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community_tags_node.module in Community Tags 6.2


Provides synchronisation between community tags and node terms. Although this has previously been an integral part of community tagging, various use-cases call for different synchronisation strategies including no synchronisation at all. Making this a sub-module greatly simplifies the core CT module whilst making it much easier to cater to the various synchronisation strategies.


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// $Id$

 * @file community_tags_node.module
 * Provides synchronisation between community tags and node terms. Although
 * this has previously been an integral part of community tagging, various use-cases
 * call for different synchronisation strategies including no synchronisation
 * at all. Making this a sub-module greatly simplifies the core CT module whilst
 * making it much easier to cater to the various synchronisation strategies.

// Synchronisation modes.

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function community_tags_node_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/community-tags/ops/rebuild/%taxonomy_vocabulary'] = array(
    'title' => 'Rebuild community tags',
    'description' => 'Rebuild community tags.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). Handle taxonomy on the node edit page
 * and synchronise with CT where necessary.
 * Community tags hooks should be called after taxonomy module hooks - see system
 * weight in community_tags.install.
function community_tags_node_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':
      if (!isset($node->community_tags_op)) {
    case 'delete':

      // this is handled by community tags for the purpose of maintaining referential integrity

 * Form hooks for Community tags admin.

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tags settings form.
function community_tags_node_form_community_tags_sub_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // include
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_node', 'community_tags_node.admin');
  _community_tags_node_sub_settings($form, $form_state);

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for delete community tags confirmation form.
function community_tags_node_form_community_tags_delete_all_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // include
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_node', 'community_tags_node.admin');
  _community_tags_node_delete_all($form, $form_state);

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tag managment form.
function community_tags_node_form_community_tags_node_tag_mgmt_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  if (isset($form_state['values']['operation'])) {

    // add for multiple operations
    $form['#submit'][] = 'community_tags_node_node_tag_mgmt_confirm_submit';
  else {
    $node = $form['#node'];
    if ($form['tags']['#options'] && is_array($form['tags']['#options'])) {
      $tag_tids = array_keys($form['tags']['#options']);
      $node_term_tids = array_keys($node->taxonomy);
      $tag_only_tids = array_diff($tag_tids, $node_term_tids);
      foreach ($tag_only_tids as $tid) {
        $form['operations'][$tid]['#operations'][] = array(
          'title' => t('Promote'),
          'href' => 'community-tags/tagmgmtops/promote/' . $node->nid . '/' . $tid,
          'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
        $form['operations'][$tid]['#value'] = theme_links($form['operations'][$tid]['#operations']);
      $form['options']['operation']['#options']['promote'] = t('Promote');

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tag managment operation confirmation form.
function community_tags_node_form_community_tags_node_tag_mgmt_confirm_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // add for single link triggered operations
  $form['#submit'][] = 'community_tags_node_node_tag_mgmt_confirm_submit';

 * Submit handler for tag mgmt operation confirm form.
function community_tags_node_node_tag_mgmt_confirm_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form['#ct_op'] == 'promote') {
    $nid = $form['#node']->nid;
    $tids = $form['#tids'];
    $node_to_save = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE);
    foreach ($tids as $tid) {
      $term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
      $node_to_save->taxonomy[$tid] = $term;
      $node_save_required = TRUE;
    $node_to_save->community_tags_op = TRUE;
    drupal_set_message(t('%count tags promoted.', array(
      '%count' => count($tids),

 * Community tags hook implementations.

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_tags_added(). Implement this rather
 * than hook_community_tags_tag() as we only want to do this when a tag is actually
 * added.
 * Apply node term synchronisation of added tags.
 * @todo - add options to syncronisation - e.g. if role x tags then make it a node term
function community_tags_node_community_tags_tags_added($node, $user, $tags) {
  static $node_to_save;
  if (!_community_tags_node_is_processing()) {

    // make sure we got the latest node
    if (!$node_to_save) {
      $node_to_save = _community_tags_get_node($node->nid);

    // add new tags
    foreach ($tags as $tid => $tag) {

      // if tags are synched with node terms and this tag isn't a node term - then add it to node terms
      if (!isset($node_to_save->taxonomy[$tid]) && (_community_tags_node_is_opmode(COMMUNITY_TAGS_NODE_OPMODE_SYNC_CT_TO_NT, $tag->vid, $node->type) || _community_tags_node_is_editor_tag($node, $user, $tag))) {
        $node_to_save->taxonomy[$tid] = $tag;
        $node_save_required = TRUE;
    if ($node_save_required) {

      // setting this will prevent full CT node update processing
      $node_to_save->community_tags_op = TRUE;

      // invoke full node save pipeline - term nodes will be updated, and good stuff like search (including the Apache SOLR Integration module) will know about it.

