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Functions in Community Tags 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
community_tags_batch_finished ./ Batch 'finished' callback 2
community_tags_block ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_block().
community_tags_content_extra_fields ./community_tags.module Implement CCK's hook_content_extra_fields().
community_tags_delete_all_form ./ Confirmation form for tag purge. Assumes defaults. 1
community_tags_delete_all_form_submit ./ Submit handler for community_tags_delete_all_form().
community_tags_delete_broken_tags_form ./ Confirmation for deleting broken tags. 1
community_tags_delete_broken_tags_form_submit ./ Submit handler for broken tag deletion form.
community_tags_delete_tags_batch_process ./ Batch process for deleting tags and optionally their corresponding node terms. 1
community_tags_enable ./community_tags.install Implementation of hook_enable().
community_tags_flatten ./community_tags.module Helper function for the JS tagger. 2
community_tags_form ./ Quick tag form. 2
community_tags_form_alter ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
community_tags_form_submit ./ Submit callback for quick tag form.
community_tags_form_validate ./ Validate the quick tag form.
community_tags_from_js ./ Callback for the JS tagger. 1
community_tags_get_user_node_tags ./community_tags.module Retrieve list of tags for a given node that belong to a user. 2
community_tags_help ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_help().
community_tags_install ./community_tags.install Implementation of hook_install().
community_tags_menu ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_menu().
community_tags_mypage ./ Menu callback:
community_tags_nodeapi ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). Community tags hooks should be called after taxonomy module hooks - see system weight in community_tags.install.
community_tags_node_view ./community_tags.module Community tags callback for node view. 2 1
community_tags_perm ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_perm().
community_tags_rebuild_form ./ Confirmation form for tag rebuild. 1
community_tags_rebuild_form_submit ./
community_tags_rebuild_nodeterms_batch_process ./ Batch process for rebuilding missing term nodes from community tags. 1
community_tags_rebuild_tags_batch_process ./ Batch process for rebuilding missing tags from node terms. 1
community_tags_schema ./community_tags.install Implementation of hook_schema().
community_tags_settings ./ Form builder; Builds the settings form. 1
community_tags_settings_submit ./ Submit handler for community tags settings form. @todo add configuration settings
community_tags_taxonomy ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_taxonomy(). Handle term deletion. No need to handle vocabulary deletion term/delete hook is called for every term in the vocabulary before vocabulary/delete hook.
community_tags_taxonomy_node_save ./community_tags.module Save community_tags term associations and counts for a given node. 2
community_tags_theme ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_theme().
community_tags_uninstall ./community_tags.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
community_tags_update_1 ./community_tags.install Update: Add tid column key.
community_tags_update_6001 ./community_tags.install Update: Add tid_nid 2 column index.
community_tags_user ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_user().
community_tags_vids_for_node ./community_tags.module Check whether a given node has one or more community tagged vocabularies associated with its type. 6
community_tags_views_api ./community_tags.module Implementation of hook_views_api See for the actual views integration
community_tags_views_data ./
theme_community_tags ./community_tags.module Theme function to display a list of community tags via tagadelic.
theme_community_tags_form ./ Theme the quick tag form.
theme_community_tags_links ./community_tags.module Theme function to display a list of community tags as simple links.
theme_community_tags_settings ./ Theme function for presets form element - display in table.
_community_tags_add_tag ./community_tags.module Add a community tag. Nid and vid and user should be valid 4
_community_tags_check_user ./community_tags.module If user supplied - assume has permission - otherwise use current user if has permission.
_community_tags_cleanup_orphaned_tags_by_tids ./community_tags.module Check for orphaned node terms and delete if required - by default doesn't. Provides fix for [#984462] - "When a tag is no longer attached to any nodes, (provide option to) automatically remove it from its taxonomy vocabulary" 5
_community_tags_convert_new_tags_to_terms ./community_tags.module Create terms for new tags and add return a simpler structure of term arrays grouped by vid. 3
_community_tags_delete_redundant_term ./community_tags.module @todo set flag to skip tag delete attempt in community_tags_taxonomy() invocation 1
_community_tags_delete_tag ./community_tags.module Delete a community tag. Nid and vid should be valid. If user is supplied tag is only removed for that user. 2


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