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Functions in Advanced Entity Tokens 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
aet_clear_tokens ./aet.module Clears unreplaced tokens. 2
aet_entity_is_page ./aet.module Checks if the current page is the full page view of the passed-in entity. 1
aet_entity_is_viewed ./aet.module Checks if an entity is being viewed. 1
aet_insert_ajax_access aet_insert/aet_insert.module The access callback for aet_insert_field_ajax(). 1
aet_insert_element_info aet_insert/aet_insert.module implementation of hook_element_info().
aet_insert_field_ajax aet_insert/ The callback for the AET Insert ajax field. 1
aet_insert_field_pre_render aet_insert/aet_insert.module The pre-render callback for the AET Insert field. 1
aet_insert_form_alter aet_insert/aet_insert.module implementation of hook_form_alter
aet_insert_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter aet_insert/aet_insert.module implementation of hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter
aet_insert_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_submit aet_insert/aet_insert.module Custom submit function for field_ui_field_edit_form to save the aet_insert variable. 1
aet_insert_get_filter aet_insert/ This function creates the AET Insert field filters. 1
aet_insert_init aet_insert/aet_insert.module implementation of hook_init().
aet_insert_menu aet_insert/aet_insert.module Implementation of hook_menu().
aet_insert_permission aet_insert/aet_insert.module Implementation of hook_permission().
aet_insert_schema aet_insert/aet_insert.install Implementation of hook_schema().
aet_insert_theme aet_insert/aet_insert.module implementation of hook_theme().
aet_insert_update_7100 aet_insert/aet_insert.install transforms the old use of variables into a better use of schema.
aet_tokens ./ This is the main implementation of hook_tokens.
aet_token_info ./ Implements hook_token_info().
theme_aet_insert_field aet_insert/aet_insert.theme The AET Insert Theming function.
_aet_default_options ./ 3
_aet_entity_tokens ./ INTERNAL implementation of hook_tokens specified for entities. 1
_aet_entity_view_tokens ./ This is the main implementation of hook_tokens. 1
_aet_insert_field_pre_render aet_insert/ The internal function of aet_insert_field_pre_render(). 1
_aet_insert_is_valid aet_insert/aet_insert.module 1
_aet_insert_selected_entity_type aet_insert/ 1
_aet_is_valid ./aet.module 2

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