class Bootstrap in Express 8
The primary class for the Drupal Bootstrap base theme.
Provides many helper methods.
- class \Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap
Expanded class hierarchy of Bootstrap
30 files declare their use of Bootstrap
- in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ - Drupal Bootstrap Drush commands.
- bootstrap.theme in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ bootstrap.theme - The primary PHP file for the Drupal Bootstrap base theme.
- BootstrapCarousel.php in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ src/ Plugin/ Preprocess/ BootstrapCarousel.php - Contains \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Preprocess\BootstrapCarousel.
- CdnJsdelivrVersion.php in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ src/ Plugin/ Setting/ Advanced/ Cdn/ CdnJsdelivrVersion.php - Contains \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Setting\Advanced\Cdn\CdnJsdelivrVersion.
- CdnProvider.php in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ src/ Plugin/ Setting/ Advanced/ Cdn/ CdnProvider.php - Contains \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Setting\Advanced\Cdn\CdnProvider.
9 string references to 'Bootstrap'
- in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ - themes/contrib/bootstrap/
- bootstrap_icon_bundles in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ - Implements hook_icon_bundles().
- bootstrap_icon_providers in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ - Implements hook_icon_providers().
- in demo_express/
themes/ demo_theme/ - demo_express/themes/demo_theme/
- JsDelivr::extractThemes in themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ src/ Plugin/ Provider/ JsDelivr.php - Extracts theme information from files provided by the jsDelivr API.
- themes/
contrib/ bootstrap/ src/ Bootstrap.php, line 26 - Contains \Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap.
Drupal\bootstrapView source
class Bootstrap {
* Tag used to invalidate caches.
* @var string
const CACHE_TAG = 'theme_registry';
* Append a callback.
* @var int
* Prepend a callback.
* @var int
* Replace a callback or append it if not found.
* @var int
* Replace a callback or prepend it if not found.
* @var int
* The current supported Bootstrap Framework version.
* @var string
const FRAMEWORK_VERSION = '3.3.7';
* The Bootstrap Framework documentation site.
* @var string
* The Bootstrap Framework repository.
* @var string
* The project branch.
* @var string
const PROJECT_BRANCH = '8.x-3.x';
* The Drupal Bootstrap documentation site.
* @var string
* The Drupal Bootstrap project page.
* @var string
const PROJECT_PAGE = '';
* Adds a callback to an array.
* @param array $callbacks
* An array of callbacks to add the callback to, passed by reference.
* @param array|string $callback
* The callback to add.
* @param array|string $replace
* If specified, the callback will instead replace the specified value
* instead of being appended to the $callbacks array.
* @param int $action
* Flag that determines how to add the callback to the array.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the callback was added, FALSE if $replace was specified but its
* callback could be found in the list of callbacks.
public static function addCallback(array &$callbacks, $callback, $replace = NULL, $action = Bootstrap::CALLBACK_APPEND) {
// Replace a callback.
if ($replace) {
// Iterate through the callbacks.
foreach ($callbacks as $key => $value) {
// Convert each callback and match the string values.
if (Unicode::convertCallback($value) === Unicode::convertCallback($replace)) {
$callbacks[$key] = $callback;
return TRUE;
// No match found and action shouldn't append or prepend.
if ($action !== self::CALLBACK_REPLACE_APPEND || $action !== self::CALLBACK_REPLACE_PREPEND) {
return FALSE;
// Append or prepend the callback.
switch ($action) {
$callbacks[] = $callback;
return TRUE;
array_unshift($callbacks, $callback);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Manages theme alter hooks as classes and allows sub-themes to sub-class.
* @param string $function
* The procedural function name of the alter (e.g. __FUNCTION__).
* @param mixed $data
* The variable that was passed to the hook_TYPE_alter() implementation to
* be altered. The type of this variable depends on the value of the $type
* argument. For example, when altering a 'form', $data will be a structured
* array. When altering a 'profile', $data will be an object.
* @param mixed $context1
* (optional) An additional variable that is passed by reference.
* @param mixed $context2
* (optional) An additional variable that is passed by reference. If more
* context needs to be provided to implementations, then this should be an
* associative array as described above.
public static function alter($function, &$data, &$context1 = NULL, &$context2 = NULL) {
static $theme;
if (!isset($theme)) {
$theme = self::getTheme();
// Immediately return if the active theme is not Bootstrap based.
if (!$theme
->isBootstrap()) {
// Extract the alter hook name.
