function getlocations_earth_distance_sql in Get Locations 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 getlocations.module \getlocations_earth_distance_sql()
Returns the SQL fragment needed to add a column called 'distance' to a query. For use in Views distance/proximity calculations
$latitude The measurement point:
$longitude The measurement point:
$tbl_alias If necessary, the alias name. Used by SQL to clearly identify a field.:
6 calls to getlocations_earth_distance_sql()
- getlocations_fields_handler_argument_distance::query in modules/
getlocations_fields/ handlers/ - Set up the query for this argument.
- getlocations_fields_handler_field_distance::click_sort in modules/
getlocations_fields/ handlers/ - Called to determine what to tell the clicksorter.
- getlocations_fields_handler_field_distance::query in modules/
getlocations_fields/ handlers/ - Called to add the field to a query.
- getlocations_fields_handler_filter_distance::query in modules/
getlocations_fields/ handlers/ - Add this filter to the query.
- getlocations_fields_handler_sort_distance::query in modules/
getlocations_fields/ handlers/ - Called to add the sort to a query.
- ./
getlocations.module, line 6129 - getlocations.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL
function getlocations_earth_distance_sql($latitude, $longitude, $tbl_alias = '') {
// Make a SQL expression that estimates the distance to the given location.
$radius = getlocations_earth_radius($latitude);
// If the table alias is specified, add on the separator.
$tbl_alias = empty($tbl_alias) ? '' : $tbl_alias . '.';
$latfield = $tbl_alias . 'latitude';
$lonfield = $tbl_alias . 'longitude';
// all calcs in mysql
#$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS(COS(RADIANS($latitude)) * COS(RADIANS($latfield)) * (COS(RADIANS($longitude)) * COS(RADIANS($lonfield)) + SIN(RADIANS($longitude)) * SIN(RADIANS($lonfield))) + SIN(RADIANS($latitude)) * SIN(RADIANS($latfield))), 0.00000) * $radius)";
// some calcs predone in php
$long = deg2rad($longitude);
$lat = deg2rad($latitude);
$coslong = cos($long);
$coslat = cos($lat);
$sinlong = sin($long);
$sinlat = sin($lat);
$sql = "(IFNULL(ACOS({$coslat} * COS(RADIANS({$latfield})) * ({$coslong}*COS(RADIANS({$lonfield})) + {$sinlong} * SIN(RADIANS({$lonfield}))) + {$sinlat} * SIN(RADIANS({$latfield}))), 0.00000) * {$radius})";
return $sql;