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function _getlocations_get_icondata in Get Locations 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \_getlocations_get_icondata()
  2. 6 \_getlocations_get_icondata()
  3. 7.2 \_getlocations_get_icondata()

Get marker icon data for constructing json object.

1 call to _getlocations_get_icondata()
getlocations_get_icondata in ./getlocations.module
Get the JSON icon data for all the default markers. adapted from gmap


./, line 22 @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL


function _getlocations_get_icondata() {
  $icons = array();
  $imagetypes = array(
  $inis = array();
  $markerdirs = module_invoke_all('getlocations_markerdir');
  if (count($markerdirs) < 1) {
    return FALSE;
  foreach ($markerdirs as $i => $markerdir) {

    // The following routines are designed to be easy to comprehend, not fast.
    // This whole process gets cached.
    // Get the ini files.
    $inifiles = file_scan_directory($markerdir, '/.*\\.ini$/');

    // Parse the ini files and store by path
    foreach ($inifiles as $file) {
      $path = drupal_substr($file->uri, drupal_strlen($markerdir), -drupal_strlen($file->filename));
      if (!isset($inis[$markerdir . $path])) {
        $inis[$path] = array();
      $inis[$markerdir . $path][] = parse_ini_file($file->uri, TRUE);
  if (count($inis) < 1) {
    return FALSE;

  // Per directory..
  foreach ($inis as $path => $path_inis) {
    $icons[$path] = array(
      'tempf' => array(),
      'f' => array(),
      'w' => array(),
      'h' => array(),
      'i' => array(),

    // Part 1: Collect image names
    $filenames = array();
    foreach ($path_inis as $ini) {
      foreach ($ini as $k => $v) {

        // Is this definition for an icon? (anything with a dot is a file)
        if (strpos($k, '.') !== FALSE) {

          // Add the icon name.
          $filenames[$k] = TRUE;
        else {

          // Shadow / alternate search
          foreach ($imagetypes as $check) {
            if (isset($v[$check])) {
              $filenames[$v[$check]] = TRUE;

          // A sequence is a list of image names.
          if (isset($v['sequence'])) {
            foreach (explode(',', $v['sequence']) as $f) {
              $filenames[trim($f)] = TRUE;
    $icons[$path]['tempf'] = $filenames;

  // Part 2: Assign ids, get width and height
  foreach ($icons as $path => $v) {
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($icons[$path]['tempf'] as $filename => $fv) {

      // Skip empty filenames to avoid warnings.
      if (empty($filename)) {
      $size = getimagesize($path . $filename);
      $icons[$path]['f'][$counter] = $filename;
      $icons[$path]['w'][$counter] = $size[0];
      $icons[$path]['h'][$counter] = $size[1];

      // Store an index under tempf for the next part...
      $icons[$path]['tempf'][$filename] = $counter;

  // Part 3: Main ini parsing
  // Per directory...
  foreach ($inis as $path => $path_inis) {

    // Per file...
    foreach ($path_inis as $i => $ini) {

      // Compression.
      foreach ($ini as $k => $v) {

        // Compress sequence filenames.
        if (isset($ini[$k]['sequence'])) {
          $temp = array();
          foreach (explode(',', $ini[$k]['sequence']) as $file) {
            $temp[] = $icons[$path]['tempf'][$file];
          $ini[$k]['sequence'] = $temp;

        // Compress other image field filenames.
        foreach ($imagetypes as $t) {
          if (isset($ini[$k][$t])) {
            $ini[$k][$t] = $icons[$path]['tempf'][$ini[$k][$t]];

        // Setup key for compression
        $ini[$k]['key'] = $k;
      $mv = array();
      $iv = array();
      if (isset($ini['defaults'])) {
        $mv[0] = $ini['defaults'];
      else {
        $mv[0] = array();
      foreach ($ini as $k => $v) {
        if (strpos($k, '.') === FALSE) {
          $mv[] = $ini[$k];
        else {
          $iv[] = $ini[$k];
      $icons[$path]['i'][] = array(
  foreach ($icons as $path => $v) {
  return $icons;