You are here in Advanced Entity Tokens 7

This file contains all the functions required for the creation of the AET Insert field.


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 * @file
 * This file contains all the functions required for the creation of the AET
 * Insert field.

 * The internal function of aet_insert_field_pre_render().
function _aet_insert_field_pre_render($element) {

  // Adds another item to the data array which adds the next step in the
  // filtering process.
  $element['#data'][] = null;

  // Add filters according to the received data.
  foreach ($element['#data'] as $key => $data) {
    $filter = aet_insert_get_filter($element, $key);

    // Only add the filter if it has more than one option (NULL).
    if (count($filter['#options']) > 1) {
      $element['#children'][] = $filter;

  // After adding all the filters check if the data had more than two entries
  // and if so than also add the insert button.
  if (count($element['#data']) > 2) {
    $element['#children'][] = array(
      '#type' => 'button',
      '#value' => 'insert',
      '#id' => $element['#id'] . '-insert-button',
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
  $element['#attributes']['class'] = isset($element['#attributes']['class']) ? $element['#attributes']['class'] : array();
  $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'aet_insert_field';
  $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'clearfix';

  // Moves all the entity information to local variables for readability.
  $entity_type = $element['#entity_type'];
  $entity_id_key = $element['#entity_key'];
  $entity_id = $element["#{$entity_id_key}"];
  $bundle = $element['#bundle'];
  $entity_uuid = AET_INSERT_UUID ? $element['#entity_uuid'] : FALSE;

  // The below attributes will be passed to the HTML and will be used again when
  // requesting the filter with different options.
  $element['#attributes']['data-target'] = $element['#target'];
  $element['#attributes']['data-entity-type'] = $entity_type;
  $element['#attributes']['data-entity-key'] = $entity_id_key;
  $element['#attributes']['data-entity-id'] = $entity_id;
  $element['#attributes']['data-bundle'] = $bundle;
  if ($entity_uuid) {
    $element['#attributes']['data-entity-uuid'] = $entity_uuid;
  return $element;

 * This function creates the AET Insert field filters.
 * @param array $element
 *   The field element.
 * @param int $i
 *   The number of the filter in the filter queue.
function aet_insert_get_filter($element, $i = 0) {

  // Adds the empty option.
  $options = array(
    null => t('- None -'),
  $data = $element['#data'];

  // Getting the information arrays on all the entities.
  $entities_info = entity_get_info();

  // Moves all the entity information to local variables for readability.
  $entity_type = $element['#entity_type'];
  $entity_info = $entities_info[$entity_type];
  $entity_id_key = $entity_info['entity keys']['id'];
  $entity_id = $element["#{$entity_id_key}"];
  $entity_uuid = AET_INSERT_UUID ? $element['#entity_uuid'] : FALSE;

  // Sets the selected entity type.
  $selected_entity_type = _aet_insert_selected_entity_type($data, $i, $entity_type);

  // The first filter only needs to list available entities with the addition
  // of This ENTITY_NAME &  The Active User.
  if ($i == 0) {
    $options['this_' . $entity_type] = t('This @entity_label', array(
      '@entity_label' => t($entity_info['label']),
    $options['active_user'] = t('The active user');
    foreach ($entities_info as $type => $info) {
      $options['aet_' . $type] = t('A @entity_label', array(
        '@entity_label' => t($info['label']),
  elseif ($i > 0) {

    // Sets the token info array.
    $token_info = token_get_info();

    // The below checks if the previously declared selected entity type is part
    // of the entities array and if the previous filter value was a AET Token.
    if (in_array($selected_entity_type, array_keys($entities_info)) && strpos($data[$i - 1], 'aet_') === 0) {
      $entities = entity_load($selected_entity_type);
      $label_key = $selected_entity_type == 'user' ? 'name' : $entities_info[$selected_entity_type]['entity keys']['label'];
      foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
        if (empty($entity->{$label_key}) || $id == $entity_id && $selected_entity_type == $entity_type) {
        $options[$id] = $entity->{$label_key};
        if (AET_INSERT_UUID && isset($entity->uuid)) {
          $options[$entity->uuid] = t('UUID: @label', array(
            '@label' => $entity->{$label_key},
    else {
      if (!empty($token_info['tokens'][$selected_entity_type])) {

        // Gets the token info array.
        $token_info = token_get_info();

        // Renaming $selected_entity_type to $selected_token for better readability.
        $selected_token = $selected_entity_type;
        $tokens = $token_info['tokens'][$selected_token];

        // If the tokens array is empty than either there isn't anoher layer of
        // filtering or the name of the token is not the name of its type. Note
        // If the queue number of this filter is lower then 2 than the above is
        // not possible and an empty array will be returned.
        if (empty($tokens) && $i >= 2) {

          // First we need to find the parent token. Usually its one step before
          // the token type.
          $parent_token_name = $data[$i - 2];
          if (!in_array($parent_token_name, array_keys($token_info['tokens']))) {

            // If the the data one step before the token type is not one of the
            // token types than the only other option is this is one of the
            // special three (active_user, this_ENTITY_NAME, aet_ENTITY_NAME).
            // The special three will exist two steps before.
            if ($data[$i - 2] == 'active_user') {
              $parent_token_name = 'user';
            elseif ($data[$i - 2] == 'this_' . $entity_type) {
              $parent_token_name = $entity_type;
            elseif ($i > 2 && _aet_is_valid($data[$i - 2]) && strpos($data[$i - 3], 'aet_') === 0) {
              $parent_token_name = substr($data[$i - 3], strlen('aet_'));
            else {
              return array();
          $parent_token = $token_info['tokens'][$parent_token_name][$data[$i - 1]];
          $tokens = $token_info['tokens'][$parent_token['type']];
        elseif ($i < 2 && strpos($data[$i - 1], 'aet_') === 0) {
          return array();

        // After we made sure we have the right tokens we can proceed with adding
        // the relevant tokens to the options array.
        foreach ($tokens as $token_name => $token_info) {
          $options[$token_name] = t($token_info['name']);
  $filter = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#options' => $options,
    '#value' => $data[$i],
  return $filter;
function _aet_insert_selected_entity_type($data, $i, $entity_type) {
  $selected_entity_type = NULL;
  if ($i > 0) {
    if ($data[$i - 1] == 'active_user') {
      $selected_entity_type = 'user';
    elseif ($data[$i - 1] == 'this_' . $entity_type) {
      $selected_entity_type = $entity_type;
    elseif (strpos($data[$i - 1], 'aet_') === 0) {
      $selected_entity_type = substr($data[$i - 1], strlen('aet_'));
    elseif (_aet_insert_is_valid($data[$i - 1]) && strpos($data[$i - 2], 'aet_') === 0) {
      $selected_entity_type = substr($data[$i - 2], strlen('aet_'));
    else {

      // If none of the above checks were true this is probably a normal token
      // (e.g. node, author...).
      $selected_entity_type = $data[$i - 1];
  return $selected_entity_type;


Namesort descending Description
aet_insert_get_filter This function creates the AET Insert field filters.
_aet_insert_field_pre_render The internal function of aet_insert_field_pre_render().