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function aet_clear_tokens in Advanced Entity Tokens 7

Clears unreplaced tokens.


array $tokens: The tokens array.

array $replacements: The replacements array

bool $clear: The clear flag is used to set if unreplaced tags should be cleared. defaults to TRUE.

2 calls to aet_clear_tokens()
aet_tokens in ./
This is the main implementation of hook_tokens.
_aet_entity_tokens in ./
INTERNAL implementation of hook_tokens specified for entities.


./aet.module, line 28
The AET main module file.


function aet_clear_tokens($tokens, &$replacements, $clear = TRUE) {

  // Checks if the clear option has been flagged.
  if ($clear) {

    // Loop threw all the tokens.
    foreach ($tokens as $original) {

      // Check if the token original value exists in the replacements array.
      if (!isset($replacements[$original])) {

        // Replace the token in the replacements array to an empty string.
        $replacements[$original] = '';