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community_tags_views.module in Community Tags 6.2


Views integration for community tags module. Implements community tags hooks for interactive views with tagging form attachment.


View source

// $Id$

 * @file community_tags_views.module
 * Views integration for community tags module. Implements community tags hooks
 * for interactive views with tagging form attachment.

 * Implementation of hook_views_api
 * See for the actual views integration
function community_tags_views_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 2,

 * Experimental code! Determine when a block with the CT attachment
 * is being output and add required CT js and css. Works with block cached
 * view blocks. Probably much better to do this at the theme level...
 * Works by scanning views block content for a CT string. Other possibilities
 * include loading the view definition and checking for the CT attachment. Or
 * always adding the CT and views JS to the page.
 * NOTE: This is NOT invoked - offered as an alternative to the sledgehammer approach above.
function _community_tags_views_init() {
  static $once = FALSE;
  if (!$once) {
    global $theme;

    // Populate all block regions.
    $regions = system_region_list($theme);

    // Load all region content assigned via blocks.
    foreach (array_keys($regions) as $region) {
      $block_list = block_list($region);
      foreach ($block_list as $key => $block) {
        if ($block->module == 'views') {

          // scan content for a CT string
          if (strpos($block->content, 'community-tags-form')) {
    $once = TRUE;
function _community_tags_views_add_js() {
  static $once = FALSE;
  if (!$once) {
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'community_tags_views') . '/community_tags_views.js');

    // views_add_js('ajax_view');

 * Implement hook_community_tags_json_alter. Returns the complete view in the
 * ajax reponse.
function community_tags_views_community_tags_json_alter(&$json, $node, $user, $vid) {
  if (!empty($_POST['source']) && $_POST['source'] == 'views_tagform_attachment') {
    $settings = $_POST;
    if (isset($settings['view_name']) && isset($settings['view_display_id'])) {
      $name = $settings['view_name'];
      $display_id = $settings['view_display_id'];
      $args = isset($settings['view_args']) && $settings['view_args'] !== '' ? explode('/', $settings['view_args']) : array();
      $path = isset($settings['view_path']) ? $settings['view_path'] : NULL;
      $dom_id = isset($settings['view_dom_id']) ? intval($settings['view_dom_id']) : NULL;
      $pager_element = isset($settings['pager_element']) ? intval($settings['pager_element']) : NULL;
      $object = new stdClass();
      $object->status = FALSE;
      $object->display = '';
      $arg = explode('/', $settings['view_path']);
      $_REQUEST = array_diff_key($_REQUEST, drupal_map_assoc(array(

      // Load the view.
      if ($view = views_get_view($name)) {
        if ($view
          ->access($display_id)) {

          // need to invalidate cache
          _community_tags_views_invalidate_cache($view, $display_id, $path);

          // Fix 'q' for paging.
          if (!empty($path)) {
            $_GET['q'] = $path;

          // Override the display's pager_element with the one actually used.
          if (isset($pager_element)) {
              ->set_option('pager_element', $pager_element);

          // Reuse the same DOM id so it matches that in Drupal.settings.
          $view->dom_id = $dom_id;
          $errors = $view
          if ($errors === TRUE) {
            $object->status = TRUE;
            $object->title = $view
            $object->display .= $view
              ->preview($display_id, $args);
            $object->request = $_REQUEST;
          else {
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
              drupal_set_message($error, 'error');

          // Register the standard JavaScript callback.
          $object->__callbacks = array(

          // Allow other modules to extend the data returned.
          drupal_alter('ajax_data', $object, 'views', $view);
        $messages = theme('status_messages');
        $object->messages = $messages ? '<div class="views-messages">' . $messages . '</div>' : '';
        $json['view'] = $object;

 * Clear cached block for this page for all users.
function _community_tags_views_invalidate_cache($view, $display_id, $path) {
  $display_handler =& $view->display[$display_id]->handler;
  $cache_type = $display_handler
    $url = url($path, array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $cid = 'views:' . $view->name . '-' . $display_id . ':%%:' . $url;

    // only valid if block caching per user and page
    db_query("DELETE FROM {cache_block} WHERE cid LIKE '%s'", $cid);


Namesort descending Description
community_tags_views_community_tags_json_alter Implement hook_community_tags_json_alter. Returns the complete view in the ajax reponse.
community_tags_views_views_api Implementation of hook_views_api See for the actual views integration
_community_tags_views_init Experimental code! Determine when a block with the CT attachment is being output and add required CT js and css. Works with block cached view blocks. Probably much better to do this at the theme level...
_community_tags_views_invalidate_cache Clear cached block for this page for all users.