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community_tags_unitag.module in Community Tags 6.2


A module to push communtity tags through the unitag pipeline.

This module hooks into the tag moderation stage of community tags and uses unitag to 1) replace new tags with existing (e.g. synonyms) and 2) determine which new tags need moderation. New tags needing moderation are are added to the unitag moderation queue and also saved in a table provided by this module which stores the tagging user information with tags that are awaiting moderation.

When the tags are approved via the unitags "term suggestions" form this module handles the form submission for all pending community tags before the unitag form form submission handler. New terms and tags are added accordingly with CT workflow adding node terms (via community_tags_node) as required. Handled terms are removed from the queue before the unitag form submit handler is run so that node terms are not added if not required.

Note: I haven't used utid to link CT unitag suggestions with Unitag suggestions as unitag records are deleted and re-inserted and get new utid's in the process. Using basename instead.


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// $Id$

 * @file
 * community_tags_unitag.module
 * A module to push communtity tags through the unitag pipeline.
 * This module hooks into the tag moderation stage of community tags and uses
 * unitag to 1) replace new tags with existing (e.g. synonyms) and 2) determine which
 * new tags need moderation. New tags needing moderation are are added to the unitag
 * moderation queue and also saved in a table provided by this module which stores the
 * tagging user information with tags that are awaiting moderation.
 * When the tags are approved via the unitags "term suggestions" form this module
 * handles the form submission for all pending community tags before the unitag form
 * form submission handler. New terms and tags are added accordingly with CT
 * workflow adding node terms (via community_tags_node) as required. Handled terms
 * are removed from the queue before the unitag form submit handler is run so
 * that node terms are not added if not required.
 * Note: I haven't used utid to link CT unitag suggestions with Unitag suggestions
 * as unitag records are deleted and re-inserted and get new utid's in the process.
 * Using basename instead.

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). On node insert and update unitag may have
 * already pulled new terms for moderation and put them in $node->unitag_suggestions.
 * We need to save the nid/uid/tag (no tid available yet) triple so the community
 * tag can be created if and when the tag is approved or replaced with a synonmym or other
 * alternative.
function community_tags_unitag_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser) {
  global $user;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':
      if (isset($node->unitag_suggestions) && module_exists('community_tags_node')) {

        // only do this if the community tags node synchronisation module is enabled
        // and node term to community tag synchronisation is enabled.
        foreach ($node->unitag_suggestions as $vid => $unitag_suggestions) {
          if (_community_tags_node_is_opmode(COMMUNITY_TAGS_NODE_OPMODE_SYNC_NT_TO_CT, $vid, $node->type) && _community_tags_unitag_is_enabled($vid, $node->type)) {

            // node edit form mode - terms are correct but we need to record unitag suggestions against this user
            _community_tags_unitag_save_unitag_suggestions($node->unitag_suggestions[$vid], $node, $user, $vid);
    case 'delete':

      // Maintain referential integrity. Unitag doesn't do this yet so we'll do it here until it does.
      db_query("DELETE FROM {community_tags_unitag} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);
      db_query("DELETE FROM {unitag} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);

 * Implementation of hook_user().
 * Handle user deletion.
function community_tags_unitag_user($op, &$edit, &$user) {
  if ($op == 'delete') {

    // maintain referential integrity
    db_query("DELETE FROM {community_tags_unitag} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid);

 * Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
 * Handle vocabulary deletion. Unitag doesn't do this yet so we'll do it here until it does.
function community_tags_unitag_taxonomy($op = NULL, $type = NULL, $vocabulary = NULL) {
  if ($type == 'vocabulary' && $vocabulary['vid']) {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'delete':
        db_query("DELETE FROM {community_tags_unitag} WHERE vid = %d", $vocabulary['vid']);
        db_query("DELETE FROM {unitag} WHERE vid = %d", $vocabulary['vid']);

 * Form hooks for Community tags admin.

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tags settings form.
function community_tags_unitag_form_community_tags_sub_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // include
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_unitag', 'community_tags_unitag.admin');
  _community_tags_unitag_sub_settings($form, $form_state);

 * Form hooks for Unitag suggestions management form.

 * Implementation of hook_form_FROM_ID_alter() for form id = unitag_manage_suggestions_form.
 * Processes the form submission before unitag to act on suggestion moderation before suggestions
 * are deleted.
function community_tags_unitag_form_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  array_unshift($form['#submit'], 'community_tags_unitag_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_submit');

 * Process manage suggestions form submission.
function community_tags_unitag_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_unitag', 'community_tags_unitag.admin');
  return _community_tags_unitag_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_submit($form, $form_state);

 * Community tags hook implementations.

