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Functions in Community Tags 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_community_tags_get_settings ./community_tags.module Get CT settings. This is more complex than it might be because the validity of CT settings depends on various other factors that may change after a CT configuration has been changed. This gaurantees that returned settings are valid so users… 10
_community_tags_get_tags ./community_tags.module Get unique tags (with counts) from the database as specified by $node, $user, and $term. 1
_community_tags_get_tag_counts ./community_tags.module Get tag counts from the database as specified by $node, $user, and $term. 4
_community_tags_get_tag_counts_by_type_and_vocabulary ./ Get tag counts by vocabulary and type. 3
_community_tags_is_opmode ./community_tags.module Determine whether such and such a CT operation mode is set for tagging in given vocabulary. Returns true if any of the modes is set. 1
_community_tags_is_tagging_view_visible ./community_tags.module Check that tagging form is configured for display for given node in given context. Does not check user access. 4
_community_tags_mgmt_tab_access ./community_tags.module Menu access callback; Check if the user can access the 'Tags' local task on node pages. 1
_community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_operations community_tags_node/ "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a rebuild link if tags and node terms are not in sync. 1
_community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_status community_tags_node/ "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the any out of sync messages. 1
_community_tags_node_delete ./community_tags.module Node has been deleted. Delete all community tags for the deleted node. Node terms will have been removed. 1
_community_tags_node_delete_all community_tags_node/ "Private" implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community_tags_sub_settings. Add a warning to the form with a link to the settings page. 1
_community_tags_node_get_opmode community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module Convert synchronisation policy into operation mode. 1
_community_tags_node_get_settings community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module Get CT node settings. 8
_community_tags_node_get_status community_tags_node/ Gets the status of node term synchronisation. 3
_community_tags_node_insert community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module Node has been inserted. All node terms are added to ctags attributed to the node editor. 1
_community_tags_node_is_editor_tag community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module Return true if tag by node editor and node term should be created 1
_community_tags_node_is_opmode community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module Determine whether such and such a CT node operation mode is set for tagging in given vocabulary and type. Returns true if any of the modes is set. 5
_community_tags_node_is_processing community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module Flag set if CT operation that invoked hook was instigated by node operation. 6
_community_tags_node_process_tags_and_terms ./community_tags.module Process tags and terms - resolve tags (supplied as the tag name) to existing terms and identify new tags - but don't create. 3
_community_tags_node_save community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module statically cache nodes which are updated if the node is saved via community_tags_node_save(). 2
_community_tags_node_set_settings community_tags_node/ Save settings for this module. 1
_community_tags_node_sub_settings community_tags_node/ "Private" implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community_tags_sub_settings. 1
_community_tags_node_type_form_alter ./ "Private" implementation of hook_form_alter(). 1
_community_tags_node_update community_tags_node/community_tags_node.module Node has been updated. All terms that are not ctags are added to ctags attributed to the current user. Removed terms are removed from ctags either for all users (sync mode) or just the current user. 1
_community_tags_sub_settings_title ./ Title callback for sub-settings configuration page. 1
_community_tags_tab_access ./community_tags.module Menu access callback; Check if the user can access the 'Tags' local task on node pages. 1
_community_tags_tag_access ./community_tags.module Community tags view tags access 2
_community_tags_taxonomy_get_settings community_tags_taxonomy/community_tags_taxonomy.module 4
_community_tags_term_delete ./community_tags.module Term has been deleted. Delete all community tags for the deleted term. 1
_community_tags_unitag_add_unitag_suggestions community_tags_unitag/community_tags_unitag.module Add suggestions against node and user. 1
_community_tags_unitag_cleanup_redundant_suggestions community_tags_unitag/community_tags_unitag.module Remove suggestions from the unitag table for given node and vocabulary if it doesn't exist in the community_tags_unitag table. 1
_community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_operations community_tags_unitag/ "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a link to Unitag moderation queue if tags are waiting to be moderated. 1
_community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_status community_tags_unitag/ "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the number of tags waiting to be moderated. 2
_community_tags_unitag_delete_suggestion community_tags_unitag/ Delete the suggestion from the CT unitag queue. 2
_community_tags_unitag_get_settings community_tags_unitag/community_tags_unitag.module Get settings for combination of vocabulary and content type. 4
_community_tags_unitag_is_enabled community_tags_unitag/community_tags_unitag.module Helper function for more succinct code... 4
_community_tags_unitag_remove_unitag_suggestions community_tags_unitag/community_tags_unitag.module Remove suggestions against node and user. 1
_community_tags_unitag_save_suggestion_as_community_tags community_tags_unitag/ Because of the way Unitag works, we have to handle all instances for any suggestion Add a suggested term as a community tag to all nodes of enabled types for all users that have tagged. Delete only suggestions for nodes that have CT unitag processing… 1
_community_tags_unitag_save_unitag_suggestions community_tags_unitag/community_tags_unitag.module Save suggestions with against node and user. Delete first as will be supplied complete up to date list of suggestions. 1
_community_tags_unitag_set_settings community_tags_unitag/ Save settings. Module maintains it's own settings. 1
_community_tags_unitag_sub_settings community_tags_unitag/ "Private" implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community_tags_sub_settings. 1
_community_tags_unitag_suggestion_users community_tags_unitag/ Load a particular CT suggestion. 1
_community_tags_unitag_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_submit community_tags_unitag/ Process manage suggestions form submission for community tags. All suggestions that are handled by this handler are deleted after processing and so will not be handled by the standard unitag submit handler that runs after this one. 1
_community_tags_user_delete ./community_tags.module User has been deleted. Delete all user tags for the deleted user. 1
_community_tags_user_is_trusted_tagger ./community_tags.module Return whether user is a trusted tagger. 1
_community_tags_vids ./community_tags.module Check whether given node type has one or more community tagged vocabularies associated with it.
_community_tags_vids_for_node_type ./community_tags.module Check whether given node type has one or more community tagged vocabularies associated with it. 3
_community_tags_views_add_js community_tags_views/community_tags_views.module 2
_community_tags_views_init community_tags_views/community_tags_views.module Experimental code! Determine when a block with the CT attachment is being output and add required CT js and css. Works with block cached view blocks. Probably much better to do this at the theme level...
_community_tags_views_invalidate_cache community_tags_views/community_tags_views.module Clear cached block for this page for all users. 1


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