You are here in Community Tags 6.2

All admin level code for the Community Tags Unitag integration module.

@todo Make suggestion saving more efficient so it calls community_tags_add_tag() once per node for all approved terms


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// $Id$

 * @file
 * All admin level code for the Community Tags Unitag integration module.
 * @todo Make suggestion saving more efficient so it calls community_tags_add_tag() once per node for all approved terms

 * "Private" implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community_tags_sub_settings.
function _community_tags_unitag_sub_settings(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $vid = $form['#vid'];
  $content_type = $form['#content_type'];

  // $status = _community_tags_node_get_status($vid, $content_type);
  $settings = _community_tags_unitag_get_settings($vid, $content_type);
  $form['plugins']['unitag'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Unitag moderation'),
  $form['plugins']['unitag']['enabled'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Process tags with Unitag'),
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#default_value' => $settings['enabled'],
    '#description' => t("When checked, community tags are processed by Unitag."),
  $form['plugins']['unitag']['queue'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Queue new tags for Unitag term moderation'),
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#options' => array(
      'all' => "Always",
      'untrusted' => "Untrusted user tags",
      'never' => t("Never"),
    '#default_value' => $settings['queue'],
    '#description' => t("If the Unitag configuration for this vocabulary is NOT read-only then select if or when new terms should be added to the Unitag moderation queue. Untrusted users are those without node edit or tag management permissions."),
  $form['#submit'][] = 'community_tags_unitag_sub_settings_submit';

 * "Private" implementation of extra submit handler for form community_tags_sub_settings.
function community_tags_unitag_sub_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $vid = $form['#vid'];
  $content_type = $form['#content_type'];
  $values = $form_state['values']['plugins']['unitag'];
  $settings = _community_tags_unitag_get_settings($vid, $content_type);
  $settings['enabled'] = $values['enabled'];
  $settings['disabled_on_node_form'] = $values['disabled_on_node_form'];
  _community_tags_unitag_set_settings($vid, $content_type, $settings);

 * Save settings. Module maintains it's own settings.
function _community_tags_unitag_set_settings($vid, $content_type, $settings) {
  $all_settings = variable_get('community_tags_unitag_settings', array());
  $all_settings[$vid]['types'][$content_type] = $settings;
  variable_set('community_tags_unitag_settings', $all_settings);

 * Process manage suggestions form submission for community tags. All suggestions
 * that are handled by this handler are deleted after processing and so will
 * not be handled by the standard unitag submit handler that runs after this one.
function _community_tags_unitag_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $utids = array_filter($form_state['values']['utids']);

  // only process suggestions that are CT suggestions
  foreach ($utids as $index => $utid) {

    // a utid is unique for a combination of nid, vid, basename, (and name)
    if ($suggestion = unitag_suggestion_load($utid)) {
      $suggesters = _community_tags_unitag_suggestion_users($utid);
      if (!empty($suggesters)) {

        // as we are handling this here - remove from form_state values so unitag submit handler doesn't handle it also.
        switch ($form_state['values']['operation']) {
          case 'new-term':

            // Save as a new term.
            $term = unitag_suggestion_save_term($suggestion);
            $term = is_array($term) ? (object) $term : $term;

            // Add term community tags for all tags
            _community_tags_unitag_save_suggestion_as_community_tags($suggestion, $term);
          case 'new-synonym':
            $term = unitag_taxonomy_get_term_by_name($form_state['values']['root'][$utid], $suggestion->vid);
            if ($term) {
              unitag_suggestion_save_synonym($suggestion, $term);

              // Cast term as an object as _save_term functions return an array.
              $term = is_array($term) ? (object) $term : $term;
              _community_tags_unitag_save_suggestion_as_community_tags($suggestion, $term);
            else {
              drupal_set_message(t('Root term %term not found.', array(
                '%term' => $form_state['values']['root'][$utid],
              )), 'error');
          case 'new-child':
            $parents = array();
            foreach ($form_state['values']['root'][$utid] as $tag) {
              $parent = unitag_taxonomy_get_term_by_name($tag, $suggestion->vid);
              if ($parent) {
                $parents[$parent->tid] = $parent->tid;
              else {
                drupal_set_message(t('Parent term %term not found.', array(
                  '%term' => $tag,
                )), 'error');
            $term = unitag_suggestion_save_term($suggestion, $parents);
            _community_tags_unitag_save_suggestion_as_community_tags($suggestion, $term);
          case 'deny':
          case 'blacklist-current':
          case 'blacklist-all':
            _community_tags_unitag_delete_suggestion($suggestion, TRUE);
            unitag_suggestion_blacklist($suggestion, TRUE);
  drupal_set_message(t('Community tag suggestions updated successfully.'));

 * Find the suggestion in the ct unitags table and for all nid/uid's insert
 * into community tags table with the term. If term is synonym then have to handle possible duplicates
 * i.e. user 1 tags node 1 with tag 1 which is approved. user 1 then tags node 1 with tag 2 which is deemed a synonym of tag 1.

