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public function Theme::getCache in Express 8

Retrieves an individual item from a theme's cache in the database.


string $name: The name of the item to retrieve from the theme cache.

array $context: Optional. An array of additional context to use for retrieving the cached storage.

mixed $default: Optional. The default value to use if $name does not exist.

Return value

mixed|\Drupal\bootstrap\Utility\StorageItem The cached value for $name.

3 calls to Theme::getCache()
Theme::drupalSettings in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Theme.php
Retrieves the theme's settings array appropriate for drupalSettings.
Theme::fileScan in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Theme.php
Wrapper for the core file_scan_directory() function.
Theme::hasGlyphicons in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Theme.php
Determines whether or not if the theme has Bootstrap Framework Glyphicons.


themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Theme.php, line 378
Contains \Drupal\bootstrap.


Defines a theme object.




public function getCache($name, array $context = [], $default = []) {
  static $cache = [];

  // Prepend the theme name as the first context item, followed by cache name.
  array_unshift($context, $name);
  array_unshift($context, $this

  // Join context together with ":" and use it as the name.
  $name = implode(':', $context);
  if (!isset($cache[$name])) {
    $storage = self::getStorage();
    $value = $storage
    if (!isset($value)) {
      $value = is_array($default) ? new StorageItem($default, $storage) : $default;
        ->set($name, $value);
    $cache[$name] = $value;
  return $cache[$name];