function getlocations_get_path_from_lid in Get Locations 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 getlocations.module \getlocations_get_path_from_lid()
Function to get entity path from getlocations_fields_entities or location_instance table.
int $lid:
Return value
Returns entity path as url.
1 call to getlocations_get_path_from_lid()
- theme_getlocations_lidinfo in ./
getlocations.module - Returns HTML of a url, requested by ajax.
- ./
getlocations.module, line 1901 - getlocations.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL
function getlocations_get_path_from_lid($lid) {
if (is_numeric($lid) && $lid) {
$query = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields_entities', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.glid', $lid);
elseif (module_exists('location') && (module_exists('location_cck') || module_exists('location_node') || module_exists('location_user'))) {
$query = db_select('location_instance', 'i')
->fields('i', array(
->condition('i.lid', $lid);
if ($query) {
$row = $query
$path = '';
if (isset($row['nid']) && $row['nid'] > 0) {
$path = url('node/' . $row['nid']);
elseif (isset($row['uid']) && $row['uid'] > 0) {
$path = url('user/' . $row['uid']);
elseif (isset($row['tid']) && $row['tid'] > 0 && module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$path = url('taxonomy/term/' . $row['tid']);
elseif (isset($row['cid']) && $row['cid'] > 0 && module_exists('comment')) {
$path = url('comment/' . $row['cid']);
return $path;
return FALSE;