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Functions in Date 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
date_tools_remove_form_submit date_tools/date_tools.module Remove a field from a content type.
date_tools_wizard_add_block date_tools/ Add a block. 1
date_tools_wizard_build date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_create_blocks date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_create_calendar date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_create_content_type date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_create_date_field date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_disabled_modules date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_enabled_modules date_tools/
date_tools_wizard_field_types date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_form date_tools/ @file Date Wizard code. 1
date_tools_wizard_form_submit date_tools/
date_tools_wizard_form_validate date_tools/
date_tools_wizard_include date_tools/ 2
date_tools_wizard_modules date_tools/ 2
date_tools_wizard_options date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_required_modules date_tools/ Return an array of the modules needed by this wizard. 2
date_tools_wizard_tz_handling date_tools/ 1
date_tools_wizard_widget_types date_tools/ 1
date_type_format ./date_api.module Helper function for getting the format string for a date type. 4
date_t_strings ./date_api.module Construct translation arrays from pipe-delimited strings. 1
date_uninstall date/date.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
date_update_6000 date/date.install Granularity options were not saved correctly by CCK if created using checkboxes. Checkboxes have been changed back to a select and we need to fix the values stored in the settings.
date_update_6001 date/date.install Get rid of jscalendar popup widget. Originally update_5201, but that was broken.
date_update_6002 date/date.install Switch to using different widgets for repeating dates so non-repeats can use standard Content module multiple values handling.
date_update_6003 date/date.install Update all repeating date delta values with the RRULE so we can use that info in Views when we pull individual items out in a query.
date_update_6004 date/date.install Empty the stored db for timezones that use timezone 'none'.
date_update_6005 date/date.install
date_update_last_removed date/date.install
date_valid_day ./date_api.module 1
date_valid_month ./date_api.module 1
date_valid_year ./date_api.module 1
date_views_api date/date.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
date_views_convert date/ Implementation of hook_views_convert().
date_views_handlers date/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
date_views_page_url includes/ Identify the base url of the page, needed when the calendar is embedded so we don't set the url to the calendar url.
date_views_querystring includes/ 1
date_views_real_url includes/ Figure out what the URL of the calendar view we're currently looking at is. 1
date_views_set_timezone includes/ Central function for setting up the right timezone values in the SQL date handler. 2
date_week ./date_api.module The calendar week number for a date. 5
date_weeks_in_year ./date_api.module The number of calendar weeks in a year.
date_week_days ./date_api.module A translated array of week days 4
date_week_days_abbr ./date_api.module An translated array of week day abbreviations. 5
date_week_days_ordered ./date_api.module Order weekdays Correct weekdays array so first day in array matches the first day of the week. Use to create things like calendar headers. 1
date_week_days_untranslated ./date_api.module An untranslated array of week days 4
date_week_range ./date_api.module Start and end dates for a calendar week, adjusted to use the chosen first day of week for this site. 2
date_widget date/date.module Implementation of hook_widget().
date_widget_info date/date.module Implementation of hook_widget_info(). 1
date_widget_settings date/date.module Wrapper functions for date administration, included only when processing field settings.
date_widget_settings_form date/ 1


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