$hook = Unicode::extractHook($function, 'alter');
// Handle form alters as a separate plugin.
if (strpos($hook, 'form') === 0 && $context1 instanceof FormStateInterface) {
$form_state = $context1;
$form_id = $context2;
// Due to a core bug that affects admin themes, we should not double
// process the "system_theme_settings" form twice in the global
// hook_form_alter() invocation.
// @see
if ($form_id === 'system_theme_settings') {
// Keep track of the form identifiers.
$ids = [];
// Get the build data.
$build_info = $form_state
// Extract the base_form_id.
$base_form_id = !empty($build_info['base_form_id']) ? $build_info['base_form_id'] : FALSE;
if ($base_form_id) {
$ids[] = $base_form_id;
// If there was no provided form identifier, extract it.
if (!$form_id) {
$form_id = !empty($build_info['form_id']) ? $build_info['form_id'] : Unicode::extractHook($function, 'alter', 'form');
if ($form_id) {
$ids[] = $form_id;
// Retrieve a list of form definitions.
$form_manager = new FormManager($theme);
// Iterate over each form identifier and look for a possible plugin.
foreach ($ids as $id) {
/** @var \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Form\FormInterface $form */
if ($form_manager
->hasDefinition($id) && ($form = $form_manager
->createInstance($id, [
'theme' => $theme,
]))) {
$data['#submit'][] = [
$data['#validate'][] = [
->alterForm($data, $form_state, $form_id);
else {
// Retrieve a list of alter definitions.
$alter_manager = new AlterManager($theme);
/** @var \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Alter\AlterInterface $class */
if ($alter_manager
->hasDefinition($hook) && ($class = $alter_manager
->createInstance($hook, [
'theme' => $theme,
]))) {
->alter($data, $context1, $context2);
* Returns a documentation search URL for a given query.
* @param string $query
* The query to search for.
* @return string
* The complete URL to the documentation site.
public static function apiSearchUrl($query = '') {
return self::PROJECT_DOCUMENTATION . '/api/bootstrap/' . self::PROJECT_BRANCH . '/search/' . Html::escape($query);
* Returns the autoload fix include path.
* This method assists class based callbacks that normally do not work.
* If you notice that your class based callback is never invoked, you may try
* using this helper method as an "include" or "file" for your callback, if
* the callback metadata supports such an option.
* Depending on when or where a callback is invoked during a request, such as
* an ajax or batch request, the theme handler may not yet be fully
* initialized.
* Typically there is little that can be done about this "issue" from core.
* It must balance the appropriate level that should be bootstrapped along
* with common functionality. Cross-request class based callbacks are not
* common in themes.
* When this file is included, it will attempt to jump start this process.
* Please keep in mind, that it is merely an attempt and does not guarantee
* that it will actually work. If it does not appear to work, do not use it.
* @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandler::listInfo
* @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandler::systemThemeList
* @see system_list
* @see system_register()
* @see drupal_classloader_register()
* @return string
* The autoload fix include path, relative to Drupal root.
public static function autoloadFixInclude() {
return static::getTheme('bootstrap')
->getPath() . '/autoload-fix.php';
* Matches a Bootstrap class based on a string value.
* @param string|array $value
* The string to match against to determine the class. Passed by reference
* in case it is a render array that needs to be rendered and typecast.
* @param string $default
* The default class to return if no match is found.
* @return string
* The Bootstrap class matched against the value of $haystack or $default
* if no match could be made.
public static function cssClassFromString(&$value, $default = '') {
static $lang;
if (!isset($lang)) {
$lang = \Drupal::languageManager()
$theme = static::getTheme();
$texts = $theme
->getCache('cssClassFromString', [
// Ensure it's a string value that was passed.
$string = static::toString($value);
if ($texts
->isEmpty()) {
$data = [
// Text that match these specific strings are checked first.
'matches' => [
// Primary class.
t('Download feature')
->render() => 'primary',
// Success class.
t('Add effect')
->render() => 'success',
t('Add and configure')
->render() => 'success',
t('Save configuration')
->render() => 'success',
t('Install and set as default')
->render() => 'success',
// Info class.
t('Save and add')
->render() => 'info',
t('Add another item')
->render() => 'info',
t('Update style')
->render() => 'info',
// Text containing these words anywhere in the string are checked last.
'contains' => [
// Primary class.
->render() => 'primary',
->render() => 'primary',
t('Log in')
->render() => 'primary',
->render() => 'primary',
->render() => 'primary',
->render() => 'primary',
->render() => 'primary',
// Danger class.
->render() => 'danger',
->render() => 'danger',
->render() => 'danger',
// Success class.
->render() => 'success',
->render() => 'success',
->render() => 'success',
->render() => 'success',
->render() => 'success',
// Warning class.
