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Functions in Date 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
datepicker_format_replacements date_popup/date_popup.module The format replacement patterns for the new datepicker. 2
date_ampm ./date_api.module An array of am and pm options. 1
date_api_add_date_formats_form ./ Allow users to add additional date formats. 1
date_api_add_system_javascript ./date_api.module Helper function; add system.js and javascript settings. 4
date_api_configure_custom_date_formats ./ Allow users to configure custom date formats. 1
date_api_date_api_fields ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_date_api_fields(). on behalf of core fields.
date_api_date_api_tables ./date_api.module Implement hook_date_api_tables().
date_api_date_formats ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_date_formats().
date_api_date_formats_form ./ Allow users to configure additional date format types. 1 1
date_api_date_format_form_elements ./ Add drop down selects for date format types. 1
date_api_date_format_select_field ./ Helper function; return form fields for date format selects. 2
date_api_date_format_types ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_date_format_types().
date_api_date_time_lookup ./date_api.module Return the date for a given format string via Ajax. 1
date_api_date_time_settings_submit ./ 1
date_api_date_time_settings_validate ./ 1
date_api_delete_format_form ./ Menu callback; present a form for deleting a date format. 1
date_api_delete_format_form_submit ./ Delete a configured date format.
date_api_delete_format_type_form ./ Menu callback; present a form for deleting a date format type. 1
date_api_delete_format_type_form_submit ./ Delete a configured date format type.
date_api_elements ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_elements().
date_api_enable ./date_api.install Implementation of hook_enable().
date_api_fields includes/ Identify all potential date/timestamp fields and cache the data. 6
date_api_flush_caches ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
date_api_form_system_date_time_settings_alter ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
date_api_form_system_modules_alter ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
date_api_form_system_settings_validate ./date_api.module Validate that the option to use ISO weeks matches first day of week choice. 1
date_api_ical_build_rrule ./ Build an iCal RULE from $form_values. 4
date_api_init ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_init().
date_api_install ./date_api.install Implementation of hook_install().
date_api_menu ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_menu().
date_api_menu_alter ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
date_api_requirements ./date_api.install Implementation of hook_requirements(). Make sure Date PHP4 is installed if running less than PHP 5.2.
date_api_schema ./date_api.install Implementation of hook_schema().
date_api_schema_alter ./date_api.install Implementation of hook_schema_alter(). We alter $schema by reference.
date_api_set_db_timezone ./date_api.module Wrapper around date handler setting for timezone. 2
date_api_set_variables ./date_api.install 3
date_api_simpletest ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_simpletest().
date_api_system_modules_submit ./date_api.module Rebuild list of date formats when modules list is saved. 1
date_api_theme ./date_api.module
date_api_uninstall ./date_api.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
date_api_update_6000 ./date_api.install Make sure all the appropriate modules get enabled. Repeated again just to be sure they are set.
date_api_update_6001 ./date_api.install Rebuild the theme registry and all the caches. needed to pick up changes created by updated Views API.
date_api_update_6002 ./date_api.install Create new date format tables.
date_api_update_6003 ./date_api.install
date_api_update_6004 ./date_api.install The "date_format" table is missing on boxes having MySQL 5.0.67 installed. There seems to be a bug in MySQL that prevents the creation of tables with a name "date_format" and indexes with the name "format".
date_api_update_6005 ./date_api.install Make sure MYSQL does not stupidly do case-insensitive searches and indexes on our formats.
date_api_update_6006 ./date_api.install Rename the date_format_dfid_seq to date_formats_dfid_seq, as this was missed in 6004 and causes inserts via the UI to fail on PostgreSQL.
date_api_update_last_removed ./date_api.install
date_api_views_api ./date_api.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
date_api_views_clear ./date_api.module Rebuild the theme registry and all the caches. needed to pick up changes created by updated Views API and other changes to Views definitions.


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