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function getlocations_getinfo in Get Locations 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 getlocations.module \getlocations_getinfo()


int $lid location id:

string entity id:

Return value

string formatted address

8 calls to getlocations_getinfo()
getlocations_adinfo in ./getlocations.module
Ajax callback Fetches bubble content
getlocations_js_settings_do in ./getlocations.module
Function sets up javascript settings
getlocations_leaflet_entity_type_map in modules/getlocations_leaflet/getlocations_leaflet.module
getlocations_leaflet_field_formatter_view in modules/getlocations_leaflet/getlocations_leaflet.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view(). Build a renderable array for a field value.
getlocations_mapquest_entity_type_map in modules/getlocations_mapquest/getlocations_mapquest.module

... See full list


./getlocations.module, line 1960
getlocations.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL


function getlocations_getinfo($lid, $lidkey, $extra = FALSE) {
  $content = FALSE;
  if ($lid > 0) {
    if (module_exists('getlocations_fields') || module_exists('location')) {
      $location = getlocations_load_location($lid);
      $location['nid'] = 0;
      $location['uid'] = 0;
      $location['tid'] = 0;
      $location['cid'] = 0;
      $type = getlocations_get_type_from_lid($lid);
      if ($type == 'node') {
        if ($nid = getlocations_get_nid_from_lid($lid)) {
          $location['nid'] = $nid;
      elseif ($type == 'user') {
        if ($uid = getlocations_get_uid_from_lid($lid)) {
          $location['uid'] = $uid;
      elseif ($type == 'vocabulary' && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
        if ($tid = getlocations_get_tid_from_lid($lid)) {
          $location['tid'] = $tid;
      elseif ($type == 'comment' && module_exists('comment')) {
        if ($cid = getlocations_get_cid_from_lid($lid)) {
          $location['cid'] = $cid;
    elseif (module_exists('geofield') || module_exists('geolocation')) {
      $locations = getlocations_load_locations($lid, $lidkey);
      $location = $locations[0];
    if ($extra) {
      if (is_array($extra) && isset($extra['sdist'])) {
        $sdist = $extra['sdist'];
        $arr = explode('|', $sdist);
        $sunit = $arr[0];
        $slat = $arr[1];
        $slon = $arr[2];
        $lat = $location['latitude'];
        $lon = $location['longitude'];
        $latlon_a = array(
          'lat' => $slat,
          'lon' => $slon,
        $latlon_b = array(
          'lat' => $lat,
          'lon' => $lon,
        $dist = getlocations_distance_between($latlon_a, $latlon_b, $sunit);
        $location['sdist'] = $dist['scalar'];
        $location['sunit'] = $dist['distance_unit'];
      if (is_array($extra) && isset($extra['gdlink'])) {
        $location['getdirections_link'] = $extra['gdlink'];
    $content = theme('getlocations_adinfo', array(
      'location' => $location,
  return $content;