->render() => 'warning',
->render() => 'warning',
->render() => 'warning',
->render() => 'warning',
// Info class.
->render() => 'info',
->render() => 'info',
// Allow sub-themes to alter this array of patterns.
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManager $theme_manager */
$theme_manager = \Drupal::service('theme.manager');
->alter('bootstrap_colorize_text', $data);
// Iterate over the array.
foreach ($texts as $pattern => $strings) {
foreach ($strings as $text => $class) {
switch ($pattern) {
case 'matches':
if ($string === $text) {
return $class;
case 'contains':
if (strpos(Unicode::strtolower($string), Unicode::strtolower($text)) !== FALSE) {
return $class;
// Return the default if nothing was matched.
return $default;
* Logs and displays a warning about a deprecated function/method being used.
public static function deprecated() {
// Log backtrace.
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
->warning('<pre><code>' . print_r($backtrace, TRUE) . '</code></pre>');
if (!self::getTheme()
->getSetting('suppress_deprecated_warnings')) {
// Extrapolate the caller.
$caller = $backtrace[1];
$class = '';
if (isset($caller['class'])) {
$parts = explode('\\', $caller['class']);
$class = array_pop($parts) . '::';
drupal_set_message(t('The following function(s) or method(s) have been deprecated, please check the logs for a more detailed backtrace on where these are being invoked. Click on the function or method link to search the documentation site for a possible replacement or solution.'), 'warning');
drupal_set_message(t('<a href=":url" target="_blank">@title</a>.', [
':url' => self::apiSearchUrl($class . $caller['function']),
'@title' => ($class ? $caller['class'] . $caller['type'] : '') . $caller['function'] . '()',
]), 'warning');
* Provides additional variables to be used in elements and templates.
* @return array
* An associative array containing key/default value pairs.
public static function extraVariables() {
return [
// @see
'context' => [],
// @see
'icon' => NULL,
'icon_position' => 'before',
'icon_only' => FALSE,
* Retrieves a theme instance of \Drupal\bootstrap.
* @param string $name
* The machine name of a theme. If omitted, the active theme will be used.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface $theme_handler
* The theme handler object.
* @return \Drupal\bootstrap\Theme
* A theme object.
public static function getTheme($name = NULL, ThemeHandlerInterface $theme_handler = NULL) {
// Immediately return if theme passed is already instantiated.
if ($name instanceof Theme) {
return $name;
static $themes = [];
static $active_theme;
if (!isset($active_theme)) {
$active_theme = \Drupal::theme()
if (!isset($name)) {
$name = $active_theme;
if (!isset($theme_handler)) {
$theme_handler = self::getThemeHandler();
if (!isset($themes[$name])) {
$themes[$name] = new Theme($theme_handler
->getTheme($name), $theme_handler);
return $themes[$name];
* Retrieves the theme handler instance.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface
* The theme handler instance.
public static function getThemeHandler() {
static $theme_handler;
if (!isset($theme_handler)) {
$theme_handler = \Drupal::service('theme_handler');
return $theme_handler;
* Returns the theme hook definition information.
* This base-theme's custom theme hook implementations. Never define "path"
* as this is automatically detected and added.
* @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Alter\ThemeRegistry::alter()
* @see bootstrap_theme_registry_alter()
* @see bootstrap_theme()
* @see hook_theme()
public static function getThemeHooks() {
$hooks['bootstrap_carousel'] = [
'variables' => [
'attributes' => [],
'controls' => TRUE,
'id' => NULL,
'indicators' => TRUE,
'interval' => 5000,
'pause' => 'hover',
'slides' => [],
'start_index' => 0,
'wrap' => TRUE,
$hooks['bootstrap_dropdown'] = [
'variables' => [
'alignment' => 'down',
'attributes' => [],
'items' => [],
'split' => FALSE,
'toggle' => NULL,
$hooks['bootstrap_modal'] = [
'variables' => [
'attributes' => [],
'body' => '',
'body_attributes' => [],
'close_button' => TRUE,
'content_attributes' => [],
'description' => NULL,
'description_display' => 'before',
'dialog_attributes' => [],
'footer' => '',
'footer_attributes' => [],
'header_attributes' => [],
'id' => NULL,
'size' => NULL,
'title' => '',
'title_attributes' => [],
$hooks['bootstrap_panel'] = [
'variables' => [
'attributes' => [],
'body' => [],
'body_attributes' => [],
'collapsible' => FALSE,
'collapsed' => FALSE,
'description' => NULL,
'description_display' => 'before',
'footer' => NULL,
'footer_attributes' => [],
'heading' => NULL,
'heading_attributes' => [],
'id' => NULL,
'panel_type' => 'default',
return $hooks;
* Returns a specific Bootstrap Glyphicon.