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_moderate_tags_alter(). This method is called
 * as part of both tagging and untagging events.
 * @param &$tags_and_terms
 *  An array of 'terms' and 'new tags'.
 * @param $op
 *  Either 'tag' or 'untag'.
 * @see community_tags_tag() and community_tags_untag().
function community_tags_unitag_community_tags_moderate_tags_alter(&$tags_and_terms, $op, $node, $user, $vid) {
  if (_community_tags_unitag_is_enabled($vid, $node->type)) {
    if ($op == 'tag') {
      if (!empty($tags_and_terms['new tags'])) {
        $unitag_settings = _community_tags_unitag_get_settings($vid, $node->type);
        $queue_new_tags = $unitag_settings['queue'] == 'all' || $unitag_settings['queue'] == 'untrusted' && !_community_tags_user_is_trusted_tagger($user, $node);
        $term_str = drupal_implode_tags($tags_and_terms['new tags']);

        // get unitag to do it's thing
        $unitag_result = unitag_taxonomy_terms_resolve_tags($vid, $term_str);

        // handle case of no new terms
        $unitag_suggestions = !empty($unitag_result['new']) ? $unitag_result['new'] : array();
        $tags_and_terms['new tags'] = NULL;

        // replace terms to be processed by community tags with ones allowed by unitag
        // most usefully this may replace a new tag with an existing synonym
        if ($unitag_result['parsed']) {

          // this is not tid indexed if unitag read-only mode is not set so can't rely on it
          foreach ($unitag_result['parsed'] as $tag) {

            // new tag but unitag moderation is not enabled - may be sanitised only
            // parsed existing terms are merged with new terms and tids overwritten - have to look up again
            $possibility = unitag_taxonomy_get_term_by_name($tag, $vid);
            if ($possibility) {
              $parsed_term = taxonomy_get_term($possibility->tid);
              $tags_and_terms['terms'][$possibility->tid] = $parsed_term;
            else {

              // we only get here if unitag read-only mode is disabled - but it may be enabled for
              // community tag entry in which case add this to suggestions
              if ($queue_new_tags) {
                $unitag_suggestions[] = $tag;
              else {
                $tags_and_terms['new tags'][] = $tag;
        if (!empty($unitag_result['blacklisted'])) {
          drupal_set_message(format_plural(count($unitag_result['blacklisted']), '%terms was not added.', '%terms were not added.', array(
            '%terms' => implode(',', $unitag_result['blacklisted']),
        if (!empty($unitag_suggestions)) {

          // save new tags as unitag suggestions
          foreach ($unitag_suggestions as $suggestion) {
            unitag_suggestion_save($node->nid, $vid, $suggestion);

          // record unitag suggestions against this user
          _community_tags_unitag_add_unitag_suggestions($unitag_suggestions, $node, $user, $vid);
          drupal_set_message(format_plural(count($unitag_suggestions), 'New tag queued for approval.', '@count new tags queued for approval.'));
    elseif ($op == 'untag') {
      if (!empty($tags_and_terms['new tags'])) {
        $unitag_suggestions = $tags_and_terms['new tags'];

        // need to remove this suggestion from the unitag queue if no body else has suggested it
        _community_tags_unitag_remove_unitag_suggestions($unitag_suggestions, $node, $user, $vid);
        _community_tags_unitag_cleanup_redundant_suggestions($unitag_suggestions, $node->nid, $vid);

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_get_user_node_tags_alter(). Adds
 * users tags that are waiting for moderation and aren't yet terms.
function community_tags_unitag_community_tags_get_user_node_tags_alter(&$tags, $user, $node, $vid) {
  if (_community_tags_unitag_is_enabled($vid, $node->type)) {
    $query = db_query("SELECT basename as tid, name, uid, nid FROM {community_tags_unitag} WHERE nid = %d AND uid = %d AND vid = %d", $node->nid, $user->uid, $vid);
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($query)) {

      // obviously not a tid but it's a unique identifier for the associative array of users tags.
      $tags['new tags'][$row->tid] = $row->name;

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a link
 * to Unitag moderation queue if tags are waiting to be moderated.
function community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_operations($vid, $content_type) {

  // include
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_unitag', 'community_tags_unitag.admin');
  return _community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_operations($vid, $content_type);

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the number
 * of tags waiting to be moderated.
function community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_status($vid, $content_type) {

  // include
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_unitag', 'community_tags_unitag.admin');
  return _community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_status($vid, $content_type);

 * 'Private' functions.