 * Because of the way Unitag works, we have to handle all instances for any suggestion
 * Add a suggested term as a community tag to all nodes of enabled types for all users that have tagged.
 * Delete only suggestions for nodes that have CT unitag processing enabled so that normal Unitag processing
 * can complete on nodes that aren't handled here.
function _community_tags_unitag_save_suggestion_as_community_tags($suggestion, $term) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT ctu.nid, ctu.vid, ctu.uid, existing_tag_date, ut.utid FROM {community_tags_unitag} ctu\n     LEFT JOIN {community_tags} ct ON ct.nid = ctu.nid AND ct.uid = ctu.uid AND ct.tid = %d\n     INNER JOIN {unitag} ut ON ut.basename = ctu.basename AND ut.vid = ctu.vid AND ut.nid = ctu.nid\n     INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = ctu.nid\n     INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = ctu.uid\n     WHERE ctu.basename = '%s' AND ctu.vid = %d", $term->tid, $suggestion->basename, $suggestion->vid);
  while ($ct_unitag = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if (is_null($ct_unitag->existing_tag_date)) {
      $node = node_load($ct_unitag->nid);
      $user = user_load($ct_unitag->uid);

      // create proper CT record for this approved new term.
      if (_community_tags_unitag_is_enabled($suggestion->vid, $node->type)) {
        community_tags_add_tags($node, $user, array(
          $term->tid => $term,
      else {

        // there may be edge cases where terms are not registered - if the same suggestion has been submitted on the node
        // edit page and the community tags form, the community tag will be created but the node term won't as
        // this bit of code will not be reached. If CT to node term synchronisation is enabled the node term will be
        // created that way.
        unitag_association_register($suggestion, $term);

      // Delete all instances of this suggestion
      unitag_suggestion_delete($suggestion, TRUE);
    else {

      // will occur if say user attempts to tag same content with a term that is moderated as a synonmym of
      // a term that this user has already used to tag this content.

  // delete all CT instances of this suggestion - if we've haven't handled it we don't need to keep it.

 * Delete the suggestion from the CT unitag queue.
function _community_tags_unitag_delete_suggestion($suggestion, $all = FALSE) {
  if ($all) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {community_tags_unitag} WHERE basename = '%s' AND vid = %d", $suggestion->basename, $suggestion->vid);
  else {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {community_tags_unitag} WHERE basename = '%s'", $suggestion->basename);

 * Load a particular CT suggestion.
 * @param Integer $utid
 *   The utid of the suggestion to load.
function _community_tags_unitag_suggestion_users($utid) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT ctu.uid FROM {unitag} ut\n     INNER JOIN {community_tags_unitag} ctu ON ctu.basename = ut.basename AND ctu.vid = ut.vid AND ctu.nid = ut.nid\n     WHERE ut.utid = %d", $utid);
  $uids = array();
  while ($row = db_result($result)) {
    $uids[] = $row;
  return $uids;

 * "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a link
 * to Unitag moderation queue if tags are waiting to be moderated.
function _community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_operations($vid, $content_type) {
  $status = _community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_status($vid, $content_type);
  if ($status) {
    return array(
        'title' => t('moderate'),
        'href' => "admin/content/taxonomy/unitag",
        'query' => drupal_get_destination(),

 * "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the number
 * of tags waiting to be moderated.
function _community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_status($vid, $content_type) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT count(distinct(ctu.basename)) suggestion_count, count(*) tag_count FROM {community_tags_unitag} ctu\n    INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = ctu.nid\n    INNER JOIN {unitag} ut ON ut.basename = ctu.basename AND ut.vid = ctu.vid AND ut.nid = ctu.nid\n    WHERE ctu.vid = %d AND n.type = '%s'", $vid, $content_type);
  if ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if ($row->suggestion_count > 0) {
      return array(
        t('Tag suggestions awaiting moderation: %suggestion_count ', array(
          '%suggestion_count' => $row->suggestion_count,


Namesort descending Description
community_tags_unitag_sub_settings_submit "Private" implementation of extra submit handler for form community_tags_sub_settings.
_community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_operations "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a link to Unitag moderation queue if tags are waiting to be moderated.
_community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_status "Private" implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the number of tags waiting to be moderated.
_community_tags_unitag_delete_suggestion Delete the suggestion from the CT unitag queue.
_community_tags_unitag_save_suggestion_as_community_tags Because of the way Unitag works, we have to handle all instances for any suggestion Add a suggested term as a community tag to all nodes of enabled types for all users that have tagged. Delete only suggestions for nodes that have CT unitag processing…
_community_tags_unitag_set_settings Save settings. Module maintains it's own settings.
_community_tags_unitag_sub_settings "Private" implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community_tags_sub_settings.
_community_tags_unitag_suggestion_users Load a particular CT suggestion.
_community_tags_unitag_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_submit Process manage suggestions form submission for community tags. All suggestions that are handled by this handler are deleted after processing and so will not be handled by the standard unitag submit handler that runs after this one.