* @param string $name
* The icon name, minus the "glyphicon-" prefix.
* @param array $default
* (Optional) The default render array to use if $name is not available.
* @return array
* The render containing the icon defined by $name, $default value if
* icon does not exist or returns NULL if no icon could be rendered.
public static function glyphicon($name, $default = []) {
$icon = [];
// Ensure the icon specified is a valid Bootstrap Glyphicon.
// @todo Supply a specific version to _bootstrap_glyphicons() when Icon API
// supports versioning.
if (self::getTheme()
->hasGlyphicons() && in_array($name, self::glyphicons())) {
// Attempt to use the Icon API module, if enabled and it generates output.
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('icon')) {
$icon = [
'#type' => 'icon',
'#bundle' => 'bootstrap',
'#icon' => 'glyphicon-' . $name,
else {
$icon = [
'#type' => 'html_tag',
'#tag' => 'span',
'#value' => '',
'#attributes' => [
'class' => [
'glyphicon-' . $name,
'aria-hidden' => 'true',
return $icon ?: $default;
* Matches a Bootstrap Glyphicon based on a string value.
* @param string $value
* The string to match against to determine the icon. Passed by reference
* in case it is a render array that needs to be rendered and typecast.
* @param array $default
* The default render array to return if no match is found.
* @return string
* The Bootstrap icon matched against the value of $haystack or $default if
* no match could be made.
public static function glyphiconFromString(&$value, $default = []) {
static $lang;
if (!isset($lang)) {
$lang = \Drupal::languageManager()
$theme = static::getTheme();
$texts = $theme
->getCache('glyphiconFromString', [
// Ensure it's a string value that was passed.
$string = static::toString($value);
if ($texts
->isEmpty()) {
$data = [
// Text that match these specific strings are checked first.
'matches' => [],
// Text containing these words anywhere in the string are checked last.
'contains' => [
->render() => 'cog',
->render() => 'cog',
->render() => 'cog',
->render() => 'download',
->render() => 'export',
->render() => 'filter',
->render() => 'import',
->render() => 'ok',
->render() => 'ok',
->render() => 'pencil',
->render() => 'trash',
->render() => 'plus',
->render() => 'plus',
->render() => 'remove',
->render() => 'trash',
->render() => 'trash',
->render() => 'search',
->render() => 'upload',
->render() => 'eye-open',
t('Log in')
->render() => 'log-in',
// Allow sub-themes to alter this array of patterns.
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManager $theme_manager */
$theme_manager = \Drupal::service('theme.manager');
->alter('bootstrap_iconize_text', $data);
// Iterate over the array.
foreach ($texts as $pattern => $strings) {
foreach ($strings as $text => $icon) {
switch ($pattern) {
case 'matches':
if ($string === $text) {
return self::glyphicon($icon, $default);
case 'contains':
if (strpos(Unicode::strtolower($string), Unicode::strtolower($text)) !== FALSE) {
return self::glyphicon($icon, $default);
// Return a default icon if nothing was matched.
return $default;
* Returns a list of available Bootstrap Framework Glyphicons.
* @param string $version
* The specific version of glyphicons to return. If not set, the latest
* BOOTSTRAP_VERSION will be used.
* @return array
* An associative array of icons keyed by their classes.
public static function glyphicons($version = NULL) {
static $versions;
if (!isset($versions)) {
$versions = [];
$versions['3.0.0'] = [
// Class => Name.