 * Get settings for combination of vocabulary and content type.
function _community_tags_unitag_get_settings($vid, $content_type) {
  $all_settings = variable_get('community_tags_unitag_settings', array());
  $defaults = array(
    'enabled' => TRUE,
    'queue' => 'untrusted',
  if (empty($all_settings[$vid]['types'][$content_type])) {
    return $defaults;
  else {
    return array_merge($defaults, $all_settings[$vid]['types'][$content_type]);

 * Helper function for more succinct code...
function _community_tags_unitag_is_enabled($vid, $content_type) {
  $ct_settings = _community_tags_get_settings($vid, $content_type);
  $ct_unitag_settings = _community_tags_unitag_get_settings($vid, $content_type);
  return $ct_settings['enabled'] && $ct_unitag_settings['enabled'];

 * Remove suggestions from the unitag table for given node and
 * vocabulary if it doesn't exist in the community_tags_unitag table.
function _community_tags_unitag_cleanup_redundant_suggestions($unitag_suggestions, $nid, $vid) {
  $basenames = array();
  foreach ($unitag_suggestions as $suggestion) {
    $basenames[] = _unitag_get_basename($suggestion);
  $basename_placeholders = db_placeholders($basenames, 'varchar');
  $sql = "SELECT ut.utid, FROM {unitag} ut\n     LEFT JOIN {community_tags_unitag} ctu ON ctu.nid = ut.nid AND ctu.vid = ut.vid AND ctu.basename = ut.basename\n     WHERE ut.nid = %d AND ut.vid = %d AND ut.basename IN ({$basename_placeholders}) AND ctu.basename IS NULL";
  $args = array(
  $args = array_merge($args, $basenames);
  $query = db_query($sql, $args);
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($query)) {

    // remove this tag/node combination from unitag processing

 * Save suggestions with against node and user. Delete first as will be supplied complete
 * up to date list of suggestions.
function _community_tags_unitag_save_unitag_suggestions($unitag_suggestions, $node, $user, $vid) {

  // Insert new suggestions

  // delete existing suggestions because some may have been removed by user
  foreach ($unitag_suggestions as $suggestion) {

    // can't use utid as unitag records are deleted and re-inserted - so use basename
    $basename = _unitag_get_basename($suggestion);
    $date = time();
    db_query("INSERT INTO {community_tags_unitag} (nid, uid, vid, name, basename, date) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d)", $node->nid, $user->uid, $vid, $suggestion, $basename, $date);

 * Add suggestions against node and user.
function _community_tags_unitag_add_unitag_suggestions($unitag_suggestions, $node, $user, $vid) {

  // Insert new suggestions
  foreach ($unitag_suggestions as $suggestion) {

    // can't use utid as unitag records are deleted and re-inserted - so use basename
    $basename = _unitag_get_basename($suggestion);
    $date = time();
    db_query("INSERT INTO {community_tags_unitag} (nid, uid, vid, name, basename, date) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d)", $node->nid, $user->uid, $vid, $suggestion, $basename, $date);

 * Remove suggestions against node and user.
function _community_tags_unitag_remove_unitag_suggestions($unitag_suggestions, $node, $user, $vid) {

  // Insert new suggestions
  foreach ($unitag_suggestions as $suggestion) {

    // can't use utid as unitag records are deleted and re-inserted - so use basename
    $basename = _unitag_get_basename($suggestion);

    // $date = time();
    db_query("DELETE FROM {community_tags_unitag} WHERE nid = %d AND uid = %d AND vid = %d AND basename = '%s'", $node->nid, $user->uid, $vid, $basename);


Namesort descending Description
community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_operations Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a link to Unitag moderation queue if tags are waiting to be moderated.
community_tags_unitag_community_tags_admin_status Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the number of tags waiting to be moderated.
community_tags_unitag_community_tags_get_user_node_tags_alter Implementation of hook_community_tags_get_user_node_tags_alter(). Adds users tags that are waiting for moderation and aren't yet terms.
community_tags_unitag_community_tags_moderate_tags_alter Implementation of hook_community_tags_moderate_tags_alter(). This method is called as part of both tagging and untagging events.
community_tags_unitag_form_community_tags_sub_settings_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tags settings form.
community_tags_unitag_form_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_FROM_ID_alter() for form id = unitag_manage_suggestions_form.
community_tags_unitag_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). On node insert and update unitag may have already pulled new terms for moderation and put them in $node->unitag_suggestions. We need to save the nid/uid/tag (no tid available yet) triple so the community tag can be…
community_tags_unitag_taxonomy Implementation of hook_taxonomy(). Handle vocabulary deletion. Unitag doesn't do this yet so we'll do it here until it does.
community_tags_unitag_unitag_manage_suggestions_form_submit Process manage suggestions form submission.
community_tags_unitag_user Implementation of hook_user().
_community_tags_unitag_add_unitag_suggestions Add suggestions against node and user.
_community_tags_unitag_cleanup_redundant_suggestions Remove suggestions from the unitag table for given node and vocabulary if it doesn't exist in the community_tags_unitag table.
_community_tags_unitag_get_settings Get settings for combination of vocabulary and content type.
_community_tags_unitag_is_enabled Helper function for more succinct code...
_community_tags_unitag_remove_unitag_suggestions Remove suggestions against node and user.
_community_tags_unitag_save_unitag_suggestions Save suggestions with against node and user. Delete first as will be supplied complete up to date list of suggestions.