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public static function Bootstrap::deprecated in Express 8

Logs and displays a warning about a deprecated function/method being used.

26 calls to Bootstrap::deprecated()
bootstrap_cdn_provider in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Retrieves a list of available CDN providers for the Bootstrap framework.
bootstrap_element_smart_description in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Converts an element description into a tooltip based on certain criteria.
bootstrap_get_cdn_assets in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Retrieves CDN assets for the active provider, if any.
bootstrap_get_theme_info in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Return information from the .info file of a theme (and possible base themes).
bootstrap_include in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Includes a file from a theme.

... See full list


themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Bootstrap.php, line 407
Contains \Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap.


The primary class for the Drupal Bootstrap base theme.




public static function deprecated() {

  // Log backtrace.
  $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
    ->warning('<pre><code>' . print_r($backtrace, TRUE) . '</code></pre>');
  if (!self::getTheme()
    ->getSetting('suppress_deprecated_warnings')) {

  // Extrapolate the caller.
  $caller = $backtrace[1];
  $class = '';
  if (isset($caller['class'])) {
    $parts = explode('\\', $caller['class']);
    $class = array_pop($parts) . '::';
  drupal_set_message(t('The following function(s) or method(s) have been deprecated, please check the logs for a more detailed backtrace on where these are being invoked. Click on the function or method link to search the documentation site for a possible replacement or solution.'), 'warning');
  drupal_set_message(t('<a href=":url" target="_blank">@title</a>.', [
    ':url' => self::apiSearchUrl($class . $caller['function']),
    '@title' => ($class ? $caller['class'] . $caller['type'] : '') . $caller['function'] . '()',
  ]), 'warning');