'glyphicon-adjust' => 'adjust',
'glyphicon-align-center' => 'align-center',
'glyphicon-align-justify' => 'align-justify',
'glyphicon-align-left' => 'align-left',
'glyphicon-align-right' => 'align-right',
'glyphicon-arrow-down' => 'arrow-down',
'glyphicon-arrow-left' => 'arrow-left',
'glyphicon-arrow-right' => 'arrow-right',
'glyphicon-arrow-up' => 'arrow-up',
'glyphicon-asterisk' => 'asterisk',
'glyphicon-backward' => 'backward',
'glyphicon-ban-circle' => 'ban-circle',
'glyphicon-barcode' => 'barcode',
'glyphicon-bell' => 'bell',
'glyphicon-bold' => 'bold',
'glyphicon-book' => 'book',
'glyphicon-bookmark' => 'bookmark',
'glyphicon-briefcase' => 'briefcase',
'glyphicon-bullhorn' => 'bullhorn',
'glyphicon-calendar' => 'calendar',
'glyphicon-camera' => 'camera',
'glyphicon-certificate' => 'certificate',
'glyphicon-check' => 'check',
'glyphicon-chevron-down' => 'chevron-down',
'glyphicon-chevron-left' => 'chevron-left',
'glyphicon-chevron-right' => 'chevron-right',
'glyphicon-chevron-up' => 'chevron-up',
'glyphicon-circle-arrow-down' => 'circle-arrow-down',
'glyphicon-circle-arrow-left' => 'circle-arrow-left',
'glyphicon-circle-arrow-right' => 'circle-arrow-right',
'glyphicon-circle-arrow-up' => 'circle-arrow-up',
'glyphicon-cloud' => 'cloud',
'glyphicon-cloud-download' => 'cloud-download',
'glyphicon-cloud-upload' => 'cloud-upload',
'glyphicon-cog' => 'cog',
'glyphicon-collapse-down' => 'collapse-down',
'glyphicon-collapse-up' => 'collapse-up',
'glyphicon-comment' => 'comment',
'glyphicon-compressed' => 'compressed',
'glyphicon-copyright-mark' => 'copyright-mark',
'glyphicon-credit-card' => 'credit-card',
'glyphicon-cutlery' => 'cutlery',
'glyphicon-dashboard' => 'dashboard',
'glyphicon-download' => 'download',
'glyphicon-download-alt' => 'download-alt',
'glyphicon-earphone' => 'earphone',
'glyphicon-edit' => 'edit',
'glyphicon-eject' => 'eject',
'glyphicon-envelope' => 'envelope',
'glyphicon-euro' => 'euro',
'glyphicon-exclamation-sign' => 'exclamation-sign',
'glyphicon-expand' => 'expand',
'glyphicon-export' => 'export',
'glyphicon-eye-close' => 'eye-close',
'glyphicon-eye-open' => 'eye-open',
'glyphicon-facetime-video' => 'facetime-video',
'glyphicon-fast-backward' => 'fast-backward',
'glyphicon-fast-forward' => 'fast-forward',
'glyphicon-file' => 'file',
'glyphicon-film' => 'film',
'glyphicon-filter' => 'filter',
'glyphicon-fire' => 'fire',
'glyphicon-flag' => 'flag',
'glyphicon-flash' => 'flash',
'glyphicon-floppy-disk' => 'floppy-disk',
'glyphicon-floppy-open' => 'floppy-open',
'glyphicon-floppy-remove' => 'floppy-remove',
'glyphicon-floppy-save' => 'floppy-save',
'glyphicon-floppy-saved' => 'floppy-saved',
'glyphicon-folder-close' => 'folder-close',
'glyphicon-folder-open' => 'folder-open',
'glyphicon-font' => 'font',
'glyphicon-forward' => 'forward',
'glyphicon-fullscreen' => 'fullscreen',
'glyphicon-gbp' => 'gbp',
'glyphicon-gift' => 'gift',
'glyphicon-glass' => 'glass',
'glyphicon-globe' => 'globe',
'glyphicon-hand-down' => 'hand-down',
'glyphicon-hand-left' => 'hand-left',
'glyphicon-hand-right' => 'hand-right',
'glyphicon-hand-up' => 'hand-up',
'glyphicon-hd-video' => 'hd-video',
'glyphicon-hdd' => 'hdd',
'glyphicon-header' => 'header',
'glyphicon-headphones' => 'headphones',
'glyphicon-heart' => 'heart',
'glyphicon-heart-empty' => 'heart-empty',
'glyphicon-home' => 'home',
'glyphicon-import' => 'import',
'glyphicon-inbox' => 'inbox',
'glyphicon-indent-left' => 'indent-left',
'glyphicon-indent-right' => 'indent-right',
'glyphicon-info-sign' => 'info-sign',
'glyphicon-italic' => 'italic',
