location['nid'] > 0) {
if (!empty($location['name'])) {
$link = $location['name'];
else {
$node = node_load($location['nid']);
$link = $node->title;
$l = l($link, 'node/' . $location['nid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
elseif (isset($location['uid']) && $location['uid'] > 0) {
if (!empty($location['name'])) {
$link = $location['name'];
else {
$account = user_load($location['uid']);
$link = $account->name;
$l = l($link, 'user/' . $location['uid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
elseif (isset($location['tid']) && $location['tid'] > 0 && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
if (!empty($location['name'])) {
$link = $location['name'];
else {
$term = taxonomy_term_load($location['tid']);
$link = $term->name;
$l = l($link, 'taxonomy/term/' . $location['tid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
elseif (isset($location['cid']) && $location['cid'] > 0 && module_exists('comment')) {
if (!empty($location['name'])) {
$link = $location['name'];
else {
$comment = comment_load($location['cid']);
$link = $comment->subject;
$l = l($link, 'comment/' . $location['cid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
if ($l) {
$output .= '<h4>' . $l . '</h4>';
$output .= '<div class="adr">';
if (!empty($location['street'])) {
$output .= '<div class="street-address">' . $location['street'];
if (!empty($location['additional'])) {
$output .= " " . '<span class="extended-address">' . $location['additional'] . '</span>';
$output .= '</div>';
if (!empty($location['city'])) {
$output .= '<span class="locality">' . $location['city'] . '</span>';
if (!empty($location['province_name'])) {
$output .= ", ";
elseif (!empty($location['province'])) {
$output .= ", ";
else {
$output .= " ";
if (isset($location['province_name']) && !empty($location['province_name'])) {
$output .= '<span class="region">' . $location['province_name'] . '</span>';
if (!empty($location['postal_code'])) {
$output .= " ";
elseif (isset($location['province']) && !empty($location['province'])) {
$output .= '<span class="region">' . $location['province'] . '</span>';
if (!empty($location['postal_code'])) {
$output .= " ";
if (!empty($location['postal_code'])) {
$output .= '<span class="postal-code">' . drupal_strtoupper($location['postal_code']) . '</span>';
if (isset($location['country_name']) && !empty($location['country_name'])) {
$output .= '<div class="country-name">' . $location['country_name'] . '</div>';
elseif (isset($location['country']) && !empty($location['country'])) {
$output .= '<div class="country-name">' . $location['country'] . '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
if (isset($location['sdist'])) {
if ($location['sdist'] != 1) {
$unit_disp = getlocations_get_unit_names($location['sunit']);
else {
$unit_disp = getlocations_get_unit_names($location['sunit'], 'single');
$output .= '<div class="search-distance">' . number_format(floatval($location['sdist']), 2) . " " . $unit_disp . '</div>';
if (module_exists('getdirections') && isset($location['getdirections_link']) && $location['getdirections_link']) {
$gdlink = '';
if (isset($location['nid']) && $location['nid']) {
$gdlink = l(t('Directions'), 'getdirections/location/to/' . $location['nid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
elseif (isset($location['uid']) && $location['uid']) {
$gdlink = l(t('Directions'), 'getdirections/location_user/to/' . $location['uid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
elseif (isset($location['cid']) && $location['cid'] && getdirections_check_entity_type('comment')) {
$gdlink = l(t('Directions'), 'getdirections/location_comment/to/' . $location['cid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
elseif (isset($location['tid']) && $location['tid'] && getdirections_get_vocabularies()) {
$gdlink = l(t('Directions'), 'getdirections/location_term/to/' . $location['tid'], array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'target' => '_parent',
if ($gdlink) {
$output .= '<div class="getdirections-link">' . $gdlink . '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
* Prepares variables for getlocations_box.tpl.php
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing all the elements to construct an HTML document
* suitable for use in a colorbox.
