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Files in Advanced Entity Tokens 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description name = Advanced Entity Tokens description = "Reveals all the Drupal entities (by id) to token." package = Token core = 7.x dependencies[] = token dependencies[] = entity dependencies[] = entity_token
aet.module aet.module The AET main module file. Token callbacks for the AET module. aet_insert/ This file contains all the functions required for the AET Insert ajax.
aet_insert.css aet_insert/aet_insert.css .aet_insert_field { } .aet_insert_field>.form-item { padding-top: 0; } .aet_insert_field>.form-item,.aet_insert_field>.form-submit { float: left; margin-left: 1%; margin-top: 0; } .aet_insert_field>.form-item:first-child… aet_insert/ This file contains all the functions required for the creation of the AET Insert field. aet_insert/ name = AET Insert description = "The AET Insert field helps your users enter tokens inside any field." package = Token core = 7.x dependencies[] = token dependencies[] = field_ui files[] = aet_insert.theme files[] =…
aet_insert.install aet_insert/aet_insert.install
aet_insert.module aet_insert/aet_insert.module
aet_insert.theme aet_insert/aet_insert.theme This file contains all the theming functions required for AET Insert.
README.txt README.txt ___ _______ ____ ____ ___ .__ __. ______ _______ _______ / \ | \ \ \ / / / \ | \ | | / || ____|| \ / ^ \ | .--. | \ \/ / / ^ \ | \| | | ,----'| |__ | .--.…

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