'glyphicon-leaf' => 'leaf',
'glyphicon-link' => 'link',
'glyphicon-list' => 'list',
'glyphicon-list-alt' => 'list-alt',
'glyphicon-lock' => 'lock',
'glyphicon-log-in' => 'log-in',
'glyphicon-log-out' => 'log-out',
'glyphicon-magnet' => 'magnet',
'glyphicon-map-marker' => 'map-marker',
'glyphicon-minus' => 'minus',
'glyphicon-minus-sign' => 'minus-sign',
'glyphicon-move' => 'move',
'glyphicon-music' => 'music',
'glyphicon-new-window' => 'new-window',
'glyphicon-off' => 'off',
'glyphicon-ok' => 'ok',
'glyphicon-ok-circle' => 'ok-circle',
'glyphicon-ok-sign' => 'ok-sign',
'glyphicon-open' => 'open',
'glyphicon-paperclip' => 'paperclip',
'glyphicon-pause' => 'pause',
'glyphicon-pencil' => 'pencil',
'glyphicon-phone' => 'phone',
'glyphicon-phone-alt' => 'phone-alt',
'glyphicon-picture' => 'picture',
'glyphicon-plane' => 'plane',
'glyphicon-play' => 'play',
'glyphicon-play-circle' => 'play-circle',
'glyphicon-plus' => 'plus',
'glyphicon-plus-sign' => 'plus-sign',
'glyphicon-print' => 'print',
'glyphicon-pushpin' => 'pushpin',
'glyphicon-qrcode' => 'qrcode',
'glyphicon-question-sign' => 'question-sign',
'glyphicon-random' => 'random',
'glyphicon-record' => 'record',
'glyphicon-refresh' => 'refresh',
'glyphicon-registration-mark' => 'registration-mark',
'glyphicon-remove' => 'remove',
'glyphicon-remove-circle' => 'remove-circle',
'glyphicon-remove-sign' => 'remove-sign',
'glyphicon-repeat' => 'repeat',
'glyphicon-resize-full' => 'resize-full',
'glyphicon-resize-horizontal' => 'resize-horizontal',
'glyphicon-resize-small' => 'resize-small',
'glyphicon-resize-vertical' => 'resize-vertical',
'glyphicon-retweet' => 'retweet',
'glyphicon-road' => 'road',
'glyphicon-save' => 'save',
'glyphicon-saved' => 'saved',
'glyphicon-screenshot' => 'screenshot',
'glyphicon-sd-video' => 'sd-video',
'glyphicon-search' => 'search',
'glyphicon-send' => 'send',
'glyphicon-share' => 'share',
'glyphicon-share-alt' => 'share-alt',
'glyphicon-shopping-cart' => 'shopping-cart',
'glyphicon-signal' => 'signal',
'glyphicon-sort' => 'sort',
'glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet' => 'sort-by-alphabet',
'glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet-alt' => 'sort-by-alphabet-alt',
'glyphicon-sort-by-attributes' => 'sort-by-attributes',
'glyphicon-sort-by-attributes-alt' => 'sort-by-attributes-alt',
'glyphicon-sort-by-order' => 'sort-by-order',
'glyphicon-sort-by-order-alt' => 'sort-by-order-alt',
'glyphicon-sound-5-1' => 'sound-5-1',
'glyphicon-sound-6-1' => 'sound-6-1',
'glyphicon-sound-7-1' => 'sound-7-1',
'glyphicon-sound-dolby' => 'sound-dolby',
'glyphicon-sound-stereo' => 'sound-stereo',
'glyphicon-star' => 'star',
'glyphicon-star-empty' => 'star-empty',
'glyphicon-stats' => 'stats',
'glyphicon-step-backward' => 'step-backward',
'glyphicon-step-forward' => 'step-forward',
'glyphicon-stop' => 'stop',
'glyphicon-subtitles' => 'subtitles',
'glyphicon-tag' => 'tag',
'glyphicon-tags' => 'tags',
'glyphicon-tasks' => 'tasks',
'glyphicon-text-height' => 'text-height',
'glyphicon-text-width' => 'text-width',
'glyphicon-th' => 'th',
'glyphicon-th-large' => 'th-large',
'glyphicon-th-list' => 'th-list',
'glyphicon-thumbs-down' => 'thumbs-down',
'glyphicon-thumbs-up' => 'thumbs-up',
'glyphicon-time' => 'time',
'glyphicon-tint' => 'tint',
'glyphicon-tower' => 'tower',
'glyphicon-transfer' => 'transfer',
'glyphicon-trash' => 'trash',
'glyphicon-tree-conifer' => 'tree-conifer',
'glyphicon-tree-deciduous' => 'tree-deciduous',
'glyphicon-unchecked' => 'unchecked',
'glyphicon-upload' => 'upload',
