in Express 8
themes/contrib/bootstrap/ source
- # core: 8.x
- type: theme
- base theme: false
- name: 'Bootstrap'
- description: 'Built to use Bootstrap, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.'
- package: 'Bootstrap'
- regions:
- navigation: 'Navigation'
- navigation_collapsible: 'Navigation (Collapsible)'
- header: 'Top Bar'
- highlighted: 'Highlighted'
- help: 'Help'
- content: 'Content'
- sidebar_first: 'Primary'
- sidebar_second: 'Secondary'
- footer: 'Footer'
- page_top: 'Page top'
- page_bottom: 'Page bottom'
- libraries:
- - 'bootstrap/theme'
- libraries-extend:
- core/drupal.ajax:
- - bootstrap/drupal.ajax
- core/drupal.autocomplete:
- - bootstrap/drupal.autocomplete
- core/drupal.form:
- - bootstrap/drupal.form
- core/drupal.progress:
- - bootstrap/drupal.progress
- core/drupal.states:
- - bootstrap/drupal.states
- core/drupal.tabledrag:
- - bootstrap/drupal.tabledrag
- image_widget_crop/cropper.integration:
- - bootstrap/image_widget_crop
- views/views.ajax:
- - bootstrap/views.ajax
- libraries-override:
- core/drupal.batch: bootstrap/drupal.batch
- core/drupal.collapse: false
- core/drupal.dropbutton: bootstrap/dropdown
- core/drupal.vertical-tabs: bootstrap/drupal.vertical-tabs
- filter/drupal.filter: bootstrap/drupal.filter
- system/admin: false
- text/drupal.text: bootstrap/drupal.text
- # Remove individual stylesheets.
- system/base:
- css:
- component:
- css/components/ajax-progress.module.css: false
- css/components/autocomplete-loading.module.css: false
- css/components/tabledrag.module.css: false
- file/drupal.file:
- css:
- theme:
- css/file.admin.css: false
- filter/drupal.filter.admin:
- css:
- theme:
- css/filter.admin.css: false
- node/drupal.node.preview:
- css:
- theme:
- css/node.preview.css: false
- # The following are dynamic library overrides based on certain critera,
- # usually a theme setting.
- #
- # @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Alter\LibraryInfo::alter()
- #
- # core/drupal.dialog: bootstrap/drupal.dialog
- # core/drupal.dialog.ajax: bootstrap/drupal.dialog.ajax
- # Information added by packaging script on 2017-09-25
- version: '8.x-3.6'
- core: '8.x'
- project: 'bootstrap'
- datestamp: 1506357855