function template_preprocess_getlocations_box(&$variables) {
if (module_exists('admin_menu')) {
$getlocations_paths = getlocations_paths_get();
// Construct page title
if (drupal_get_title()) {
$head_title = array(
variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
else {
$head_title = array(
variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
if (variable_get('site_slogan', '')) {
$head_title[] = variable_get('site_slogan', '');
$variables['head_title'] = implode(' | ', $head_title);
$variables['base_path'] = base_path();
$variables['head'] = drupal_get_html_head();
$variables['language'] = $GLOBALS['language'];
$variables['language']->dir = $GLOBALS['language']->direction ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
$variables['css'] = drupal_add_css();
$variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css();
$variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js();
$variables['title'] = drupal_get_title();
// Closure should be filled last.
$variables['closure'] = theme('closure');
// Compile a list of classes that are going to be applied to the body element.
// This allows advanced theming based on context (home page, node of certain type, etc.).
$body_classes = array();
// Add a class that tells us whether we're on the front page or not.
$body_classes[] = $variables['is_front'] ? 'front' : 'not-front';
// Add a class that tells us whether the page is viewed by an authenticated user or not.
$body_classes[] = $variables['logged_in'] ? 'logged-in' : 'not-logged-in';
$body_classes[] = 'no-sidebars';
// Implode with spaces.
$variables['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes);
* Prepares variables for getlocations_marker_box.tpl.php
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing all the elements to construct an HTML document
* suitable for use in a colorbox.
function template_preprocess_getlocations_marker_box(&$variables) {
if (module_exists('admin_menu')) {
$getlocations_paths = getlocations_paths_get();
$head_title = t('Getlocations markers');
$variables['head_title'] = $head_title;
$variables['base_path'] = base_path();
$variables['head'] = drupal_get_html_head();
$variables['language'] = $GLOBALS['language'];
$variables['language']->dir = $GLOBALS['language']->direction ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
$variables['css'] = drupal_add_css();
$variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css();
$variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js();
$variables['title'] = $head_title;
// Closure should be filled last.
$variables['closure'] = theme('closure');
// Compile a list of classes that are going to be applied to the body element.
// This allows advanced theming based on context (home page, node of certain type, etc.).
$body_classes = array();
// Add a class that tells us whether we're on the front page or not.
$body_classes[] = $variables['is_front'] ? 'front' : 'not-front';
// Add a class that tells us whether the page is viewed by an authenticated user or not.
$body_classes[] = $variables['logged_in'] ? 'logged-in' : 'not-logged-in';
$body_classes[] = 'no-sidebars';
// Implode with spaces.
$variables['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes);
* Returns HTML of the getlocations settings form.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - form: The form array.
* @return string The rendered form
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_settings_form($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
$output = '';
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_page_link']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-page-link">';
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_page_link']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_user_link'])) {
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_user_link']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-user-link">';
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_user_link']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_term_link'])) {
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_term_link']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-term-link">';
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_term_link']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_comment_link'])) {
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_comment_link']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-comment-link">';
$form['getlocations_default']['returnlink_comment_link']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (isset($form['getlocations_colorbox']['width']) && isset($form['getlocations_colorbox']['height'])) {
$form['getlocations_colorbox']['width']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-colorbox">';
$form['getlocations_colorbox']['height']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (isset($form['getlocations_colorbox']['marker_width']) && isset($form['getlocations_colorbox']['marker_height'])) {
$form['getlocations_colorbox']['marker_width']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-marker-colorbox">';
$form['getlocations_colorbox']['marker_height']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
// marker colorbox
if (module_exists('colorbox')) {
$getlocations_colorbox = getlocations_colorbox_settings();
if ($getlocations_colorbox['marker_enable']) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_default']['node_map_marker']['#id'], 'n');