'glyphicon-usd' => 'usd',
'glyphicon-user' => 'user',
'glyphicon-volume-down' => 'volume-down',
'glyphicon-volume-off' => 'volume-off',
'glyphicon-volume-up' => 'volume-up',
'glyphicon-warning-sign' => 'warning-sign',
'glyphicon-wrench' => 'wrench',
'glyphicon-zoom-in' => 'zoom-in',
'glyphicon-zoom-out' => 'zoom-out',
$versions['3.0.1'] = $versions['3.0.0'];
$versions['3.0.2'] = $versions['3.0.1'];
$versions['3.0.3'] = $versions['3.0.2'];
$versions['3.1.0'] = $versions['3.0.3'];
$versions['3.1.1'] = $versions['3.1.0'];
$versions['3.2.0'] = $versions['3.1.1'];
$versions['3.3.0'] = array_merge($versions['3.2.0'], [
'glyphicon-eur' => 'eur',
$versions['3.3.1'] = $versions['3.3.0'];
$versions['3.3.2'] = array_merge($versions['3.3.1'], [
'glyphicon-alert' => 'alert',
'glyphicon-apple' => 'apple',
'glyphicon-baby-formula' => 'baby-formula',
'glyphicon-bed' => 'bed',
'glyphicon-bishop' => 'bishop',
'glyphicon-bitcoin' => 'bitcoin',
'glyphicon-blackboard' => 'blackboard',
'glyphicon-cd' => 'cd',
'glyphicon-console' => 'console',
'glyphicon-copy' => 'copy',
'glyphicon-duplicate' => 'duplicate',
'glyphicon-education' => 'education',
'glyphicon-equalizer' => 'equalizer',
'glyphicon-erase' => 'erase',
'glyphicon-grain' => 'grain',
'glyphicon-hourglass' => 'hourglass',
'glyphicon-ice-lolly' => 'ice-lolly',
'glyphicon-ice-lolly-tasted' => 'ice-lolly-tasted',
'glyphicon-king' => 'king',
'glyphicon-knight' => 'knight',
'glyphicon-lamp' => 'lamp',
'glyphicon-level-up' => 'level-up',
'glyphicon-menu-down' => 'menu-down',
'glyphicon-menu-hamburger' => 'menu-hamburger',
'glyphicon-menu-left' => 'menu-left',
'glyphicon-menu-right' => 'menu-right',
'glyphicon-menu-up' => 'menu-up',
'glyphicon-modal-window' => 'modal-window',
'glyphicon-object-align-bottom' => 'object-align-bottom',
'glyphicon-object-align-horizontal' => 'object-align-horizontal',
'glyphicon-object-align-left' => 'object-align-left',
'glyphicon-object-align-right' => 'object-align-right',
'glyphicon-object-align-top' => 'object-align-top',
'glyphicon-object-align-vertical' => 'object-align-vertical',
'glyphicon-oil' => 'oil',
'glyphicon-open-file' => 'open-file',
'glyphicon-option-horizontal' => 'option-horizontal',
'glyphicon-option-vertical' => 'option-vertical',
'glyphicon-paste' => 'paste',
'glyphicon-pawn' => 'pawn',
'glyphicon-piggy-bank' => 'piggy-bank',
'glyphicon-queen' => 'queen',
'glyphicon-ruble' => 'ruble',
'glyphicon-save-file' => 'save-file',
'glyphicon-scale' => 'scale',
'glyphicon-scissors' => 'scissors',
'glyphicon-subscript' => 'subscript',
'glyphicon-sunglasses' => 'sunglasses',
'glyphicon-superscript' => 'superscript',
'glyphicon-tent' => 'tent',
'glyphicon-text-background' => 'text-background',
'glyphicon-text-color' => 'text-color',
'glyphicon-text-size' => 'text-size',
'glyphicon-triangle-bottom' => 'triangle-bottom',
'glyphicon-triangle-left' => 'triangle-left',
'glyphicon-triangle-right' => 'triangle-right',
'glyphicon-triangle-top' => 'triangle-top',
'glyphicon-yen' => 'yen',
$versions['3.3.4'] = array_merge($versions['3.3.2'], [
'glyphicon-btc' => 'btc',
'glyphicon-jpy' => 'jpy',
'glyphicon-rub' => 'rub',
'glyphicon-xbt' => 'xbt',
$versions['3.3.5'] = $versions['3.3.4'];
$versions['3.3.6'] = $versions['3.3.5'];
$versions['3.3.7'] = $versions['3.3.6'];
// Return a specific versions icon set.
if (isset($version) && isset($versions[$version])) {
return $versions[$version];
// Return the latest version.
return $versions[self::FRAMEWORK_VERSION];
* Determines if the "cache_context.url.path.is_front" service exists.