 * Return true if tag by node editor and node term should be created
function _community_tags_node_is_editor_tag($node, $user, $tag) {
  if (_community_tags_node_is_opmode(COMMUNITY_TAGS_NODE_OPMODE_SYNC_CT_TO_NT_EDIT_PERM, $tag->vid, $node->type)) {
    return node_access('update', $node, $user);

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_tags_removed(). Don't process if tags
 * being removed because node is being deleted or term is being deleted as taxonomy
 * module will take care of deleting node terms.
 * Apply node term synchronisation of removed tags. Will handle any set of ctags
 * for any combination of nodes, users, and terms.
 * @todo - add options to syncronisation - e.g. if role x untags then rmove from node terms
function community_tags_node_community_tags_tags_removed($node, $user, $terms, $source, $removed_ctags) {

  // only process if this module processing flag and not a node or term delete
  if (!_community_tags_node_is_processing() && !($source == 'node:delete' || $source == 'term:delete')) {

    // remove node terms if last tag being deleted
    // group by node so we only need to save each node once.
    $ctags_by_node = community_tags_tags_group_by($removed_ctags, 'nid');
    foreach ($ctags_by_node as $nid => $ctags_for_node) {
      $node_save_required = FALSE;
      $node_to_save = _community_tags_get_node($nid);

      // now group by vid as logic depends on combination of vid and node type
      $ctags_for_node_by_vid = community_tags_tags_group_by($ctags_for_node, 'vid');
      foreach ($ctags_for_node_by_vid as $vid => $ctags_for_node_and_vid) {
        $first_ctag_for_node_and_vid = reset($ctags_for_node_and_vid);
        if (_community_tags_node_is_opmode(COMMUNITY_TAGS_NODE_OPMODE_SYNC_CT_TO_NT, $vid, $node_to_save->type)) {

          // logic is - for each term if the number of tags being removed is equal to the tag count - then remove
          // but it could be more complicated than that...
          // so group by tid
          $ctags_for_node_and_vid_by_tid = community_tags_tags_group_by($ctags_for_node_and_vid, 'tid');
          foreach ($ctags_for_node_and_vid_by_tid as $tid => $ctags_for_node_and_vid_and_tid) {

            // $ctags_for_node_and_vid_and_tid is the set of tags for this node and term for all users
            $first_ctag_for_node_and_vid_and_tid = reset($ctags_for_node_and_vid_and_tid);
            if (count($ctags_for_node_and_vid_and_tid) == $first_ctag_for_node_and_vid_and_tid->count && isset($node_to_save->taxonomy[$tid])) {

              // i.e. all tags for this term are being removed for the node - therefore delete the node term
              $node_save_required = TRUE;

      // if node terms were removed from this node then save.
      if ($node_save_required) {

        // setting this will prevent full CT node update processing
        $node_to_save->community_tags_op = TRUE;

        // invoke full node save pipeline - term nodes will be updated, and good stuff like search (including the Apache SOLR Integration module) will know about it.

 * Statically cache nodes which are updated if the node is saved via community_tags_node_save().
 * After normal node save subsequent node_loads would not get node terms added in the same request
 * due to static caching of node terms in taxonomy_node_get_terms()
function _community_tags_get_node($nid, $node = NULL) {
  static $nodes = array();
  if ($node) {
    $nodes[$nid] = $node;
    return $node;
  elseif (!empty($nodes[$nid])) {
    return $nodes[$nid];
  elseif ($node = node_load($nid)) {
    $nodes[$nid] = $node;
    return $node;

 * statically cache nodes which are updated if the node is saved via community_tags_node_save().
function _community_tags_node_save($node) {

  // update static cache
  _community_tags_get_node($node->nid, $node);

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a rebuild
 * link if tags and node terms are not in sync.
function community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_operations($vid, $content_type) {

  // include
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_node', 'community_tags_node.admin');
  return _community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_operations($vid, $content_type);

 * Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the any
 * out of sync messages.
function community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_status($vid, $content_type) {

  // include
  module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags_node', 'community_tags_node.admin');
  return _community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_status($vid, $content_type);

 * 'Private' functions.

 * Node has been inserted. All node terms are added to ctags attributed to the node editor.
function _community_tags_node_insert($node) {
  global $user;

  // get CT vocabularies for this node
  $vids = community_tags_vids_for_node($node);

  // filter out non CT vocabulary terms, convert tag names to terms, and identify new tags
  $processed_tags_and_terms = _community_tags_node_process_tags_and_terms($node->taxonomy, $vids, $node, $user->uid);

  // add all to community_tags
  $all_terms = array();
  foreach ($processed_tags_and_terms as $vid => $tags_and_terms) {
    $all_terms += $tags_and_terms['terms'];
  community_tags_add_tags($node, $user, $all_terms);

 * Node has been updated. All terms that are not ctags are added to ctags attributed to the current user. Removed
 * terms are removed from ctags either for all users (sync mode) or just the current user.
function _community_tags_node_update($node) {
  global $user;

  // get CT vocabularies for this node
  $vids = community_tags_vids_for_node($node);

  // filter out non CT vocabulary terms, convert tag names to terms, and identify new tags
  $processed_tags_and_terms = _community_tags_node_process_tags_and_terms($node->taxonomy, $vids, $node, $user->uid);