$form['getlocations_default']['node_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['user_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_default']['user_map_marker']['#id'], 'u');
$form['getlocations_default']['user_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['vocabulary_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_default']['vocabulary_map_marker']['#id'], 'v');
$form['getlocations_default']['vocabulary_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['term_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_default']['term_map_marker']['#id'], 't');
$form['getlocations_default']['term_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['comment_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_default']['comment_map_marker']['#id'], 'c');
$form['getlocations_default']['comment_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_default']['input_map_marker']['#id'], 'i');
$form['getlocations_default']['input_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if ($types = getlocations_get_types()) {
foreach ($types as $type => $name) {
$field_names = getlocations_get_fieldname2($type, 'node');
foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
if (isset($form['getlocations_node_marker']['content_type'][$type]['field_name'][$field_name]['map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_node_marker']['content_type'][$type]['field_name'][$field_name]['map_marker']['#id'], 'n');
$form['getlocations_node_marker']['content_type'][$type]['field_name'][$field_name]['map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
if ($types = getlocations_get_vocabularies()) {
foreach ($types as $type => $name) {
if (isset($form['getlocations_vocabulary_marker']['vocabulary'][$type]['map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_vocabulary_marker']['vocabulary'][$type]['map_marker']['#id'], 'v');
$form['getlocations_vocabulary_marker']['vocabulary'][$type]['map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
// term
$getlocations_term_marker = variable_get('getlocations_term_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
'vids' => 0,
'max_depth' => '',
if ($getlocations_term_marker['enable'] && $getlocations_term_marker['vids']) {
$depth = is_numeric($getlocations_term_marker['max_depth']) && $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] > 0 ? $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] : NULL;
$vids = $getlocations_term_marker['vids'];
foreach ($vids as $vid) {
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, $depth);
$tct = 0;
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$tid = $term->tid;
if (isset($form['getlocations_term_marker']['vid'][$vid]['term'][$tid]['map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['getlocations_term_marker']['vid'][$vid]['term'][$tid]['map_marker']['#id'], 't');
$form['getlocations_term_marker']['vid'][$vid]['term'][$tid]['map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (!$tct) {
$v = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
$vocab_name = $v->name;
$form['getlocations_term_marker']['vid'][$vid]['term'][$tid]['map_marker']['#prefix'] = t('Terms for %name', array(
'%name' => $vocab_name,
$form['getlocations_default']['useclustermanager']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-clusteropts">';
$form['getlocations_default']['markerclusterer_minsize']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['getlocations_default']['usemarkermanager']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-markeropts">';
$form['getlocations_default']['maxzoom']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['gps_button']) && $form['getlocations_default']['gps_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form['getlocations_default']['gps_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('GPS Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form['getlocations_default']['gps_center']['#suffix'];
$form['getlocations_default']['gps_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
if (isset($form['getlocations_default']['smartip_button']) && $form['getlocations_default']['smartip_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form['getlocations_default']['smartip_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('Smartip Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form['getlocations_default']['smartip_center']['#suffix'];
$form['getlocations_default']['smartip_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
// preview
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$getlocations_defaults['extcontrol'] = 'preview_map';
$mapid = getlocations_setup_map($getlocations_defaults);
$minmaxes = '';
$latlons = array();
getlocations_js_settings_do($getlocations_defaults, $latlons, $minmaxes, $mapid, FALSE, $getlocations_defaults['extcontrol']);
$preview_map = theme('getlocations_show', array(
'width' => $getlocations_defaults['width'],
'height' => $getlocations_defaults['height'],
'defaults' => $getlocations_defaults,
'mapid' => $mapid,
'latlons' => $latlons,
'minmaxes' => $minmaxes,
'type' => '',
'node' => '',
$form['getlocations_preview']['preview_map']['#markup'] = '<div id="getlocations_preview_map">' . $preview_map . '</div>';
$output .= drupal_render_children($form);
return $output;
* Returns HTML of the getlocations plugin_style_map_options form.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - form: The form array.
