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function hook_bootstrap_colorize_text_alter in Express 8

Allows sub-themes to alter the array used for colorizing text.


array $texts: An associative array containing the text and classes to be matched, passed by reference.

See also


1 function implements hook_bootstrap_colorize_text_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

bootstrap_bootstrap_colorize_text_alter in themes/contrib/bootstrap/bootstrap.theme
1 invocation of hook_bootstrap_colorize_text_alter()
Bootstrap::cssClassFromString in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Bootstrap.php
Matches a Bootstrap class based on a string value.


themes/contrib/bootstrap/bootstrap.api.php, line 22
List of available procedural hook and alter APIs for use in your sub-theme.


function hook_bootstrap_colorize_text_alter(&$texts) {

  // This matches the exact string: "My Unique Button Text".
  $texts['matches'][t('My Unique Button Text')] = 'primary';

  // This would also match the string above, however the class returned would
  // also be the one above; "matches" takes precedence over "contains".
  $texts['contains'][t('Unique')] = 'notice';

  // Remove matching for strings that contain "apply":

  // Change the class that matches "Rebuild" (originally "warning"):
  $texts['contains'][t('Rebuild')] = 'success';