  // for each vocabulary supplied
  foreach ($processed_tags_and_terms as $vid => $tags_and_terms) {
    if (_community_tags_node_is_opmode(COMMUNITY_TAGS_NODE_OPMODE_SYNC_NT_TO_CT, $vid, $node->type)) {

      // compare existing node terms to processed terms - add or delete as required.
      $existing_tags = _community_tags_get_node_user_vid_tags($node, NULL, $vid);
      $new_tags = array_diff_key($tags_and_terms['terms'], $existing_tags);
      $removed_tags = array_diff_key($existing_tags, $tags_and_terms['terms']);
      if (!empty($new_tags)) {

        // add tags
        community_tags_add_tags($node, $user, $new_tags);
      if (!empty($removed_tags)) {

        // remove tags - we may need to remove new tags if for example they been held up in a moderation
        // queue (e.g. unitag) and haven't made it as terms yet.
        if (_community_tags_node_is_opmode(COMMUNITY_TAGS_NODE_OPMODE_SYNC_CT_TO_NT, $vid, $node->type)) {

          // if in aggressive SYNC mode or node terms are synced with community tags - delete all ctags for removed node term
          community_tags_remove_tags($node, NULL, $removed_tags);
        else {

          // if not in aggressive SYNC mode - only delete the current user's tag for the removed node term
          community_tags_remove_tags($node, $user, $removed_tags);

 * Get CT node settings.
function _community_tags_node_get_settings($vid, $content_type) {
  $all_settings = variable_get('community_tags_node_settings', array());
  if (empty($all_settings[$vid]['types'][$content_type])) {
    $settings = array();
  else {
    $settings = $all_settings[$vid]['types'][$content_type];
  if (empty($settings['policy'])) {
    $settings['policy'] = 'editor';
  $settings['opmode'] = _community_tags_node_get_opmode($settings['policy']);
  return $settings;

 * Convert synchronisation policy into operation mode.
function _community_tags_node_get_opmode($policy) {
  $opmode = 0x0;
  switch ($policy) {
    case 'strict':
    case 'editor':
    case 'minimal':
  return $opmode;

 * Determine whether such and such a CT node operation mode is set for tagging in given vocabulary and type. Returns
 * true if any of the modes is set.
 * @param $modes
 *  A bitwise OR of the operation modes to test.
 * @todo Add settings to admin screen. Is it necessary to have settings per vid / per type?
function _community_tags_node_is_opmode($modes, $vid, $content_type) {
  $settings = _community_tags_node_get_settings($vid, $content_type);
  if ($settings) {
    return $settings['opmode'] & $modes;

  // default to keeping node terms and community tags in sync
  return FALSE;

 * Flag set if CT operation that invoked hook was instigated by node operation.
function _community_tags_node_is_processing($flag = NULL) {
  static $static_flag = FALSE;
  if (!is_null($flag)) {
    $static_flag = $flag;
  return $static_flag;


Namesort descending Description
community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_operations Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_operations(). Return a rebuild link if tags and node terms are not in sync.
community_tags_node_community_tags_admin_status Implementation of hook_community_tags_admin_status(). Return the any out of sync messages.
community_tags_node_community_tags_tags_added Implementation of hook_community_tags_tags_added(). Implement this rather than hook_community_tags_tag() as we only want to do this when a tag is actually added.
community_tags_node_community_tags_tags_removed Implementation of hook_community_tags_tags_removed(). Don't process if tags being removed because node is being deleted or term is being deleted as taxonomy module will take care of deleting node terms.
community_tags_node_form_community_tags_delete_all_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for delete community tags confirmation form.
community_tags_node_form_community_tags_node_tag_mgmt_confirm_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tag managment operation confirmation form.
community_tags_node_form_community_tags_node_tag_mgmt_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tag managment form.
community_tags_node_form_community_tags_sub_settings_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for community tags settings form.
community_tags_node_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
community_tags_node_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). Handle taxonomy on the node edit page and synchronise with CT where necessary.
community_tags_node_node_tag_mgmt_confirm_submit Submit handler for tag mgmt operation confirm form.
_community_tags_get_node Statically cache nodes which are updated if the node is saved via community_tags_node_save(). After normal node save subsequent node_loads would not get node terms added in the same request due to static caching of node terms in taxonomy_node_get_terms()
_community_tags_node_get_opmode Convert synchronisation policy into operation mode.
_community_tags_node_get_settings Get CT node settings.
_community_tags_node_insert Node has been inserted. All node terms are added to ctags attributed to the node editor.
_community_tags_node_is_editor_tag Return true if tag by node editor and node term should be created
_community_tags_node_is_opmode Determine whether such and such a CT node operation mode is set for tagging in given vocabulary and type. Returns true if any of the modes is set.
_community_tags_node_is_processing Flag set if CT operation that invoked hook was instigated by node operation.
_community_tags_node_save statically cache nodes which are updated if the node is saved via community_tags_node_save().
_community_tags_node_update Node has been updated. All terms that are not ctags are added to ctags attributed to the current user. Removed terms are removed from ctags either for all users (sync mode) or just the current user.