* @return string The rendered form
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_plugin_style_map_options_form($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
if (module_exists('colorbox')) {
$getlocations_colorbox = getlocations_colorbox_settings();
if ($getlocations_colorbox['marker_enable']) {
if (isset($form['node_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['node_map_marker']['#id'], 'n');
$form['node_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
$getlocations_node_marker = variable_get('getlocations_node_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
if ($getlocations_node_marker['enable']) {
if ($types = getlocations_get_types()) {
foreach ($types as $type => $name) {
$field_names = getlocations_get_fieldname2($type, 'node');
foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
$mkey = 'node_marker__' . drupal_strtolower($type) . '__' . $field_name;
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$mkey]['#id'], 'n');
$form[$mkey]['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['user_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['user_map_marker']['#id'], 'u');
$form['user_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
if (isset($form['vocabulary_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['vocabulary_map_marker']['#id'], 'v');
$form['vocabulary_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
$getlocations_vocabulary_marker = variable_get('getlocations_vocabulary_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
if ($getlocations_vocabulary_marker['enable']) {
foreach ($types as $type => $name) {
$field_name = getlocations_get_fieldname($type, 'taxonomy_term');
$mkey = 'vocabulary_marker_' . $field_name;
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$mkey]['#id'], 'v');
$form[$mkey]['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['term_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['term_map_marker']['#id'], 't');
$form['term_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
$getlocations_term_marker = variable_get('getlocations_term_marker', array(
'enable' => 0,
'vids' => 0,
'max_depth' => '',
if ($getlocations_term_marker['enable'] && $getlocations_term_marker['vids']) {
$depth = is_numeric($getlocations_term_marker['max_depth']) && $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] > 0 ? $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] : NULL;
$vids = $getlocations_term_marker['vids'];
foreach ($vids as $vid) {
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, $depth);
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$name = $term->name;
$tid = $term->tid;
$mkey = 'term_marker_' . $tid;
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$mkey]['#id'], 't');
$form[$mkey]['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['comment_map_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['comment_map_marker']['#id'], 'c');
$form['comment_map_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['gps_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['gps_marker']['#id'], 'g');
$form['gps_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['smartip_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form['smartip_marker']['#id'], 'm');
$form['smartip_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form['gps_button']) && $form['gps_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form['gps_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('GPS Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form['gps_center']['#suffix'];
$form['gps_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
if (isset($form['smartip_button']) && $form['smartip_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form['smartip_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('Smartip Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form['smartip_center']['#suffix'];
$form['smartip_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
$output = drupal_render_children($form);
return $output;
* Returns HTML of the getlocations plugin_style_streetview_options form.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - form: The form array.
* @return string The rendered form
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_plugin_style_streetview_options_form($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
$output = drupal_render_children($form);
return $output;
* Returns HTML of a latitude in decimal degress expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds.
* from location module
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - latitude: A latitude in decimal degrees.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_latitude_dms($variables) {
$latitude = $variables['latitude'];
$output = '';
list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds, $negative) = getlocations_dd_to_dms($latitude);
$output .= $degrees . "° " . $minutes . "' " . $seconds . "" ";
if (!$negative) {
$output .= 'N';
else {
$output .= 'S';
return $output;
* Returns HTML of a longitude in decimal degress expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds.
* from location module
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - longitude: A longitude in decimal degrees.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_longitude_dms($variables) {
$longitude = $variables['longitude'];
$output = '';
list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds, $negative) = getlocations_dd_to_dms($longitude);
$output .= $degrees . "° " . $minutes . "' " . $seconds . "" ";
if (!$negative) {
$output .= 'E';
else {
$output .= 'W';
return $output;
* Returns an array of an address from the addressfield module converted for use in getlocations.
