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function date_api_menu_alter in Date 6.2

Implementation of hook_menu_alter().


./date_api.module, line 126
This module will make the date API available to other modules. Designed to provide a light but flexible assortment of functions and constants, with more functionality in additional files that are not loaded unless other modules specifically include them.


function date_api_menu_alter(&$callbacks) {

  // Add a new 'admin/settings/date-time/configure' path and make it the same as
  // the 'admin/settings/date-time'.  Also set it to be the default local task -
  // needed to make tabs work as expected.
  $callbacks['admin/settings/date-time/configure'] = $callbacks['admin/settings/date-time'];
  $callbacks['admin/settings/date-time/configure']['type'] = MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK;