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Functions in Date 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
date_format_options date_popup/date_popup.module Store personalized format options for each user. 1
date_format_order ./date_api.module Convert a format to an ordered array of granularity parts. 9
date_format_patterns ./date_api.module Array of regex replacement strings for date format elements. Used to allow input in custom formats. Based on work done for the Date module by Yves Chedemois (yched). 1
date_format_save ./date_api.module Save a date format to the database. 2
date_format_type_delete ./date_api.module Delete a date format type from the database. 1
date_format_type_save ./date_api.module Save a date format type to the database. 2
date_form_alter date/date.module Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Make sure date information gets updated.
date_form_date_api_date_formats_form_alter date/date.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
date_fuzzy_datetime ./date_api.module Create valid datetime value from incomplete ISO dates or arrays. 7
date_getdate date_php4/ Returns an array with date info. 1
date_get_format ./date_api.module Get the format details for a particular id. 2
date_get_formats ./date_api.module Get the list of date formats for a particular format length. 7
date_get_format_types ./date_api.module Get the list of available date format types and attributes. 10
date_get_gmt_diff_ts date_php4/ Get local time zone offset from GMT. 3
date_get_nested_elements ./date_api.module Return the nested form elements for a field by name. This can be used either to retrieve the entire sub-element for a field by name, no matter how deeply nested it is within fieldgroups or multigroups, or to find the multiple value sub-elements within…
date_get_timezone ./date_api.module Function to figure out which local timezone applies to a date and select it 6
date_get_timezone_db ./date_api.module Function to figure out which db timezone applies to a date and select it 10
date_gmdate date_php4/ Like date_date with no GMT conversion.
date_gmgetdate date_php4/ Like date_getdate with no GMT conversion.
date_gmmktime date_php4/ Like date_mktime with no GMT conversion. 1
date_granularity date/date.module $field['granularity'] will contain an array like ('hour' => 'hour', 'month' => 0) where the values turned on return their own names and the values turned off return a zero need to reconfigure this into a… 2
date_granularity_array_from_precision ./date_api.module Give a granularity $precision, return an array of all the possible granularity elements.
date_granularity_format ./date_api.module Construct an appropriate DATETIME format string for the granularity of an item.
date_granularity_names ./date_api.module Array of granularity options and their labels 4
date_granularity_precision ./date_api.module Give a granularity array, return the highest precision. 2
date_granularity_sorted ./date_api.module Sort a granularity array. 3
date_handler_fields date/date.module Identify all fields in this view that use the CCK Date handler. 2
date_has_date ./date_api.module 1
date_has_time ./date_api.module Function to figure out if any time data is to be collected or displayed. 8
date_help date/date.module Implementation of hook_help().
date_hours ./date_api.module An array of hours. 1
date_ical_date ./ Return a date object for the ical date, adjusted to its local timezone. 4
date_ical_escape_text ./ Escape #text elements for safe iCal use. 1
date_ical_import ./ Return an array of iCalendar information from an iCalendar file.
date_ical_parse ./ Returns an array of iCalendar information from an iCalendar file. 1
date_ical_parse_date ./ Parses a ical date element. 3
date_ical_parse_duration ./ Parses the duration of the event. 1
date_ical_parse_exceptions ./ Parse exception dates (can be multiple values). 2
date_ical_parse_location ./ Parse location elements. 1
date_ical_parse_rrule ./ Parse an ical repeat rule. 4
date_ical_parse_text ./ Parse and clean up ical text elements. 1
date_increment_round ./date_api.module Helper function to round minutes and seconds to requested value. 3
date_init date/date.module Implementation of hook_init().
date_input_format date/ Determine the input format for this element. 2
date_input_value date/date.module 1
date_install date/date.install Implementation of hook_install(). Reset the date caches.
date_install_create_format date/date.install 1
date_iso_array ./date_api.module Create an array of date parts from an ISO date. 2
date_iso_weeks_in_year ./date_api.module Identify the number of ISO weeks in a year for a date. 2
date_iso_week_range ./date_api.module Start and end dates for an ISO week. 1


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