* from location module
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - address: an array of address components.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_addressfield_convert($variables) {
$address = $variables['address'];
$location = array();
if (is_array($address) && !empty($address)) {
$name = array();
if (isset($address['name_line']) && $address['name_line']) {
$name[] = $address['name_line'];
if (isset($address['first_name']) && $address['first_name']) {
if (isset($address['last_name']) && $address['last_name']) {
$name[] = $address['first_name'] . ' ' . $address['last_name'];
else {
$name[] = $address['first_name'];
elseif (isset($address['last_name']) && $address['last_name']) {
$name[] = $address['last_name'];
if (isset($address['organisation_name']) && $address['organisation_name']) {
$name[] = $address['organisation_name'];
$location['name'] = count($name) ? implode(", ", $name) : '';
$location['street'] = isset($address['thoroughfare']) ? $address['thoroughfare'] : '';
$additional = array();
if (isset($address['premise']) && $address['premise']) {
$additional[] = $address['premise'];
if (isset($address['sub_premise']) && $address['sub_premise']) {
$additional[] = $address['sub_premise'];
$location['additional'] = count($additional) ? implode(", ", $additional) : '';
$city = array();
if (isset($address['dependent_locality']) && $address['dependent_locality']) {
$city[] = $address['dependent_locality'];
if (isset($address['locality']) && $address['locality']) {
$city[] = $address['locality'];
$location['city'] = count($city) ? implode(", ", $city) : '';
$admin_area = array();
if (isset($address['sub_administrative_area']) && $address['sub_administrative_area']) {
$admin_area[] = $address['sub_administrative_area'];
if (isset($address['administrative_area']) && $address['administrative_area']) {
$admin_area[] = $address['administrative_area'];
$location['province_name'] = count($admin_area) ? implode(", ", $admin_area) : '';
$location['postal_code'] = isset($address['postal_code']) ? drupal_strtoupper($address['postal_code']) : '';
$location['country_name'] = isset($address['country_name']) ? $address['country_name'] : $address['country'];
$location['country'] = $address['country'];
return $location;
* Returns HTML of a url, requested by ajax.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - lid: The location identifier or glid.
* - lidkey: The entity identifier type
* @return string $output
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_getlocations_lidinfo($variables) {
$lid = $variables['lid'];
$lidkey = $variables['lidkey'];
$output = FALSE;
if ($lid > 0) {
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields') || module_exists('location')) {
$path = getlocations_get_path_from_lid($lid);
if ($path) {
$output = $path;
elseif (module_exists('geofield') || module_exists('geolocation')) {
if ($lidkey == 'nid') {
$path = url('node/' . $lid);
elseif ($lidkey == 'vid') {
$nid = getlocations_get_nid($lid);
$path = url('node/' . $nid);
elseif ($lidkey == 'uid') {
$path = url('user/' . $lid);
elseif ($lidkey == 'tid' && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$path = url('taxonomy/term/' . $lid);
elseif ($lidkey == 'cid' && module_exists('comment')) {
$path = url('comment/' . $lid);
if ($path) {
$output = $path;
return $output;
Name![]() |
Description |
getlocations_access_location | Access callback: Checks for access permission and if there is a supported locative module installed |
getlocations_access_user_location | Access callback: Checks for access permission and if there is a supported locative module installed |
getlocations_addressfield_convert | Function |
getlocations_adinfo | Ajax callback Fetches bubble content |
getlocations_adjust_vars | Recursively merge the defaults with the current settings |
getlocations_aggr_get | Function |
getlocations_apoclean | Function to run string through check_plain but then restore apostrophes |
getlocations_box | Function for colorbox and suchlike |
getlocations_cb_w3w | |
getlocations_cb_w3w_get | |
getlocations_cdints_load | sanity check on list of nids |
getlocations_check_entity_type | Function is an entity_type location enabled? |
getlocations_check_jquery_version | |
getlocations_check_node | Function to check if bundle has a locative field |
getlocations_check_vocabulary | Function to check a vocabulary |
getlocations_colorbox_settings | Function |
getlocations_commentmap | Page callback: Displays a map. |
getlocations_controlpositions | Function |
getlocations_convert_distance_to_meters | |
