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Functions in Date 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
date_popup_load date_popup/date_popup.module Load needed files. 3
date_popup_menu date_popup/date_popup.module Implementation of hook_menu().
date_popup_popup_to_format date_popup/date_popup.module Reconstruct popup format string into normal format string.
date_popup_process date_popup/date_popup.module Javascript popup element processing. Add popup attributes to $element. 1
date_popup_process_date date_popup/date_popup.module Process the date portion of the element. 1
date_popup_process_time date_popup/date_popup.module Process the time portion of the element. 1
date_popup_requirements date_popup/date_popup.install Implementation of hook_requirements(). Added to be sure the Date API version matches this code so invalid functions are not called.
date_popup_settings date_popup/date_popup.module General configuration form for controlling the Date Popup behaviour. 1
date_popup_theme date_popup/date_popup.module
date_popup_time_formats date_popup/date_popup.module Allowable time formats.
date_popup_uninstall date_popup/date_popup.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
date_popup_update_6001 date_popup/date_popup.install Update default path for date popup css
date_popup_validate date_popup/date_popup.module Massage the input values back into a single date. 1
date_prepare_node date/date.module Helper function to adapt node date fields to formatter settings. 2
date_process_values date/date.module Helper function to create an array of the date values in a field that need to be processed. 3
date_querystring ./date_api.module Pick up filter and sort info from url. 1
date_range_string ./date_api.module Convert a min and max year into a string like '-3:+1'. 1
date_range_valid ./date_api.module 2
date_range_years ./date_api.module Split a string like -3:+3 or 2001:2010 into an array of min and max years. 5
date_real_url ./date_api.module Figure out the URL of the date view we're currently looking at, adapted to various date types or specific date arguments. 2
date_repeat_add_dates date_repeat/ Helper function to add found date to the $dates array. 1
date_repeat_adjust_rrule date_repeat/ See if the RRULE needs some imputed values added to it. 1
date_repeat_build_dates date/ Helper function to build repeating dates from a $node_field. 2
date_repeat_calc date_repeat/date_repeat.module Analyze a RRULE and return dates that match it. 2
date_repeat_days_ordered date_repeat/date_repeat.module Shift the array of iCal day names into the right order for a specific week start day. 1
date_repeat_disable date_repeat/date_repeat.install Implementation of hook_disable().
date_repeat_dow2day date_repeat/date_repeat.module Translate a day of week position to the iCal day name. 3
date_repeat_dow_count_options date_repeat/date_repeat.module Helper function for BYDAY options. 3
date_repeat_dow_day_options date_repeat/date_repeat.module Helper function for FREQ options. 7
date_repeat_dow_day_options_ordered date_repeat/date_repeat.module
date_repeat_dow_options date_repeat/date_repeat.module Helper function for BYDAY options. 1
date_repeat_elements date_repeat/date_repeat.module Implementation of hook_elements().
date_repeat_enable date_repeat/date_repeat.install Implementation of hook_enable().
date_repeat_fields date/date.module 1
date_repeat_get_exception_form_ajax date_repeat/ Ajax callback to get the exceptions form. This is needed to implement the "Add another" button for the date repeat exceptions. 1
date_repeat_install date_repeat/date_repeat.install Implementation of hook_install().
date_repeat_is_finished date_repeat/ Stop when $current_day is greater than $end_date or $count is reached. 1
date_repeat_menu date_repeat/date_repeat.module Implementation of hook_menu.
date_repeat_merge date_repeat/ Regroup values back into a consistant array, no matter what state it is in. 3
date_repeat_node date/date.module 1
date_repeat_page date/date.module 1
date_repeat_rrule_description date_repeat/date_repeat.module Build a description of an iCal rule. 1
date_repeat_rrule_process date_repeat/date_repeat.module Generate the repeat rule setting form. 1
date_repeat_rrule_validate date_repeat/ Build a RRULE out of the form values. 1
date_repeat_set_month_day date_repeat/ Set a date object to a specific day of the month. 1
date_repeat_set_year_day date_repeat/ Set a date object to a specific day of the year. 1
date_repeat_split_rrule date_repeat/date_repeat.module Parse an iCal rule into a parsed RRULE array and an EXDATE array. 3
date_repeat_theme date_repeat/date_repeat.module
date_repeat_type date/date.module 1
date_repeat_uninstall date_repeat/date_repeat.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().


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