* @return bool
* @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap::isFront
* @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap::preprocess
* @see
public static function hasIsFrontCacheContext() {
static $has_is_front_cache_context;
if (!isset($has_is_front_cache_context)) {
$has_is_front_cache_context = \Drupal::getContainer()
return $has_is_front_cache_context;
* Initializes the active theme.
public static final function initialize() {
static $initialized = FALSE;
if (!$initialized) {
// Initialize the active theme.
$active_theme = self::getTheme();
// Include deprecated functions.
foreach ($active_theme
->getAncestry() as $ancestor) {
if ($ancestor
->getSetting('include_deprecated')) {
$files = $ancestor
if ($file = reset($files)) {
->includeOnce($file->uri, FALSE);
$initialized = TRUE;
* Determines if the current path is the "front" page.
* *Note:* This method will not return `TRUE` if there is not a proper
* "cache_context.url.path.is_front" service defined.
* *Note:* If using this method in preprocess/render array logic, the proper
* #cache context must also be defined:
* ```php
* $variables['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'url.path.is_front';
* ```
* @return bool
* @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap::hasIsFrontCacheContext
* @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap::preprocess
* @see
public static function isFront() {
static $is_front;
if (!isset($is_front)) {
try {
$is_front = static::hasIsFrontCacheContext() ? \Drupal::service('path.matcher')
->isFrontPage() : FALSE;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$is_front = FALSE;
return $is_front;
* Preprocess theme hook variables.
* @param array $variables
* The variables array, passed by reference.
* @param string $hook
* The name of the theme hook.
* @param array $info
* The theme hook info.
public static function preprocess(array &$variables, $hook, array $info) {
static $theme;
if (!isset($theme)) {
$theme = self::getTheme();
static $preprocess_manager;
if (!isset($preprocess_manager)) {
$preprocess_manager = new PreprocessManager($theme);
// Adds a global "is_front" variable back to all templates.
// @see
if (!isset($variables['is_front'])) {
$variables['is_front'] = static::isFront();
if (static::hasIsFrontCacheContext()) {
$variables['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'url.path.is_front';
// Ensure that any default theme hook variables exist. Due to how theme
// hook suggestion alters work, the variables provided are from the
// original theme hook, not the suggestion.
if (isset($info['variables'])) {
$variables = NestedArray::mergeDeepArray([
], TRUE);
// Add active theme context.
// @see
if (!isset($variables['theme'])) {
$variables['theme'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['dev'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['livereload'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['name'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['path'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['title'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['settings'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['has_glyphicons'] = $theme
$variables['theme']['query_string'] = \Drupal::getContainer()
->get('system.css_js_query_string') ?: '0';
// Invoke necessary preprocess plugin.
if (isset($info['bootstrap preprocess'])) {
if ($preprocess_manager
->hasDefinition($info['bootstrap preprocess'])) {
$class = $preprocess_manager
->createInstance($info['bootstrap preprocess'], [
'theme' => $theme,
/** @var \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Preprocess\PreprocessInterface $class */
->preprocess($variables, $hook, $info);
* Ensures a value is typecast to a string, rendering an array if necessary.
* @param string|array $value
* The value to typecast, passed by reference.
* @return string
* The typecast string value.
public static function toString(&$value) {
return (string) (Element::isRenderArray($value) ? Element::create($value)
->renderPlain() : $value);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Adds a callback to an array. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Manages theme alter hooks as classes and allows sub-themes to sub-class. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Returns a documentation search URL for a given query. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Returns the autoload fix include path. | |
Bootstrap:: |
constant | Tag used to invalidate caches. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | Append a callback. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | Prepend a callback. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | Replace a callback or append it if not found. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | Replace a callback or prepend it if not found. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Matches a Bootstrap class based on a string value. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Logs and displays a warning about a deprecated function/method being used. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Provides additional variables to be used in elements and templates. | |
Bootstrap:: |
constant | The Bootstrap Framework documentation site. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | The Bootstrap Framework repository. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | The current supported Bootstrap Framework version. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Retrieves a theme instance of \Drupal\bootstrap. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Retrieves the theme handler instance. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Returns the theme hook definition information. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Returns a specific Bootstrap Glyphicon. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Matches a Bootstrap Glyphicon based on a string value. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Returns a list of available Bootstrap Framework Glyphicons. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Determines if the "cache_context.url.path.is_front" service exists. | |
Bootstrap:: |
final public static | function | Initializes the active theme. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Determines if the current path is the "front" page. | |
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Preprocess theme hook variables. | |
Bootstrap:: |
constant | The project branch. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | The Drupal Bootstrap documentation site. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
constant | The Drupal Bootstrap project page. | ||
Bootstrap:: |
public static | function | Ensures a value is typecast to a string, rendering an array if necessary. |