getlocations_convert_meters_to_distance | |
getlocations_dd_to_dms | Convert decimal degrees to degrees,minutes,seconds. from location module |
getlocations_defaults | Some defaults. |
getlocations_defaults_check | Function to check if the configuration has been done yet |
getlocations_dim_check | Function |
getlocations_distance_between | Given two points in lat/lon form, returns the distance between them. |
getlocations_dms_to_dd | Convert dms string to decimal degrees. Should be reasonably tolerant of sloppy input |
getlocations_do_minmaxes | |
getlocations_earth_arclength | |
getlocations_earth_distance | |
getlocations_earth_distance_sql | Returns the SQL fragment needed to add a column called 'distance' to a query. For use in Views distance/proximity calculations |
getlocations_earth_latitude_range | Function |
getlocations_earth_longitude_range | This function uses earth_asin_safe so is not accurate for all possible parameter combinations. This means this function doesn't work properly for high distance values. This function needs to be re-written to work properly for larger distance… |
getlocations_earth_radius | |
getlocations_earth_xyz | |
getlocations_element_dd | |
getlocations_element_distance_unit | |
getlocations_element_map_baselayers | Function |
getlocations_element_map_checkbox | Function |
getlocations_element_map_limits | Function |
getlocations_element_map_maptype | Function |
getlocations_element_map_marker | Function |
getlocations_element_map_markeraction | Function |
getlocations_element_map_markeractiontype | Function |
getlocations_element_map_mtc | Function |
getlocations_element_map_pansetting | Function |
getlocations_element_map_tf | Function |
getlocations_element_map_zoom | Function |
getlocations_element_map_zoom_controltype | Function |
getlocations_element_map_zoom_map | Function |
getlocations_element_markermanagertype | Function |
getlocations_element_path | Function |
getlocations_element_search_distance | |
getlocations_element_validate_dim | Function |
getlocations_element_validate_latlon | Function |
getlocations_entity_type_load | sanity check on entity type |
getlocations_flush_caches | Implements hook_flush_caches(). |
getlocations_geocoder_form | |
getlocations_geojson_form | |
getlocations_getinfo | |
getlocations_getlidinfo | |
getlocations_getlocations_map_providers | |
getlocations_getlocations_markerdir | hook_getlocations_markerdir() from jhm |
getlocations_get_bundles | Fetch bundle names for a given module and type |
getlocations_get_cid_from_lid | Function to get cid from getlocations_fields_entities table. |
getlocations_get_circle_settings | Function |
getlocations_get_countries_list | Fetch a list of the core Drupal list of countries. from location module |
getlocations_get_country_id | Get the two letter code for a country |
getlocations_get_country_name | Get the full country name |
getlocations_get_current_supported_module | Function |
getlocations_get_entity_type_from_path | Allows for aliases in entity types |
getlocations_get_exact_distance_sql | |
getlocations_get_fieldname | Function to collect field name |
getlocations_get_fieldname2 | Function to collect field names |
getlocations_get_fieldnames | Fetch fieldnames for a given module and type |
getlocations_get_geocoder_path | Function to get the path to the Geocoder-js library |
getlocations_get_geojson_path | Function to get the path to the GeoJSON library |
getlocations_get_icondata | Get the JSON icon data for all the default markers. adapted from gmap |
getlocations_get_machine_vocabularies | Function gets list of vocabulary machine names |
getlocations_get_map_providers | |
getlocations_get_markerfile | Function to find and return the filesystem path and filename of the markers definition javascript file |
getlocations_get_markertypes | Function to fetch list of markers |
getlocations_get_marker_titles | Get the list of marker titles. adapted from gmap |
getlocations_get_nid | Function to get the nid from node table. |
getlocations_get_nid_from_lid | Function to get nid from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table. |
getlocations_get_nodetype | Function to fetch a node type or bundle |
getlocations_get_path_from_lid | Function to get entity path from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table. |
getlocations_get_polygon_settings | Function |
getlocations_get_polyline_settings | Function |
getlocations_get_rectangle_settings | Function |
getlocations_get_search_distance_sql | Function |
getlocations_get_supported_entities | Function to collect entities being used by the given module |
getlocations_get_term_marker | Function |
getlocations_get_term_reference_fields | Function list of term reference fields |
getlocations_get_tid_from_lid | Function to get tid from getlocations_fields_entities table. |
getlocations_get_types | Function to fetch node types |
getlocations_get_type_from_lid | Function to get entity type from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table. |
getlocations_get_uid_from_lid | Function to get uid from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table. |
getlocations_get_unit_names | Function |
getlocations_get_vid | Function to get the vid from node table. |
getlocations_get_vocabularies | Function gets list of vocabularies |
getlocations_google_places_form | |
getlocations_help | Implements hook_help(). |
getlocations_highlight_form | |
getlocations_id_load | check that the argument is numeric |
getlocations_init | Implements hook_init(). |
getlocations_is_mobile | Function |
getlocations_js_settings_do | Function sets up javascript settings |
getlocations_kml_form | |
getlocations_latlon_check | Function to check a lat,lon string |
getlocations_lidinfo | Ajax callback Provides a link |
getlocations_lids | Page callback: Displays a map. |
getlocations_load_location | Function to fetch a location |
getlocations_load_locations | Function to fetch locations |
getlocations_map_display_basics_form | Function |
getlocations_map_display_options_form | Function |
getlocations_markeraction_form | |
getlocations_markercluster_form | |
getlocations_markerinfo | Ajax callback provides data for marker colorbox |
getlocations_markermanager_form | |
getlocations_markerpicker_link | Function |
getlocations_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
getlocations_nids | Page callback: Displays a map. |
getlocations_nodemap | Page callback: displays a map. |
getlocations_normalizelat | Normalizes a latitude to the [-90,90] range. Latitudes above 90 or below -90 are capped, not wrapped. |
getlocations_normalizelng | Normalizes a longitude to the [-180,180] range. Longitudes above 180 or below -180 are wrapped. |
getlocations_other_get_fieldname | Function |
getlocations_other_load_locations | Function to fetch locations. Supports Geofield and Geolocation modules |
getlocations_paths_get | Function |
getlocations_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
getlocations_places_check | Function to check wether the google places library should be enabled. |
getlocations_regenerate_markers | Regenerate the markerdata file. adapted from gmap |
getlocations_setlocations | Set up javascript settings and map |
getlocations_setup_js | Function to setup the map scripts |
getlocations_setup_map | Function to setup the map scripts |
getlocations_shapes_form | |
getlocations_supported_modules | Function |
getlocations_termmap | Page callback: Displays a map. |
getlocations_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |
getlocations_typemap | Page callback: Displays a map. |
getlocations_type_load | Check that the node type exists |
getlocations_ua_get | Function |
getlocations_usermap | Page callback: Displays a map. |
getlocations_usersmap | Page callback: Displays a map. |
getlocations_views_api | Implements hook_views_api(). |
getlocations_what3words_form | What3words config form |
template_preprocess_getlocations_box | Prepares variables for getlocations_box.tpl.php |
template_preprocess_getlocations_marker_box | Prepares variables for getlocations_marker_box.tpl.php |
theme_getlocations_addressfield_convert | Returns an array of an address from the addressfield module converted for use in getlocations. |
theme_getlocations_adinfo | Returns HTML of a location's vcard, requested by ajax. |
theme_getlocations_latitude_dms | Returns HTML of a latitude in decimal degress expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds. |
theme_getlocations_lidinfo | Returns HTML of a url, requested by ajax. |
theme_getlocations_longitude_dms | Returns HTML of a longitude in decimal degress expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds. |
theme_getlocations_plugin_style_map_options_form | Returns HTML of the getlocations plugin_style_map_options form. |
theme_getlocations_plugin_style_streetview_options_form | Returns HTML of the getlocations plugin_style_streetview_options form. |
theme_getlocations_settings_form | Returns HTML of the getlocations settings form. |
theme_getlocations_show | Returns HTML for a map. |
Name![]() |
Description |
GETLOCATIONS_PATH | @file getlocations.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL |